mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Revert "Add options for mounting SCSI or NVMe local SSD though Block or Filesystem and do all of that with UUID"
@ -668,7 +668,6 @@ ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD: $(yaml-quote ${ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD:-false})
if [ -n "${KUBELET_PORT:-}" ]; then
if [ -n "${KUBELET_PORT:-}" ]; then
@ -36,11 +36,6 @@ MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE=${MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE:-$(get-master-root-disk-size)}
# An extension to local SSDs allowing users to specify block/fs and SCSI/NVMe devices
# Format of this variable will be "#,scsi/nvme,block/fs" you can specify multiple
# configurations by seperating them by a semi-colon ex. "2,scsi,fs;1,nvme,block"
# is a request for 2 SCSI formatted and mounted SSDs and 1 NVMe block device SSD.
# Accelerators to be attached to each node. Format "type=<accelerator-type>,count=<accelerator-count>"
# Accelerators to be attached to each node. Format "type=<accelerator-type>,count=<accelerator-count>"
# More information on available GPUs here - https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/
# More information on available GPUs here - https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/
@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set -o pipefail
readonly UUID_MNT_PREFIX="/mnt/disks/by-uuid/google-local-ssds"
readonly UUID_BLOCK_PREFIX="/dev/disk/by-uuid/google-local-ssds"
function setup-os-params {
function setup-os-params {
# Reset core_pattern. On GCI, the default core_pattern pipes the core dumps to
# Reset core_pattern. On GCI, the default core_pattern pipes the core dumps to
# /sbin/crash_reporter which is more restrictive in saving crash dumps. So for
# /sbin/crash_reporter which is more restrictive in saving crash dumps. So for
@ -88,85 +85,11 @@ function create-dirs {
# Gets the total number of $(1) and $(2) type disks specified
# Formats the given device ($1) if needed and mounts it at given mount point
# by the user in ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT}
function get-local-disk-num() {
local interface="${1}"
local format="${2}"
if [[ ! -z "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT}" ]]; then
IFS=";" read -r -a ssdgroups <<< "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT}"
for ssdgroup in "${ssdgroups[@]}"; do
IFS="," read -r -a ssdopts <<< "${ssdgroup}"
local opnum="${ssdopts[0]}"
local opinterface="${ssdopts[1]}"
local opformat="${ssdopts[2]}"
if [[ "${opformat,,}" == "${format,,}" && "${opinterface,,}" == "${interface,,}" ]]; then
# Creates a symlink for a ($1) so that it may be used as block storage
function safe-block-symlink(){
local device="${1}"
local symdir="${2}"
mkdir -p "${symdir}"
get-or-generate-uuid "${device}"
local myuuid="${retuuid}"
local sym="${symdir}/local-ssd-${myuuid}"
# Do not "mkdir -p ${sym}" as that will cause unintended symlink behavior
ln -s "${device}" "${sym}"
echo "Created a symlink for SSD $ssd at ${sym}"
chmod a+w "${sym}"
# Gets a pregenerated UUID from ${ssdmap} if it exists, otherwise generates a new
# UUID and places it inside ${ssdmap}
function get-or-generate-uuid(){
local device="${1}"
local ssdmap="/home/kubernetes/localssdmap.txt"
echo "Generating or getting UUID from ${ssdmap}"
if [[ ! -e "${ssdmap}" ]]; then
touch "${ssdmap}"
chmod +w "${ssdmap}"
# each line of the ssdmap looks like "${device} persistent-uuid"
if [[ ! -z $(grep ${device} ${ssdmap}) ]]; then
#create symlink based on saved uuid
local myuuid=$(grep ${device} ${ssdmap} | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
# generate new uuid and add it to the map
local myuuid=$(uuidgen)
if [[ ! ${?} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Failed to generate valid UUID with uuidgen" >&2
exit 2
echo "${device} ${myuuid}" >> "${ssdmap}"
if [[ -z "${myuuid}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get a uuid for device ${device} when symlinking." >&2
