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2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
2017-06-22 18:24:23 +00:00
rbacv1beta1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1beta1"
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
type localTestConfig struct {
ns string
nodes *v1.NodeList
node0 *v1.Node
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
client clientset.Interface
scName string
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
type localTestVolume struct {
// Node that the volume is on
node *v1.Node
// Path to the volume on the host node
hostDir string
// PVC for this volume
pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
// PV for this volume
pv *v1.PersistentVolume
const (
// TODO: This may not be available/writable on all images.
hostBase = "/tmp"
containerBase = "/myvol"
// 'hostBase + discoveryDir' is the path for volume discovery.
discoveryDir = "disks"
// Path to the first volume in the test containers
// created via createLocalPod or makeLocalPod
// leveraging pv_util.MakePod
volumeDir = "/mnt/volume1"
// testFile created in setupLocalVolume
testFile = "test-file"
// testFileContent written into testFile
testFileContent = "test-file-content"
testSCPrefix = "local-volume-test-storageclass"
// Following are constants used for provisioner e2e tests.
// testServiceAccount is the service account for bootstrapper
testServiceAccount = "local-storage-bootstrapper"
// testRoleBinding is the cluster-admin rolebinding for bootstrapper
testRoleBinding = "local-storage:bootstrapper"
// volumeConfigName is the configmap passed to bootstrapper and provisioner
volumeConfigName = "local-volume-config"
// bootstrapper and provisioner images used for e2e tests
bootstrapperImageName = "quay.io/external_storage/local-volume-provisioner-bootstrap:v1.0.0"
provisionerImageName = "quay.io/external_storage/local-volume-provisioner:v1.0.0"
// provisioner daemonSetName name, must match the one defined in bootstrapper
daemonSetName = "local-volume-provisioner"
// provisioner node/pv cluster role binding, must match the one defined in bootstrapper
nodeBindingName = "local-storage:provisioner-node-binding"
pvBindingName = "local-storage:provisioner-pv-binding"
// A sample request size
testRequestSize = "10Mi"
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
2017-07-12 01:49:25 +00:00
var _ = SIGDescribe("PersistentVolumes-local [Feature:LocalPersistentVolumes] [Serial]", func() {
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("persistent-local-volumes-test")
var (
config *localTestConfig
node0 *v1.Node
scName string
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
BeforeEach(func() {
// Get all the schedulable nodes
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.ClientSet)
Expect(len(nodes.Items)).NotTo(BeZero(), "No available nodes for scheduling")
scName = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", testSCPrefix, f.Namespace.Name)
// Choose the first node
node0 = &nodes.Items[0]
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
config = &localTestConfig{
ns: f.Namespace.Name,
client: f.ClientSet,
nodes: nodes,
node0: node0,
scName: scName,
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
Context("when one pod requests one prebound PVC", func() {
var testVol *localTestVolume
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
BeforeEach(func() {
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, node0)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
AfterEach(func() {
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
It("should be able to mount and read from the volume using one-command containers", func() {
By("Creating a pod to read from the PV")
//testFileContent was written during setupLocalVolume
_, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, "" /*writeTestFileContent*/)
podSpec := makeLocalPod(config, testVol, readCmd)
f.TestContainerOutput("pod reads PV", podSpec, 0, []string{testFileContent})
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
It("should be able to mount and write to the volume using one-command containers", func() {
By("Creating a pod to write to the PV")
writeCmd, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, testVol.hostDir /*writeTestFileContent*/)
writeThenReadCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s", writeCmd, readCmd)
podSpec := makeLocalPod(config, testVol, writeThenReadCmd)
f.TestContainerOutput("pod writes to PV", podSpec, 0, []string{testVol.hostDir})
It("should be able to mount volume and read from pod1", func() {
By("Creating pod1")
pod1, pod1Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
pod1NodeName, pod1NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod1)
framework.Logf("pod1 %q created on Node %q", pod1.Name, pod1NodeName)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
By("Reading in pod1")
// testFileContent was written during setupLocalVolume
_, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, "" /*writeTestFileContent*/)
readOut := podRWCmdExec(pod1, readCmd)
Expect(readOut).To(ContainSubstring(testFileContent)) /*aka writeTestFileContents*/
By("Deleting pod1")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod1.Name)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
