mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #70097 from neolit123/phase-control-plane
kubeadm: graduate the control-plane phasepull/58/head
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ go_library(
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import (
clusterinfophase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/bootstraptoken/clusterinfo"
nodebootstraptokenphase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/bootstraptoken/node"
certsphase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/certs"
controlplanephase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/controlplane"
etcdphase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/etcd"
kubeletphase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/kubelet"
markmasterphase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/markmaster"
@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ import (
kubeadmutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util"
auditutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/audit"
configutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/config"
dryrunutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/dryrun"
kubeconfigutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/kubeconfig"
@ -169,6 +167,7 @@ func NewCmdInit(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
// TODO: add other phases to the runner.
// sets the data builder function, that will be used by the runner
@ -425,7 +424,6 @@ func runInit(i *initData, out io.Writer) error {
// Get directories to write files to; can be faked if we're dry-running
glog.V(1).Infof("[init] Getting certificates directory from configuration")
realCertsDir := i.cfg.CertificatesDir
certsDirToWriteTo, kubeConfigDir, manifestDir, _, err := getDirectoriesToUse(i.dryRun, i.dryRunDir, i.cfg.CertificatesDir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error getting directories to use")
@ -436,31 +434,6 @@ func runInit(i *initData, out io.Writer) error {
adminKubeConfigPath := filepath.Join(kubeConfigDir, kubeadmconstants.AdminKubeConfigFileName)
if features.Enabled(i.cfg.FeatureGates, features.Auditing) {
// Setup the AuditPolicy (either it was passed in and exists or it wasn't passed in and generate a default policy)
if i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path != "" {
// TODO(chuckha) ensure passed in audit policy is valid so users don't have to find the error in the api server log.
if _, err := os.Stat(i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting file info for audit policy file %q", i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path)
} else {
i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path = filepath.Join(kubeConfigDir, kubeadmconstants.AuditPolicyDir, kubeadmconstants.AuditPolicyFile)
if err := auditutil.CreateDefaultAuditLogPolicy(i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating default audit policy %q ", i.cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path)
// Temporarily set cfg.CertificatesDir to the "real value" when writing controlplane manifests
// This is needed for writing the right kind of manifests
i.cfg.CertificatesDir = realCertsDir
// PHASE 3: Bootstrap the control plane
glog.V(1).Infof("[init] bootstraping the control plane")
glog.V(1).Infof("[init] creating static pod manifest")
if err := controlplanephase.CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles(manifestDir, i.cfg); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating init static pod manifest files")
// Add etcd static pod spec only if external etcd is not configured
if i.cfg.Etcd.External == nil {
glog.V(1).Infof("[init] no external etcd found. Creating manifest for local etcd static pod")
@ -469,9 +442,6 @@ func runInit(i *initData, out io.Writer) error {
// Revert the earlier CertificatesDir assignment to the directory that can be written to
i.cfg.CertificatesDir = certsDirToWriteTo
// If we're dry-running, print the generated manifests
if err := printFilesIfDryRunning(i.dryRun, manifestDir); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error printing files on dryrun")
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ go_library(
@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ go_library(
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ go_test(
name = "go_default_test",
srcs = [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -17,186 +17,122 @@ limitations under the License.
package phases
import (
utilflag "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/flag"
kubeadmapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm"
kubeadmscheme "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm/scheme"
kubeadmapiv1beta1 "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm/v1beta1"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/cmd/util"
kubeadmconstants "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"
controlplanephase "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/controlplane"
kubeadmutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util"
configutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/config"
auditutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/audit"
var (
allControlplaneLongDesc = normalizer.LongDesc(`
Generates all static Pod manifest files necessary to establish the control plane.
` + cmdutil.AlphaDisclaimer)
allControlplaneExample = normalizer.Examples(`
controlPlaneExample = normalizer.Examples(`
# Generates all static Pod manifest files for control plane components,
# functionally equivalent to what generated by kubeadm init.
kubeadm alpha phase controlplane all
# functionally equivalent to what is generated by kubeadm init.
kubeadm init phase control-plane
# Generates all static Pod manifest files using options read from a configuration file.
kubeadm alpha phase controlplane --config masterconfiguration.yaml
kubeadm init phase control-plane --config config.yaml
apiServerControlplaneLongDesc = fmt.Sprintf(normalizer.LongDesc(`
Generates the static Pod manifest file for the API server and saves it into %s file.
