2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
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* /
package proxy
import (
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utilnet "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
2020-08-10 17:43:49 +00:00
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
// UpgradeRequestRoundTripper provides an additional method to decorate a request
// with any authentication or other protocol level information prior to performing
// an upgrade on the server. Any response will be handled by the intercepting
// proxy.
type UpgradeRequestRoundTripper interface {
http . RoundTripper
// WrapRequest takes a valid HTTP request and returns a suitably altered version
// of request with any HTTP level values required to complete the request half of
// an upgrade on the server. It does not get a chance to see the response and
// should bypass any request side logic that expects to see the response.
WrapRequest ( * http . Request ) ( * http . Request , error )
// UpgradeAwareHandler is a handler for proxy requests that may require an upgrade
type UpgradeAwareHandler struct {
// UpgradeRequired will reject non-upgrade connections if true.
UpgradeRequired bool
// Location is the location of the upstream proxy. It is used as the location to Dial on the upstream server
// for upgrade requests unless UseRequestLocationOnUpgrade is true.
Location * url . URL
// Transport provides an optional round tripper to use to proxy. If nil, the default proxy transport is used
Transport http . RoundTripper
// UpgradeTransport, if specified, will be used as the backend transport when upgrade requests are provided.
// This allows clients to disable HTTP/2.
UpgradeTransport UpgradeRequestRoundTripper
// WrapTransport indicates whether the provided Transport should be wrapped with default proxy transport behavior (URL rewriting, X-Forwarded-* header setting)
WrapTransport bool
// InterceptRedirects determines whether the proxy should sniff backend responses for redirects,
// following them as necessary.
InterceptRedirects bool
// RequireSameHostRedirects only allows redirects to the same host. It is only used if InterceptRedirects=true.
RequireSameHostRedirects bool
// UseRequestLocation will use the incoming request URL when talking to the backend server.
UseRequestLocation bool
// FlushInterval controls how often the standard HTTP proxy will flush content from the upstream.
FlushInterval time . Duration
// MaxBytesPerSec controls the maximum rate for an upstream connection. No rate is imposed if the value is zero.
MaxBytesPerSec int64
// Responder is passed errors that occur while setting up proxying.
Responder ErrorResponder
const defaultFlushInterval = 200 * time . Millisecond
// ErrorResponder abstracts error reporting to the proxy handler to remove the need to hardcode a particular
// error format.
type ErrorResponder interface {
Error ( w http . ResponseWriter , req * http . Request , err error )
// SimpleErrorResponder is the legacy implementation of ErrorResponder for callers that only
// service a single request/response per proxy.
type SimpleErrorResponder interface {
Error ( err error )
func NewErrorResponder ( r SimpleErrorResponder ) ErrorResponder {
return simpleResponder { r }
type simpleResponder struct {
responder SimpleErrorResponder
func ( r simpleResponder ) Error ( w http . ResponseWriter , req * http . Request , err error ) {
r . responder . Error ( err )
// upgradeRequestRoundTripper implements proxy.UpgradeRequestRoundTripper.
type upgradeRequestRoundTripper struct {
http . RoundTripper
upgrader http . RoundTripper
var (
_ UpgradeRequestRoundTripper = & upgradeRequestRoundTripper { }
_ utilnet . RoundTripperWrapper = & upgradeRequestRoundTripper { }
// WrappedRoundTripper returns the round tripper that a caller would use.
func ( rt * upgradeRequestRoundTripper ) WrappedRoundTripper ( ) http . RoundTripper {
return rt . RoundTripper
// WriteToRequest calls the nested upgrader and then copies the returned request
// fields onto the passed request.
func ( rt * upgradeRequestRoundTripper ) WrapRequest ( req * http . Request ) ( * http . Request , error ) {
resp , err := rt . upgrader . RoundTrip ( req )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return resp . Request , nil
// onewayRoundTripper captures the provided request - which is assumed to have
// been modified by other round trippers - and then returns a fake response.
type onewayRoundTripper struct { }
// RoundTrip returns a simple 200 OK response that captures the provided request.
func ( onewayRoundTripper ) RoundTrip ( req * http . Request ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
return & http . Response {
Status : "200 OK" ,
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Body : ioutil . NopCloser ( & bytes . Buffer { } ) ,
Request : req ,
} , nil
// MirrorRequest is a round tripper that can be called to get back the calling request as
// the core round tripper in a chain.