It("should be able to mount volume and write from pod1", func() {
By("Creating pod1")
pod1, pod1Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
pod1NodeName, pod1NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod1)
framework.Logf("pod1 %q created on Node %q", pod1.Name, pod1NodeName)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
By("Writing in pod1")
writeCmd, _ := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, testVol.hostDir /*writeTestFileContent*/)
podRWCmdExec(pod1, writeCmd)
By("Deleting pod1")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod1.Name)
Context("when two pods request one prebound PVC one after other", func() {
var testVol *localTestVolume
BeforeEach(func() {
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, node0)
AfterEach(func() {
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
It("should be able to mount volume, write from pod1, and read from pod2 using one-command containers", func() {
By("Creating pod1 to write to the PV")
writeCmd, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, testVol.hostDir /*writeTestFileContent*/)
writeThenReadCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s", writeCmd, readCmd)
podSpec1 := makeLocalPod(config, testVol, writeThenReadCmd)
f.TestContainerOutput("pod writes to PV", podSpec1, 0, []string{testVol.hostDir})
By("Creating pod2 to read from the PV")
podSpec2 := makeLocalPod(config, testVol, readCmd)
f.TestContainerOutput("pod reads PV", podSpec2, 0, []string{testVol.hostDir})
It("should be able to mount volume in two pods one after other, write from pod1, and read from pod2", func() {
By("Creating pod1")
pod1, pod1Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodRunningInNamespace(config.client, pod1))
pod1NodeName, pod1NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod1)
framework.Logf("Pod1 %q created on Node %q", pod1.Name, pod1NodeName)
writeCmd, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, testVol.hostDir /*writeTestFileContent*/)
By("Writing in pod1")
podRWCmdExec(pod1, writeCmd)
By("Deleting pod1")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod1.Name)
By("Creating pod2")
pod2, pod2Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodRunningInNamespace(config.client, pod2))
pod2NodeName, pod2NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod2)
framework.Logf("Pod2 %q created on Node %q", pod2.Name, pod2NodeName)
By("Reading in pod2")
readOut := podRWCmdExec(pod2, readCmd)
Expect(readOut).To(ContainSubstring(testVol.hostDir)) /*aka writeTestFileContents*/
By("Deleting pod2")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod2.Name)
Context("when two pods request one prebound PVC at the same time", func() {
var testVol *localTestVolume
BeforeEach(func() {
testVol = setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config, node0)
AfterEach(func() {
cleanupLocalVolume(config, testVol)
It("should be able to mount volume in two pods at the same time, write from pod1, and read from pod2", func() {
By("Creating pod1 to write to the PV")
pod1, pod1Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodRunningInNamespace(config.client, pod1))
pod1NodeName, pod1NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod1)
framework.Logf("Pod1 %q created on Node %q", pod1.Name, pod1NodeName)
By("Creating pod2 to read from the PV")
pod2, pod2Err := createLocalPod(config, testVol)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodRunningInNamespace(config.client, pod2))
pod2NodeName, pod2NodeNameErr := podNodeName(config, pod2)
framework.Logf("Pod2 %q created on Node %q", pod2.Name, pod2NodeName)
writeCmd, readCmd := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumeDir, testFile, testVol.hostDir /*writeTestFileContent*/)
By("Writing in pod1")
podRWCmdExec(pod1, writeCmd)
By("Reading in pod2")
readOut := podRWCmdExec(pod2, readCmd)
Expect(readOut).To(ContainSubstring(testVol.hostDir)) /*aka writeTestFileContents*/
By("Deleting pod1")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod1.Name)
By("Deleting pod2")
framework.DeletePodOrFail(config.client, config.ns, pod2.Name)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
Context("when using local volume provisioner", func() {
var (
volumePath string
BeforeEach(func() {
volumePath = path.Join(
hostBase, discoveryDir, fmt.Sprintf("vol-%v", string(uuid.NewUUID())))
AfterEach(func() {
cleanupLocalVolumeProvisioner(config, volumePath)
It("should create and recreate local persistent volume", func() {
By("Creating bootstrapper pod to start provisioner daemonset")
kind := schema.GroupKind{Group: "extensions", Kind: "DaemonSet"}
framework.WaitForControlledPodsRunning(config.client, config.ns, daemonSetName, kind)
By("Creating a directory under discovery path")
framework.Logf("creating local volume under path %q", volumePath)
mkdirCmd := fmt.Sprintf("mkdir %v -m 777", volumePath)
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(mkdirCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, node0)
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
By("Waiting for a PersitentVolume to be created")
oldPV, err := waitForLocalPersistentVolume(config.client, volumePath)
// Create a persistent volume claim for local volume: the above volume will be bound.