`+cmdutil.AlphaDisclaimer), kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodFilepath(kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer, kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodDirectory()))
controllerManagerControlplaneLongDesc = fmt.Sprintf(normalizer.LongDesc(`
Generates the static Pod manifest file for the controller-manager and saves it into %s file.
`+cmdutil.AlphaDisclaimer), kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodFilepath(kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager, kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodDirectory()))
schedulerControlplaneLongDesc = fmt.Sprintf(normalizer.LongDesc(`
Generates the static Pod manifest file for the scheduler and saves it into %s file.
`+cmdutil.AlphaDisclaimer), kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodFilepath(kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler, kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodDirectory()))
controlPlanePhaseProperties = map[string]struct {
name string
short string
kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer: {
name: "apiserver",
short: getPhaseDescription(kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer),
kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager: {
name: "controller-manager",
short: getPhaseDescription(kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager),
kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler: {
name: "scheduler",
short: getPhaseDescription(kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler),
// NewCmdControlplane returns main command for Controlplane phase
func NewCmdControlplane() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "controlplane",
Short: "Generates all static Pod manifest files necessary to establish the control plane",
Long: cmdutil.MacroCommandLongDescription,
manifestPath := kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodDirectory()
cmd.AddCommand(getControlPlaneSubCommands(manifestPath, "")...)
return cmd
type controlPlaneData interface {
Cfg() *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration
KubeConfigDir() string
ManifestDir() string
// getControlPlaneSubCommands returns sub commands for Controlplane phase
func getControlPlaneSubCommands(outDir, defaultKubernetesVersion string) []*cobra.Command {
cfg := &kubeadmapiv1beta1.InitConfiguration{}
// This is used for unit testing only...
// If we wouldn't set this to something, the code would dynamically look up the version from the internet
// By setting this explicitly for tests workarounds that
if defaultKubernetesVersion != "" {
cfg.KubernetesVersion = defaultKubernetesVersion
// Default values for the cobra help text
var cfgPath, featureGatesString string
var subCmds []*cobra.Command
subCmdProperties := []struct {
use string
short string
long string
examples string
cmdFunc func(outDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error
use: "all",
short: "Generates all static Pod manifest files necessary to establish the control plane",
long: allControlplaneLongDesc,
examples: allControlplaneExample,
cmdFunc: controlplanephase.CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles,
use: "apiserver",
short: "Generates the API server static Pod manifest",
long: apiServerControlplaneLongDesc,
cmdFunc: controlplanephase.CreateAPIServerStaticPodManifestFile,
use: "controller-manager",
short: "Generates the controller-manager static Pod manifest",
long: controllerManagerControlplaneLongDesc,
cmdFunc: controlplanephase.CreateControllerManagerStaticPodManifestFile,
use: "scheduler",
short: "Generates the scheduler static Pod manifest",
long: schedulerControlplaneLongDesc,
cmdFunc: controlplanephase.CreateSchedulerStaticPodManifestFile,
for _, properties := range subCmdProperties {
// Creates the UX Command
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: properties.use,
Short: properties.short,
Long: properties.long,
Example: properties.examples,
Run: runCmdControlPlane(properties.cmdFunc, &outDir, &cfgPath, &featureGatesString, cfg),
// Add flags to the command
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfg.CertificatesDir, "cert-dir", cfg.CertificatesDir, `The path where certificates are stored`)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfg.KubernetesVersion, "kubernetes-version", cfg.KubernetesVersion, `Choose a specific Kubernetes version for the control plane`)
if properties.use == "all" || properties.use == "apiserver" {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfg.APIEndpoint.AdvertiseAddress, "apiserver-advertise-address", cfg.APIEndpoint.AdvertiseAddress, "The IP address of the API server is accessible on")
