mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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// Copyright 2015 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v3rpc
import (
pb "go.etcd.io/etcd/etcdserver/etcdserverpb"
type watchServer struct {
lg *zap.Logger
clusterID int64
memberID int64
maxRequestBytes int
sg etcdserver.RaftStatusGetter
watchable mvcc.WatchableKV
ag AuthGetter
// NewWatchServer returns a new watch server.
func NewWatchServer(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) pb.WatchServer {
return &watchServer{
lg: s.Cfg.Logger,
clusterID: int64(s.Cluster().ID()),
memberID: int64(s.ID()),
maxRequestBytes: int(s.Cfg.MaxRequestBytes + grpcOverheadBytes),
sg: s,
watchable: s.Watchable(),
ag: s,
var (
// External test can read this with GetProgressReportInterval()
// and change this to a small value to finish fast with
// SetProgressReportInterval().
progressReportInterval = 10 * time.Minute
progressReportIntervalMu sync.RWMutex
// GetProgressReportInterval returns the current progress report interval (for testing).
func GetProgressReportInterval() time.Duration {
interval := progressReportInterval
// add rand(1/10*progressReportInterval) as jitter so that etcdserver will not
// send progress notifications to watchers around the same time even when watchers
// are created around the same time (which is common when a client restarts itself).
jitter := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(interval) / 10))
return interval + jitter
// SetProgressReportInterval updates the current progress report interval (for testing).
func SetProgressReportInterval(newTimeout time.Duration) {
progressReportInterval = newTimeout
// We send ctrl response inside the read loop. We do not want
// send to block read, but we still want ctrl response we sent to
// be serialized. Thus we use a buffered chan to solve the problem.
// A small buffer should be OK for most cases, since we expect the
// ctrl requests are infrequent.
const ctrlStreamBufLen = 16
// serverWatchStream is an etcd server side stream. It receives requests
// from client side gRPC stream. It receives watch events from mvcc.WatchStream,
// and creates responses that forwarded to gRPC stream.
// It also forwards control message like watch created and canceled.
type serverWatchStream struct {
lg *zap.Logger
clusterID int64
memberID int64
maxRequestBytes int
sg etcdserver.RaftStatusGetter
watchable mvcc.WatchableKV
ag AuthGetter
gRPCStream pb.Watch_WatchServer
watchStream mvcc.WatchStream
ctrlStream chan *pb.WatchResponse
// mu protects progress, prevKV, fragment
mu sync.RWMutex
// tracks the watchID that stream might need to send progress to
// TODO: combine progress and prevKV into a single struct?
progress map[mvcc.WatchID]bool
// record watch IDs that need return previous key-value pair
prevKV map[mvcc.WatchID]bool
// records fragmented watch IDs
fragment map[mvcc.WatchID]bool
// closec indicates the stream is closed.
closec chan struct{}
// wg waits for the send loop to complete
wg sync.WaitGroup
func (ws *watchServer) Watch(stream pb.Watch_WatchServer) (err error) {
sws := serverWatchStream{
lg: ws.lg,
clusterID: ws.clusterID,
memberID: ws.memberID,
maxRequestBytes: ws.maxRequestBytes,
sg: ws.sg,
watchable: ws.watchable,
ag: ws.ag,
gRPCStream: stream,
watchStream: ws.watchable.NewWatchStream(),
// chan for sending control response like watcher created and canceled.
ctrlStream: make(chan *pb.WatchResponse, ctrlStreamBufLen),
progress: make(map[mvcc.WatchID]bool),
prevKV: make(map[mvcc.WatchID]bool),
fragment: make(map[mvcc.WatchID]bool),
closec: make(chan struct{}),
go func() {
errc := make(chan error, 1)
// Ideally recvLoop would also use sws.wg to signal its completion
// but when stream.Context().Done() is closed, the stream's recv
// may continue to block since it uses a different context, leading to
// deadlock when calling sws.close().
