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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
log "github.com/golang/glog"
const (
defaultRecoveryTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
type DriverConfig struct {
Executor Executor
HostnameOverride string // optional
BindingAddress net.IP // optional
BindingPort uint16 // optional
PublishedAddress net.IP // optional
NewMessenger func() (messenger.Messenger, error) // optional
// MesosExecutorDriver is a implementation of the ExecutorDriver.
type MesosExecutorDriver struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
cond *sync.Cond
self *upid.UPID
stopCh chan struct{}
status mesosproto.Status
messenger messenger.Messenger
slaveUPID *upid.UPID
slaveID *mesosproto.SlaveID
frameworkID *mesosproto.FrameworkID
executorID *mesosproto.ExecutorID
workDir string
connected bool
connection uuid.UUID
local bool // TODO(yifan): Not used yet.
directory string // TODO(yifan): Not used yet.
checkpoint bool
recoveryTimeout time.Duration
recoveryTimer *time.Timer
updates map[string]*mesosproto.StatusUpdate // Key is a UUID string. TODO(yifan): Not used yet.
tasks map[string]*mesosproto.TaskInfo // Key is a UUID string. TODO(yifan): Not used yet.
withExecutor func(f func(e Executor))
started chan struct{} // signal chan that closes once start has been invoked
// NewMesosExecutorDriver creates a new mesos executor driver.
func NewMesosExecutorDriver(config DriverConfig) (*MesosExecutorDriver, error) {
if config.Executor == nil {
msg := "Executor callback interface cannot be nil."
return nil, fmt.Errorf(msg)
hostname := mesosutil.GetHostname(config.HostnameOverride)
newMessenger := config.NewMessenger
if newMessenger == nil {
newMessenger = func() (messenger.Messenger, error) {
process := process.New("executor")
return messenger.ForHostname(process, hostname, config.BindingAddress, config.BindingPort, config.PublishedAddress)
driver := &MesosExecutorDriver{
status: mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_NOT_STARTED,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
updates: make(map[string]*mesosproto.StatusUpdate),
tasks: make(map[string]*mesosproto.TaskInfo),
workDir: ".",
started: make(chan struct{}),
recoveryTimeout: defaultRecoveryTimeout,
driver.cond = sync.NewCond(&driver.lock)
// decouple serialized executor callback execution from goroutines of this driver
var execLock sync.Mutex
driver.withExecutor = func(f func(e Executor)) {
go func() {
defer execLock.Unlock()
var err error
if driver.messenger, err = newMessenger(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = driver.init(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to initialize the driver: %v", err)
return nil, err
return driver, nil
// context returns the driver context, expects driver.lock to be locked
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) context() context.Context {
return sessionid.NewContext(context.TODO(), driver.connection.String())
// init initializes the driver.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) init() error {
log.Infof("Init mesos executor driver\n")
log.Infof("Protocol Version: %v\n", mesosutil.MesosVersion)
// Parse environments.
if err := driver.parseEnviroments(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to parse environments: %v\n", err)
return err
type messageHandler func(context.Context, *upid.UPID, proto.Message)
guard := func(h messageHandler) messenger.MessageHandler {
return messenger.MessageHandler(func(from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
h(driver.context(), from, pbMsg)
// Install handlers.
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.registered), &mesosproto.ExecutorRegisteredMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.reregistered), &mesosproto.ExecutorReregisteredMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.reconnect), &mesosproto.ReconnectExecutorMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.runTask), &mesosproto.RunTaskMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.killTask), &mesosproto.KillTaskMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.statusUpdateAcknowledgement), &mesosproto.StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.frameworkMessage), &mesosproto.FrameworkToExecutorMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.shutdown), &mesosproto.ShutdownExecutorMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.frameworkError), &mesosproto.FrameworkErrorMessage{})
driver.messenger.Install(guard(driver.networkError), &mesosproto.InternalNetworkError{})
return nil
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) parseEnviroments() error {
var value string
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_LOCAL")
if len(value) > 0 {
driver.local = true
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_SLAVE_PID")
if len(value) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find MESOS_SLAVE_PID in the environment")
upid, err := upid.Parse(value)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot parse UPID %v\n", err)
return err
driver.slaveUPID = upid
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_SLAVE_ID")
driver.slaveID = &mesosproto.SlaveID{Value: proto.String(value)}
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_FRAMEWORK_ID")
driver.frameworkID = &mesosproto.FrameworkID{Value: proto.String(value)}
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_EXECUTOR_ID")
driver.executorID = &mesosproto.ExecutorID{Value: proto.String(value)}
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_DIRECTORY")
if len(value) > 0 {
driver.workDir = value
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_CHECKPOINT")
if value == "1" {
driver.checkpoint = true
if driver.checkpoint {
value = os.Getenv("MESOS_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT")
// TODO(yifan): Parse the duration. For now just use default.
