However, initial development was done on GCE and so our instructions and scripts are built around that. If you make it work on other infrastructure please let us know and contribute instructions/code.
While the concepts and architecture in Kubernetes represent years of experience designing and building large scale cluster manager at Google, the Kubernetes project is still under heavy development. Expect bugs, design and API changes as we bring it to a stable, production product over the coming year.
2. Make sure you can start up a GCE VM. At least make sure you can do the [Create an instance]( part of the GCE Quickstart.
The script above relies on Google Storage to deploy the software to instances running in GCE. It uses the Google Storage APIs so the "Google Cloud Storage JSON API" setting must be enabled for the project in the Google Developers Console (
The instances must also be able to connect to each other using their private IP. The script uses the "default" network which should have a firewall rule called "default-allow-internal" which allows traffic on any port on the private IPs.
If this rule is missing from the default network or if you change the network being used in `cluster/` create a new rule with the following field values:
* Source Ranges:
* Allowed Protocols or Port: tcp:1-65535;udp:1-65535;icmp
By default, the Vagrant setup will create a single kubernetes-master and 3 kubernetes-minions. You can control the number of minions that are instantiated via an environment variable on your host machine. If you plan to work with replicas, we strongly encourage you to work with enough minions to satisfy your largest intended replica size. If you do not plan to work with replicas, you can save some system resources by running with a single minion.
To start your local cluster, open a terminal window and run:
cd kubernetes
vagrant up
Vagrant will provision each machine in the cluster with all the necessary components to build and run Kubernetes. The initial setup can take a few minutes to complete on each machine.
By default, each VM in the cluster is running Fedora, and all of the Kubernetes services are installed into systemd.
To access the master or any minion:
vagrant ssh master
vagrant ssh minion-1
vagrant ssh minion-2
vagrant ssh minion-3
To view the service status and/or logs on the kubernetes-master:
vagrant ssh master
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo systemctl status apiserver
To push updates to new Kubernetes code after making source changes:
vagrant provision
To shutdown and then restart the cluster:
vagrant halt
vagrant up
To destroy the cluster:
vagrant destroy -f
You can also use the cluster/kube-*.sh scripts to interact with vagrant based providers just like any other hosting platform for kubernetes.
cd kubernetes
modify cluster/
cluster/ => brings up a vagrant cluster
cluster/ => destroys a vagrant cluster
cluster/ => updates a vagrant cluster
cluster/ => interact with the cluster
### Running a container
Your cluster is running, and you want to start running containers!
You can now use any of the cluster/kube-*.sh commands to interact with your VM machines.
cluster/ list /pods
cluster/ list /services
cluster/ list /replicationControllers
cluster/ -p 8080:80 run dockerfile/nginx 3 myNginx
## begin wait for provision to complete, you can monitor the minions by doing
vagrant ssh minion-1
sudo docker images
## you should see it pulling the dockerfile/nginx image, once the above command returns it
sudo docker ps
## you should see your container running!
## end wait
## back on the host, introspect kubernetes!
cluster/ list /pods
cluster/ list /services
cluster/ list /replicationControllers
### Testing
The following will run all of the end-to-end testing scenarios assuming you set your environment in cluster/
### Troubleshooting
#### I just created the cluster, but I do not see my container running!
If this is your first time creating the cluster, the kubelet on each minion schedules a number of docker pull requests to fetch prerequisite images. This can take some time and as a result may delay your initial pod getting provisioned.
#### I changed Kubernetes code, but its not running!
Are you sure there was no build error? After running $ vagrant provision, scroll up and ensure that each Salt state was completed successfully on each box in the cluster. Its very likely you see a build error due to an error in your source files!
This will build and start a lightweight local cluster, consisting of a master and a single minion. Type Control-C to shut it down.
If you are running both a remote kubernetes cluster and the local cluster, you can determine which you talk to using the ```KUBERNETES_MASTER``` environment variable.
The folks at [CoreOS]( have [instructions for running Kubernetes on CoreOS](
If you have questions or want to start contributing please reach out. We don't bite!
The Kubernetes team is hanging out on IRC on the [#google-containers room on]( We also have the [google-containers Google Groups mailing list](!forum/google-containers).
If you are a company and are looking for a more formal engagement with Google around Kubernetes and containers at Google as a whole, please fill out [this form]( and we'll be in touch.