go func() {
if rerr := sws.recvLoop(); rerr != nil {
if isClientCtxErr(stream.Context().Err(), rerr) {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Debug("failed to receive watch request from gRPC stream", zap.Error(rerr))
} else {
plog.Debugf("failed to receive watch request from gRPC stream (%q)", rerr.Error())
} else {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Warn("failed to receive watch request from gRPC stream", zap.Error(rerr))
} else {
plog.Warningf("failed to receive watch request from gRPC stream (%q)", rerr.Error())
streamFailures.WithLabelValues("receive", "watch").Inc()
errc <- rerr
select {
case err = <-errc:
case <-stream.Context().Done():
err = stream.Context().Err()
// the only server-side cancellation is noleader for now.
if err == context.Canceled {
err = rpctypes.ErrGRPCNoLeader
return err
func (sws *serverWatchStream) isWatchPermitted(wcr *pb.WatchCreateRequest) bool {
authInfo, err := sws.ag.AuthInfoFromCtx(sws.gRPCStream.Context())
if err != nil {
return false
if authInfo == nil {
// if auth is enabled, IsRangePermitted() can cause an error
authInfo = &auth.AuthInfo{}
return sws.ag.AuthStore().IsRangePermitted(authInfo, wcr.Key, wcr.RangeEnd) == nil
func (sws *serverWatchStream) recvLoop() error {
for {
req, err := sws.gRPCStream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
switch uv := req.RequestUnion.(type) {
case *pb.WatchRequest_CreateRequest:
if uv.CreateRequest == nil {
creq := uv.CreateRequest
if len(creq.Key) == 0 {
// \x00 is the smallest key
creq.Key = []byte{0}
if len(creq.RangeEnd) == 0 {
// force nil since watchstream.Watch distinguishes
// between nil and []byte{} for single key / >=
creq.RangeEnd = nil
if len(creq.RangeEnd) == 1 && creq.RangeEnd[0] == 0 {
// support >= key queries
creq.RangeEnd = []byte{}
if !sws.isWatchPermitted(creq) {
wr := &pb.WatchResponse{
Header: sws.newResponseHeader(sws.watchStream.Rev()),
WatchId: creq.WatchId,
Canceled: true,
Created: true,
CancelReason: rpctypes.ErrGRPCPermissionDenied.Error(),
select {
case sws.ctrlStream <- wr:
case <-sws.closec:
return nil
filters := FiltersFromRequest(creq)
wsrev := sws.watchStream.Rev()
rev := creq.StartRevision
if rev == 0 {
rev = wsrev + 1
id, err := sws.watchStream.Watch(mvcc.WatchID(creq.WatchId), creq.Key, creq.RangeEnd, rev, filters...)
if err == nil {
if creq.ProgressNotify {
sws.progress[id] = true
if creq.PrevKv {
sws.prevKV[id] = true
if creq.Fragment {
sws.fragment[id] = true
wr := &pb.WatchResponse{
Header: sws.newResponseHeader(wsrev),
WatchId: int64(id),
Created: true,
Canceled: err != nil,
if err != nil {
wr.CancelReason = err.Error()
select {
case sws.ctrlStream <- wr:
case <-sws.closec:
return nil
case *pb.WatchRequest_CancelRequest:
if uv.CancelRequest != nil {
id := uv.CancelRequest.WatchId
err := sws.watchStream.Cancel(mvcc.WatchID(id))
if err == nil {
sws.ctrlStream <- &pb.WatchResponse{
Header: sws.newResponseHeader(sws.watchStream.Rev()),
WatchId: id,
Canceled: true,
delete(sws.progress, mvcc.WatchID(id))
delete(sws.prevKV, mvcc.WatchID(id))
delete(sws.fragment, mvcc.WatchID(id))
case *pb.WatchRequest_ProgressRequest:
if uv.ProgressRequest != nil {
sws.ctrlStream <- &pb.WatchResponse{
Header: sws.newResponseHeader(sws.watchStream.Rev()),
WatchId: -1, // response is not associated with any WatchId and will be broadcast to all watch channels
// we probably should not shutdown the entire stream when
// receive an valid command.
