By default, the Kubernetes UI is deployed as a cluster addon. To access it, visit `https://<kubernetes-master>/ui`, which redirects to `https://<kubernetes-master>/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-ui/#/dashboard/`.
If you find that you're not able to access the UI, it may be because the kube-ui service has not been started on your cluster. In that case, you can start it manually with:
Normally, this should be taken care of automatically by the [``]( script that runs on the master.
The Kubernetes UI can be used to introspect your current cluster, such as checking how resources are used, or looking at error messages. You cannot, however, use the UI to modify your cluster.
After accessing Kubernetes UI, you'll see a homepage dynamically listing out all nodes in your current cluster, with related information including internal IP addresses, CPU usage, memory usage, and file systems usage.
Click on the "Views" button in the top-right of the page to see other views available, which include: Explore, Pods, Nodes, Replication Controllers, Services, and Events.
Other views (Pods, Nodes, Replication Controllers, Services, and Events) simply list information about each type of resource. You can also click on any instance for more details.