cmd.Flags().Int32Var(&cfg.APIEndpoint.BindPort, "apiserver-bind-port", cfg.APIEndpoint.BindPort, "The port the API server is accessible on")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfg.Networking.ServiceSubnet, "service-cidr", cfg.Networking.ServiceSubnet, "The range of IP address used for service VIPs")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&featureGatesString, "feature-gates", featureGatesString, "A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features. "+
"Options are:\n"+strings.Join(features.KnownFeatures(&features.InitFeatureGates), "\n"))
cmd.Flags().Var(utilflag.NewMapStringString(&cfg.APIServerExtraArgs), "apiserver-extra-args", "A set of extra flags to pass to the API Server or override default ones in form of <flagname>=<value>")
if properties.use == "all" || properties.use == "controller-manager" {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfg.Networking.PodSubnet, "pod-network-cidr", cfg.Networking.PodSubnet, "The range of IP addresses used for the Pod network")
cmd.Flags().Var(utilflag.NewMapStringString(&cfg.ControllerManagerExtraArgs), "controller-manager-extra-args", "A set of extra flags to pass to the Controller Manager or override default ones in form of <flagname>=<value>")
if properties.use == "all" || properties.use == "scheduler" {
cmd.Flags().Var(utilflag.NewMapStringString(&cfg.SchedulerExtraArgs), "scheduler-extra-args", "A set of extra flags to pass to the Scheduler or override default ones in form of <flagname>=<value>")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfgPath, "config", cfgPath, "Path to kubeadm config file. WARNING: Usage of a configuration file is experimental")
subCmds = append(subCmds, cmd)
return subCmds
func getPhaseDescription(component string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Generates the %s static Pod manifest", component)
// runCmdControlPlane creates a cobra.Command Run function, by composing the call to the given cmdFunc with necessary additional steps (e.g preparation of input parameters)
func runCmdControlPlane(cmdFunc func(outDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error, outDir, cfgPath *string, featureGatesString *string, cfg *kubeadmapiv1beta1.InitConfiguration) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// NewControlPlanePhase creates a kubeadm workflow phase that implements bootstrapping the control plane.
func NewControlPlanePhase() workflow.Phase {
phase := workflow.Phase{
Name: "control-plane",
Short: "Generates all static Pod manifest files necessary to establish the control plane",
Example: controlPlaneExample,
Phases: []workflow.Phase{
Run: runControlPlanePhase,
return phase
// the following statement build a closure that wraps a call to a cmdFunc, binding
// the function itself with the specific parameters of each sub command.
// Please note that specific parameter should be passed as value, while other parameters - passed as reference -
// are shared between sub commands and gets access to current value e.g. flags value.
return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var err error
if err = validation.ValidateMixedArguments(cmd.Flags()); err != nil {
func newControlPlaneSubPhase(component string) workflow.Phase {
phase := workflow.Phase{
Name: controlPlanePhaseProperties[component].name,
Short: controlPlanePhaseProperties[component].short,
Run: runControlPlaneSubPhase(component),
return phase
func runControlPlanePhase(c workflow.RunData) error {
data, ok := c.(controlPlaneData)
if !ok {
return errors.New("control-plane phase invoked with an invalid data struct")
fmt.Printf("[control-plane] Using manifest folder %q\n", data.ManifestDir())
return nil
func runControlPlaneSubPhase(component string) func(c workflow.RunData) error {
return func(c workflow.RunData) error {
data, ok := c.(controlPlaneData)
if !ok {
return errors.New("control-plane phase invoked with an invalid data struct")
cfg := data.Cfg()
// special case to handle audit policy for the API server
if component == kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer && features.Enabled(cfg.FeatureGates, features.Auditing) {
// Setup the AuditPolicy (either it was passed in and exists or it wasn't passed in and generate a default policy)
if cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path != "" {
// TODO(chuckha) ensure passed in audit policy is valid so users don't have to find the error in the api server log.
