2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
// +build !providerless
/ *
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* /
package azure
import (
azstorage "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/storage"
kwait "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"
volerr "k8s.io/cloud-provider/volume/errors"
const (
vhdContainerName = "vhds"
useHTTPSForBlobBasedDisk = true
blobServiceName = "blob"
type storageAccountState struct {
name string
saType storage . SkuName
key string
diskCount int32
isValidating int32
defaultContainerCreated bool
//BlobDiskController : blob disk controller struct
type BlobDiskController struct {
common * controllerCommon
accounts map [ string ] * storageAccountState
var (
accountsLock = & sync . Mutex { }
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) initStorageAccounts ( ) {
accountsLock . Lock ( )
defer accountsLock . Unlock ( )
if c . accounts == nil {
// get accounts
accounts , err := c . getAllStorageAccounts ( )
if err != nil {
klog . Errorf ( "azureDisk - getAllStorageAccounts error: %v" , err )
c . accounts = make ( map [ string ] * storageAccountState )
c . accounts = accounts
// CreateVolume creates a VHD blob in a storage account that has storageType and location using the given storage account.
// If no storage account is given, search all the storage accounts associated with the resource group and pick one that
// fits storage type and location.
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) CreateVolume ( blobName , accountName , accountType , location string , requestGB int ) ( string , string , int , error ) {
account , key , err := c . common . cloud . EnsureStorageAccount ( accountName , accountType , string ( defaultStorageAccountKind ) , c . common . resourceGroup , location , dedicatedDiskAccountNamePrefix )
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "could not get storage key for storage account %s: %v" , accountName , err )
client , err := azstorage . NewBasicClientOnSovereignCloud ( account , key , c . common . cloud . Environment )
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , 0 , err
blobClient := client . GetBlobService ( )
// create a page blob in this account's vhd container
diskName , diskURI , err := c . createVHDBlobDisk ( blobClient , account , blobName , vhdContainerName , int64 ( requestGB ) )
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , 0 , err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - created vhd blob uri: %s" , diskURI )
return diskName , diskURI , requestGB , err
// DeleteVolume deletes a VHD blob
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) DeleteVolume ( diskURI string ) error {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - begin to delete volume %s" , diskURI )
accountName , blob , err := c . common . cloud . getBlobNameAndAccountFromURI ( diskURI )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to parse vhd URI %v" , err )
key , err := c . common . cloud . GetStorageAccesskey ( accountName , c . common . resourceGroup )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "no key for storage account %s, err %v" , accountName , err )
err = c . common . cloud . deleteVhdBlob ( accountName , key , blob )
if err != nil {
klog . Warningf ( "azureDisk - failed to delete blob %s err: %v" , diskURI , err )
detail := err . Error ( )
if strings . Contains ( detail , errLeaseIDMissing ) {
// disk is still being used
// see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.windowsazure.storage.blob.protocol.bloberrorcodestrings.leaseidmissing.aspx
return volerr . NewDeletedVolumeInUseError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "disk %q is still in use while being deleted" , diskURI ) )
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to delete vhd %v, account %s, blob %s, err: %v" , diskURI , accountName , blob , err )
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - blob %s deleted" , diskURI )
return nil
// get diskURI https://foo.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/bar.vhd and return foo (account) and bar.vhd (blob name)
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getBlobNameAndAccountFromURI ( diskURI string ) ( string , string , error ) {
scheme := "http"
if useHTTPSForBlobBasedDisk {
scheme = "https"
host := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s://(.*).%s.%s" , scheme , blobServiceName , c . common . storageEndpointSuffix )
reStr := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s/(.*)" , host , vhdContainerName )
re := regexp . MustCompile ( reStr )
res := re . FindSubmatch ( [ ] byte ( diskURI ) )
if len ( res ) < 3 {
return "" , "" , fmt . Errorf ( "invalid vhd URI for regex %s: %s" , reStr , diskURI )
return string ( res [ 1 ] ) , string ( res [ 2 ] ) , nil
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) createVHDBlobDisk ( blobClient azstorage . BlobStorageClient , accountName , vhdName , containerName string , sizeGB int64 ) ( string , string , error ) {
container := blobClient . GetContainerReference ( containerName )
size := 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * sizeGB
vhdSize := size + vhd . VHD_HEADER_SIZE /* header size */
// Blob name in URL must end with '.vhd' extension.
