This is an experimental [Prometheus]( setup for monitoring
Kubernetes services that expose prometheus-friendly metrics through address
# Purpose
The purpose of the setup is to gather performance-related metrics during load
tests and analyze them to find and fix bottlenecks.
# Quick start
## Promdash/Prometheus
1. Pick a local directory for promdash. It can be any directory, preferably one which is stable and which you don't mind keeping around. Then (in our case, we use */mnt/promdash*, just run this docker command `docker run -v /mnt/promdash:/mnt/promdash -e DATABASE_URL=sqlite3:/mnt/promdash/file.sqlite3 prom/promdash ./bin/rake db:migrate`. In the future, we might use mysql as the promdash database, however, in any case, this 1 time db setup step is required.
Now quickly confirm that /mnt/promdash/file.sqlite3 exists, and has a non-zero size, and make sure its permissions are open so that containers can read from it. For example:
[jay@rhbd kubernetes]$ ls -altrh /mnt/promdash/
total 20K
drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root 4.0K May 6 23:12 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12K May 6 23:33 file.sqlite3
1. Now, you can start this pod, like so `kubectl create -f contrib/prometheus/prometheus-all.json`. This ReplicationController will maintain both prometheus, the server, as well as promdash, the visualization tool. You can then configure promdash, and next time you restart the pod - you're configuration will be remain (since the promdash directory was mounted as a local docker volume).
1. Finally, you can simply access localhost:3000, which will have promdash running. Then, add the prometheus server (locahost:9090)to as a promdash server, and create a dashboard according to the promdash directions.
## Prometheus
You can launch prometheus easily, by simply running.
This is a v1 api based, containerized prometheus ReplicationController, which scrapes endpoints which are readable on the KUBERNETES service (the internal kubernetes service running in the default namespace, which is visible to all pods).