exit 2
#Formats the given device ($1) if needed and mounts it at given mount point
# ($2).
# ($2).
function safe-format-and-mount() {
function safe-format-and-mount() {
local device="${1}"
local mountpoint="${2}"
# Format only if the disk is not already formatted.
# Format only if the disk is not already formatted.
if ! tune2fs -l "${device}" ; then
if ! tune2fs -l "${device}" ; then
@ -179,135 +102,18 @@ function safe-format-and-mount() {
mount -o discard,defaults "${device}" "${mountpoint}"
mount -o discard,defaults "${device}" "${mountpoint}"
# Gets a devices UUID and bind mounts the device to mount location in
# Local ssds, if present, are mounted at /mnt/disks/ssdN.
# /mnt/disks/by-id/
function unique-uuid-bind-mount(){
local mountpoint="${1}"
local actual_device="${2}"
# Trigger udev refresh so that newly formatted devices are propagated in by-uuid
udevadm control --reload-rules
udevadm trigger
udevadm settle
# grep the exact match of actual device, prevents substring matching
local myuuid=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep "/${actual_device}$" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
# myuuid should be the uuid of the device as found in /dev/disk/by-uuid/
if [[ -z "${myuuid}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get a uuid for device ${actual_device} when mounting." >&2
exit 2
# bindpoint should be the full path of the to-be-bound device
local bindpoint="${UUID_MNT_PREFIX}-${interface}-fs/local-ssd-${myuuid}"
safe-bind-mount "${mountpoint}" "${bindpoint}"
# Bind mounts device at mountpoint to bindpoint
function safe-bind-mount(){
local mountpoint="${1}"
local bindpoint="${2}"
# Mount device to the mountpoint
mkdir -p "${bindpoint}"
echo "Binding '${mountpoint}' at '${bindpoint}'"
mount --bind "${mountpoint}" "${bindpoint}"
chmod a+w "${bindpoint}"
# Mounts, bindmounts, or symlinks depending on the interface and format
# of the incoming device
function mount-ext(){
local ssd="${1}"
local devicenum="${2}"
local interface="${3}"
local format="${4}"
if [[ -z "${devicenum}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get the local disk number for device ${ssd}" >&2
exit 2
# TODO: Handle partitioned disks. Right now this code just ignores partitions
if [[ "${format}" == "fs" ]]; then
if [[ "${interface}" == "scsi" ]]; then
local actual_device=$(readlink -f "${ssd}" | cut -d '/' -f 3)
# Error checking
if [[ "${actual_device}" != sd* ]]; then
echo "'actual_device' is not of the correct format. It must be the kernel name of the device, got ${actual_device} instead" >&2
exit 1
local mountpoint="/mnt/disks/ssd${devicenum}"
# This path is required because the existing Google images do not
# expose NVMe devices in /dev/disk/by-id so we are using the /dev/nvme instead
local actual_device=$(echo ${ssd} | cut -d '/' -f 3)
# Error checking
if [[ "${actual_device}" != nvme* ]]; then
echo "'actual_device' is not of the correct format. It must be the kernel name of the device, got ${actual_device} instead" >&2
exit 1
local mountpoint="/mnt/disks/ssd-nvme${devicenum}"
safe-format-and-mount "${ssd}" "${mountpoint}"
# We only do the bindmount if users are using the new local ssd request method
# see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/53466#discussion_r146431894
if [[ ! -z "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT}" ]]; then
unique-uuid-bind-mount "${mountpoint}" "${actual_device}"
elif [[ "${format}" == "block" ]]; then
local symdir="${UUID_BLOCK_PREFIX}-${interface}-block"
safe-block-symlink "${ssd}" "${symdir}"
echo "Disk format must be either fs or block, got ${format}"
# Local ssds, if present, are mounted or symlinked to their appropriate
# locations
function ensure-local-ssds() {
function ensure-local-ssds() {
get-local-disk-num "scsi" "block"
local scsiblocknum="${localdisknum}"
local i=0
for ssd in /dev/disk/by-id/google-local-ssd-*; do
for ssd in /dev/disk/by-id/google-local-ssd-*; do
if [ -e "${ssd}" ]; then
if [ -e "${ssd}" ]; then
local devicenum=`echo ${ssd} | sed -e 's/\/dev\/disk\/by-id\/google-local-ssd-\([0-9]*\)/\1/'`
ssdnum=`echo ${ssd} | sed -e 's/\/dev\/disk\/by-id\/google-local-ssd-\([0-9]*\)/\1/'`
if [[ "${i}" -lt "${scsiblocknum}" ]]; then
mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "scsi" "block"
mkdir -p ${ssdmount}
safe-format-and-mount "${ssd}" ${ssdmount}
# GKE does not set NODE_LOCAL_SSDS so all non-block devices
echo "Mounted local SSD $ssd at ${ssdmount}"
# are assumed to be filesystem devices
chmod a+w ${ssdmount}
mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "scsi" "fs"
echo "No local SCSI SSD disks found."
