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// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package openapi
import (
// globalSchema contains global state information about the openapi
var globalSchema openapiData
// kubernetesOpenAPIVersion specifies which builtin kubernetes schema to use
var kubernetesOpenAPIVersion string
// customSchemaFile stores the custom OpenApi schema if it is provided
var customSchema []byte
// openapiData contains the parsed openapi state. this is in a struct rather than
// a list of vars so that it can be reset from tests.
type openapiData struct {
// schema holds the OpenAPI schema data
schema spec.Schema
// schemaForResourceType is a map of Resource types to their schemas
schemaByResourceType map[yaml.TypeMeta]*spec.Schema
// namespaceabilityByResourceType stores whether a given Resource type
// is namespaceable or not
namespaceabilityByResourceType map[yaml.TypeMeta]bool
// noUseBuiltInSchema stores whether we want to prevent using the built-n
// Kubernetes schema as part of the global schema
noUseBuiltInSchema bool
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// schemaInit stores whether or not we've parsed the schema already,
// so that we only reparse the when necessary (to speed up performance)
schemaInit bool
// ResourceSchema wraps the OpenAPI Schema.
type ResourceSchema struct {
// Schema is the OpenAPI schema for a Resource or field
Schema *spec.Schema
// IsEmpty returns true if the ResourceSchema is empty
func (rs *ResourceSchema) IsMissingOrNull() bool {
if rs == nil || rs.Schema == nil {
return true
return reflect.DeepEqual(*rs.Schema, spec.Schema{})
// SchemaForResourceType returns the Schema for the given Resource
// TODO(pwittrock): create a version of this function that will return a schema
// which can be used for duck-typed Resources -- e.g. contains common fields such
// as metadata, replicas and spec.template.spec
func SchemaForResourceType(t yaml.TypeMeta) *ResourceSchema {
rs, found := globalSchema.schemaByResourceType[t]
if !found {
return nil
return &ResourceSchema{Schema: rs}
// SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName is the conventional field name (JSON/YAML) containing
// supplementary OpenAPI definitions.
const SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName = "openAPI"
const Definitions = "definitions"
// AddSchemaFromFile reads the file at path and parses the OpenAPI definitions
// from the field "openAPI", also returns a function to clean the added definitions
// The returned clean function is a no-op on error, or else it's a function
// that the caller should use to remove the added openAPI definitions from
// global schema
func SchemaFromFile(path string) (*spec.Schema, error) {
object, err := parseOpenAPI(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return schemaUsingField(object, SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName)
// DefinitionRefs returns the list of openAPI definition references present in the
// input openAPIPath
func DefinitionRefs(openAPIPath string) ([]string, error) {
object, err := parseOpenAPI(openAPIPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return definitionRefsFromRNode(object)
// definitionRefsFromRNode returns the list of openAPI definitions keys from input
// yaml RNode
func definitionRefsFromRNode(object *yaml.RNode) ([]string, error) {
definitions, err := object.Pipe(yaml.Lookup(SupplementaryOpenAPIFieldName, Definitions))
if definitions == nil {
return nil, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return definitions.Fields()
// parseOpenAPI reads openAPIPath yaml and converts it to RNode
func parseOpenAPI(openAPIPath string) (*yaml.RNode, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(openAPIPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
object, err := yaml.Parse(string(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid file %q: %v", openAPIPath, err)
return object, nil
// addSchemaUsingField parses the OpenAPI definitions from the specified field.
// If field is the empty string, use the whole document as OpenAPI.
func schemaUsingField(object *yaml.RNode, field string) (*spec.Schema, error) {
if field != "" {
// get the field containing the openAPI
m := object.Field(field)
if m.IsNilOrEmpty() {
// doesn't contain openAPI definitions
return nil, nil
object = m.Value
oAPI, err := object.String()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// convert the yaml openAPI to a JSON string by unmarshalling it to an
// interface{} and the marshalling it to a string
var o interface{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(oAPI), &o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
j, err := json.Marshal(o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sc spec.Schema
err = sc.UnmarshalJSON(j)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &sc, nil
// AddSchema parses s, and adds definitions from s to the global schema.
func AddSchema(s []byte) error {
return parse(s)
// ResetOpenAPI resets the openapi data to empty
func ResetOpenAPI() {
globalSchema = openapiData{}
// AddDefinitions adds the definitions to the global schema.