vhdName = vhdName + ".vhd"
tags := make ( map [ string ] string )
tags [ "createdby" ] = "k8sAzureDataDisk"
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - creating page blob %s in container %s account %s" , vhdName , containerName , accountName )
blob := container . GetBlobReference ( vhdName )
blob . Properties . ContentLength = vhdSize
blob . Metadata = tags
err := blob . PutPageBlob ( nil )
if err != nil {
// if container doesn't exist, create one and retry PutPageBlob
detail := err . Error ( )
if strings . Contains ( detail , errContainerNotFound ) {
err = container . Create ( & azstorage . CreateContainerOptions { Access : azstorage . ContainerAccessTypePrivate } )
if err == nil {
err = blob . PutPageBlob ( nil )
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to put page blob %s in container %s: %v" , vhdName , containerName , err )
// add VHD signature to the blob
h , err := createVHDHeader ( uint64 ( size ) )
if err != nil {
blob . DeleteIfExists ( nil )
return "" , "" , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create vhd header, err: %v" , err )
blobRange := azstorage . BlobRange {
Start : uint64 ( size ) ,
End : uint64 ( vhdSize - 1 ) ,
if err = blob . WriteRange ( blobRange , bytes . NewBuffer ( h [ : vhd . VHD_HEADER_SIZE ] ) , nil ) ; err != nil {
klog . Infof ( "azureDisk - failed to put header page for data disk %s in container %s account %s, error was %s\n" ,
vhdName , containerName , accountName , err . Error ( ) )
return "" , "" , err
scheme := "http"
if useHTTPSForBlobBasedDisk {
scheme = "https"
host := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s://%s.%s.%s" , scheme , accountName , blobServiceName , c . common . storageEndpointSuffix )
uri := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s/%s" , host , containerName , vhdName )
return vhdName , uri , nil
// delete a vhd blob
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) deleteVhdBlob ( accountName , accountKey , blobName string ) error {
client , err := azstorage . NewBasicClientOnSovereignCloud ( accountName , accountKey , c . common . cloud . Environment )
if err != nil {
return err
blobSvc := client . GetBlobService ( )
container := blobSvc . GetContainerReference ( vhdContainerName )
blob := container . GetBlobReference ( blobName )
return blob . Delete ( nil )
//CreateBlobDisk : create a blob disk in a node
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) CreateBlobDisk ( dataDiskName string , storageAccountType storage . SkuName , sizeGB int ) ( string , error ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - creating blob data disk named:%s on StorageAccountType:%s" , dataDiskName , storageAccountType )
c . initStorageAccounts ( )
storageAccountName , err := c . findSANameForDisk ( storageAccountType )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
blobClient , err := c . getBlobSvcClient ( storageAccountName )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
_ , diskURI , err := c . createVHDBlobDisk ( blobClient , storageAccountName , dataDiskName , vhdContainerName , int64 ( sizeGB ) )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
atomic . AddInt32 ( & c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . diskCount , 1 )
return diskURI , nil
//DeleteBlobDisk : delete a blob disk from a node
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) DeleteBlobDisk ( diskURI string ) error {
storageAccountName , vhdName , err := diskNameandSANameFromURI ( diskURI )
if err != nil {
return err
_ , ok := c . accounts [ storageAccountName ]
if ! ok {
// the storage account is specified by user
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - deleting volume %s" , diskURI )
return c . DeleteVolume ( diskURI )
blobSvc , err := c . getBlobSvcClient ( storageAccountName )
if err != nil {