echo "No local SSD disks found."
# The following mounts or symlinks NVMe devices
get-local-disk-num "nvme" "block"
local nvmeblocknum="${localdisknum}"
local i=0
for ssd in /dev/nvme*; do
if [ -e "${ssd}" ]; then
# This workaround to find if the NVMe device is a disk is required because
# the existing Google images does not expose NVMe devices in /dev/disk/by-id
if [[ `udevadm info --query=property --name=${ssd} | grep DEVTYPE | sed "s/DEVTYPE=//"` == "disk" ]]; then
local devicenum=`echo ${ssd} | sed -e 's/\/dev\/nvme0n\([0-9]*\)/\1/'`
if [[ "${i}" -lt "${nvmeblocknum}" ]]; then
mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "nvme" "block"
mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "nvme" "fs"
echo "No local NVMe SSD disks found."
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
# Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to
# Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to
# config-default.sh.
# config-default.sh.
readonly GCE_MAX_LOCAL_SSD=8
KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../..
KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../..
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}"
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}"
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh"
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh"
@ -39,11 +37,6 @@ else
exit 1
exit 1
if [[ ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS} -ge 1 ]] && [[ ! -z ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT} ]] ; then
echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Only one of NODE_LOCAL_SSDS and NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT can be specified at once${color_norm}" >&2
exit 2
if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]]; then
if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]]; then
if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]]; then
if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]]; then
@ -553,29 +546,6 @@ function get-template-name-from-version() {
echo "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template-${1}" | cut -c 1-63 | sed 's/[\.\+]/-/g;s/-*$//g'
echo "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template-${1}" | cut -c 1-63 | sed 's/[\.\+]/-/g;s/-*$//g'
# validates the NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT variable
function validate-node-local-ssds-ext(){
if [[ -z "${ssdopts[0]}" || -z "${ssdopts[1]}" || -z "${ssdopts[2]}" ]]; then
echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT is malformed, found ${ssdopts[0]-_},${ssdopts[1]-_},${ssdopts[2]-_} ${color_norm}" >&2
exit 2
if [[ "${ssdopts[1]}" != "scsi" && "${ssdopts[1]}" != "nvme" ]]; then
echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Interface must be scsi or nvme, found: ${ssdopts[1]} ${color_norm}" >&2
exit 2
if [[ "${ssdopts[2]}" != "fs" && "${ssdopts[2]}" != "block" ]]; then
echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Filesystem type must be fs or block, found: ${ssdopts[2]} ${color_norm}" >&2
exit 2
if [[ "${local_ssd_ext_count}" -gt "${GCE_MAX_LOCAL_SSD}" || "${local_ssd_ext_count}" -lt 1 ]]; then
echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Total number of local ssds must range from 1 to 8, found: ${local_ssd_ext_count} ${color_norm}" >&2
