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# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A library of helper functions and constant for the local config.
# Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to
# config-default.sh.
KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../..
source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}"
# Verify prereqs
function verify-prereqs {
local cmd
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
for cmd in gcloud gsutil; do
which "${cmd}" >/dev/null || {
echo "Can't find ${cmd} in PATH, please fix and retry. The Google Cloud "
echo "SDK can be downloaded from https://cloud.google.com/sdk/."
exit 1
# Create a temp dir that'll be deleted at the end of this bash session.
# Vars set:
function ensure-temp-dir {
if [[ -z ${KUBE_TEMP-} ]]; then
KUBE_TEMP=$(mktemp -d -t kubernetes.XXXXXX)
trap 'rm -rf "${KUBE_TEMP}"' EXIT
# Verify and find the various tar files that we are going to use on the server.
# Vars set:
function find-release-tars {
if [[ ! -f "$SERVER_BINARY_TAR" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "$SERVER_BINARY_TAR" ]]; then
echo "!!! Cannot find kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "$SALT_TAR" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "$SALT_TAR" ]]; then
echo "!!! Cannot find kubernetes-salt.tar.gz"
exit 1
# Use the gcloud defaults to find the project. If it is already set in the
# environment then go with that.
# Vars set:
2015-01-15 19:21:42 +00:00
function detect-project () {
if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]]; then
PROJECT=$(gcloud config list project | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]]; then
echo "Could not detect Google Cloud Platform project. Set the default project using " >&2
echo "'gcloud config set project <PROJECT>'" >&2
exit 1
2015-01-15 19:21:42 +00:00
if [[ -z "${PROJECT_REPORTED-}" ]]; then
echo "Project: ${PROJECT}" >&2
echo "Zone: ${ZONE}" >&2
# Take the local tar files and upload them to Google Storage. They will then be
# downloaded by the master as part of the start up script for the master.
# Assumed vars:
# Vars set:
function upload-server-tars() {
local project_hash
if which md5 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
project_hash=$(md5 -q -s "$PROJECT")
project_hash=$(echo -n "$PROJECT" | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')
local -r staging_bucket="gs://kubernetes-staging-${project_hash}"
# Ensure the bucket is created
if ! gsutil ls "$staging_bucket" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "Creating $staging_bucket"
gsutil mb "${staging_bucket}"
local -r staging_path="${staging_bucket}/devel"
echo "+++ Staging server tars to Google Storage: ${staging_path}"
local server_binary_gs_url="${staging_path}/${SERVER_BINARY_TAR##*/}"
gsutil -q -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0" cp "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR}" "${server_binary_gs_url}"
gsutil acl ch -g all:R "${server_binary_gs_url}" >/dev/null 2>&1
local salt_gs_url="${staging_path}/${SALT_TAR##*/}"
gsutil -q -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0" cp "${SALT_TAR}" "${salt_gs_url}"
gsutil acl ch -g all:R "${salt_gs_url}" >/dev/null 2>&1
# Convert from gs:// URL to an https:// URL
# Detect minions created in the minion group
# Assumed vars:
# Vars set:
function detect-minion-names {
MINION_NAMES=($(gcloud preview --project "${PROJECT}" instance-groups \
--zone "${ZONE}" instances --group "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" list \
| cut -d'/' -f11))
# Waits until the number of running nodes in the instance group is equal to NUM_NODES
# Assumed vars:
function wait-for-minions-to-run {
local running_minions=0
while [[ "${NUM_MINIONS}" != "${running_minions}" ]]; do
echo -e -n "${color_yellow}Waiting for minions to run. "
echo -e "${running_minions} out of ${NUM_MINIONS} running. Retrying.${color_norm}"
sleep 5
running_minions=$(gcloud preview --project "${PROJECT}" instance-groups \
--zone "${ZONE}" instances --group "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" list \
--running | wc -l | xargs)
# Detect the information about the minions
# Assumed vars:
# Vars set:
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
function detect-minions () {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do
local minion_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
"${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" --fields networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP \
--format=text | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [[ -z "${minion_ip-}" ]] ; then
echo "Did not find ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" >&2
echo "Found ${MINION_NAMES[$i]} at ${minion_ip}"
if [[ -z "${KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES-}" ]]; then
echo "Could not detect Kubernetes minion nodes. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" >&2
exit 1
# Detect the IP for the master
# Assumed vars:
# Vars set:
function detect-master () {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then
KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(gcloud compute instances describe --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
"${MASTER_NAME}" --fields networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP \
--format=text | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then
echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" >&2
exit 1
echo "Using master: $KUBE_MASTER (external IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP)"
