2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package csi
import (
api "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
meta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilversion "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/version"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
const (
csiPluginName = "kubernetes.io/csi"
// TODO (vladimirvivien) implement a more dynamic way to discover
// the unix domain socket path for each installed csi driver.
// TODO (vladimirvivien) would be nice to name socket with a .sock extension
// for consistency.
csiAddrTemplate = "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/%v/csi.sock"
csiTimeout = 15 * time . Second
volNameSep = "^"
volDataFileName = "vol_data.json"
fsTypeBlockName = "block"
type csiPlugin struct {
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host volume . VolumeHost
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
// ProbeVolumePlugins returns implemented plugins
func ProbeVolumePlugins ( ) [ ] volume . VolumePlugin {
p := & csiPlugin {
2019-03-29 00:03:05 +00:00
host : nil ,
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
return [ ] volume . VolumePlugin { p }
// volume.VolumePlugin methods
var _ volume . VolumePlugin = & csiPlugin { }
type csiDriver struct {
driverName string
driverEndpoint string
highestSupportedVersion * utilversion . Version
type csiDriversStore struct {
driversMap map [ string ] csiDriver
sync . RWMutex
// RegistrationHandler is the handler which is fed to the pluginwatcher API.
type RegistrationHandler struct {
// TODO (verult) consider using a struct instead of global variables
// csiDrivers map keep track of all registered CSI drivers on the node and their
// corresponding sockets
var csiDrivers csiDriversStore
var nim nodeinfomanager . Interface
// PluginHandler is the plugin registration handler interface passed to the
// pluginwatcher module in kubelet
var PluginHandler = & RegistrationHandler { }
// ValidatePlugin is called by kubelet's plugin watcher upon detection
// of a new registration socket opened by CSI Driver registrar side car.
func ( h * RegistrationHandler ) ValidatePlugin ( pluginName string , endpoint string , versions [ ] string , foundInDeprecatedDir bool ) error {
klog . Infof ( log ( "Trying to validate a new CSI Driver with name: %s endpoint: %s versions: %s, foundInDeprecatedDir: %v" ,
pluginName , endpoint , strings . Join ( versions , "," ) , foundInDeprecatedDir ) )
if foundInDeprecatedDir {
// CSI 0.x drivers used /var/lib/kubelet/plugins as the socket dir.
// This was deprecated as the socket dir for kubelet drivers, in lieu of a dedicated dir /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry
// The deprecated dir will only be allowed for a whitelisted set of old versions.
// CSI 1.x drivers should use the /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry
if ! isDeprecatedSocketDirAllowed ( versions ) {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "socket for CSI driver %q versions %v was found in a deprecated dir. Drivers implementing CSI 1.x+ must use the new dir" , pluginName , versions )
klog . Error ( err )
return err
_ , err := h . validateVersions ( "ValidatePlugin" , pluginName , endpoint , versions )
return err
// RegisterPlugin is called when a plugin can be registered
func ( h * RegistrationHandler ) RegisterPlugin ( pluginName string , endpoint string , versions [ ] string ) error {
klog . Infof ( log ( "Register new plugin with name: %s at endpoint: %s" , pluginName , endpoint ) )
highestSupportedVersion , err := h . validateVersions ( "RegisterPlugin" , pluginName , endpoint , versions )
if err != nil {
return err
func ( ) {
// Storing endpoint of newly registered CSI driver into the map, where CSI driver name will be the key
// all other CSI components will be able to get the actual socket of CSI drivers by its name.
// It's not necessary to lock the entire RegistrationCallback() function because only the CSI
// client depends on this driver map, and the CSI client does not depend on node information
// updated in the rest of the function.
csiDrivers . Lock ( )
defer csiDrivers . Unlock ( )
csiDrivers . driversMap [ pluginName ] = csiDriver { driverName : pluginName , driverEndpoint : endpoint , highestSupportedVersion : highestSupportedVersion }
} ( )
// Get node info from the driver.
csi , err := newCsiDriverClient ( csiDriverName ( pluginName ) )
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO (verult) retry with exponential backoff, possibly added in csi client library.
