2014-10-06 01:24:19 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 Google Inc . All rights reserved .
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* /
package cmd
import (
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2014-10-06 01:24:19 +00:00
func RunKubectl ( out io . Writer ) {
// Parent command to which all subcommands are added.
cmds := & cobra . Command {
Use : "kubectl" ,
Short : "kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager" ,
Long : ` kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager .
Find more information at https : //github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes.`,
Run : runHelp ,
// Globally persistent flags across all subcommands.
// TODO Change flag names to consts to allow safer lookup from subcommands.
// TODO Add a verbose flag that turns on glog logging. Probably need a way
// to do that automatically for every subcommand.
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . StringP ( "server" , "s" , "" , "Kubernetes apiserver to connect to" )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . StringP ( "auth-path" , "a" , os . Getenv ( "HOME" ) + "/.kubernetes_auth" , "Path to the auth info file. If missing, prompt the user. Only used if using https." )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . Bool ( "match-server-version" , false , "Require server version to match client version" )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . String ( "api-version" , latest . Version , "The version of the API to use against the server (used for viewing resources only)" )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . String ( "certificate-authority" , "" , "Path to a certificate file for the certificate authority" )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . String ( "client-certificate" , "" , "Path to a client certificate for TLS." )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . String ( "client-key" , "" , "Path to a client key file for TLS." )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . Bool ( "insecure-skip-tls-verify" , false , "If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure." )
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cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . String ( "ns-path" , os . Getenv ( "HOME" ) + "/.kubernetes_ns" , "Path to the namespace info file that holds the namespace context to use for CLI requests." )
cmds . PersistentFlags ( ) . StringP ( "namespace" , "n" , "" , "If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request." )
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cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdVersion ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdProxy ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdGet ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdDescribe ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdCreate ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdUpdate ( out ) )
cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdDelete ( out ) )
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cmds . AddCommand ( NewCmdNamespace ( out ) )
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if err := cmds . Execute ( ) ; err != nil {
os . Exit ( 1 )
func checkErr ( err error ) {
if err != nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "%v" , err )
func usageError ( cmd * cobra . Command , format string , args ... interface { } ) {
glog . Errorf ( format , args ... )
glog . Errorf ( "See '%s -h' for help." , cmd . CommandPath ( ) )
os . Exit ( 1 )
func runHelp ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) {
cmd . Help ( )
func getFlagString ( cmd * cobra . Command , flag string ) string {
f := cmd . Flags ( ) . Lookup ( flag )
if f == nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Flag accessed but not defined for command %s: %s" , cmd . Name ( ) , flag )
return f . Value . String ( )
func getFlagBool ( cmd * cobra . Command , flag string ) bool {
f := cmd . Flags ( ) . Lookup ( flag )
if f == nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Flag accessed but not defined for command %s: %s" , cmd . Name ( ) , flag )
// Caseless compare.
if strings . ToLower ( f . Value . String ( ) ) == "true" {
return true
return false
// Returns nil if the flag wasn't set.
func getFlagBoolPtr ( cmd * cobra . Command , flag string ) * bool {
f := cmd . Flags ( ) . Lookup ( flag )
if f == nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Flag accessed but not defined for command %s: %s" , cmd . Name ( ) , flag )
// Check if flag was not set at all.
if ! f . Changed && f . DefValue == f . Value . String ( ) {
return nil
var ret bool
// Caseless compare.
if strings . ToLower ( f . Value . String ( ) ) == "true" {
ret = true
} else {
ret = false
return & ret
// Assumes the flag has a default value.
func getFlagInt ( cmd * cobra . Command , flag string ) int {
f := cmd . Flags ( ) . Lookup ( flag )
if f == nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Flag accessed but not defined for command %s: %s" , cmd . Name ( ) , flag )
v , err := strconv . Atoi ( f . Value . String ( ) )
// This is likely not a sufficiently friendly error message, but cobra
// should prevent non-integer values from reaching here.