# Ensure that we have a password created for validating to the master. Will
2015-02-04 03:38:24 +00:00
# read from the kubernetes auth-file for the current context if available.
# Assumed vars
# Vars set:
function get-password {
# go template to extract the auth-path of the current-context user
2015-02-12 01:44:28 +00:00
# Note: we save dot ('.') to $dot because the 'with' action overrides dot
local template='{{$dot := .}}{{with $ctx := index $dot "current-context"}}{{$user := index $dot "contexts" $ctx "user"}}{{index $dot "users" $user "auth-path"}}{{end}}'
local file=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" config view -o template --template="${template}")
if [[ ! -z "$file" && -r "$file" ]]; then
KUBE_USER=$(cat "$file" | python -c 'import json,sys;print json.load(sys.stdin)["User"]')
KUBE_PASSWORD=$(cat "$file" | python -c 'import json,sys;print json.load(sys.stdin)["Password"]')
KUBE_PASSWORD=$(python -c 'import string,random; print "".join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(16))')
# Generate authentication token for admin user. Will
# read from $HOME/.kubernetes_auth if available.
# Vars set:
function get-admin-token {
local file="$HOME/.kubernetes_auth"
if [[ -r "$file" ]]; then
KUBE_ADMIN_TOKEN=$(cat "$file" | python -c 'import json,sys;print json.load(sys.stdin)["BearerToken"]')
KUBE_ADMIN_TOKEN=$(python -c 'import string,random; print "".join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32))')
# Wait for background jobs to finish. Exit with
# an error status if any of the jobs failed.
function wait-for-jobs {
local fail=0
local job
for job in $(jobs -p); do
wait "${job}" || fail=$((fail + 1))
if (( fail != 0 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}${fail} commands failed. Exiting.${color_norm}" >&2
# Ignore failures for now.
# exit 2
# Robustly try to create a firewall rule.
# $1: The name of firewall rule.
# $2: IP ranges.
# $3: Target tags for this firewall rule.
function create-firewall-rule {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
local attempt=0
while true; do
if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$1" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
--source-ranges "$2" \
--target-tags "$3" \
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
--allow tcp udp icmp esp ah sctp; then
if (( attempt > 5 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create firewall rule $1 ${color_norm}"
exit 2
echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt $(($attempt+1)) failed to create firewall rule $1. Retrying.${color_norm}"
# Robustly try to create a route.
# $1: The name of the route.
# $2: IP range.
function create-route {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
local attempt=0
while true; do
if ! gcloud compute routes create "$1" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--destination-range "$2" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
--next-hop-instance "$1" \
--next-hop-instance-zone "${ZONE}"; then
if (( attempt > 5 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create route $1 ${color_norm}"
exit 2
echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt $(($attempt+1)) failed to create route $1. Retrying.${color_norm}"
# Robustly try to create an instance template.
# $1: The name of the instance template.
# $2: The scopes flag.
# $3: The minion start script metadata from file.
function create-node-template {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
local attempt=0
while true; do
if ! gcloud compute instance-templates create "$1" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--machine-type "${MINION_SIZE}" \
--boot-disk-type "${MINION_DISK_TYPE}" \
--boot-disk-size "${MINION_DISK_SIZE}" \
--image-project="${IMAGE_PROJECT}" \
--image "${IMAGE}" \
--tags "${MINION_TAG}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
$2 \
--can-ip-forward \
--metadata-from-file "$3"; then
if (( attempt > 5 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create instance template $1 ${color_norm}"
exit 2
echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt $(($attempt+1)) failed to create instance template $1. Retrying.${color_norm}"