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , csiTimeout )
defer cancel ( )
driverNodeID , maxVolumePerNode , accessibleTopology , err := csi . NodeGetInfo ( ctx )
if err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed at CSI.NodeGetInfo: %v" , err ) )
if unregErr := unregisterDriver ( pluginName ) ; unregErr != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed to unregister plugin due to previous: %v" , unregErr ) )
return unregErr
return err
err = nim . InstallCSIDriver ( pluginName , driverNodeID , maxVolumePerNode , accessibleTopology )
if err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed at AddNodeInfo: %v" , err ) )
if unregErr := unregisterDriver ( pluginName ) ; unregErr != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed to unregister plugin due to previous error: %v" , unregErr ) )
return unregErr
return err
return nil
func ( h * RegistrationHandler ) validateVersions ( callerName , pluginName string , endpoint string , versions [ ] string ) ( * utilversion . Version , error ) {
if len ( versions ) == 0 {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "%s for CSI driver %q failed. Plugin returned an empty list for supported versions" , callerName , pluginName )
klog . Error ( err )
return nil , err
// Validate version
newDriverHighestVersion , err := highestSupportedVersion ( versions )
if err != nil {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "%s for CSI driver %q failed. None of the versions specified %q are supported. err=%v" , callerName , pluginName , versions , err )
klog . Error ( err )
return nil , err
// Check for existing drivers with the same name
var existingDriver csiDriver
driverExists := false
func ( ) {
csiDrivers . RLock ( )
defer csiDrivers . RUnlock ( )
existingDriver , driverExists = csiDrivers . driversMap [ pluginName ]
} ( )
if driverExists {
if ! existingDriver . highestSupportedVersion . LessThan ( newDriverHighestVersion ) {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "%s for CSI driver %q failed. Another driver with the same name is already registered with a higher supported version: %q" , callerName , pluginName , existingDriver . highestSupportedVersion )
klog . Error ( err )
return nil , err
return newDriverHighestVersion , nil
// DeRegisterPlugin is called when a plugin removed its socket, signaling
// it is no longer available
func ( h * RegistrationHandler ) DeRegisterPlugin ( pluginName string ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Info ( log ( "registrationHandler.DeRegisterPlugin request for plugin %s" , pluginName ) )
if err := unregisterDriver ( pluginName ) ; err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "registrationHandler.DeRegisterPlugin failed: %v" , err ) )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) Init ( host volume . VolumeHost ) error {
p . host = host
// Initializing csiDrivers map and label management channels
csiDrivers = csiDriversStore { driversMap : map [ string ] csiDriver { } }
nim = nodeinfomanager . NewNodeInfoManager ( host . GetNodeName ( ) , host )
// TODO(#70514) Init CSINodeInfo object if the CRD exists and create Driver
// objects for migrated drivers.
return nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) GetPluginName ( ) string {
return csiPluginName
// GetvolumeName returns a concatenated string of CSIVolumeSource.Driver<volNameSe>CSIVolumeSource.VolumeHandle
// That string value is used in Detach() to extract driver name and volumeName.
func ( p * csiPlugin ) GetVolumeName ( spec * volume . Spec ) ( string , error ) {
csi , err := getCSISourceFromSpec ( spec )
if err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "plugin.GetVolumeName failed to extract volume source from spec: %v" , err ) )
return "" , err
// return driverName<separator>volumeHandle
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%s%s%s" , csi . Driver , volNameSep , csi . VolumeHandle ) , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) CanSupport ( spec * volume . Spec ) bool {
// TODO (vladimirvivien) CanSupport should also take into account
// the availability/registration of specified Driver in the volume source
return spec . PersistentVolume != nil && spec . PersistentVolume . Spec . CSI != nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) RequiresRemount ( ) bool {
return false
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewMounter (
spec * volume . Spec ,
pod * api . Pod ,
_ volume . VolumeOptions ) ( volume . Mounter , error ) {