var MirrorRequest http . RoundTripper = onewayRoundTripper { }
// NewUpgradeRequestRoundTripper takes two round trippers - one for the underlying TCP connection, and
// one that is able to write headers to an HTTP request. The request rt is used to set the request headers
// and that is written to the underlying connection rt.
func NewUpgradeRequestRoundTripper ( connection , request http . RoundTripper ) UpgradeRequestRoundTripper {
return & upgradeRequestRoundTripper {
RoundTripper : connection ,
upgrader : request ,
// normalizeLocation returns the result of parsing the full URL, with scheme set to http if missing
func normalizeLocation ( location * url . URL ) * url . URL {
normalized , _ := url . Parse ( location . String ( ) )
if len ( normalized . Scheme ) == 0 {
normalized . Scheme = "http"
return normalized
// NewUpgradeAwareHandler creates a new proxy handler with a default flush interval. Responder is required for returning
// errors to the caller.
func NewUpgradeAwareHandler ( location * url . URL , transport http . RoundTripper , wrapTransport , upgradeRequired bool , responder ErrorResponder ) * UpgradeAwareHandler {
return & UpgradeAwareHandler {
Location : normalizeLocation ( location ) ,
Transport : transport ,
WrapTransport : wrapTransport ,
UpgradeRequired : upgradeRequired ,
FlushInterval : defaultFlushInterval ,
Responder : responder ,
// ServeHTTP handles the proxy request
func ( h * UpgradeAwareHandler ) ServeHTTP ( w http . ResponseWriter , req * http . Request ) {
if h . tryUpgrade ( w , req ) {
if h . UpgradeRequired {
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , errors . NewBadRequest ( "Upgrade request required" ) )
loc := * h . Location
loc . RawQuery = req . URL . RawQuery
// If original request URL ended in '/', append a '/' at the end of the
// of the proxy URL
if ! strings . HasSuffix ( loc . Path , "/" ) && strings . HasSuffix ( req . URL . Path , "/" ) {
loc . Path += "/"
// From pkg/genericapiserver/endpoints/handlers/proxy.go#ServeHTTP:
// Redirect requests with an empty path to a location that ends with a '/'
// This is essentially a hack for http://issue.k8s.io/4958.
// Note: Keep this code after tryUpgrade to not break that flow.
if len ( loc . Path ) == 0 {
var queryPart string
if len ( req . URL . RawQuery ) > 0 {
queryPart = "?" + req . URL . RawQuery
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Location" , req . URL . Path + "/" + queryPart )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusMovedPermanently )
if h . Transport == nil || h . WrapTransport {
h . Transport = h . defaultProxyTransport ( req . URL , h . Transport )
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
// WithContext creates a shallow clone of the request with the same context.
newReq := req . WithContext ( req . Context ( ) )
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newReq . Header = utilnet . CloneHeader ( req . Header )
if ! h . UseRequestLocation {
newReq . URL = & loc
proxy := httputil . NewSingleHostReverseProxy ( & url . URL { Scheme : h . Location . Scheme , Host : h . Location . Host } )
proxy . Transport = h . Transport
proxy . FlushInterval = h . FlushInterval
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
proxy . ErrorLog = log . New ( noSuppressPanicError { } , "" , log . LstdFlags )
2020-08-10 17:43:49 +00:00
if h . Responder != nil {
// if an optional error interceptor/responder was provided wire it
// the custom responder might be used for providing a unified error reporting
// or supporting retry mechanisms by not sending non-fatal errors to the clients
proxy . ErrorHandler = h . Responder . Error
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
proxy . ServeHTTP ( w , newReq )
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2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
type noSuppressPanicError struct { }
func ( noSuppressPanicError ) Write ( p [ ] byte ) ( n int , err error ) {
// skip "suppressing panic for copyResponse error in test; copy error" error message
// that ends up in CI tests on each kube-apiserver termination as noise and
// everybody thinks this is fatal.
if strings . Contains ( string ( p ) , "suppressing panic" ) {
return len ( p ) , nil
return os . Stderr . Write ( p )
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
// tryUpgrade returns true if the request was handled.
