2020-03-26 21:07:15 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package apply
import (
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2020-03-26 21:07:15 +00:00
oapi "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/util/proto"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util"
const (
// maxPatchRetry is the maximum number of conflicts retry for during a patch operation before returning failure
maxPatchRetry = 5
// backOffPeriod is the period to back off when apply patch results in error.
backOffPeriod = 1 * time . Second
// how many times we can retry before back off
triesBeforeBackOff = 1
// Patcher defines options to patch OpenAPI objects.
type Patcher struct {
2020-08-10 17:43:49 +00:00
Mapping * meta . RESTMapping
Helper * resource . Helper
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Overwrite bool
BackOff clockwork . Clock
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
Force bool
CascadingStrategy metav1 . DeletionPropagation
Timeout time . Duration
GracePeriod int
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// If set, forces the patch against a specific resourceVersion
ResourceVersion * string
// Number of retries to make if the patch fails with conflict
Retries int
OpenapiSchema openapi . Resources
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func newPatcher ( o * ApplyOptions , info * resource . Info , helper * resource . Helper ) ( * Patcher , error ) {
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var openapiSchema openapi . Resources
if o . OpenAPIPatch {
openapiSchema = o . OpenAPISchema
return & Patcher {
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Mapping : info . Mapping ,
Helper : helper ,
Overwrite : o . Overwrite ,
BackOff : clockwork . NewRealClock ( ) ,
Force : o . DeleteOptions . ForceDeletion ,
CascadingStrategy : o . DeleteOptions . CascadingStrategy ,
Timeout : o . DeleteOptions . Timeout ,
GracePeriod : o . DeleteOptions . GracePeriod ,
OpenapiSchema : openapiSchema ,
Retries : maxPatchRetry ,
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} , nil
func ( p * Patcher ) delete ( namespace , name string ) error {
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options := asDeleteOptions ( p . CascadingStrategy , p . GracePeriod )
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_ , err := p . Helper . DeleteWithOptions ( namespace , name , & options )
return err
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func ( p * Patcher ) patchSimple ( obj runtime . Object , modified [ ] byte , source , namespace , name string , errOut io . Writer ) ( [ ] byte , runtime . Object , error ) {
// Serialize the current configuration of the object from the server.
current , err := runtime . Encode ( unstructured . UnstructuredJSONScheme , obj )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( "serializing current configuration from:\n%v\nfor:" , obj ) , source , err )
// Retrieve the original configuration of the object from the annotation.
original , err := util . GetOriginalConfiguration ( obj )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( "retrieving original configuration from:\n%v\nfor:" , obj ) , source , err )
var patchType types . PatchType
var patch [ ] byte
var lookupPatchMeta strategicpatch . LookupPatchMeta
var schema oapi . Schema
createPatchErrFormat := "creating patch with:\noriginal:\n%s\nmodified:\n%s\ncurrent:\n%s\nfor:"
// Create the versioned struct from the type defined in the restmapping
// (which is the API version we'll be submitting the patch to)
versionedObject , err := scheme . Scheme . New ( p . Mapping . GroupVersionKind )
switch {
case runtime . IsNotRegisteredError ( err ) :
// fall back to generic JSON merge patch
patchType = types . MergePatchType
preconditions := [ ] mergepatch . PreconditionFunc { mergepatch . RequireKeyUnchanged ( "apiVersion" ) ,
mergepatch . RequireKeyUnchanged ( "kind" ) , mergepatch . RequireMetadataKeyUnchanged ( "name" ) }
patch , err = jsonmergepatch . CreateThreeWayJSONMergePatch ( original , modified , current , preconditions ... )
if err != nil {
if mergepatch . IsPreconditionFailed ( err ) {
return nil , nil , fmt . Errorf ( "%s" , "At least one of apiVersion, kind and name was changed" )
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( createPatchErrFormat , original , modified , current ) , source , err )
case err != nil :
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( "getting instance of versioned object for %v:" , p . Mapping . GroupVersionKind ) , source , err )
case err == nil :
// Compute a three way strategic merge patch to send to server.
patchType = types . StrategicMergePatchType
// Try to use openapi first if the openapi spec is available and can successfully calculate the patch.
