2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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2017-11-29 22:08:28 +00:00
package vsphere
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
import (
2017-11-07 23:33:27 +00:00
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
storageV1 "k8s.io/api/storage/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
2017-11-29 22:08:28 +00:00
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
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Induce stress to create volumes in parallel with multiple threads based on user configurable values for number of threads and iterations per thread .
The following actions will be performed as part of this test .
1. Create Storage Classes of 4 Categories ( Default , SC with Non Default Datastore , SC with SPBM Policy , SC with VSAN Storage Capalibilies . )
3. Launch goroutine for volume lifecycle operations .
4. Each instance of routine iterates for n times , where n is read from system env - VCP_STRESS_ITERATIONS
5. Each iteration creates 1 PVC , 1 POD using the provisioned PV , Verify disk is attached to the node , Verify pod can access the volume , delete the pod and finally delete the PVC .
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2017-11-29 22:08:28 +00:00
var _ = utils . SIGDescribe ( "vsphere cloud provider stress [Feature:vsphere]" , func ( ) {
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
f := framework . NewDefaultFramework ( "vcp-stress" )
var (
client clientset . Interface
namespace string
instances int
iterations int
policyName string
datastoreName string
2018-01-18 23:29:27 +00:00
err error
scNames = [ ] string { storageclass1 , storageclass2 , storageclass3 , storageclass4 }
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "vsphere" )
client = f . ClientSet
namespace = f . Namespace . Name
nodeList := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( f . ClientSet )
Expect ( nodeList . Items ) . NotTo ( BeEmpty ( ) , "Unable to find ready and schedulable Node" )
// if VCP_STRESS_INSTANCES = 12 and VCP_STRESS_ITERATIONS is 10. 12 threads will run in parallel for 10 times.
// Resulting 120 Volumes and POD Creation. Volumes will be provisioned with each different types of Storage Class,
// Each iteration creates PVC, verify PV is provisioned, then creates a pod, verify volume is attached to the node, and then delete the pod and delete pvc.
2018-01-18 23:29:27 +00:00
instances = GetAndExpectIntEnvVar ( VCPStressInstances )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
Expect ( instances <= volumesPerNode * len ( nodeList . Items ) ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "Number of Instances should be less or equal: %v" , volumesPerNode * len ( nodeList . Items ) ) )
Expect ( instances > len ( scNames ) ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) , "VCP_STRESS_INSTANCES should be greater than 3 to utilize all 4 types of storage classes" )
2018-01-18 23:29:27 +00:00
iterations = GetAndExpectIntEnvVar ( VCPStressIterations )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) , "Error Parsing VCP_STRESS_ITERATIONS" )
Expect ( iterations > 0 ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) , "VCP_STRESS_ITERATIONS should be greater than 0" )
2018-01-18 23:29:27 +00:00
policyName = GetAndExpectStringEnvVar ( SPBMPolicyName )
datastoreName = GetAndExpectStringEnvVar ( StorageClassDatastoreName )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
} )
It ( "vsphere stress tests" , func ( ) {
scArrays := make ( [ ] * storageV1 . StorageClass , len ( scNames ) )
for index , scname := range scNames {
// Create vSphere Storage Class
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Creating Storage Class : %v" , scname ) )
var sc * storageV1 . StorageClass
var err error
switch scname {
case storageclass1 :
sc , err = client . StorageV1 ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Create ( getVSphereStorageClassSpec ( storageclass1 , nil ) )
case storageclass2 :
var scVSanParameters map [ string ] string
scVSanParameters = make ( map [ string ] string )
scVSanParameters [ Policy_HostFailuresToTolerate ] = "1"
sc , err = client . StorageV1 ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Create ( getVSphereStorageClassSpec ( storageclass2 , scVSanParameters ) )
case storageclass3 :
var scSPBMPolicyParameters map [ string ] string
scSPBMPolicyParameters = make ( map [ string ] string )
scSPBMPolicyParameters [ SpbmStoragePolicy ] = policyName