# Robustly try to add metadata on an instance.
# $1: The name of the instace.
# $2: The metadata key=value pair to add.
function add-instance-metadata {
local attempt=0
while true; do
if ! gcloud compute instances add-metadata "$1" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--zone "${ZONE}" \
--metadata "$2"; then
if (( attempt > 5 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Failed to add instance metadata in $1 ${color_norm}"
exit 2
echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt $(($attempt+1)) failed to add metadata in $1. Retrying.${color_norm}"
# Instantiate a kubernetes cluster
# Assumed vars
# <Various vars set in config file>
function kube-up {
# Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage
2014-09-24 17:55:58 +00:00
python "${KUBE_ROOT}/third_party/htpasswd/htpasswd.py" \
-b -c "${KUBE_TEMP}/htpasswd" "$KUBE_USER" "$KUBE_PASSWORD"
local htpasswd
htpasswd=$(cat "${KUBE_TEMP}/htpasswd")
if ! gcloud compute networks --project "${PROJECT}" describe "${NETWORK}" &>/dev/null; then
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
echo "Creating new network: ${NETWORK}"
2014-09-24 17:55:58 +00:00
# The network needs to be created synchronously or we have a race. The
# firewalls can be added concurrent with instance creation.
gcloud compute networks create --project "${PROJECT}" "${NETWORK}" --range ""
if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${PROJECT}" describe "${NETWORK}-default-internal" &>/dev/null; then
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${NETWORK}-default-internal" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--source-ranges "" \
--allow "tcp:1-65535" "udp:1-65535" "icmp" &
if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${NETWORK}-default-ssh" &>/dev/null; then
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${NETWORK}-default-ssh" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--source-ranges "" \
--allow "tcp:22" &
echo "Starting VMs and configuring firewalls"
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}-https" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--target-tags "${MASTER_TAG}" \
--allow tcp:443 &
2014-09-24 17:55:58 +00:00
echo "#! /bin/bash"
echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install"
echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install"
echo "readonly MASTER_NAME='${MASTER_NAME}'"
echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'"
echo "readonly MASTER_HTPASSWD='${htpasswd}'"
2014-09-18 23:03:34 +00:00
echo "readonly PORTAL_NET='${PORTAL_NET}'"
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
2014-11-14 07:07:43 +00:00
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
2014-11-07 04:49:21 +00:00
echo "readonly ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS='${ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS:-false}'"
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
echo "readonly DNS_REPLICAS='${DNS_REPLICAS:-}'"
2014-11-07 04:49:21 +00:00
echo "readonly DNS_SERVER_IP='${DNS_SERVER_IP:-}'"
echo "readonly DNS_DOMAIN='${DNS_DOMAIN:-}'"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/common.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/format-and-mount-pd.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/create-dynamic-salt-files.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/download-release.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/salt-master.sh"
) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh"
2014-09-24 17:55:58 +00:00
# Report logging choice (if any).
2014-11-14 07:07:43 +00:00
if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING-}" == "true" ]]; then
echo "+++ Logging using Fluentd to ${LOGGING_DESTINATION:-unknown}"
# For logging to GCP we need to enable some minion scopes.
if [[ "${LOGGING_DESTINATION-}" == "gcp" ]]; then
2014-11-14 07:07:43 +00:00
# We have to make sure the disk is created before creating the master VM, so
# run this in the foreground.
gcloud compute disks create "${MASTER_NAME}-pd" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--zone "${ZONE}" \
--size "10GB"
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute instances create "${MASTER_NAME}" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--zone "${ZONE}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--machine-type "${MASTER_SIZE}" \
--image-project="${IMAGE_PROJECT}" \
--image "${IMAGE}" \
--tags "${MASTER_TAG}" \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--scopes "storage-ro" "compute-rw" \
--metadata-from-file "startup-script=${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh" \
--disk name="${MASTER_NAME}-pd" device-name=master-pd mode=rw boot=no auto-delete=no &
# Create a single firewall rule for all minions.
create-firewall-rule "${MINION_TAG}-all" "${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" "${MINION_TAG}" &
# Wait for last batch of jobs.
local -a scope_flags=()
if (( "${#MINION_SCOPES[@]}" > 0 )); then
scope_flags=("--scopes" "${MINION_SCOPES[@]}")
echo "#! /bin/bash"
echo "ZONE='${ZONE}'"
2014-09-24 17:55:58 +00:00
echo "until MINION_IP_RANGE=\$(curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google'\\"
echo " http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/node-ip-range); do"
echo " echo 'Waiting for metadata MINION_IP_RANGE...'"
echo " sleep 3"
echo "done"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/common.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/salt-minion.sh"
) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/minion-start.sh"
create-node-template "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" "${scope_flags[*]}" \
gcloud preview managed-instance-groups --zone "${ZONE}" \
create "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--base-instance-name "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}" \
--size "${NUM_MINIONS}" \
--template "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" || true;
# TODO: this should be true when the above create managed-instance-group
# command returns, but currently it returns before the instances come up due
# to gcloud's deficiency.
# Create the routes and set IP ranges to instance metadata, 5 instances at a time.
for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do
create-route "${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" "${MINION_IP_RANGES[$i]}" &
add-instance-metadata "${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" "node-ip-range=${MINION_IP_RANGES[$i]}" &
if [ $i -ne 0 ] && [ $((i%5)) -eq 0 ]; then
echo Waiting for a batch of routes at $i...