return err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - About to delete vhd file %s on storage account %s container %s" , vhdName , storageAccountName , vhdContainerName )
container := blobSvc . GetContainerReference ( vhdContainerName )
blob := container . GetBlobReference ( vhdName )
_ , err = blob . DeleteIfExists ( nil )
if c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . diskCount == - 1 {
if diskCount , err := c . getDiskCount ( storageAccountName ) ; err != nil {
c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . diskCount = int32 ( diskCount )
} else {
klog . Warningf ( "azureDisk - failed to get disk count for %s however the delete disk operation was ok" , storageAccountName )
return nil // we have failed to acquire a new count. not an error condition
atomic . AddInt32 ( & c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . diskCount , - 1 )
return err
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getStorageAccountKey ( SAName string ) ( string , error ) {
if account , exists := c . accounts [ SAName ] ; exists && account . key != "" {
return c . accounts [ SAName ] . key , nil
ctx , cancel := getContextWithCancel ( )
defer cancel ( )
listKeysResult , err := c . common . cloud . StorageAccountClient . ListKeys ( ctx , c . common . resourceGroup , SAName )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
if listKeysResult . Keys == nil {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - empty listKeysResult in storage account:%s keys" , SAName )
for _ , v := range * listKeysResult . Keys {
if v . Value != nil && * v . Value == "key1" {
if _ , ok := c . accounts [ SAName ] ; ! ok {
klog . Warningf ( "azureDisk - account %s was not cached while getting keys" , SAName )
return * v . Value , nil
2019-12-12 01:27:03 +00:00
c . accounts [ SAName ] . key = * v . Value
return c . accounts [ SAName ] . key , nil
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "couldn't find key named key1 in storage account:%s keys" , SAName )
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getBlobSvcClient ( SAName string ) ( azstorage . BlobStorageClient , error ) {
key := ""
var client azstorage . Client
var blobSvc azstorage . BlobStorageClient
var err error
if key , err = c . getStorageAccountKey ( SAName ) ; err != nil {
return blobSvc , err
if client , err = azstorage . NewBasicClientOnSovereignCloud ( SAName , key , c . common . cloud . Environment ) ; err != nil {
return blobSvc , err
blobSvc = client . GetBlobService ( )
return blobSvc , nil
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) ensureDefaultContainer ( storageAccountName string ) error {
var err error
var blobSvc azstorage . BlobStorageClient
// short circuit the check via local cache
// we are forgiving the fact that account may not be in cache yet
if v , ok := c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] ; ok && v . defaultContainerCreated {
return nil
// not cached, check existence and readiness
bExist , provisionState , _ := c . getStorageAccountState ( storageAccountName )
// account does not exist
if ! bExist {
return fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - account %s does not exist while trying to create/ensure default container" , storageAccountName )
// account exists but not ready yet
if provisionState != storage . Succeeded {
// we don't want many attempts to validate the account readiness
// here hence we are locking
counter := 1
for swapped := atomic . CompareAndSwapInt32 ( & c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . isValidating , 0 , 1 ) ; swapped != true ; {
time . Sleep ( 3 * time . Second )
counter = counter + 1
// check if we passed the max sleep
if counter >= 20 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - timeout waiting to acquire lock to validate account:%s readiness" , storageAccountName )
// swapped
defer func ( ) {
c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . isValidating = 0
} ( )
// short circuit the check again.