return nil
// ------------------------- Accessors ----------------------- //
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Status() mesosproto.Status {
defer driver.lock.RUnlock()
return driver.status
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Running() bool {
defer driver.lock.RUnlock()
return driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) stopped() bool {
return driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Connected() bool {
defer driver.lock.RUnlock()
return driver.connected
// --------------------- Message Handlers --------------------- //
// networkError is invoked when there's a network-level error communicating with the mesos slave.
// The driver reacts by entering a "disconnected" state and invoking the Executor.Disconnected
// callback. The assumption is that if this driver was previously connected, and then there's a
// network error, then the slave process must be dying/dead. The native driver implementation makes
// this same assumption. I have some concerns that this may be a false-positive in some situations;
// some network errors (timeouts) may be indicative of something other than a dead slave process.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) networkError(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Info("ignoring network error because aborted")
if driver.connected {
driver.connected = false
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.InternalNetworkError)
session := msg.GetSession()
if session != driver.connection.String() {
log.V(1).Infoln("ignoring netwok error for disconnected/stale session")
if driver.checkpoint {
log.Infoln("slave disconnected, will wait for recovery")
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Disconnected(driver) })
if driver.recoveryTimer != nil {
t := time.NewTimer(driver.recoveryTimeout)
driver.recoveryTimer = t
go func() {
select {
case <-t.C:
// timer expired
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
case <-driver.stopCh:
// driver stopped
log.Infoln("slave exited ... shutting down")
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Shutdown(driver) }) // abnormal shutdown
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) recoveryTimedOut(connection string) {
if driver.connected {
// ensure that connection ID's match otherwise we've been re-registered
if connection == driver.connection.String() {
log.Info("recovery timeout of %v exceeded; shutting down", driver.recoveryTimeout)
driver.shutdown(driver.context(), nil, nil)
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) registered(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring registration message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver registered")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.ExecutorRegisteredMessage)
slaveID := msg.GetSlaveId()
executorInfo := msg.GetExecutorInfo()
frameworkInfo := msg.GetFrameworkInfo()
slaveInfo := msg.GetSlaveInfo()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring registered message from slave %v, because the driver is stopped!\n", slaveID)
log.Infof("Registered on slave %v\n", slaveID)
driver.connected = true
driver.connection = uuid.NewUUID()
driver.cond.Broadcast() // useful for testing
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Registered(driver, executorInfo, frameworkInfo, slaveInfo) })
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) reregistered(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring reregistration message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver reregistered")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.ExecutorReregisteredMessage)
slaveID := msg.GetSlaveId()
slaveInfo := msg.GetSlaveInfo()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring re-registered message from slave %v, because the driver is stopped!\n", slaveID)
log.Infof("Re-registered on slave %v\n", slaveID)
driver.connected = true
driver.connection = uuid.NewUUID()
driver.cond.Broadcast() // useful for testing
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Reregistered(driver, slaveInfo) })
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) send(ctx context.Context, upid *upid.UPID, msg proto.Message) error {
c := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { c <- driver.messenger.Send(ctx, upid, msg) }()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
<-c // wait for Send(...)
return ctx.Err()
case err := <-c:
return err
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) reconnect(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring reconnect message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver reconnect")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.ReconnectExecutorMessage)
slaveID := msg.GetSlaveId()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring reconnect message from slave %v, because the driver is stopped!\n", slaveID)
log.Infof("Received reconnect request from slave %v\n", slaveID)
driver.slaveUPID = from
message := &mesosproto.ReregisterExecutorMessage{
ExecutorId: driver.executorID,
FrameworkId: driver.frameworkID,
// Send all unacknowledged updates.
