> ***You should probably [read `kubeadm` docs](http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kubeadm/), to understand the end-result of this effor.***
Luke Marsden & many others in [SIG-cluster-lifecycle](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/sig-cluster-lifecycle).
17th August 2016
*This proposal aims to capture the latest consensus and plan of action of SIG-cluster-lifecycle. It should satisfy the first bullet point [required by the feature description](https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/11).*
See also: [this presentation to community hangout on 4th August 2016](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17xrFxrTwqrK-MJk0f2XCjfUPagljG7togXHcC39p0sM/edit?ts=57a33e24#slide=id.g158d2ee41a_0_76)
## Motivation
Kubernetes is hard to install, and there are many different ways to do it today. None of them are excellent. We believe this is hindering adoption.
## Goals
Have one recommended, official, tested, "happy path" which will enable a majority of new and existing Kubernetes users to:
* Kick the tires and easily turn up a new cluster on infrastructure of their choice
* Get a reasonably secure, production-ready cluster, with reasonable defaults and a range of easily-installable add-ons
We plan to do so by improving and simplifying Kubernetes itself, rather than building lots of tooling which "wraps" Kubernetes by poking all the bits into the right place.
## Scope of project
There are logically 3 steps to deploying a Kubernetes cluster:
1.*Provisioning*: Getting some servers - these may be VMs on a developer's workstation, VMs in public clouds, or bare-metal servers in a user's data center.
2.*Install & Discovery*: Installing the Kubernetes core components on those servers (kubelet, etc) - and bootstrapping the cluster to a state of basic liveness, including allowing each server in the cluster to discover other servers: for example teaching etcd servers about their peers, having TLS certificates provisioned, etc.
3.*Add-ons*: Now that basic cluster functionality is working, installing add-ons such as DNS or a pod network (should be possible using kubectl apply).
Notably, this project is *only* working on dramatically improving 2 and 3 from the perspective of users typing commands directly into root shells of servers. The reason for this is that there are a great many different ways of provisioning servers, and users will already have their own preferences.
What's more, once we've radically improved the user experience of 2 and 3, it will make the job of tools that want to do all three much easier.
## User stories
### Phase I
**_In time to be an alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.4._**
Note: the current plan is to deliver `kubeadm` which implements these stories as "alpha" packages built from master (after the 1.4 feature freeze), but which are capable of installing a Kubernetes 1.4 cluster.
* *Install*: As a potential Kubernetes user, I can deploy a Kubernetes 1.4 cluster on a handful of computers running Linux and Docker by typing two commands on each of those computers. The process is so simple that it becomes obvious to me how to easily automate it if I so wish.
* *Pre-flight check*: If any of the computers don't have working dependencies installed (e.g. bad version of Docker, too-old Linux kernel), I am informed early on and given clear instructions on how to fix it so that I can keep trying until it works.
* *Control*: Having provisioned a cluster, I can gain user credentials which allow me to remotely control it using kubectl.
* *Install-addons*: I can select from a set of recommended add-ons to install directly after installing Kubernetes on my set of initial computers with kubectl apply.
* *Add-node*: I can add another computer to the cluster.
* *Secure*: As an attacker with (presumed) control of the network, I cannot add malicious nodes I control to the cluster created by the user. I also cannot remotely control the cluster.
### Phase II
**_In time for Kubernetes 1.5:_**
*Everything from Phase I as beta/stable feature, everything else below as beta feature in Kubernetes 1.5.*
* *Upgrade*: Later, when Kubernetes 1.4.1 or any newer release is published, I can upgrade to it by typing one other command on each computer.
* *HA*: If one of the computers in the cluster fails, the cluster carries on working. I can find out how to replace the failed computer, including if the computer was one of the masters.
## Top-down view: UX for Phase I items
We will introduce a new binary, kubeadm, which ships with the Kubernetes OS packages (and binary tarballs, for OSes without package managers).
laptop$ kubeadm --help
kubeadm: bootstrap a secure kubernetes cluster easily.
## Work streams –critical path – must have in 1.4 before feature freeze
1. [TLS bootstrapping](https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/43) - so that kubeadm can mint credentials for kubelets and users
* Requires [#25764](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/25764) and auto-signing [#30153](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/30153) but does not require [#30094](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/30094).
*@philips, @gtank&@yifan-gu
1. Fix for [#30515](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30515) - so that kubeadm can install a kubeconfig which kubelet then picks up
## Work streams –can land after 1.4 feature freeze
1. [Debs](https://github.com/kubernetes/release/pull/35) and [RPMs](https://github.com/kubernetes/release/pull/50) (and binaries?) - so that kubernetes can be installed in the first place
1. [kubeadm implementation](https://github.com/lukemarsden/kubernetes/tree/kubeadm-scaffolding) - the kubeadm CLI itself, will get bundled into "alpha" kubeadm packages
1. [Implementation of JWS server](https://github.com/jbeda/kubernetes/blob/discovery-api/docs/proposals/super-simple-discovery-api.md#method-jws-token) from [#30707](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/30707) - so that we can implement the simple UX with no dependencies
1. Documentation - so that new users can see this in 1.4 (even if it’s caveated with alpha/experimental labels and flags all over it)
1.`kubeadm` alpha packages
*@lukemarsden, @mikedanese, @dgoodwin
### Nice to have
1. [Kubectl apply --purge](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/29551) - so that addons can be maintained using k8s infrastructure
## kubeadm implementation plan
Based on [@philips' comment here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/30361#issuecomment-239588596).
The key point with this implementation plan is that it requires basically no changes to kubelet except [#30515](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30515).
It also doesn't require kubelet to do TLS bootstrapping - kubeadm handles that.
### kubeadm init master
1. User installs and configures kubelet to look for manifests in `/etc/kubernetes/manifests`
1. API server CA certs are generated by kubeadm
1. kubeadm generates pod manifests to launch API server and etcd
1. kubeadm pushes replica set for prototype jsw-server and the JWS into API server with host-networking so it is listening on the master node IP
1. kubeadm prints out the IP of JWS server and JWS token
### kubeadm join node --token IP
1. User installs and configures kubelet to have a kubeconfig at `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig` but the kubelet is in a crash loop and is restarted by host init system
1. kubeadm talks to jws-server on IP with token and gets the cacert, then talks to the apiserver TLS bootstrap API to get client cert, etc and generates a kubelet kubeconfig
1. kubeadm places kubeconfig into `/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig` and waits for kubelet to restart
1. Mission accomplished, we think.
## See also
* [Joe Beda's "K8s the hard way easier"](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lJ26LmCP-I_zMuqs6uloTgAnHPcuT7kOYtQ7XSgYLMA/edit#heading=h.ilgrv18sg5t) which combines Kelsey's "Kubernetes the hard way" with history of proposed UX at the end (scroll all the way down to the bottom).