fs.StringVar(&o.PolicyConfigFile,"policy-config-file",o.PolicyConfigFile,"DEPRECATED: file with scheduler policy configuration. This file is used if policy ConfigMap is not provided or --use-legacy-policy-config=true. Note: The predicates/priorities defined in this file will take precedence over any profiles define in ComponentConfig.")
usage:=fmt.Sprintf("DEPRECATED: name of the ConfigMap object that contains scheduler's policy configuration. It must exist in the system namespace before scheduler initialization if --use-legacy-policy-config=false. The config must be provided as the value of an element in 'Data' map with the key='%v'. Note: The predicates/priorities defined in this file will take precedence over any profiles define in ComponentConfig.",kubeschedulerconfig.SchedulerPolicyConfigMapKey)
fs.StringVar(&o.PolicyConfigMapNamespace,"policy-configmap-namespace",o.PolicyConfigMapNamespace,"DEPRECATED: the namespace where policy ConfigMap is located. The kube-system namespace will be used if this is not provided or is empty. Note: The predicates/priorities defined in this file will take precedence over any profiles define in ComponentConfig.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.UseLegacyPolicyConfig,"use-legacy-policy-config",o.UseLegacyPolicyConfig,"DEPRECATED: when set to true, scheduler will ignore policy ConfigMap and uses policy config file. Note: The scheduler will fail if this is combined with Plugin configs")
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.EnableProfiling,"profiling",cfg.EnableProfiling,"DEPRECATED: enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.BoolVar(&cfg.EnableContentionProfiling,"contention-profiling",cfg.EnableContentionProfiling,"DEPRECATED: enable lock contention profiling, if profiling is enabled. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.ClientConnection.Kubeconfig,"kubeconfig",cfg.ClientConnection.Kubeconfig,"DEPRECATED: path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.ClientConnection.ContentType,"kube-api-content-type",cfg.ClientConnection.ContentType,"DEPRECATED: content type of requests sent to apiserver. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.Float32Var(&cfg.ClientConnection.QPS,"kube-api-qps",cfg.ClientConnection.QPS,"DEPRECATED: QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.Int32Var(&cfg.ClientConnection.Burst,"kube-api-burst",cfg.ClientConnection.Burst,"DEPRECATED: burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.LeaderElection.ResourceNamespace,"lock-object-namespace",cfg.LeaderElection.ResourceNamespace,"DEPRECATED: define the namespace of the lock object. Will be removed in favor of leader-elect-resource-namespace. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")
fs.StringVar(&cfg.LeaderElection.ResourceName,"lock-object-name",cfg.LeaderElection.ResourceName,"DEPRECATED: define the name of the lock object. Will be removed in favor of leader-elect-resource-name. This parameter is ignored if a config file is specified in --config.")