By("Creating a persistent volume claim")
claim, err := config.client.Core().PersistentVolumeClaims(config.ns).Create(newLocalClaim(config))
err = framework.WaitForPersistentVolumeClaimPhase(
v1.ClaimBound, config.client, claim.Namespace, claim.Name, framework.Poll, 1*time.Minute)
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
claim, err = config.client.Core().PersistentVolumeClaims(config.ns).Get(claim.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
// Delete the persistent volume claim: file will be cleaned up and volume be re-created.
By("Deleting the persistent volume claim to clean up persistent volume and re-create one")
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
writeCmd, _ := createWriteAndReadCmds(volumePath, testFile, testFileContent)
err = framework.IssueSSHCommand(writeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, node0)
err = config.client.Core().PersistentVolumeClaims(claim.Namespace).Delete(claim.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
By("Waiting for a new PersistentVolume to be re-created")
newPV, err := waitForLocalPersistentVolume(config.client, volumePath)
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
fileDoesntExistCmd := createFileDoesntExistCmd(volumePath, testFile)
err = framework.IssueSSHCommand(fileDoesntExistCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, node0)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
// podNode wraps RunKubectl to get node where pod is running
func podNodeName(config *localTestConfig, pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {
runtimePod, runtimePodErr := config.client.Core().Pods(pod.Namespace).Get(pod.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
return runtimePod.Spec.NodeName, runtimePodErr
// setupLocalVolume setups a directory to user for local PV
func setupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig) *localTestVolume {
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
testDirName := "local-volume-test-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())
hostDir := filepath.Join(hostBase, testDirName)
// populate volume with testFile containing testFileContent
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
writeCmd, _ := createWriteAndReadCmds(hostDir, testFile, testFileContent)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating local volume on node %q at path %q", config.node0.Name, hostDir))
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(writeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
return &localTestVolume{
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
node: config.node0,
hostDir: hostDir,
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
// Deletes the PVC/PV, and launches a pod with hostpath volume to remove the test directory
func cleanupLocalVolume(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
if volume == nil {
By("Cleaning up PVC and PV")
errs := framework.PVPVCCleanup(config.client, config.ns, volume.pv, volume.pvc)
if len(errs) > 0 {
framework.Failf("Failed to delete PV and/or PVC: %v", utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs))
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
By("Removing the test directory")
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm -r %s", volume.hostDir)
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
func makeLocalPVCConfig(config *localTestConfig) framework.PersistentVolumeClaimConfig {
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
return framework.PersistentVolumeClaimConfig{
AccessModes: []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{v1.ReadWriteOnce},
StorageClassName: &config.scName,
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
func makeLocalPVConfig(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) framework.PersistentVolumeConfig {
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
// TODO: hostname may not be the best option
nodeKey := "kubernetes.io/hostname"
if volume.node.Labels == nil {
framework.Failf("Node does not have labels")
nodeValue, found := volume.node.Labels[nodeKey]
if !found {
framework.Failf("Node does not have required label %q", nodeKey)
return framework.PersistentVolumeConfig{
PVSource: v1.PersistentVolumeSource{
Local: &v1.LocalVolumeSource{
Path: volume.hostDir,
NamePrefix: "local-pv",
StorageClassName: config.scName,
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
NodeAffinity: &v1.NodeAffinity{
RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &v1.NodeSelector{
NodeSelectorTerms: []v1.NodeSelectorTerm{
MatchExpressions: []v1.NodeSelectorRequirement{