pvSource , err := getCSISourceFromSpec ( spec )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
readOnly , err := getReadOnlyFromSpec ( spec )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
k8s := p . host . GetKubeClient ( )
if k8s == nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "failed to get a kubernetes client" ) )
return nil , errors . New ( "failed to get a Kubernetes client" )
mounter := & csiMountMgr {
plugin : p ,
k8s : k8s ,
spec : spec ,
pod : pod ,
podUID : pod . UID ,
driverName : csiDriverName ( pvSource . Driver ) ,
volumeID : pvSource . VolumeHandle ,
specVolumeID : spec . Name ( ) ,
readOnly : readOnly ,
2019-03-29 00:03:05 +00:00
mounter . csiClientGetter . driverName = csiDriverName ( pvSource . Driver )
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
// Save volume info in pod dir
dir := mounter . GetPath ( )
dataDir := path . Dir ( dir ) // dropoff /mount at end
if err := os . MkdirAll ( dataDir , 0750 ) ; err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "failed to create dir %#v: %v" , dataDir , err ) )
return nil , err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Info ( log ( "created path successfully [%s]" , dataDir ) )
// persist volume info data for teardown
node := string ( p . host . GetNodeName ( ) )
attachID := getAttachmentName ( pvSource . VolumeHandle , pvSource . Driver , node )
volData := map [ string ] string {
volDataKey . specVolID : spec . Name ( ) ,
volDataKey . volHandle : pvSource . VolumeHandle ,
volDataKey . driverName : pvSource . Driver ,
volDataKey . nodeName : node ,
volDataKey . attachmentID : attachID ,
if err := saveVolumeData ( dataDir , volDataFileName , volData ) ; err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "failed to save volume info data: %v" , err ) )
if err := os . RemoveAll ( dataDir ) ; err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "failed to remove dir after error [%s]: %v" , dataDir , err ) )
return nil , err
return nil , err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Info ( log ( "mounter created successfully" ) )
return mounter , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewUnmounter ( specName string , podUID types . UID ) ( volume . Unmounter , error ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( log ( "setting up unmounter for [name=%v, podUID=%v]" , specName , podUID ) )
unmounter := & csiMountMgr {
plugin : p ,
podUID : podUID ,
specVolumeID : specName ,
// load volume info from file
dir := unmounter . GetPath ( )
dataDir := path . Dir ( dir ) // dropoff /mount at end
data , err := loadVolumeData ( dataDir , volDataFileName )
if err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "unmounter failed to load volume data file [%s]: %v" , dir , err ) )
return nil , err
unmounter . driverName = csiDriverName ( data [ volDataKey . driverName ] )
unmounter . volumeID = data [ volDataKey . volHandle ]
2019-03-29 00:03:05 +00:00
unmounter . csiClientGetter . driverName = unmounter . driverName
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
return unmounter , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) ConstructVolumeSpec ( volumeName , mountPath string ) ( * volume . Spec , error ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Info ( log ( "plugin.ConstructVolumeSpec [pv.Name=%v, path=%v]" , volumeName , mountPath ) )
volData , err := loadVolumeData ( mountPath , volDataFileName )
if err != nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "plugin.ConstructVolumeSpec failed loading volume data using [%s]: %v" , mountPath , err ) )
return nil , err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Info ( log ( "plugin.ConstructVolumeSpec extracted [%#v]" , volData ) )
fsMode := api . PersistentVolumeFilesystem
pv := & api . PersistentVolume {
ObjectMeta : meta . ObjectMeta {
Name : volData [ volDataKey . specVolID ] ,
} ,
Spec : api . PersistentVolumeSpec {
PersistentVolumeSource : api . PersistentVolumeSource {
CSI : & api . CSIPersistentVolumeSource {
Driver : volData [ volDataKey . driverName ] ,
VolumeHandle : volData [ volDataKey . volHandle ] ,
} ,
} ,
VolumeMode : & fsMode ,
} ,
return volume . NewSpecFromPersistentVolume ( pv , false ) , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) SupportsMountOption ( ) bool {
// TODO (vladimirvivien) use CSI VolumeCapability.MountVolume.mount_flags
// to probe for the result for this method
// (bswartz) Until the CSI spec supports probing, our only option is to
// make plugins register their support for mount options or lack thereof
// directly with kubernetes.