for _, u := range driver.updates {
message.Updates = append(message.Updates, u)
// Send all unacknowledged tasks.
for _, t := range driver.tasks {
message.Tasks = append(message.Tasks, t)
// Send the message.
if err := driver.send(ctx, driver.slaveUPID, message); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to send %v: %v\n", message, err)
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) runTask(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring runTask message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver runTask")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.RunTaskMessage)
task := msg.GetTask()
taskID := task.GetTaskId()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring run task message for task %v because the driver is stopped!\n", taskID)
if _, ok := driver.tasks[taskID.String()]; ok {
log.Fatalf("Unexpected duplicate task %v\n", taskID)
log.Infof("Executor asked to run task '%v'\n", taskID)
driver.tasks[taskID.String()] = task
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.LaunchTask(driver, task) })
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) killTask(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring killTask message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver killTask")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.KillTaskMessage)
taskID := msg.GetTaskId()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring kill task message for task %v, because the driver is stopped!\n", taskID)
log.Infof("Executor driver is asked to kill task '%v'\n", taskID)
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.KillTask(driver, taskID) })
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) statusUpdateAcknowledgement(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring status update ack message because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor statusUpdateAcknowledgement")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.StatusUpdateAcknowledgementMessage)
log.Infof("Receiving status update acknowledgement %v", msg)
frameworkID := msg.GetFrameworkId()
taskID := msg.GetTaskId()
uuid := uuid.UUID(msg.GetUuid())
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring status update acknowledgement %v for task %v of framework %v because the driver is stopped!\n",
uuid, taskID, frameworkID)
// Remove the corresponding update.
delete(driver.updates, uuid.String())
// Remove the corresponding task.
delete(driver.tasks, taskID.String())
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) frameworkMessage(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring frameworkMessage message from slave because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver received frameworkMessage")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.FrameworkToExecutorMessage)
data := msg.GetData()
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring framework message because the driver is stopped!\n")
log.Infof("Executor driver receives framework message\n")
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.FrameworkMessage(driver, string(data)) })
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) shutdown(_ context.Context, _ *upid.UPID, _ proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring shutdown message because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver received shutdown")
if driver.stopped() {
log.Infof("Ignoring shutdown message because the driver is stopped!\n")
log.Infof("Executor driver is asked to shutdown\n")
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Shutdown(driver) })
// driver.stop() will cause process to eventually stop.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) frameworkError(_ context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
if driver.status == mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED {
log.V(1).Infof("ignoring framework error message because aborted")
log.Infoln("Executor driver received error")
msg := pbMsg.(*mesosproto.FrameworkErrorMessage)
driver.withExecutor(func(e Executor) { e.Error(driver, msg.GetMessage()) })
// ------------------------ Driver Implementation ----------------- //
// Start starts the executor driver
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Start() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.start()
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) start() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
log.Infoln("Starting the executor driver")
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_NOT_STARTED {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Start, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_NOT_STARTED, driver.status)
// Start the messenger.
if err := driver.messenger.Start(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to start executor: %v\n", err)
return driver.status, err
pid := driver.messenger.UPID()
driver.self = &pid
// Register with slave.