Key: nodeKey,
Operator: v1.NodeSelectorOpIn,
Values: []string{nodeValue},
// Creates a PVC and PV with prebinding
func createLocalPVCPV(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) {
pvcConfig := makeLocalPVCConfig(config)
pvConfig := makeLocalPVConfig(config, volume)
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
var err error
volume.pv, volume.pvc, err = framework.CreatePVPVC(config.client, pvConfig, pvcConfig, config.ns, true)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitOnPVandPVC(config.client, config.ns, volume.pv, volume.pvc))
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
func makeLocalPod(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume, cmd string) *v1.Pod {
2017-04-25 03:41:40 +00:00
return framework.MakePod(config.ns, []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{volume.pvc}, false, cmd)
func createLocalPod(config *localTestConfig, volume *localTestVolume) (*v1.Pod, error) {
return framework.CreatePod(config.client, config.ns, []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{volume.pvc}, false, "")
// Create corresponding write and read commands
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
// to be executed via SSH on the node with the local PV
func createWriteAndReadCmds(testFileDir string, testFile string, writeTestFileContent string) (writeCmd string, readCmd string) {
testFilePath := filepath.Join(testFileDir, testFile)
writeCmd = fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s; echo %s > %s", testFileDir, writeTestFileContent, testFilePath)
readCmd = fmt.Sprintf("cat %s", testFilePath)
return writeCmd, readCmd
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
// Create command to verify that the file doesn't exist
// to be executed via SSH on the node with the local PV
func createFileDoesntExistCmd(testFileDir string, testFile string) string {
testFilePath := filepath.Join(testFileDir, testFile)
return fmt.Sprintf("[ ! -e %s ]", testFilePath)
// Execute a read or write command in a pod.
// Fail on error
func podRWCmdExec(pod *v1.Pod, cmd string) string {
out, err := podExec(pod, cmd)
return out
// Initialize test volume on node
// and create local PVC and PV
func setupLocalVolumePVCPV(config *localTestConfig, node *v1.Node) *localTestVolume {
By("Initializing test volume")
testVol := setupLocalVolume(config)
By("Creating local PVC and PV")
createLocalPVCPV(config, testVol)
return testVol
func setupLocalVolumeProvisioner(config *localTestConfig) {
By("Bootstrapping local volume provisioner")
By("Initializing local volume discovery base path")
mkdirCmd := fmt.Sprintf("mkdir %v -m 777", path.Join(hostBase, discoveryDir))
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(mkdirCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
func cleanupLocalVolumeProvisioner(config *localTestConfig, volumePath string) {
By("Cleaning up cluster role binding")
By("Removing the test directory")
removeCmd := fmt.Sprintf("rm -r %s", path.Join(hostBase, discoveryDir))
2017-08-04 23:15:53 +00:00
err := framework.IssueSSHCommand(removeCmd, framework.TestContext.Provider, config.node0)
By("Cleaning up persistent volume")
pv, err := findLocalPersistentVolume(config.client, volumePath)
err = config.client.Core().PersistentVolumes().Delete(pv.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
func createServiceAccount(config *localTestConfig) {
serviceAccount := v1.ServiceAccount{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ServiceAccount"},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: testServiceAccount, Namespace: config.ns},
_, err := config.client.CoreV1().ServiceAccounts(config.ns).Create(&serviceAccount)
func createClusterRoleBinding(config *localTestConfig) {
subjects := []rbacv1beta1.Subject{
Kind: rbacv1beta1.ServiceAccountKind,
Name: testServiceAccount,
Namespace: config.ns,
binding := rbacv1beta1.ClusterRoleBinding{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
Kind: "ClusterRoleBinding",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: testRoleBinding,
RoleRef: rbacv1beta1.RoleRef{
APIGroup: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
Kind: "ClusterRole",
Name: "cluster-admin",
Subjects: subjects,
_, err := config.client.RbacV1beta1().ClusterRoleBindings().Create(&binding)
func deleteClusterRoleBinding(config *localTestConfig) {
err := config.client.RbacV1beta1().ClusterRoleBindings().Delete(testRoleBinding, metav1.NewDeleteOptions(0))
// These role bindings are created in provisioner; we just ensure it's
// deleted and do not panic on error.