return true
func ( p * csiPlugin ) SupportsBulkVolumeVerification ( ) bool {
return false
// volume.AttachableVolumePlugin methods
var _ volume . AttachableVolumePlugin = & csiPlugin { }
var _ volume . DeviceMountableVolumePlugin = & csiPlugin { }
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewAttacher ( ) ( volume . Attacher , error ) {
k8s := p . host . GetKubeClient ( )
if k8s == nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "unable to get kubernetes client from host" ) )
return nil , errors . New ( "unable to get Kubernetes client" )
return & csiAttacher {
plugin : p ,
k8s : k8s ,
waitSleepTime : 1 * time . Second ,
} , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewDeviceMounter ( ) ( volume . DeviceMounter , error ) {
return p . NewAttacher ( )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewDetacher ( ) ( volume . Detacher , error ) {
k8s := p . host . GetKubeClient ( )
if k8s == nil {
klog . Error ( log ( "unable to get kubernetes client from host" ) )
return nil , errors . New ( "unable to get Kubernetes client" )
return & csiAttacher {
plugin : p ,
k8s : k8s ,
waitSleepTime : 1 * time . Second ,
} , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewDeviceUnmounter ( ) ( volume . DeviceUnmounter , error ) {
return p . NewDetacher ( )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) GetDeviceMountRefs ( deviceMountPath string ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
m := p . host . GetMounter ( p . GetPluginName ( ) )
return m . GetMountRefs ( deviceMountPath )
// BlockVolumePlugin methods
var _ volume . BlockVolumePlugin = & csiPlugin { }
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewBlockVolumeMapper ( spec * volume . Spec , podRef * api . Pod , opts volume . VolumeOptions ) ( volume . BlockVolumeMapper , error ) {
return nil , errors . New ( "CSIBlockVolume feature not enabled" )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) NewBlockVolumeUnmapper ( volName string , podUID types . UID ) ( volume . BlockVolumeUnmapper , error ) {
return nil , errors . New ( "CSIBlockVolume feature not enabled" )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) ConstructBlockVolumeSpec ( podUID types . UID , specVolName , mapPath string ) ( * volume . Spec , error ) {
return nil , errors . New ( "CSIBlockVolume feature not enabled" )
func ( p * csiPlugin ) skipAttach ( driver string ) ( bool , error ) {
return false , nil
func ( p * csiPlugin ) getPublishContext ( client clientset . Interface , handle , driver , nodeName string ) ( map [ string ] string , error ) {
skip , err := p . skipAttach ( driver )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if skip {
return nil , nil
attachID := getAttachmentName ( handle , driver , nodeName )
// search for attachment by VolumeAttachment.Spec.Source.PersistentVolumeName
attachment , err := client . StorageV1beta1 ( ) . VolumeAttachments ( ) . Get ( attachID , meta . GetOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return nil , err // This err already has enough context ("VolumeAttachment xyz not found")
if attachment == nil {
err = errors . New ( "no existing VolumeAttachment found" )
return nil , err
return attachment . Status . AttachmentMetadata , nil
func unregisterDriver ( driverName string ) error {
func ( ) {
csiDrivers . Lock ( )
defer csiDrivers . Unlock ( )
delete ( csiDrivers . driversMap , driverName )
} ( )
if err := nim . UninstallCSIDriver ( driverName ) ; err != nil {
klog . Errorf ( "Error uninstalling CSI driver: %v" , err )
return err
return nil
// Return the highest supported version
func highestSupportedVersion ( versions [ ] string ) ( * utilversion . Version , error ) {
if len ( versions ) == 0 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "CSI driver reporting empty array for supported versions" )
// Sort by lowest to highest version
sort . Slice ( versions , func ( i , j int ) bool {
parsedVersionI , err := utilversion . ParseGeneric ( versions [ i ] )
if err != nil {
// Push bad values to the bottom
return true
parsedVersionJ , err := utilversion . ParseGeneric ( versions [ j ] )
if err != nil {
// Push bad values to the bottom
return false
return parsedVersionI . LessThan ( parsedVersionJ )
} )
for i := len ( versions ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
highestSupportedVersion , err := utilversion . ParseGeneric ( versions [ i ] )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if highestSupportedVersion . Major ( ) <= 1 {
return highestSupportedVersion , nil
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "None of the CSI versions reported by this driver are supported" )
// Only drivers that implement CSI 0.x are allowed to use deprecated socket dir.
func isDeprecatedSocketDirAllowed ( versions [ ] string ) bool {
for _ , version := range versions {
if isV0Version ( version ) {
return true
return false
func isV0Version ( version string ) bool {
parsedVersion , err := utilversion . ParseGeneric ( version )
if err != nil {
return false
return parsedVersion . Major ( ) == 0