# Store etcd snapshot metadata in a Custom Resource
Date: 2023-07-27
## Status
## Context
K3s currently stores a list of etcd snapshots and associated metadata in a ConfigMap. Other downstream
projects and controllers consume the content of this ConfigMap in order to present cluster administrators with
a list of snapshots that can be restored.
On clusters with more than a handful of nodes, and reasonable snapshot intervals and retention periods, the snapshot
list ConfigMap frequently reaches the maximum size allowed by Kubernetes, and fails to store any additional information.
The snapshots are still created, but they cannot be discovered by users or accessed by tools that consume information
from the ConfigMap.
When this occurs, the K3s service log shows errors such as:
level=error msg="failed to save local snapshot data to configmap: ConfigMap \"k3s-etcd-snapshots\" is invalid: []: Too long: must have at most 1048576 bytes"