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
# Wait for last batch of jobs.
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
echo "Waiting for cluster initialization."
echo " This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable."
echo " This might loop forever if there was some uncaught error during start"
echo " up."
until curl --insecure --user "${KUBE_USER}:${KUBE_PASSWORD}" --max-time 5 \
--fail --output /dev/null --silent "https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}/api/v1beta1/pods"; do
printf "."
sleep 2
echo "Kubernetes cluster created."
2014-08-06 16:57:00 +00:00
local kube_cert="kubecfg.crt"
local kube_key="kubecfg.key"
local ca_cert="kubernetes.ca.crt"
# TODO use token instead of kube_auth
local kube_auth="kubernetes_auth"
local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"
local context="${PROJECT}_${INSTANCE_PREFIX}"
local user="${context}-admin"
local config_dir="${HOME}/.kube/${context}"
2014-09-23 21:14:34 +00:00
# TODO: generate ADMIN (and KUBELET) tokens and put those in the master's
# config file. Distribute the same way the htpasswd is done.
mkdir -p "${config_dir}"
umask 077
gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "$ZONE" "${MASTER_NAME}" --command "sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.crt" >"${config_dir}/${kube_cert}" 2>/dev/null
gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "$ZONE" "${MASTER_NAME}" --command "sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.key" >"${config_dir}/${kube_key}" 2>/dev/null
gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "$ZONE" "${MASTER_NAME}" --command "sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt" >"${config_dir}/${ca_cert}" 2>/dev/null
"${kubectl}" config set-cluster "${context}" --server="https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" --certificate-authority="${config_dir}/${ca_cert}" --global
"${kubectl}" config set-credentials "${user}" --auth-path="${config_dir}/${kube_auth}" --global
"${kubectl}" config set-context "${context}" --cluster="${context}" --user="${user}" --global
"${kubectl}" config use-context "${context}" --global
cat << EOF > "${config_dir}/${kube_auth}"
2014-09-23 21:14:34 +00:00
"User": "$KUBE_USER",
"Password": "$KUBE_PASSWORD",
"CAFile": "${config_dir}/${ca_cert}",
"CertFile": "${config_dir}/${kube_cert}",
"KeyFile": "${config_dir}/${kube_key}"
2014-09-23 21:14:34 +00:00
2014-09-24 16:39:42 +00:00
2014-09-24 16:39:42 +00:00
chmod 0600 "${config_dir}/${kube_auth}" "${config_dir}/$kube_cert" \
"${config_dir}/${kube_key}" "${config_dir}/${ca_cert}"
echo "Wrote ${config_dir}/${kube_auth}"
echo "Sanity checking cluster..."
# Basic sanity checking
local i
local rc # Capture return code without exiting because of errexit bash option
for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do
# Make sure docker is installed and working.
local attempt=0
while true; do
echo -n Attempt "$(($attempt+1))" to check Docker on node "${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" ...
local output=$(gcloud compute --project "${PROJECT}" ssh --zone "$ZONE" "${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" --command "sudo docker ps -a" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -z "${output}" ]]; then
if (( attempt > 9 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Docker failed to install on node ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2
echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2
echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2
exit 1
elif [[ "${output}" != *"kubernetes/pause"* ]]; then
if (( attempt > 9 )); then
echo -e "${color_red}Failed to observe kubernetes/pause on node ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2
echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2
echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2
exit 1
echo -e " ${color_green}[working]${color_norm}"
echo -e " ${color_yellow}[not working yet]${color_norm}"
# Start Docker, in case it failed to start.
gcloud compute --project "${PROJECT}" ssh --zone "$ZONE" "${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" \
--command "sudo service docker start" 2>/dev/null || true
sleep 30
echo -e "${color_green}Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:"
echo -e "${color_yellow} https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}"
echo -e "${color_green}The user name and password to use is located in ${config_dir}/${kube_auth}.${color_norm}"