sc , err = client . StorageV1 ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Create ( getVSphereStorageClassSpec ( storageclass3 , scSPBMPolicyParameters ) )
case storageclass4 :
var scWithDSParameters map [ string ] string
scWithDSParameters = make ( map [ string ] string )
scWithDSParameters [ Datastore ] = datastoreName
scWithDatastoreSpec := getVSphereStorageClassSpec ( storageclass4 , scWithDSParameters )
sc , err = client . StorageV1 ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Create ( scWithDatastoreSpec )
Expect ( sc ) . NotTo ( BeNil ( ) )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
defer client . StorageV1 ( ) . StorageClasses ( ) . Delete ( scname , nil )
scArrays [ index ] = sc
var wg sync . WaitGroup
wg . Add ( instances )
for instanceCount := 0 ; instanceCount < instances ; instanceCount ++ {
instanceId := fmt . Sprintf ( "Thread:%v" , instanceCount + 1 )
go PerformVolumeLifeCycleInParallel ( f , client , namespace , instanceId , scArrays [ instanceCount % len ( scArrays ) ] , iterations , & wg )
wg . Wait ( )
} )
} )
// goroutine to perform volume lifecycle operations in parallel
func PerformVolumeLifeCycleInParallel ( f * framework . Framework , client clientset . Interface , namespace string , instanceId string , sc * storageV1 . StorageClass , iterations int , wg * sync . WaitGroup ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
2018-02-08 03:41:23 +00:00
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
for iterationCount := 0 ; iterationCount < iterations ; iterationCount ++ {
logPrefix := fmt . Sprintf ( "Instance: [%v], Iteration: [%v] :" , instanceId , iterationCount + 1 )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Creating PVC using the Storage Class: %v" , logPrefix , sc . Name ) )
pvclaim , err := framework . CreatePVC ( client , namespace , getVSphereClaimSpecWithStorageClassAnnotation ( namespace , "1Gi" , sc ) )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
defer framework . DeletePersistentVolumeClaim ( client , pvclaim . Name , namespace )
var pvclaims [ ] * v1 . PersistentVolumeClaim
pvclaims = append ( pvclaims , pvclaim )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Waiting for claim: %v to be in bound phase" , logPrefix , pvclaim . Name ) )
persistentvolumes , err := framework . WaitForPVClaimBoundPhase ( client , pvclaims , framework . ClaimProvisionTimeout )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Creating Pod using the claim: %v" , logPrefix , pvclaim . Name ) )
// Create pod to attach Volume to Node
2017-11-07 23:33:27 +00:00
pod , err := framework . CreatePod ( client , namespace , nil , pvclaims , false , "" )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Waiting for the Pod: %v to be in the running state" , logPrefix , pod . Name ) )
Expect ( f . WaitForPodRunningSlow ( pod . Name ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// Get the copy of the Pod to know the assigned node name.
pod , err = client . CoreV1 ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Get ( pod . Name , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Verifing the volume: %v is attached to the node VM: %v" , logPrefix , persistentvolumes [ 0 ] . Spec . VsphereVolume . VolumePath , pod . Spec . NodeName ) )
2018-02-08 03:41:23 +00:00
isVolumeAttached , verifyDiskAttachedError := diskIsAttached ( persistentvolumes [ 0 ] . Spec . VsphereVolume . VolumePath , pod . Spec . NodeName )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
Expect ( isVolumeAttached ) . To ( BeTrue ( ) )
Expect ( verifyDiskAttachedError ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Verifing the volume: %v is accessible in the pod: %v" , logPrefix , persistentvolumes [ 0 ] . Spec . VsphereVolume . VolumePath , pod . Name ) )
2018-02-08 03:41:23 +00:00
verifyVSphereVolumesAccessible ( client , pod , persistentvolumes )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Deleting pod: %v" , logPrefix , pod . Name ) )
err = framework . DeletePodWithWait ( f , client , pod )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Waiting for volume: %v to be detached from the node: %v" , logPrefix , persistentvolumes [ 0 ] . Spec . VsphereVolume . VolumePath , pod . Spec . NodeName ) )
2018-02-08 03:41:23 +00:00
err = waitForVSphereDiskToDetach ( persistentvolumes [ 0 ] . Spec . VsphereVolume . VolumePath , pod . Spec . NodeName )
2017-10-06 16:57:27 +00:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v Deleting the Claim: %v" , logPrefix , pvclaim . Name ) )
Expect ( framework . DeletePersistentVolumeClaim ( client , pvclaim . Name , namespace ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )