If you are running this on a long running system, rather than experimenting, you should run the bootstrap Docker instance under something like SysV init, upstart or systemd so that it is restarted
across reboots and failures.
### Startup etcd for flannel and the API server to use
Flannel is a network abstraction layer build by CoreOS, we will use it to provide simplfied networking between our Pods of containers.
Flannel re-configures the bridge that Docker uses for networking. As a result we need to stop Docker, reconfigure its networking, and then restart Docker.
#### Bring down Docker
To re-configure Docker to use flannel, we need to take docker down, run flannel and then restart Docker.
Turning down Docker is system dependent, it may be:
You now need to edit the docker configuration to activate new flags. Again, this is system specific.
This may be in ```/etc/default/docker``` or ```/etc/systemd/service/docker.service``` or it may be elsewhere.
Regardless, you need to add the following to the docker comamnd line:
#### Remove the existing Docker bridge
Docker creates a bridge named ```docker0``` by default. You need to remove this:
sudo /sbin/ifconfig docker0 down
sudo brctl delbr docker0
You may need to install the ```bridge-utils``` package for the ```brctl``` binary.
#### Restart Docker
Again this is system dependent, it may be:
sudo /etc/init.d/docker start
it may be:
systemctl start docker
## Starting the Kubernetes Master
Ok, now that your networking is set up, you can startup Kubernetes, this is the same as the single-node case, we will use the "main" instance of the Docker daemon for the Kubernetes components.