checkErr ( err )
return v
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func getKubeNamespace ( cmd * cobra . Command ) string {
result := api . NamespaceDefault
if ns := getFlagString ( cmd , "namespace" ) ; len ( ns ) > 0 {
result = ns
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Using namespace from -ns flag" )
} else {
nsPath := getFlagString ( cmd , "ns-path" )
nsInfo , err := kubectl . LoadNamespaceInfo ( nsPath )
if err != nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Error loading current namespace: %v" , err )
result = nsInfo . Namespace
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Using namespace %s" , result )
return result
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func getKubeConfig ( cmd * cobra . Command ) * client . Config {
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config := & client . Config { }
var host string
if hostFlag := getFlagString ( cmd , "server" ) ; len ( hostFlag ) > 0 {
host = hostFlag
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Using server from -s flag: %s" , host )
} else if len ( os . Getenv ( "KUBERNETES_MASTER" ) ) > 0 {
host = os . Getenv ( "KUBERNETES_MASTER" )
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "Using server from env var KUBERNETES_MASTER: %s" , host )
} else {
// TODO: eventually apiserver should start on 443 and be secure by default
host = "http://localhost:8080"
glog . V ( 2 ) . Infof ( "No server found in flag or env var, using default: %s" , host )
config . Host = host
if client . IsConfigTransportSecure ( config ) {
// Get the values from the file on disk (or from the user at the
// command line). Override them with the command line parameters, if
// provided.
authPath := getFlagString ( cmd , "auth-path" )
authInfo , err := kubectl . LoadAuthInfo ( authPath , os . Stdin )
if err != nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Error loading auth: %v" , err )
config . Username = authInfo . User
config . Password = authInfo . Password
// First priority is flag, then file.
config . CAFile = firstNonEmptyString ( getFlagString ( cmd , "certificate-authority" ) , authInfo . CAFile )
config . CertFile = firstNonEmptyString ( getFlagString ( cmd , "client-certificate" ) , authInfo . CertFile )
config . KeyFile = firstNonEmptyString ( getFlagString ( cmd , "client-key" ) , authInfo . KeyFile )
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config . BearerToken = authInfo . BearerToken
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// For config.Insecure, the command line ALWAYS overrides the authInfo
// file, regardless of its setting.
if insecureFlag := getFlagBoolPtr ( cmd , "insecure-skip-tls-verify" ) ; insecureFlag != nil {
config . Insecure = * insecureFlag
} else if authInfo . Insecure != nil {
config . Insecure = * authInfo . Insecure
// The API version (e.g. v1beta1), not the binary version.
config . Version = getFlagString ( cmd , "api-version" )
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return config
func getKubeClient ( cmd * cobra . Command ) * client . Client {
config := getKubeConfig ( cmd )
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// The binary version.
matchVersion := getFlagBool ( cmd , "match-server-version" )
c , err := kubectl . GetKubeClient ( config , matchVersion )
if err != nil {
glog . Fatalf ( "Error creating kubernetes client: %v" , err )
return c
// Returns the first non-empty string out of the ones provided. If all
// strings are empty, returns an empty string.
func firstNonEmptyString ( args ... string ) string {
for _ , s := range args {
if len ( s ) > 0 {
return s
return ""
// readConfigData reads the bytes from the specified filesytem or network
// location or from stdin if location == "-".
func readConfigData ( location string ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
if len ( location ) == 0 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Location given but empty" )
if location == "-" {
// Read from stdin.
data , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( os . Stdin )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if len ( data ) == 0 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( ` Read from stdin specified ("-") but no data found ` )
return data , nil
// Use the location as a file path or URL.
return readConfigDataFromLocation ( location )
func readConfigDataFromLocation ( location string ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
// we look for http:// or https:// to determine if valid URL, otherwise do normal file IO
if strings . Index ( location , "http://" ) == 0 || strings . Index ( location , "https://" ) == 0 {
resp , err := http . Get ( location )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to access URL %s: %v\n" , location , err )
defer resp . Body . Close ( )
if resp . StatusCode != 200 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to read URL, server reported %d %s" , resp . StatusCode , resp . Status )
data , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( resp . Body )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to read URL %s: %v\n" , location , err )
return data , nil
} else {
data , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( location )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to read %s: %v\n" , location , err )
return data , nil