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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package e2e_node
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kubeletmetrics "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/metrics"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
// Serial because the test restarts Kubelet
var _ = framework.KubeDescribe("NVIDIA GPU Device Plugin [Feature:GPUDevicePlugin][NodeFeature:GPUDevicePlugin][Serial] [Disruptive]", func() {
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("device-plugin-gpus-errors")
Context("DevicePlugin", func() {
var devicePluginPod *v1.Pod
var err error
BeforeEach(func() {
By("Ensuring that Nvidia GPUs exists on the node")
if !checkIfNvidiaGPUsExistOnNode() {
Skip("Nvidia GPUs do not exist on the node. Skipping test.")
By("Creating the Google Device Plugin pod for NVIDIA GPU in GKE")
devicePluginPod, err = f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(metav1.NamespaceSystem).Create(framework.NVIDIADevicePlugin())
By("Waiting for GPUs to become available on the local node")
Eventually(func() bool {
return framework.NumberOfNVIDIAGPUs(getLocalNode(f)) > 0
}, 5*time.Minute, framework.Poll).Should(BeTrue())
if framework.NumberOfNVIDIAGPUs(getLocalNode(f)) < 2 {
Skip("Not enough GPUs to execute this test (at least two needed)")
AfterEach(func() {
l, err := f.PodClient().List(metav1.ListOptions{})
for _, p := range l.Items {
if p.Namespace != f.Namespace.Name {
f.PodClient().Delete(p.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
It("checks that when Kubelet restarts exclusive GPU assignation to pods is kept.", func() {
By("Creating one GPU pod on a node with at least two GPUs")
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
podRECMD := "devs=$(ls /dev/ | egrep '^nvidia[0-9]+$') && echo gpu devices: $devs"
p1 := f.PodClient().CreateSync(makeBusyboxPod(framework.NVIDIAGPUResourceName, podRECMD))
deviceIDRE := "gpu devices: (nvidia[0-9]+)"
devId1 := parseLog(f, p1.Name, p1.Name, deviceIDRE)
p1, err := f.PodClient().Get(p1.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
By("Restarting Kubelet and waiting for the current running pod to restart")
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
By("Confirming that after a kubelet and pod restart, GPU assignment is kept")
ensurePodContainerRestart(f, p1.Name, p1.Name)
devIdRestart1 := parseLog(f, p1.Name, p1.Name, deviceIDRE)
By("Restarting Kubelet and creating another pod")
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
Fixes the races around devicemanager Allocate() and endpoint deletion. There is a race in predicateAdmitHandler Admit() that getNodeAnyWayFunc() could get Node with non-zero deviceplugin resource allocatable for a non-existing endpoint. That race can happen when a device plugin fails, but is more likely when kubelet restarts as with the current registration model, there is a time gap between kubelet restart and device plugin re-registration. During this time window, even though devicemanager could have removed the resource initially during GetCapacity() call, Kubelet may overwrite the device plugin resource capacity/allocatable with the old value when node update from the API server comes in later. This could cause a pod to be started without proper device runtime config set. To solve this problem, introduce endpointStopGracePeriod. When a device plugin fails, don't immediately remove the endpoint but set stopTime in its endpoint. During kubelet restart, create endpoints with stopTime set for any checkpointed registered resource. The endpoint is considered to be in stopGracePeriod if its stoptime is set. This allows us to track what resources should be handled by devicemanager during the time gap. When an endpoint's stopGracePeriod expires, we remove the endpoint and its resource. This allows the resource to be exported through other channels (e.g., by directly updating node status through API server) if there is such use case. Currently endpointStopGracePeriod is set as 5 minutes. Given that an endpoint is no longer immediately removed upon disconnection, mark all its devices unhealthy so that we can signal the resource allocatable change to the scheduler to avoid scheduling more pods to the node. When a device plugin endpoint is in stopGracePeriod, pods requesting the corresponding resource will fail admission handler.
2018-03-05 21:54:43 +00:00
framework.WaitForAllNodesSchedulable(f.ClientSet, framework.TestContext.NodeSchedulableTimeout)
Eventually(func() bool {
return framework.NumberOfNVIDIAGPUs(getLocalNode(f)) > 0
}, 5*time.Minute, framework.Poll).Should(BeTrue())
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
p2 := f.PodClient().CreateSync(makeBusyboxPod(framework.NVIDIAGPUResourceName, podRECMD))
By("Checking that pods got a different GPU")
devId2 := parseLog(f, p2.Name, p2.Name, deviceIDRE)
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
By("Deleting device plugin.")
f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(metav1.NamespaceSystem).Delete(devicePluginPod.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
By("Waiting for GPUs to become unavailable on the local node")
Eventually(func() bool {
node, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(framework.TestContext.NodeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
return framework.NumberOfNVIDIAGPUs(node) <= 0
}, 10*time.Minute, framework.Poll).Should(BeTrue())
By("Checking that scheduled pods can continue to run even after we delete device plugin.")
ensurePodContainerRestart(f, p1.Name, p1.Name)
devIdRestart1 = parseLog(f, p1.Name, p1.Name, deviceIDRE)
ensurePodContainerRestart(f, p2.Name, p2.Name)
devIdRestart2 := parseLog(f, p2.Name, p2.Name, deviceIDRE)
By("Restarting Kubelet.")
2017-12-29 10:43:38 +00:00
By("Checking that scheduled pods can continue to run even after we delete device plugin and restart Kubelet.")
ensurePodContainerRestart(f, p1.Name, p1.Name)
devIdRestart1 = parseLog(f, p1.Name, p1.Name, deviceIDRE)
ensurePodContainerRestart(f, p2.Name, p2.Name)
devIdRestart2 = parseLog(f, p2.Name, p2.Name, deviceIDRE)
// Cleanup
f.PodClient().DeleteSync(p1.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}, framework.DefaultPodDeletionTimeout)
f.PodClient().DeleteSync(p2.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}, framework.DefaultPodDeletionTimeout)
func checkIfNvidiaGPUsExistOnNode() bool {
// Cannot use `lspci` because it is not installed on all distros by default.
err := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", "find /sys/devices/pci* -type f | grep vendor | xargs cat | grep 0x10de").Run()
if err != nil {
framework.Logf("check for nvidia GPUs failed. Got Error: %v", err)
return false
return true
func logDevicePluginMetrics() {
ms, err := metrics.GrabKubeletMetricsWithoutProxy(framework.TestContext.NodeName+":10255", "/metrics")
for msKey, samples := range ms {
switch msKey {
2019-02-18 09:40:04 +00:00
case kubeletmetrics.KubeletSubsystem + "_" + kubeletmetrics.DevicePluginAllocationDurationKey:
for _, sample := range samples {
latency := sample.Value
resource := string(sample.Metric["resource_name"])
var quantile float64
if val, ok := sample.Metric[model.QuantileLabel]; ok {
var err error
if quantile, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(val), 64); err != nil {
framework.Logf("Metric: %v ResourceName: %v Quantile: %v Latency: %v", msKey, resource, quantile, latency)
case kubeletmetrics.KubeletSubsystem + "_" + kubeletmetrics.DevicePluginRegistrationCountKey:
for _, sample := range samples {
resource := string(sample.Metric["resource_name"])
count := sample.Value
framework.Logf("Metric: %v ResourceName: %v Count: %v", msKey, resource, count)