if v , ok := c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] ; ok && v . defaultContainerCreated {
return nil
err = kwait . ExponentialBackoff ( defaultBackOff , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
_ , provisionState , err := c . getStorageAccountState ( storageAccountName )
if err != nil {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - GetStorageAccount:%s err %s" , storageAccountName , err . Error ( ) )
return false , nil // error performing the query - retryable
if provisionState == storage . Succeeded {
return true , nil
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - GetStorageAccount:%s not ready yet (not flagged Succeeded by ARM)" , storageAccountName )
return false , nil // back off and see if the account becomes ready on next retry
} )
// we have failed to ensure that account is ready for us to create
// the default vhd container
if err != nil {
if err == kwait . ErrWaitTimeout {
return fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - timed out waiting for storage account %s to become ready" , storageAccountName )
return err
if blobSvc , err = c . getBlobSvcClient ( storageAccountName ) ; err != nil {
return err
container := blobSvc . GetContainerReference ( vhdContainerName )
bCreated , err := container . CreateIfNotExists ( & azstorage . CreateContainerOptions { Access : azstorage . ContainerAccessTypePrivate } )
if err != nil {
return err
if bCreated {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - storage account:%s had no default container(%s) and it was created \n" , storageAccountName , vhdContainerName )
// flag so we no longer have to check on ARM
c . accounts [ storageAccountName ] . defaultContainerCreated = true
return nil
// Gets Disk counts per storage account
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getDiskCount ( SAName string ) ( int , error ) {
// if we have it in cache
if c . accounts [ SAName ] . diskCount != - 1 {
return int ( c . accounts [ SAName ] . diskCount ) , nil
var err error
var blobSvc azstorage . BlobStorageClient
if err = c . ensureDefaultContainer ( SAName ) ; err != nil {
return 0 , err
if blobSvc , err = c . getBlobSvcClient ( SAName ) ; err != nil {
return 0 , err
params := azstorage . ListBlobsParameters { }
container := blobSvc . GetContainerReference ( vhdContainerName )
response , err := container . ListBlobs ( params )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azure-Disk - refreshed data count for account %s and found %v" , SAName , len ( response . Blobs ) )
c . accounts [ SAName ] . diskCount = int32 ( len ( response . Blobs ) )
return int ( c . accounts [ SAName ] . diskCount ) , nil
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getAllStorageAccounts ( ) ( map [ string ] * storageAccountState , error ) {
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , 60 * time . Second )
defer cancel ( )
accountListResult , err := c . common . cloud . StorageAccountClient . ListByResourceGroup ( ctx , c . common . resourceGroup )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if accountListResult . Value == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - empty accountListResult" )
accounts := make ( map [ string ] * storageAccountState )
for _ , v := range * accountListResult . Value {
if v . Name == nil || v . Sku == nil {
klog . Info ( "azureDisk - accountListResult Name or Sku is nil" )
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( * v . Name , sharedDiskAccountNamePrefix ) {
klog . Infof ( "azureDisk - identified account %s as part of shared PVC accounts" , * v . Name )
sastate := & storageAccountState {
name : * v . Name ,
saType : ( * v . Sku ) . Name ,
diskCount : - 1 ,
accounts [ * v . Name ] = sastate
return accounts , nil
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) createStorageAccount ( storageAccountName string , storageAccountType storage . SkuName , location string , checkMaxAccounts bool ) error {
bExist , _ , _ := c . getStorageAccountState ( storageAccountName )
if bExist {
newAccountState := & storageAccountState {
diskCount : - 1 ,
saType : storageAccountType ,
name : storageAccountName ,
c . addAccountState ( storageAccountName , newAccountState )
// Account Does not exist
if ! bExist {
if len ( c . accounts ) == maxStorageAccounts && checkMaxAccounts {
return fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - can not create new storage account, current storage accounts count:%v Max is:%v" , len ( c . accounts ) , maxStorageAccounts )
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - Creating storage account %s type %s" , storageAccountName , string ( storageAccountType ) )
cp := storage . AccountCreateParameters {
Sku : & storage . Sku { Name : storageAccountType } ,
// switch to use StorageV2 as it's recommended according to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-options
Kind : defaultStorageAccountKind ,
Tags : map [ string ] * string { "created-by" : to . StringPtr ( "azure-dd" ) } ,
Location : & location }
ctx , cancel := getContextWithCancel ( )
defer cancel ( )
_ , err := c . common . cloud . StorageAccountClient . Create ( ctx , c . common . resourceGroup , storageAccountName , cp )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Create Storage Account: %s, error: %s" , storageAccountName , err ) )
newAccountState := & storageAccountState {
diskCount : - 1 ,
saType : storageAccountType ,
name : storageAccountName ,
c . addAccountState ( storageAccountName , newAccountState )
// finally, make sure that we default container is created
// before handing it back over
return c . ensureDefaultContainer ( storageAccountName )
// finds a new suitable storageAccount for this disk
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) findSANameForDisk ( storageAccountType storage . SkuName ) ( string , error ) {
maxDiskCount := maxDisksPerStorageAccounts
SAName := ""
totalDiskCounts := 0
countAccounts := 0 // account of this type.
for _ , v := range c . accounts {
// filter out any stand-alone disks/accounts
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( v . name , sharedDiskAccountNamePrefix ) {
// note: we compute avg stratified by type.