log.V(3).Infoln("Sending Executor registration")
message := &mesosproto.RegisterExecutorMessage{
FrameworkId: driver.frameworkID,
ExecutorId: driver.executorID,
if err := driver.send(driver.context(), driver.slaveUPID, message); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Stopping the executor, failed to send %v: %v\n", message, err)
err0 := driver._stop(driver.status)
if err0 != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to stop executor: %v\n", err)
return driver.status, err0
return driver.status, err
driver.status = mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING
log.Infoln("Mesos executor is started with PID=", driver.self.String())
return driver.status, nil
// Stop stops the driver by sending a 'stopEvent' to the event loop, and
// receives the result from the response channel.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Stop() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.stop()
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) stop() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
log.Infoln("Stopping the executor driver")
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Stop, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
return mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_STOPPED, driver._stop(mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_STOPPED)
// internal function for stopping the driver and set reason for stopping
// Note that messages inflight or queued will not be processed.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) _stop(stopStatus mesosproto.Status) error {
err := driver.messenger.Stop()
defer func() {
select {
case <-driver.stopCh:
// already closed
driver.status = stopStatus
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Abort aborts the driver by sending an 'abortEvent' to the event loop, and
// receives the result from the response channel.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Abort() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.abort()
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) abort() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Stop, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
log.Infoln("Aborting the executor driver")
return mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED, driver._stop(mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED)
// Join waits for the driver by sending a 'joinEvent' to the event loop, and wait
// on a channel for the notification of driver termination.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Join() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.join()
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) join() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
log.Infoln("Waiting for the executor driver to stop")
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Join, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
for {
select {
case <-driver.stopCh: // wait for stop signal
return driver.status, nil
// Run starts the driver and calls Join() to wait for stop request.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) Run() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.run()
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) run() (mesosproto.Status, error) {
stat, err := driver.start()
if err != nil {
return driver.stop()
if stat != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return stat, fmt.Errorf("Unable to continue to Run, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
return driver.join()
// SendStatusUpdate sends status updates to the slave.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) SendStatusUpdate(taskStatus *mesosproto.TaskStatus) (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.sendStatusUpdate(taskStatus)
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) sendStatusUpdate(taskStatus *mesosproto.TaskStatus) (mesosproto.Status, error) {
log.V(3).Infoln("Sending task status update: ", taskStatus.String())
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to SendStatusUpdate, expecting driver.status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
if taskStatus.GetState() == mesosproto.TaskState_TASK_STAGING {
err := fmt.Errorf("Executor is not allowed to send TASK_STAGING status update. Aborting!")
if err0 := driver._stop(mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_ABORTED); err0 != nil {
log.Errorln("Error while stopping the driver", err0)
return driver.status, err
// Set up status update.
update := driver.makeStatusUpdate(taskStatus)
log.Infof("Executor sending status update %v\n", update.String())
// Capture the status update.
driver.updates[uuid.UUID(update.GetUuid()).String()] = update
// Put the status update in the message.
message := &mesosproto.StatusUpdateMessage{
Update: update,
Pid: proto.String(driver.self.String()),
// Send the message.
if err := driver.send(driver.context(), driver.slaveUPID, message); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to send %v: %v\n", message, err)
return driver.status, err
return driver.status, nil
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) makeStatusUpdate(taskStatus *mesosproto.TaskStatus) *mesosproto.StatusUpdate {
now := float64(time.Now().Unix())
// Fill in all the fields.
taskStatus.Timestamp = proto.Float64(now)
taskStatus.SlaveId = driver.slaveID
update := &mesosproto.StatusUpdate{
FrameworkId: driver.frameworkID,
ExecutorId: driver.executorID,
SlaveId: driver.slaveID,
Status: taskStatus,
Timestamp: proto.Float64(now),
Uuid: uuid.NewUUID(),
return update
// SendFrameworkMessage sends the framework message by sending a 'sendFrameworkMessageEvent'
// to the event loop, and receives the result from the response channel.
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) SendFrameworkMessage(data string) (mesosproto.Status, error) {
defer driver.lock.Unlock()
return driver.sendFrameworkMessage(data)
func (driver *MesosExecutorDriver) sendFrameworkMessage(data string) (mesosproto.Status, error) {
log.V(3).Infoln("Sending framework message", string(data))
if driver.status != mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING {
return driver.status, fmt.Errorf("Unable to SendFrameworkMessage, expecting status %s, but got %s", mesosproto.Status_DRIVER_RUNNING, driver.status)
message := &mesosproto.ExecutorToFrameworkMessage{
SlaveId: driver.slaveID,
FrameworkId: driver.frameworkID,
ExecutorId: driver.executorID,
Data: []byte(data),
// Send the message.
if err := driver.send(driver.context(), driver.slaveUPID, message); err != nil {
log.Errorln("Failed to send message %v: %v", message, err)
return driver.status, err
return driver.status, nil