exit 2
# Robustly try to create an instance template.
# Robustly try to create an instance template.
# $1: The name of the instance template.
# $1: The name of the instance template.
# $2: The scopes flag.
# $2: The scopes flag.
@ -617,19 +587,6 @@ function create-node-template() {
local local_ssds=""
local local_ssds=""
if [[ ! -z ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT-""} ]]; then
IFS=";" read -r -a ssdgroups <<< ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT}
for ssdgroup in "${ssdgroups[@]}"
IFS="," read -r -a ssdopts <<< ${ssdgroup}
validate-node-local-ssds-ext ${ssdopts}
for i in $(seq ${ssdopts[0]}); do
local_ssds="$local_ssds--local-ssd=interface=${ssdopts[1]} "
if [[ ! -z ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS+x} ]]; then
if [[ ! -z ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS+x} ]]; then
# The NODE_LOCAL_SSDS check below fixes issue #49171
# The NODE_LOCAL_SSDS check below fixes issue #49171
# Some versions of seq will count down from 1 if "seq 0" is specified
# Some versions of seq will count down from 1 if "seq 0" is specified
@ -639,7 +596,6 @@ function create-node-template() {
local network=$(make-gcloud-network-argument \
local network=$(make-gcloud-network-argument \
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
@ -56,22 +54,8 @@ const (
DirectoryLocalVolumeType LocalVolumeType = "dir"
DirectoryLocalVolumeType LocalVolumeType = "dir"
// creates a tmpfs and mounts it
// creates a tmpfs and mounts it
TmpfsLocalVolumeType LocalVolumeType = "tmpfs"
TmpfsLocalVolumeType LocalVolumeType = "tmpfs"
// tests based on local ssd at /mnt/disks/by-uuid/
GCELocalSSDVolumeType LocalVolumeType = "gce-localssd-scsi-fs"
var setupLocalVolumeMap = map[LocalVolumeType]func(*localTestConfig) *localTestVolume{
GCELocalSSDVolumeType: setupLocalVolumeGCELocalSSD,
TmpfsLocalVolumeType: setupLocalVolumeTmpfs,
DirectoryLocalVolumeType: setupLocalVolumeDirectory,
var cleanupLocalVolumeMap = map[LocalVolumeType]func(*localTestConfig, *localTestVolume){
GCELocalSSDVolumeType: cleanupLocalVolumeGCELocalSSD,
TmpfsLocalVolumeType: cleanupLocalVolumeTmpfs,
DirectoryLocalVolumeType: cleanupLocalVolumeDirectory,
type localTestVolume struct {
type localTestVolume struct {
// Node that the volume is on
// Node that the volume is on
node *v1.Node
node *v1.Node
@ -215,100 +199,105 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("PersistentVolumes-local [Feature:LocalPersistentVolumes] [S
LocalVolumeTypes := []LocalVolumeType{DirectoryLocalVolumeType, TmpfsLocalVolumeType, GCELocalSSDVolumeType}
LocalVolumeTypes := []LocalVolumeType{DirectoryLocalVolumeType, TmpfsLocalVolumeType}
for _, tempTestVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
// New variable required for gingko test closures
testVolType := tempTestVolType
ctxString := fmt.Sprintf("when using volume type %s", testVolType)
Context(ctxString, func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if testVolType == GCELocalSSDVolumeType {
SkipUnlessLocalSSDExists("scsi", "fs", config.node0)
Context("when two pods mount a local volume at the same time", func() {
It("should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2", func() {
var testVol *localTestVolume
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
twoPodsReadWriteTest(config, testVol)
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
Context("when two pods mount a local volume one after the other", func() {
It("should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2", func() {
var testVol *localTestVolume
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
twoPodsReadWriteSerialTest(config, testVol)
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
Context("when pod using local volume with non-existant path", func() {
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedMount",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "MountVolume.SetUp failed")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "does not exist")
It("should not be able to mount", func() {
testVol := &localTestVolume{
node: config.node0,
hostDir: "/non-existent/location/nowhere",
localVolumeType: testVolType,
By("Creating local PVC and PV")
createLocalPVCPV(config, testVol)
pod, err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
checkPodEvents(config, pod.Name, ep)
Context("when pod's node is different from PV's NodeAffinity", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if len(config.nodes.Items) < 2 {
framework.Skipf("Runs only when number of nodes >= 2")
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedScheduling",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "MatchNodeSelector")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "NoVolumeNodeConflict")
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeAffinity", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeAffinity)
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeSelector", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeSelector)
Context("when pod's node is different from PV's NodeName", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if len(config.nodes.Items) < 2 {
framework.Skipf("Runs only when number of nodes >= 2")