// Otherwise, fall back to baked-in types.
if p . OpenapiSchema != nil {
if schema = p . OpenapiSchema . LookupResource ( p . Mapping . GroupVersionKind ) ; schema != nil {
lookupPatchMeta = strategicpatch . PatchMetaFromOpenAPI { Schema : schema }
if openapiPatch , err := strategicpatch . CreateThreeWayMergePatch ( original , modified , current , lookupPatchMeta , p . Overwrite ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Fprintf ( errOut , "warning: error calculating patch from openapi spec: %v\n" , err )
} else {
patchType = types . StrategicMergePatchType
patch = openapiPatch
if patch == nil {
lookupPatchMeta , err = strategicpatch . NewPatchMetaFromStruct ( versionedObject )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( createPatchErrFormat , original , modified , current ) , source , err )
patch , err = strategicpatch . CreateThreeWayMergePatch ( original , modified , current , lookupPatchMeta , p . Overwrite )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( fmt . Sprintf ( createPatchErrFormat , original , modified , current ) , source , err )
if string ( patch ) == "{}" {
return patch , obj , nil
if p . ResourceVersion != nil {
patch , err = addResourceVersion ( patch , * p . ResourceVersion )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , cmdutil . AddSourceToErr ( "Failed to insert resourceVersion in patch" , source , err )
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patchedObj , err := p . Helper . Patch ( namespace , name , patchType , patch , nil )
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return patch , patchedObj , err
// Patch tries to patch an OpenAPI resource. On success, returns the merge patch as well
// the final patched object. On failure, returns an error.
func ( p * Patcher ) Patch ( current runtime . Object , modified [ ] byte , source , namespace , name string , errOut io . Writer ) ( [ ] byte , runtime . Object , error ) {
var getErr error
patchBytes , patchObject , err := p . patchSimple ( current , modified , source , namespace , name , errOut )
if p . Retries == 0 {
p . Retries = maxPatchRetry
for i := 1 ; i <= p . Retries && errors . IsConflict ( err ) ; i ++ {
if i > triesBeforeBackOff {
p . BackOff . Sleep ( backOffPeriod )
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current , getErr = p . Helper . Get ( namespace , name )
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if getErr != nil {
return nil , nil , getErr
patchBytes , patchObject , err = p . patchSimple ( current , modified , source , namespace , name , errOut )
if err != nil && ( errors . IsConflict ( err ) || errors . IsInvalid ( err ) ) && p . Force {
patchBytes , patchObject , err = p . deleteAndCreate ( current , modified , namespace , name )
return patchBytes , patchObject , err
func ( p * Patcher ) deleteAndCreate ( original runtime . Object , modified [ ] byte , namespace , name string ) ( [ ] byte , runtime . Object , error ) {
if err := p . delete ( namespace , name ) ; err != nil {
return modified , nil , err
// TODO: use wait
if err := wait . PollImmediate ( 1 * time . Second , p . Timeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
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if _ , err := p . Helper . Get ( namespace , name ) ; ! errors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
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return false , err
return true , nil
} ) ; err != nil {
return modified , nil , err
versionedObject , _ , err := unstructured . UnstructuredJSONScheme . Decode ( modified , nil , nil )
if err != nil {
return modified , nil , err
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createdObject , err := p . Helper . Create ( namespace , true , versionedObject )
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if err != nil {
// restore the original object if we fail to create the new one
// but still propagate and advertise error to user
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recreated , recreateErr := p . Helper . Create ( namespace , true , original )
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if recreateErr != nil {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "An error occurred force-replacing the existing object with the newly provided one:\n\n%v.\n\nAdditionally, an error occurred attempting to restore the original object:\n\n%v" , err , recreateErr )
} else {
createdObject = recreated
return modified , createdObject , err
func addResourceVersion ( patch [ ] byte , rv string ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
var patchMap map [ string ] interface { }
err := json . Unmarshal ( patch , & patchMap )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
u := unstructured . Unstructured { Object : patchMap }
a , err := meta . Accessor ( & u )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
a . SetResourceVersion ( rv )
return json . Marshal ( patchMap )