config.client.RbacV1beta1().ClusterRoleBindings().Delete(nodeBindingName, metav1.NewDeleteOptions(0))
config.client.RbacV1beta1().ClusterRoleBindings().Delete(pvBindingName, metav1.NewDeleteOptions(0))
func createVolumeConfigMap(config *localTestConfig) {
mountConfig := struct {
HostDir string `json:"hostDir"`
HostDir: path.Join(hostBase, discoveryDir),
data, err := json.Marshal(&mountConfig)
configMap := v1.ConfigMap{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: "v1",
Kind: "ConfigMap",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: volumeConfigName,
Namespace: config.ns,
Data: map[string]string{
config.scName: string(data),
_, err = config.client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(config.ns).Create(&configMap)
func createBootstrapperPod(config *localTestConfig) {
pod := &v1.Pod{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Pod",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: "local-volume-tester-",
Spec: v1.PodSpec{
RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
ServiceAccountName: testServiceAccount,
Containers: []v1.Container{
Name: "volume-tester",
Image: bootstrapperImageName,
Env: []v1.EnvVar{
ValueFrom: &v1.EnvVarSource{
FieldRef: &v1.ObjectFieldSelector{
FieldPath: "metadata.namespace",
Args: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("--image=%v", provisionerImageName),
fmt.Sprintf("--volume-config=%v", volumeConfigName),
pod, err := config.client.CoreV1().Pods(config.ns).Create(pod)
err = framework.WaitForPodSuccessInNamespace(config.client, pod.Name, pod.Namespace)
// newLocalClaim creates a new persistent volume claim.
func newLocalClaim(config *localTestConfig) *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim {
claim := v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: "local-pvc-",
Namespace: config.ns,
Spec: v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{
StorageClassName: &config.scName,
AccessModes: []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
Requests: v1.ResourceList{
v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse(testRequestSize),
return &claim
// waitForLocalPersistentVolume waits a local persistent volume with 'volumePath' to be available.
func waitForLocalPersistentVolume(c clientset.Interface, volumePath string) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error) {
var pv *v1.PersistentVolume
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < 10*time.Minute && pv == nil; time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) {
pvs, err := c.Core().PersistentVolumes().List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pvs.Items) == 0 {
for _, p := range pvs.Items {
if p.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Local == nil || p.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Local.Path != volumePath {
if p.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeAvailable {
pv = &p
if pv == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Timeout while waiting for local persistent volume with path %v to be available", volumePath)
return pv, nil
// findLocalPersistentVolume finds persistent volume with 'spec.local.path' equals 'volumePath'.
func findLocalPersistentVolume(c clientset.Interface, volumePath string) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error) {
pvs, err := c.Core().PersistentVolumes().List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, p := range pvs.Items {
if p.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Local != nil && p.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Local.Path == volumePath {
return &p, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find local persistent volume with path %v", volumePath)