2015-05-01 16:02:38 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* /
package serviceaccount
import (
jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
const (
ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix = "serviceaccount"
ServiceAccountUsernameSeparator = ":"
Issuer = "kubernetes/serviceaccount"
SubjectClaim = "sub"
IssuerClaim = "iss"
ServiceAccountNameClaim = "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-account.name"
ServiceAccountUIDClaim = "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-account.uid"
SecretNameClaim = "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/secret.name"
NamespaceClaim = "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace"
type TokenGenerator interface {
// GenerateToken generates a token which will identify the given ServiceAccount.
// The returned token will be stored in the given (and yet-unpersisted) Secret.
GenerateToken ( serviceAccount api . ServiceAccount , secret api . Secret ) ( string , error )
// ReadPrivateKey is a helper function for reading an rsa.PrivateKey from a PEM-encoded file
func ReadPrivateKey ( file string ) ( * rsa . PrivateKey , error ) {
data , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( file )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return jwt . ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM ( data )
// ReadPublicKey is a helper function for reading an rsa.PublicKey from a PEM-encoded file
// Reads public keys from both public and private key files
func ReadPublicKey ( file string ) ( * rsa . PublicKey , error ) {
data , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( file )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if privateKey , err := jwt . ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM ( data ) ; err == nil {
return & privateKey . PublicKey , nil
return jwt . ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM ( data )
// MakeUsername generates a username from the given namespace and ServiceAccount name.
// The resulting username can be passed to SplitUsername to extract the original namespace and ServiceAccount name.
func MakeUsername ( namespace , name string ) string {
return strings . Join ( [ ] string { ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix , namespace , name } , ServiceAccountUsernameSeparator )
// SplitUsername returns the namespace and ServiceAccount name embedded in the given username,
// or an error if the username is not a valid name produced by MakeUsername
func SplitUsername ( username string ) ( string , string , error ) {
parts := strings . Split ( username , ServiceAccountUsernameSeparator )
if len ( parts ) != 3 || parts [ 0 ] != ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix || len ( parts [ 1 ] ) == 0 || len ( parts [ 2 ] ) == 0 {
return "" , "" , fmt . Errorf ( "Username must be in the form %s" , MakeUsername ( "namespace" , "name" ) )
return parts [ 1 ] , parts [ 2 ] , nil
// JWTTokenGenerator returns a TokenGenerator that generates signed JWT tokens, using the given privateKey.
// privateKey is a PEM-encoded byte array of a private RSA key.
// JWTTokenAuthenticator()
func JWTTokenGenerator ( key * rsa . PrivateKey ) TokenGenerator {
return & jwtTokenGenerator { key }
type jwtTokenGenerator struct {
key * rsa . PrivateKey
func ( j * jwtTokenGenerator ) GenerateToken ( serviceAccount api . ServiceAccount , secret api . Secret ) ( string , error ) {
token := jwt . New ( jwt . SigningMethodRS256 )
// Identify the issuer
token . Claims [ IssuerClaim ] = Issuer
// Username: `serviceaccount:<namespace>:<serviceaccount>`
token . Claims [ SubjectClaim ] = MakeUsername ( serviceAccount . Namespace , serviceAccount . Name )
// Persist enough structured info for the authenticator to be able to look up the service account and secret
token . Claims [ NamespaceClaim ] = serviceAccount . Namespace
token . Claims [ ServiceAccountNameClaim ] = serviceAccount . Name
token . Claims [ ServiceAccountUIDClaim ] = serviceAccount . UID
token . Claims [ SecretNameClaim ] = secret . Name
// Sign and get the complete encoded token as a string
return token . SignedString ( j . key )
// JWTTokenAuthenticator authenticates tokens as JWT tokens produced by JWTTokenGenerator
// Token signatures are verified using each of the given public keys until one works (allowing key rotation)
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// If lookup is true, the service account and secret referenced as claims inside the token are retrieved and verified with the provided ServiceAccountTokenGetter
func JWTTokenAuthenticator ( keys [ ] * rsa . PublicKey , lookup bool , getter ServiceAccountTokenGetter ) authenticator . Token {
return & jwtTokenAuthenticator { keys , lookup , getter }
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type jwtTokenAuthenticator struct {
keys [ ] * rsa . PublicKey
lookup bool
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getter ServiceAccountTokenGetter
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func ( j * jwtTokenAuthenticator ) AuthenticateToken ( token string ) ( user . Info , bool , error ) {
var validationError error
for _ , key := range j . keys {
// Attempt to verify with each key until we find one that works
parsedToken , err := jwt . Parse ( token , func ( token * jwt . Token ) ( interface { } , error ) {
if _ , ok := token . Method . ( * jwt . SigningMethodRSA ) ; ! ok {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Unexpected signing method: %v" , token . Header [ "alg" ] )
return key , nil
} )
if err != nil {
switch err := err . ( type ) {
case * jwt . ValidationError :
if ( err . Errors & jwt . ValidationErrorMalformed ) != 0 {
// Not a JWT, no point in continuing
return nil , false , nil
if ( err . Errors & jwt . ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid ) != 0 {
// Signature error, perhaps one of the other keys will verify the signature
// If not, we want to return this error
validationError = err
// Other errors should just return as errors
return nil , false , err
// If we get here, we have a token with a recognized signature
// Make sure we issued the token
iss , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ IssuerClaim ] . ( string )
if iss != Issuer {
return nil , false , nil
// Make sure the claims we need exist
sub , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ SubjectClaim ] . ( string )
if len ( sub ) == 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "sub claim is missing" )
namespace , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ NamespaceClaim ] . ( string )
if len ( namespace ) == 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "namespace claim is missing" )
secretName , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ SecretNameClaim ] . ( string )
if len ( namespace ) == 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "secretName claim is missing" )
serviceAccountName , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ ServiceAccountNameClaim ] . ( string )
if len ( serviceAccountName ) == 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "serviceAccountName claim is missing" )
serviceAccountUID , _ := parsedToken . Claims [ ServiceAccountUIDClaim ] . ( string )
if len ( serviceAccountUID ) == 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "serviceAccountUID claim is missing" )
if j . lookup {
// Make sure token hasn't been invalidated by deletion of the secret
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secret , err := j . getter . GetSecret ( namespace , secretName )
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if err != nil {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "Token has been invalidated" )
if bytes . Compare ( secret . Data [ api . ServiceAccountTokenKey ] , [ ] byte ( token ) ) != 0 {
return nil , false , errors . New ( "Token does not match server's copy" )
// Make sure service account still exists (name and UID)
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serviceAccount , err := j . getter . GetServiceAccount ( namespace , serviceAccountName )
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if err != nil {
return nil , false , err
if string ( serviceAccount . UID ) != serviceAccountUID {
return nil , false , fmt . Errorf ( "ServiceAccount UID (%s) does not match claim (%s)" , serviceAccount . UID , serviceAccountUID )
return & user . DefaultInfo {
Name : sub ,
UID : serviceAccountUID ,
Groups : [ ] string { } ,
} , true , nil
return nil , false , validationError