// this is to enable user to grow per SA type to avoid low
// avg utilization on one account type skewing all data.
if v . saType == storageAccountType {
// compute average
dCount , err := c . getDiskCount ( v . name )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
totalDiskCounts = totalDiskCounts + dCount
countAccounts = countAccounts + 1
// empty account
if dCount == 0 {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - account %s identified for a new disk is because it has 0 allocated disks" , v . name )
return v . name , nil // short circuit, avg is good and no need to adjust
// if this account is less allocated
if dCount < maxDiskCount {
maxDiskCount = dCount
SAName = v . name
// if we failed to find storageaccount
if SAName == "" {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - failed to identify a suitable account for new disk and will attempt to create new account" )
SAName = generateStorageAccountName ( sharedDiskAccountNamePrefix )
err := c . createStorageAccount ( SAName , storageAccountType , c . common . location , true )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return SAName , nil
disksAfter := totalDiskCounts + 1 // with the new one!
avgUtilization := float64 ( disksAfter ) / float64 ( countAccounts * maxDisksPerStorageAccounts )
aboveAvg := ( avgUtilization > storageAccountUtilizationBeforeGrowing )
// avg are not create and we should create more accounts if we can
if aboveAvg && countAccounts < maxStorageAccounts {
klog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "azureDisk - shared storageAccounts utilization(%v) > grow-at-avg-utilization (%v). New storage account will be created" , avgUtilization , storageAccountUtilizationBeforeGrowing )
SAName = generateStorageAccountName ( sharedDiskAccountNamePrefix )
err := c . createStorageAccount ( SAName , storageAccountType , c . common . location , true )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return SAName , nil
// averages are not ok and we are at capacity (max storage accounts allowed)
if aboveAvg && countAccounts == maxStorageAccounts {
klog . Infof ( "azureDisk - shared storageAccounts utilization(%v) > grow-at-avg-utilization (%v). But k8s maxed on SAs for PVC(%v). k8s will now exceed grow-at-avg-utilization without adding accounts" ,
avgUtilization , storageAccountUtilizationBeforeGrowing , maxStorageAccounts )
// we found a storage accounts && [ avg are ok || we reached max sa count ]
return SAName , nil
//Gets storage account exist, provisionStatus, Error if any
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) getStorageAccountState ( storageAccountName string ) ( bool , storage . ProvisioningState , error ) {
ctx , cancel := getContextWithCancel ( )
defer cancel ( )
account , err := c . common . cloud . StorageAccountClient . GetProperties ( ctx , c . common . resourceGroup , storageAccountName )
if err != nil {
return false , "" , err
return true , account . AccountProperties . ProvisioningState , nil
func ( c * BlobDiskController ) addAccountState ( key string , state * storageAccountState ) {
accountsLock . Lock ( )
defer accountsLock . Unlock ( )
if _ , ok := c . accounts [ key ] ; ! ok {
c . accounts [ key ] = state
func createVHDHeader ( size uint64 ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
h := vhd . CreateFixedHeader ( size , & vhd . VHDOptions { } )
b := new ( bytes . Buffer )
err := binary . Write ( b , binary . BigEndian , h )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return b . Bytes ( ) , nil
func diskNameandSANameFromURI ( diskURI string ) ( string , string , error ) {
uri , err := url . Parse ( diskURI )
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , err
hostName := uri . Host
storageAccountName := strings . Split ( hostName , "." ) [ 0 ]
segments := strings . Split ( uri . Path , "/" )
diskNameVhd := segments [ len ( segments ) - 1 ]
return storageAccountName , diskNameVhd , nil