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
# Delete a kubernetes cluster. This is called from test-teardown.
# Assumed vars:
# This function tears down cluster resources 10 at a time to avoid issuing too many
# API calls and exceeding API quota. It is important to bring down the instances before bringing
# down the firewall rules and routes.
function kube-down {
echo "Bringing down cluster"
gcloud preview managed-instance-groups --zone "${ZONE}" delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
"${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" || true
gcloud compute instance-templates delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
"${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" || true
# First delete the master (if it exists).
gcloud compute instances delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--quiet \
--delete-disks all \
--zone "${ZONE}" \
"${MASTER_NAME}" || true
# Find out what minions are running.
local -a minions
minions=( $(gcloud compute instances list \
--project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \
--regexp "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+" \
| awk 'NR >= 2 { print $1 }') )
# If any minions are running, delete them in batches.
while (( "${#minions[@]}" > 0 )); do
echo Deleting nodes "${minions[*]::10}"
gcloud compute instances delete \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
--delete-disks boot \
--zone "${ZONE}" \
"${minions[@]::10}" || true
minions=( "${minions[@]:10}" )
# Delete firewall rule for the master.
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
"${MASTER_NAME}-https" || true
# Delete firewall rule for minions.
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
"${MINION_TAG}-all" || true
# Delete routes.
local -a routes
routes=( $(gcloud compute routes list --project "${PROJECT}" \
--regexp "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+" | awk 'NR >= 2 { print $1 }') )
while (( "${#routes[@]}" > 0 )); do
echo Deleting routes "${routes[*]::10}"
gcloud compute routes delete \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--project "${PROJECT}" \
--quiet \
"${routes[@]::10}" || true
routes=( "${routes[@]:10}" )
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
# Update a kubernetes cluster with latest source
function kube-push {
# Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage
echo "#! /bin/bash"
echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install"
echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install"
echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/common.sh"
grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/templates/download-release.sh"
echo "echo Executing configuration"
echo "sudo salt '*' mine.update"
echo "sudo salt --force-color '*' state.highstate"
) | gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "$ZONE" "$KUBE_MASTER" --command "sudo bash"
echo "Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:"
echo " https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}"
echo "The user name and password to use is located in ~/.kubernetes_auth."
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cluster specific test helpers used from hack/e2e-test.sh
# Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env.
# Assumed Vars:
function test-build-release {
# Make a release
# Execute prior to running tests to initialize required structure. This is
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
# called from hack/e2e.go only when running -up (it is run after kube-up).
# Assumed vars:
# Variables from config.sh
function test-setup {
# Detect the project into $PROJECT if it isn't set
# Open up port 80 & 8080 so common containers on minions can be reached
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules create \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--target-tags "${MINION_TAG}" \
--allow tcp:80 tcp:8080 \
--network "${NETWORK}" \
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
# Execute after running tests to perform any required clean-up. This is called
# from hack/e2e.go
function test-teardown {
2014-12-09 23:07:54 +00:00
echo "Shutting down test cluster in background."
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete \
--project "${PROJECT}" \
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
--quiet \
"${MINION_TAG}-${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-http-alt" || true
2014-10-10 05:38:00 +00:00
# SSH to a node by name ($1) and run a command ($2).
function ssh-to-node {
local node="$1"
local cmd="$2"
for try in $(seq 1 5); do
if gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone="${ZONE}" "${node}" --command "${cmd}"; then
2014-10-10 05:38:00 +00:00
# Restart the kube-proxy on a node ($1)
function restart-kube-proxy {
ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-proxy restart"
# Restart the kube-proxy on a node ($1)
function restart-apiserver {
ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-apiserver restart"
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
# Setup monitoring firewalls using heapster and InfluxDB
function setup-monitoring-firewall {
if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" != "true" ]]; then
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
echo "Setting up firewalls to Heapster based cluster monitoring."
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-monitoring-heapster" --project "${PROJECT}" \
--allow tcp:80 tcp:8083 tcp:8086 --target-tags="${MINION_TAG}" --network="${NETWORK}"
local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"
local grafana_host=""
echo "waiting for monitoring pods to be scheduled."