func ( h * UpgradeAwareHandler ) tryUpgrade ( w http . ResponseWriter , req * http . Request ) bool {
if ! httpstream . IsUpgradeRequest ( req ) {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Request was not an upgrade" )
return false
var (
backendConn net . Conn
rawResponse [ ] byte
err error
location := * h . Location
if h . UseRequestLocation {
location = * req . URL
location . Scheme = h . Location . Scheme
location . Host = h . Location . Host
clone := utilnet . CloneRequest ( req )
// Only append X-Forwarded-For in the upgrade path, since httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy
// handles this in the non-upgrade path.
utilnet . AppendForwardedForHeader ( clone )
if h . InterceptRedirects {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Connecting to backend proxy (intercepting redirects) %s\n Headers: %v" , & location , clone . Header )
backendConn , rawResponse , err = utilnet . ConnectWithRedirects ( req . Method , & location , clone . Header , req . Body , utilnet . DialerFunc ( h . DialForUpgrade ) , h . RequireSameHostRedirects )
} else {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Connecting to backend proxy (direct dial) %s\n Headers: %v" , & location , clone . Header )
clone . URL = & location
backendConn , err = h . DialForUpgrade ( clone )
if err != nil {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Proxy connection error: %v" , err )
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , err )
return true
defer backendConn . Close ( )
// determine the http response code from the backend by reading from rawResponse+backendConn
backendHTTPResponse , headerBytes , err := getResponse ( io . MultiReader ( bytes . NewReader ( rawResponse ) , backendConn ) )
if err != nil {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Proxy connection error: %v" , err )
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , err )
return true
if len ( headerBytes ) > len ( rawResponse ) {
// we read beyond the bytes stored in rawResponse, update rawResponse to the full set of bytes read from the backend
rawResponse = headerBytes
2020-07-17 23:14:37 +00:00
// If the backend did not upgrade the request, return an error to the client. If the response was
// an error, the error is forwarded directly after the connection is hijacked. Otherwise, just
// return a generic error here.
if backendHTTPResponse . StatusCode != http . StatusSwitchingProtocols && backendHTTPResponse . StatusCode < 400 {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "invalid upgrade response: status code %d" , backendHTTPResponse . StatusCode )
klog . Errorf ( "Proxy upgrade error: %v" , err )
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , err )
return true
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
// Once the connection is hijacked, the ErrorResponder will no longer work, so
// hijacking should be the last step in the upgrade.
requestHijacker , ok := w . ( http . Hijacker )
if ! ok {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Unable to hijack response writer: %T" , w )
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , fmt . Errorf ( "request connection cannot be hijacked: %T" , w ) )
return true
requestHijackedConn , _ , err := requestHijacker . Hijack ( )
if err != nil {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Unable to hijack response: %v" , err )
h . Responder . Error ( w , req , fmt . Errorf ( "error hijacking connection: %v" , err ) )
return true
defer requestHijackedConn . Close ( )
if backendHTTPResponse . StatusCode != http . StatusSwitchingProtocols {
// If the backend did not upgrade the request, echo the response from the backend to the client and return, closing the connection.
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Proxy upgrade error, status code %d" , backendHTTPResponse . StatusCode )
// set read/write deadlines
deadline := time . Now ( ) . Add ( 10 * time . Second )
backendConn . SetReadDeadline ( deadline )
requestHijackedConn . SetWriteDeadline ( deadline )
// write the response to the client
err := backendHTTPResponse . Write ( requestHijackedConn )
if err != nil && ! strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "use of closed network connection" ) {
klog . Errorf ( "Error proxying data from backend to client: %v" , err )
// Indicate we handled the request
return true
// Forward raw response bytes back to client.
if len ( rawResponse ) > 0 {
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Writing %d bytes to hijacked connection" , len ( rawResponse ) )
if _ , err = requestHijackedConn . Write ( rawResponse ) ; err != nil {
utilruntime . HandleError ( fmt . Errorf ( "Error proxying response from backend to client: %v" , err ) )
// Proxy the connection. This is bidirectional, so we need a goroutine
// to copy in each direction. Once one side of the connection exits, we
// exit the function which performs cleanup and in the process closes
// the other half of the connection in the defer.