func AddDefinitions(definitions spec.Definitions) {
// initialize values if they have not yet been set
if globalSchema.schemaByResourceType == nil {
globalSchema.schemaByResourceType = map[yaml.TypeMeta]*spec.Schema{}
if globalSchema.schema.Definitions == nil {
globalSchema.schema.Definitions = spec.Definitions{}
// index the schema definitions so we can lookup them up for Resources
for k := range definitions {
// index by GVK, if no GVK is found then it is the schema for a subfield
// of a Resource
d := definitions[k]
// copy definitions to the schema
globalSchema.schema.Definitions[k] = d
gvk, found := d.VendorExtensible.Extensions[kubernetesGVKExtensionKey]
if !found {
// cast the extension to a []map[string]string
exts, ok := gvk.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(exts) != 1 {
typeMeta, ok := toTypeMeta(exts[0])
if !ok {
globalSchema.schemaByResourceType[typeMeta] = &d
func toTypeMeta(ext interface{}) (yaml.TypeMeta, bool) {
m, ok := ext.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return yaml.TypeMeta{}, false
g := m[groupKey].(string)
apiVersion := m[versionKey].(string)
if g != "" {
apiVersion = g + "/" + apiVersion
return yaml.TypeMeta{Kind: m[kindKey].(string), APIVersion: apiVersion}, true
// Resolve resolves the reference against the global schema
func Resolve(ref *spec.Ref, schema *spec.Schema) (*spec.Schema, error) {
return resolve(schema, ref)
// Schema returns the global schema
func Schema() *spec.Schema {
return rootSchema()
// GetSchema parses s into a ResourceSchema, resolving References within the
// global schema.
func GetSchema(s string, schema *spec.Schema) (*ResourceSchema, error) {
var sc spec.Schema
if err := sc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(s)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err)
if sc.Ref.String() != "" {
r, err := Resolve(&sc.Ref, schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err)
sc = *r
return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &sc}, nil
// IsNamespaceScoped determines whether a resource is namespace or
// cluster-scoped by looking at the information in the openapi schema.
// The second return value tells whether the provided type could be found
// in the openapi schema. If the value is false here, the scope of the
// resource is not known. If the type if found, the first return value will
// be true if the resource is namespace-scoped, and false if the type is
// cluster-scoped.
func IsNamespaceScoped(typeMeta yaml.TypeMeta) (bool, bool) {
isNamespaceScoped, found := globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta]
return isNamespaceScoped, found
// SuppressBuiltInSchemaUse can be called to prevent using the built-in Kubernetes
// schema as part of the global schema.
// Must be called before the schema is used.
func SuppressBuiltInSchemaUse() {
globalSchema.noUseBuiltInSchema = true
// Elements returns the Schema for the elements of an array.
func (rs *ResourceSchema) Elements() *ResourceSchema {
// load the schema from swagger.json
if len(rs.Schema.Type) != 1 || rs.Schema.Type[0] != "array" {
// either not an array, or array has multiple types
return nil
if rs == nil || rs.Schema == nil || rs.Schema.Items == nil {
// no-scheme for the items
return nil
s := *rs.Schema.Items.Schema
for s.Ref.String() != "" {
sc, e := Resolve(&s.Ref, Schema())
if e != nil {
return nil
s = *sc
return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &s}
const Elements = "[]"
// Lookup calls either Field or Elements for each item in the path.
// If the path item is "[]", then Elements is called, otherwise
// Field is called.
// If any Field or Elements call returns nil, then Lookup returns
// nil immediately.
func (rs *ResourceSchema) Lookup(path ...string) *ResourceSchema {
s := rs
for _, p := range path {
if s == nil {
if p == Elements {
s = s.Elements()
s = s.Field(p)
return s
// Field returns the Schema for a field.
func (rs *ResourceSchema) Field(field string) *ResourceSchema {
// load the schema from swagger.json
// locate the Schema
s, found := rs.Schema.Properties[field]
switch {
case found:
// no-op, continue with s as the schema
case rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties != nil && rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema != nil:
// map field type -- use Schema of the value
// (the key doesn't matter, they all have the same value type)
s = *rs.Schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema
// no Schema found from either swagger.json or line comments
return nil
// resolve the reference to the Schema if the Schema has one
for s.Ref.String() != "" {
sc, e := Resolve(&s.Ref, Schema())
if e != nil {
return nil
s = *sc
// return the merged Schema
return &ResourceSchema{Schema: &s}
// PatchStrategyAndKeyList returns the patch strategy and complete merge key list
func (rs *ResourceSchema) PatchStrategyAndKeyList() (string, []string) {
ps, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey]
if !found {
// empty patch strategy
return "", []string{}
mkList, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyMapList]
if found {
// mkList is []interface, convert to []string
mkListStr := make([]string, len(mkList.([]interface{})))
for i, v := range mkList.([]interface{}) {
mkListStr[i] = v.(string)
return ps.(string), mkListStr
mk, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey]
if !found {
// no mergeKey -- may be a primitive associative list (e.g. finalizers)
return ps.(string), []string{}
return ps.(string), []string{mk.(string)}
// PatchStrategyAndKey returns the patch strategy and merge key extensions
func (rs *ResourceSchema) PatchStrategyAndKey() (string, string) {
ps, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey]
if !found {
// empty patch strategy
return "", ""
mk, found := rs.Schema.Extensions[kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey]
if !found {
// no mergeKey -- may be a primitive associative list (e.g. finalizers)
mk = ""
return ps.(string), mk.(string)
const (
// kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion is the latest version number of the statically compiled in
// OpenAPI schema for kubernetes built-in types
kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion = kubernetesapi.DefaultOpenAPI
// kustomizationAPIAssetName is the name of the asset containing the statically compiled in
// OpenAPI definitions for Kustomization built-in types
kustomizationAPIAssetName = "kustomizationapi/swagger.json"
// kubernetesGVKExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes group version kind extension
// -- the extension is an array of objects containing a gvk
kubernetesGVKExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-group-version-kind"
// kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes merge key extension
// -- the extension is a string
kubernetesMergeKeyExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key"
// kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey is the key to lookup the kubernetes patch strategy
// extension -- the extension is a string
kubernetesPatchStrategyExtensionKey = "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy"
// kubernetesMergeKeyMapList is the list of merge keys when there needs to be multiple
// -- the extension is an array of strings
kubernetesMergeKeyMapList = "x-kubernetes-list-map-keys"
// groupKey is the key to lookup the group from the GVK extension
groupKey = "group"
// versionKey is the key to lookup the version from the GVK extension
versionKey = "version"
// kindKey is the the to lookup the kind from the GVK extension
kindKey = "kind"
// SetSchema sets the kubernetes OpenAPI schema version to use
func SetSchema(openAPIField map[string]string, schema []byte, reset bool) error {
// this should only be set once
schemaIsSet := (kubernetesOpenAPIVersion != "") || customSchema != nil
if schemaIsSet && !reset {
return nil
version, exists := openAPIField["version"]
if exists && schema != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("builtin version and custom schema provided, cannot use both")
if schema != nil { // use custom schema
customSchema = schema
kubernetesOpenAPIVersion = "custom"
return nil
// use builtin version
kubernetesOpenAPIVersion = strings.ReplaceAll(version, ".", "")
if kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" {
return nil
if _, ok := kubernetesapi.OpenAPIMustAsset[kubernetesOpenAPIVersion]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("the specified OpenAPI version is not built in")
customSchema = nil
return nil
// GetSchemaVersion returns what kubernetes OpenAPI version is being used
func GetSchemaVersion() string {
switch {
case kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" && customSchema == nil:
return kubernetesOpenAPIDefaultVersion
case customSchema != nil:
return "using custom schema from file provided"
return kubernetesOpenAPIVersion
// initSchema parses the json schema
func initSchema() {
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if globalSchema.schemaInit {
globalSchema.schemaInit = true
if customSchema != nil {
err := parse(customSchema)
if err != nil {
panic("invalid schema file")
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if err = parse(kustomizationapi.MustAsset(kustomizationAPIAssetName)); err != nil {
// this should never happen
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if kubernetesOpenAPIVersion == "" {
} else {
// parseBuiltinSchema calls parse to parse the json schemas
func parseBuiltinSchema(version string) {
if globalSchema.noUseBuiltInSchema {
// don't parse the built in schema
// parse the swagger, this should never fail
assetName := filepath.Join(
if err := parse(kubernetesapi.OpenAPIMustAsset[version](assetName)); err != nil {
// this should never happen
if err := parse(kustomizationapi.MustAsset(kustomizationAPIAssetName)); err != nil {
// this should never happen
// parse parses and indexes a single json schema
func parse(b []byte) error {
var swagger spec.Swagger
if err := swagger.UnmarshalJSON(b); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err)
return nil
// findNamespaceability looks at the api paths for the resource to determine
// if it is cluster-scoped or namespace-scoped. The gvk of the resource
// for each path is found by looking at the x-kubernetes-group-version-kind
// extension. If a path exists for the resource that contains a namespace path
// parameter, the resource is namespace-scoped.
func findNamespaceability(paths *spec.Paths) {
if globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType == nil {
globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType = make(map[yaml.TypeMeta]bool)
if paths == nil {
for path, pathInfo := range paths.Paths {
if pathInfo.Get == nil {
gvk, found := pathInfo.Get.VendorExtensible.Extensions[kubernetesGVKExtensionKey]
if !found {
typeMeta, found := toTypeMeta(gvk)
if !found {
if strings.Contains(path, "namespaces/{namespace}") {
// if we find a namespace path parameter, we just update the map
// directly
globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta] = true
} else if _, found := globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta]; !found {
// if the resource doesn't have the namespace path parameter, we
// only add it to the map if it doesn't already exist.
globalSchema.namespaceabilityByResourceType[typeMeta] = false
func resolve(root interface{}, ref *spec.Ref) (*spec.Schema, error) {
res, _, err := ref.GetPointer().Get(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err)
switch sch := res.(type) {
case spec.Schema:
return &sch, nil
case *spec.Schema:
return sch, nil
case map[string]interface{}:
b, err := json.Marshal(sch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newSch := new(spec.Schema)
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, newSch); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newSch, nil
return nil, errors.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("unknown type for the resolved reference"))
func rootSchema() *spec.Schema {
return &globalSchema.schema