for i in `seq 1 10`; do
grafana_host=$("${kubectl}" get pods -l name=influxGrafana -o template -t {{range.items}}{{.currentState.hostIP}}:{{end}} | sed s/://g)
if [[ ${grafana_host} != *"<"* ]]; then
2014-11-25 18:32:27 +00:00
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
sleep 10
if [[ ${grafana_host} != *"<"* ]]; then
echo -e "${color_green}Grafana dashboard will be available at ${color_yellow}http://${grafana_host}${color_green}. Wait for the monitoring dashboard to be online.${color_norm}"
echo -e "${color_red}Monitoring pods failed to be scheduled!${color_norm}"
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
function teardown-monitoring-firewall {
if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" != "true" ]]; then
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete -q "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-monitoring-heapster" --project "${PROJECT}" || true
2014-11-11 19:03:07 +00:00
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
function setup-logging-firewall {
# If logging with Fluentd to Elasticsearch is enabled then create pods
# and services for Elasticsearch (for ingesting logs) and Kibana (for
# viewing logs).
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING-}" != "true" ]] || \
[[ "${LOGGING_DESTINATION-}" != "elasticsearch" ]] || \
[[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING-}" != "true" ]]; then
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-fluentd-elasticsearch-logging" --project "${PROJECT}" \
--allow tcp:5601 tcp:9200 tcp:9300 --target-tags "${MINION_TAG}" --network="${NETWORK}"
# This should be nearly instant once kube-addons gets a chance to
# run, and we already know we can hit the apiserver, but it's still
# worth checking.
echo "waiting for logging services to be created by the master."
local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"
for i in `seq 1 10`; do
if "${kubectl}" get services -l name=kibana-logging -o template -t {{range.items}}{{.id}}{{end}} | grep -q kibana-logging &&
"${kubectl}" get services -l name=elasticsearch-logging -o template -t {{range.items}}{{.id}}{{end}} | grep -q elasticsearch-logging; then
sleep 10
2015-02-07 00:35:39 +00:00
local -r region="${ZONE:0:${#ZONE}-2}"
local -r es_ip=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules --project "${PROJECT}" describe --region "${region}" elasticsearch-logging | grep IPAddress | awk '{print $2}')
local -r kibana_ip=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules --project "${PROJECT}" describe --region "${region}" kibana-logging | grep IPAddress | awk '{print $2}')
echo -e "${color_green}Cluster logs are ingested into Elasticsearch running at ${color_yellow}http://${es_ip}:9200"
echo -e "${color_green}Kibana logging dashboard will be available at ${color_yellow}http://${kibana_ip}:5601${color_norm}"
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
function teardown-logging-firewall {
if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING-}" != "true" ]] || \
[[ "${LOGGING_DESTINATION-}" != "elasticsearch" ]] || \
[[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING-}" != "true" ]]; then
Deferred creation of SkyDNS, monitoring and logging objects This implements phase 1 of the proposal in #3579, moving the creation of the pods, RCs, and services to the master after the apiserver is available. This is such a wide commit because our existing initial config story is special: * Add kube-addons service and associated salt configuration: ** We configure /etc/kubernetes/addons to be a directory of objects that are appropriately configured for the current cluster. ** "/etc/init.d/kube-addons start" slurps up everything in that dir. (Most of the difficult is the business logic in salt around getting that directory built at all.) ** We cheat and overlay cluster/addons into saltbase/salt/kube-addons as config files for the kube-addons meta-service. * Change .yaml.in files to salt templates * Rename {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging} to {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall to properly reflect their real purpose now (the purpose of these functions is now ONLY to bring up the firewall rules, and possibly to relay the IP to the user). * Rework GCE {setup,teardown}-{monitoring,logging}-firewall: Both functions were improperly configuring global rules, yet used lifecycles tied to the cluster. Use $NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX with the rule. The logging rule needed a $NETWORK specifier. The monitoring rule tried gcloud describe first, but given the instancing, this feels like a waste of time now. * Plumb ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING, ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING, ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS and DNS_REPLICAS down to the master, since these are needed there now. (Desperately want just a yaml or json file we can share between providers that has all this crap. Maybe #3525 is an answer?) Huge caveats: I've gone pretty firm testing on GCE, including twiddling the env variables and making sure the objects I expect to come up, come up. I've tested that it doesn't break GKE bringup somehow. But I haven't had a chance to test the other providers.
2015-01-18 23:16:52 +00:00
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete -q "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-fluentd-elasticsearch-logging" --project "${PROJECT}" || true
# Also delete the logging services which will remove the associated forwarding rules (TCP load balancers).
local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"
"${kubectl}" delete services elasticsearch-logging || true
"${kubectl}" delete services kibana-logging || true
2014-11-11 19:03:07 +00:00
# Perform preparations required to run e2e tests
function prepare-e2e() {