writerComplete := make ( chan struct { } )
readerComplete := make ( chan struct { } )
go func ( ) {
var writer io . WriteCloser
if h . MaxBytesPerSec > 0 {
writer = flowrate . NewWriter ( backendConn , h . MaxBytesPerSec )
} else {
writer = backendConn
_ , err := io . Copy ( writer , requestHijackedConn )
if err != nil && ! strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "use of closed network connection" ) {
klog . Errorf ( "Error proxying data from client to backend: %v" , err )
close ( writerComplete )
} ( )
go func ( ) {
var reader io . ReadCloser
if h . MaxBytesPerSec > 0 {
reader = flowrate . NewReader ( backendConn , h . MaxBytesPerSec )
} else {
reader = backendConn
_ , err := io . Copy ( requestHijackedConn , reader )
if err != nil && ! strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "use of closed network connection" ) {
klog . Errorf ( "Error proxying data from backend to client: %v" , err )
close ( readerComplete )
} ( )
// Wait for one half the connection to exit. Once it does the defer will
// clean up the other half of the connection.
select {
case <- writerComplete :
case <- readerComplete :
klog . V ( 6 ) . Infof ( "Disconnecting from backend proxy %s\n Headers: %v" , & location , clone . Header )
return true
func ( h * UpgradeAwareHandler ) DialForUpgrade ( req * http . Request ) ( net . Conn , error ) {
if h . UpgradeTransport == nil {
return dial ( req , h . Transport )
updatedReq , err := h . UpgradeTransport . WrapRequest ( req )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return dial ( updatedReq , h . UpgradeTransport )
// getResponseCode reads a http response from the given reader, returns the response,
// the bytes read from the reader, and any error encountered
func getResponse ( r io . Reader ) ( * http . Response , [ ] byte , error ) {
rawResponse := bytes . NewBuffer ( make ( [ ] byte , 0 , 256 ) )
// Save the bytes read while reading the response headers into the rawResponse buffer
resp , err := http . ReadResponse ( bufio . NewReader ( io . TeeReader ( r , rawResponse ) ) , nil )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
// return the http response and the raw bytes consumed from the reader in the process
return resp , rawResponse . Bytes ( ) , nil
// dial dials the backend at req.URL and writes req to it.
func dial ( req * http . Request , transport http . RoundTripper ) ( net . Conn , error ) {
2020-03-26 21:07:15 +00:00
conn , err := dialURL ( req . Context ( ) , req . URL , transport )
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if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "error dialing backend: %v" , err )
if err = req . Write ( conn ) ; err != nil {
conn . Close ( )
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "error sending request: %v" , err )
return conn , err
func ( h * UpgradeAwareHandler ) defaultProxyTransport ( url * url . URL , internalTransport http . RoundTripper ) http . RoundTripper {
scheme := url . Scheme
host := url . Host
suffix := h . Location . Path
if strings . HasSuffix ( url . Path , "/" ) && ! strings . HasSuffix ( suffix , "/" ) {
suffix += "/"
pathPrepend := strings . TrimSuffix ( url . Path , suffix )
rewritingTransport := & Transport {
Scheme : scheme ,
Host : host ,
PathPrepend : pathPrepend ,
RoundTripper : internalTransport ,
return & corsRemovingTransport {
RoundTripper : rewritingTransport ,
// corsRemovingTransport is a wrapper for an internal transport. It removes CORS headers
// from the internal response.
// Implements pkg/util/net.RoundTripperWrapper
type corsRemovingTransport struct {
http . RoundTripper
var _ = utilnet . RoundTripperWrapper ( & corsRemovingTransport { } )
func ( rt * corsRemovingTransport ) RoundTrip ( req * http . Request ) ( * http . Response , error ) {
resp , err := rt . RoundTripper . RoundTrip ( req )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
removeCORSHeaders ( resp )
return resp , nil
func ( rt * corsRemovingTransport ) WrappedRoundTripper ( ) http . RoundTripper {
return rt . RoundTripper
// removeCORSHeaders strip CORS headers sent from the backend
// This should be called on all responses before returning
func removeCORSHeaders ( resp * http . Response ) {
resp . Header . Del ( "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" )
resp . Header . Del ( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" )
resp . Header . Del ( "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" )
resp . Header . Del ( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" )