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedMount",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "NodeSelectorTerm")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "Storage node affinity check failed")
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeName", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeName)
Context("when two pods mount a local volume at the same time", func() {
It("should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2", func() {
for _, testVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
var testVol *localTestVolume
By(fmt.Sprintf("local-volume-type: %s", testVolType))
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
twoPodsReadWriteTest(config, testVol)
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
Context("when two pods mount a local volume one after the other", func() {
It("should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2", func() {
for _, testVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
var testVol *localTestVolume
By(fmt.Sprintf("local-volume-type: %s", testVolType))
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
twoPodsReadWriteSerialTest(config, testVol)
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
Context("when pod using local volume with non-existant path", func() {
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedMount",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "MountVolume.SetUp failed")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "does not exist")
It("should not be able to mount", func() {
for _, testVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
By(fmt.Sprintf("local-volume-type: %s", testVolType))
testVol := &localTestVolume{
node: config.node0,
hostDir: "/non-existent/location/nowhere",
localVolumeType: testVolType,
By("Creating local PVC and PV")
createLocalPVCPV(config, testVol)
pod, err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
checkPodEvents(config, pod.Name, ep)
Context("when pod's node is different from PV's NodeAffinity", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if len(config.nodes.Items) < 2 {
framework.Skipf("Runs only when number of nodes >= 2")
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedScheduling",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "MatchNodeSelector")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "NoVolumeNodeConflict")
for _, testVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeAffinity", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeAffinity)
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeSelector", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeSelector)
Context("when pod's node is different from PV's NodeName", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if len(config.nodes.Items) < 2 {
framework.Skipf("Runs only when number of nodes >= 2")
ep := &eventPatterns{
reason: "FailedMount",
pattern: make([]string, 2)}
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "NodeSelectorTerm")
ep.pattern = append(ep.pattern, "Storage node affinity check failed")
for _, testVolType := range LocalVolumeTypes {
It("should not be able to mount due to different NodeName", func() {
testPodWithNodeName(config, testVolType, ep, config.nodes.Items[1].Name, makeLocalPodWithNodeName)
Context("when using local volume provisioner", func() {
Context("when using local volume provisioner", func() {
var volumePath string
var volumePath string
@ -373,6 +362,7 @@ type makeLocalPodWith func(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume, nod
func testPodWithNodeName(config *localTestConfig, testVolType LocalVolumeType, ep *eventPatterns, nodeName string, makeLocalPodFunc makeLocalPodWith) {
func testPodWithNodeName(config *localTestConfig, testVolType LocalVolumeType, ep *eventPatterns, nodeName string, makeLocalPodFunc makeLocalPodWith) {
var testVol *localTestVolume
var testVol *localTestVolume
By(fmt.Sprintf("local-volume-type: %s", testVolType))
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, testVolType)
pod := makeLocalPodFunc(config, testVol, nodeName)
pod := makeLocalPodFunc(config, testVol, nodeName)
@ -496,7 +486,16 @@ func podNodeName(config *localTestConfig, pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {
return runtimePod.Spec.NodeName, runtimePodErr
return runtimePod.Spec.NodeName, runtimePodErr
func setupWriteTestFile(hostDir string, config *localTestConfig, localVolumeType LocalVolumeType) *localTestVolume {
// setupLocalVolume setups a directory to user for local PV
func setupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig, localVolumeType LocalVolumeType) *localTestVolume {
testDirName := "local-volume-test-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
hostDir := filepath.Join(hostBase, testDirName)
if localVolumeType == TmpfsLocalVolumeType {
createAndMountTmpfsLocalVolume(config, hostDir)
// populate volume with testFile containing testFileContent
writeCmd, _ := createWriteAndReadCmds(hostDir, testFile, testFileContent)
writeCmd, _ := createWriteAndReadCmds(hostDir, testFile, testFileContent)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating local volume on node %q at path %q", config.node0.Name, hostDir))
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating local volume on node %q at path %q", config.node0.Name, hostDir))
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(writeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(writeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
@ -508,30 +507,7 @@ func setupWriteTestFile(hostDir string, config *localTestConfig, localVolumeType
func setupLocalVolumeTmpfs(config *localTestConfig) *localTestVolume {
// Deletes the PVC/PV, and launches a pod with hostpath volume to remove the test directory
testDirName := "local-volume-test-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
hostDir := filepath.Join(hostBase, testDirName)
createAndMountTmpfsLocalVolume(config, hostDir)
// populate volume with testFile containing testFileContent
return setupWriteTestFile(hostDir, config, TmpfsLocalVolumeType)
func setupLocalVolumeGCELocalSSD(config *localTestConfig) *localTestVolume {
res, err := framework.IssueSSHCommandWithResult("ls /mnt/disks/by-uuid/google-local-ssds-scsi-fs/", framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
dirName := strings.Fields(res.Stdout)[0]
hostDir := "/mnt/disks/by-uuid/google-local-ssds-scsi-fs/" + dirName
// populate volume with testFile containing testFileContent
return setupWriteTestFile(hostDir, config, GCELocalSSDVolumeType)
func setupLocalVolumeDirectory(config *localTestConfig) *localTestVolume {
testDirName := "local-volume-test-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
hostDir := filepath.Join(hostBase, testDirName)
// populate volume with testFile containing testFileContent
return setupWriteTestFile(hostDir, config, DirectoryLocalVolumeType)
func cleanupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
func cleanupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
if volume == nil {
if volume == nil {
@ -543,30 +519,10 @@ func cleanupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
framework.Failf("Failed to delete PV and/or PVC: %v", utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs))
framework.Failf("Failed to delete PV and/or PVC: %v", utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs))
cleanup := cleanupLocalVolumeMap[volume.localVolumeType]
if volume.localVolumeType == TmpfsLocalVolumeType {
cleanup(config, volume)
unmountTmpfsLocalVolume(config, volume.hostDir)
// Deletes the PVC/PV, and launches a pod with hostpath volume to remove the test directory
func cleanupLocalVolumeGCELocalSSD(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
By("Removing the test directory")
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm %s", volume.hostDir+"/"+testFile)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
// Deletes the PVC/PV, and launches a pod with hostpath volume to remove the test directory
func cleanupLocalVolumeTmpfs(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
unmountTmpfsLocalVolume(config, volume.hostDir)
By("Removing the test directory")
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm -r %s", volume.hostDir)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
// Deletes the PVC/PV, and launches a pod with hostpath volume to remove the test directory
func cleanupLocalVolumeDirectory(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
By("Removing the test directory")
By("Removing the test directory")
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm -r %s", volume.hostDir)
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm -r %s", volume.hostDir)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
@ -747,9 +703,7 @@ func podRWCmdExec(pod *v1.Pod, cmd string) string {
// and create local PVC and PV
// and create local PVC and PV
func setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config *localTestConfig, localVolumeType LocalVolumeType) *localTestVolume {
func setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config *localTestConfig, localVolumeType LocalVolumeType) *localTestVolume {
By("Initializing test volume")
By("Initializing test volume")
setupLocalVolume, ok := setupLocalVolumeMap[localVolumeType]
testVol := setupLocalVolume(config, localVolumeType)
testVol := setupLocalVolume(config)
By("Creating local PVC and PV")
By("Creating local PVC and PV")
createLocalPVCPV(config, testVol)
createLocalPVCPV(config, testVol)
@ -967,16 +921,3 @@ func findLocalPersistentVolume(c clientset.Interface, volumePath string) (*v1.Pe
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find local persistent volume with path %v", volumePath)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find local persistent volume with path %v", volumePath)
// SkipUnlessLocalSSDExists takes in an ssdInterface (scsi/nvme) and a filesystemType (fs/block)
// and skips if a disk of that type does not exist on the node
func SkipUnlessLocalSSDExists(ssdInterface, filesystemType string, node *v1.Node) {
ssdCmd := fmt.Sprintf("ls -1 /mnt/disks/by-uuid/google-local-ssds-%s-%s/ | wc -l", ssdInterface, filesystemType)
res, err := framework.IssueSSHCommandWithResult(ssdCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, node)
num, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(res.Stdout))
if num < 1 {
framework.Skipf("Requires at least 1 %s %s localSSD ", ssdInterface, filesystemType)
Reference in New Issue