if _, err := os.Stat(cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting file info for audit policy file %q [%v]", cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path, err)
} else {
cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path = filepath.Join(data.KubeConfigDir(), kubeadmconstants.AuditPolicyDir, kubeadmconstants.AuditPolicyFile)
if err := auditutil.CreateDefaultAuditLogPolicy(cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating default audit policy %q [%v]", cfg.AuditPolicyConfiguration.Path, err)
if cfg.FeatureGates, err = features.NewFeatureGate(&features.InitFeatureGates, *featureGatesString); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[control-plane] creating static Pod manifest for %q\n", component)
if err := controlplane.CreateStaticPodFiles(data.ManifestDir(), cfg, component); err != nil {
return err
// This call returns the ready-to-use configuration based on the configuration file that might or might not exist and the default cfg populated by flags
internalcfg, err := configutil.ConfigFileAndDefaultsToInternalConfig(*cfgPath, cfg)
err = configutil.VerifyAPIServerBindAddress(internalcfg.APIEndpoint.AdvertiseAddress)
if err := features.ValidateVersion(features.InitFeatureGates, internalcfg.FeatureGates, internalcfg.KubernetesVersion); err != nil {
// Execute the cmdFunc
err = cmdFunc(*outDir, internalcfg)
return nil
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package phases
import (
testutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/test"
cmdtestutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/test/cmd"
const phaseTestK8sVersion = "v1.11.0"
func TestControlPlaneSubCommandsHasFlags(t *testing.T) {
subCmds := getControlPlaneSubCommands("", phaseTestK8sVersion)
commonFlags := []string{
var tests = []struct {
command string
additionalFlags []string
command: "all",
additionalFlags: []string{
command: "apiserver",
additionalFlags: []string{
command: "controller-manager",
additionalFlags: []string{
command: "scheduler",
additionalFlags: []string{
for _, test := range tests {
expectedFlags := append(commonFlags, test.additionalFlags...)
cmdtestutil.AssertSubCommandHasFlags(t, subCmds, test.command, expectedFlags...)
func TestControlPlaneCreateFilesWithFlags(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
command string
additionalFlags []string
expectedFiles []string
command: "all",
additionalFlags: []string{
expectedFiles: []string{
command: "apiserver",
additionalFlags: []string{
expectedFiles: []string{"kube-apiserver.yaml"},
command: "controller-manager",
additionalFlags: []string{
expectedFiles: []string{"kube-controller-manager.yaml"},
command: "scheduler",
additionalFlags: []string{
expectedFiles: []string{"kube-scheduler.yaml"},
for _, test := range tests {
// Create temp folder for the test case
tmpdir := testutil.SetupTempDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
// Get subcommands working in the temporary directory
subCmds := getControlPlaneSubCommands(tmpdir, phaseTestK8sVersion)
// Execute the subcommand
certDirFlag := fmt.Sprintf("--cert-dir=%s", tmpdir)
allFlags := append(test.additionalFlags, certDirFlag)
cmdtestutil.RunSubCommand(t, subCmds, test.command, allFlags...)
// Checks that requested files are there
testutil.AssertFileExists(t, tmpdir, test.expectedFiles...)
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ func TestKubeConfigCSubCommandsHasFlags(t *testing.T) {
cmdtestutil.AssertSubCommandHasFlags(t, []*cobra.Command{cmd}, "user", flags...)
const phaseTestK8sVersion = "v1.11.0"
func TestKubeConfigSubCommandsThatWritesToOut(t *testing.T) {
// Temporary folders for the test case
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ func NewCmdPhase(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
@ -42,26 +42,8 @@ import (
// CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles will write all static pod manifest files needed to bring up the control plane.
func CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error {
glog.V(1).Infoln("[controlplane] creating static pod files")
return createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir, cfg, kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer, kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager, kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler)
// CreateAPIServerStaticPodManifestFile will write APIserver static pod manifest file.
func CreateAPIServerStaticPodManifestFile(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error {
glog.V(1).Infoln("creating APIserver static pod files")
return createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir, cfg, kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer)
// CreateControllerManagerStaticPodManifestFile will write controller manager static pod manifest file.
func CreateControllerManagerStaticPodManifestFile(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error {
glog.V(1).Infoln("creating controller manager static pod files")
return createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir, cfg, kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager)
// CreateSchedulerStaticPodManifestFile will write scheduler static pod manifest file.
func CreateSchedulerStaticPodManifestFile(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error {
glog.V(1).Infoln("creating scheduler static pod files")
return createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir, cfg, kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler)
glog.V(1).Infoln("[control-plane] creating static Pod files")
return CreateStaticPodFiles(manifestDir, cfg, kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer, kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager, kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler)
// GetStaticPodSpecs returns all staticPodSpecs actualized to the context of the current InitConfiguration
@ -106,8 +88,8 @@ func GetStaticPodSpecs(cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, k8sVersion *version.Ve
return staticPodSpecs
// createStaticPodFiles creates all the requested static pod files.
func createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, componentNames ...string) error {
// CreateStaticPodFiles creates all the requested static pod files.
func CreateStaticPodFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, componentNames ...string) error {
// TODO: Move the "pkg/util/version".Version object into the internal API instead of always parsing the string
k8sVersion, err := version.ParseSemantic(cfg.KubernetesVersion)
if err != nil {
@ -115,7 +97,7 @@ func createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration,
// gets the StaticPodSpecs, actualized for the current InitConfiguration
glog.V(1).Infoln("[controlplane] getting StaticPodSpecs")
glog.V(1).Infoln("[control-plane] getting StaticPodSpecs")
specs := GetStaticPodSpecs(cfg, k8sVersion)
// creates required static pod specs
@ -123,7 +105,7 @@ func createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration,
// retrives the StaticPodSpec for given component
spec, exists := specs[componentName]
if !exists {
return errors.Errorf("couldn't retrive StaticPodSpec for %s", componentName)
return errors.Errorf("couldn't retrive StaticPodSpec for %q", componentName)
// writes the StaticPodSpec to disk
@ -131,7 +113,7 @@ func createStaticPodFiles(manifestDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration,
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create static pod manifest file for %q", componentName)
fmt.Printf("[controlplane] wrote Static Pod manifest for component %s to %q\n", componentName, kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodFilepath(componentName, manifestDir))
glog.V(1).Infof("[control-plane] wrote static Pod manifest for component %q to %q\n", componentName, kubeadmconstants.GetStaticPodFilepath(componentName, manifestDir))
return nil
@ -91,24 +91,19 @@ func TestGetStaticPodSpecs(t *testing.T) {
func TestCreateStaticPodFilesAndWrappers(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
createStaticPodFunction func(outDir string, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error
expectedFiles []string
components []string
{ // CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles
createStaticPodFunction: CreateInitStaticPodManifestFiles,
expectedFiles: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer, kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager, kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler},
components: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer, kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager, kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler},
{ // CreateAPIServerStaticPodManifestFile
createStaticPodFunction: CreateAPIServerStaticPodManifestFile,
expectedFiles: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer},
components: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeAPIServer},
{ // CreateControllerManagerStaticPodManifestFile
createStaticPodFunction: CreateControllerManagerStaticPodManifestFile,
expectedFiles: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager},
components: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeControllerManager},
{ // CreateSchedulerStaticPodManifestFile
createStaticPodFunction: CreateSchedulerStaticPodManifestFile,
expectedFiles: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler},
components: []string{kubeadmconstants.KubeScheduler},
@ -127,16 +122,16 @@ func TestCreateStaticPodFilesAndWrappers(t *testing.T) {
// Execute createStaticPodFunction
manifestPath := filepath.Join(tmpdir, kubeadmconstants.ManifestsSubDirName)
err := test.createStaticPodFunction(manifestPath, cfg)
err := CreateStaticPodFiles(manifestPath, cfg, test.components...)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error executing createStaticPodFunction: %v", err)
// Assert expected files are there
testutil.AssertFilesCount(t, manifestPath, len(test.expectedFiles))
testutil.AssertFilesCount(t, manifestPath, len(test.components))
for _, fileName := range test.expectedFiles {
for _, fileName := range test.components {
testutil.AssertFileExists(t, manifestPath, fileName+".yaml")
@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ docs/admin/kubeadm_alpha_phase_certs_renew_etcd-healthcheck-client.md
@ -76,6 +71,10 @@ docs/admin/kubeadm_init_phase_certs_etcd-server.md
@ -125,11 +124,6 @@ docs/man/man1/kubeadm-alpha-phase-certs-renew-etcd-server.1
@ -174,6 +168,10 @@ docs/man/man1/kubeadm-init-phase-certs-front-proxy-ca.1
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This file is autogenerated, but we've stopped checking such files into the
repository to reduce the need for rebases. Please run hack/generate-docs.sh to
populate this file.
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This file is autogenerated, but we've stopped checking such files into the
repository to reduce the need for rebases. Please run hack/generate-docs.sh to
populate this file.
Reference in New Issue