influxdbHost=flag.String("ir-influxdb-host","localhost:8080/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-influxdb:api","Address of InfluxDB which contains metrics requred by InitialResources")
user=flag.String("ir-user","root","User used for connecting to InfluxDB")
// TODO: figure out how to better pass password here
password=flag.String("ir-password","root","Password used for connecting to InfluxDB")
db=flag.String("ir-dbname","k8s","InfluxDB database name which contains metrics requred by InitialResources")
// WARNING: If you are planning to add another implementation of dataSource interface please bear in mind,
// that dataSource will be moved to Heapster some time in the future and possibly rewritten.
// Returns <perc>th of sample values which represent usage of <kind> for containers running <image>,
// withing time range (start, end), number of samples considered and error if occured.
// If <exactMatch> then take only samples that concern the same image (both name and take are the same),
// otherwise consider also samples with the same image a possibly different tag.