// so just do nothing instead.
func (sws *serverWatchStream) sendLoop() {
// watch ids that are currently active
ids := make(map[mvcc.WatchID]struct{})
// watch responses pending on a watch id creation message
pending := make(map[mvcc.WatchID][]*pb.WatchResponse)
interval := GetProgressReportInterval()
progressTicker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer func() {
// drain the chan to clean up pending events
for ws := range sws.watchStream.Chan() {
for _, wrs := range pending {
for _, ws := range wrs {
for {
select {
case wresp, ok := <-sws.watchStream.Chan():
if !ok {
// TODO: evs is []mvccpb.Event type
// either return []*mvccpb.Event from the mvcc package
// or define protocol buffer with []mvccpb.Event.
evs := wresp.Events
events := make([]*mvccpb.Event, len(evs))
needPrevKV := sws.prevKV[wresp.WatchID]
for i := range evs {
events[i] = &evs[i]
if needPrevKV {
opt := mvcc.RangeOptions{Rev: evs[i].Kv.ModRevision - 1}
r, err := sws.watchable.Range(evs[i].Kv.Key, nil, opt)
if err == nil && len(r.KVs) != 0 {
events[i].PrevKv = &(r.KVs[0])
canceled := wresp.CompactRevision != 0
wr := &pb.WatchResponse{
Header: sws.newResponseHeader(wresp.Revision),
WatchId: int64(wresp.WatchID),
Events: events,
CompactRevision: wresp.CompactRevision,
Canceled: canceled,
if _, okID := ids[wresp.WatchID]; !okID {
// buffer if id not yet announced
wrs := append(pending[wresp.WatchID], wr)
pending[wresp.WatchID] = wrs
fragmented, ok := sws.fragment[wresp.WatchID]
var serr error
if !fragmented && !ok {
serr = sws.gRPCStream.Send(wr)
} else {
serr = sendFragments(wr, sws.maxRequestBytes, sws.gRPCStream.Send)
if serr != nil {
if isClientCtxErr(sws.gRPCStream.Context().Err(), serr) {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Debug("failed to send watch response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(serr))
} else {
plog.Debugf("failed to send watch response to gRPC stream (%q)", serr.Error())
} else {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Warn("failed to send watch response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(serr))
} else {
plog.Warningf("failed to send watch response to gRPC stream (%q)", serr.Error())
streamFailures.WithLabelValues("send", "watch").Inc()
if len(evs) > 0 && sws.progress[wresp.WatchID] {
// elide next progress update if sent a key update
sws.progress[wresp.WatchID] = false
case c, ok := <-sws.ctrlStream:
if !ok {
if err := sws.gRPCStream.Send(c); err != nil {
if isClientCtxErr(sws.gRPCStream.Context().Err(), err) {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Debug("failed to send watch control response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(err))
} else {
plog.Debugf("failed to send watch control response to gRPC stream (%q)", err.Error())
} else {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Warn("failed to send watch control response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(err))
} else {
plog.Warningf("failed to send watch control response to gRPC stream (%q)", err.Error())
streamFailures.WithLabelValues("send", "watch").Inc()
// track id creation
wid := mvcc.WatchID(c.WatchId)
if c.Canceled {
delete(ids, wid)
if c.Created {
// flush buffered events
ids[wid] = struct{}{}
for _, v := range pending[wid] {
if err := sws.gRPCStream.Send(v); err != nil {
if isClientCtxErr(sws.gRPCStream.Context().Err(), err) {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Debug("failed to send pending watch response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(err))
} else {
plog.Debugf("failed to send pending watch response to gRPC stream (%q)", err.Error())
} else {
if sws.lg != nil {
sws.lg.Warn("failed to send pending watch response to gRPC stream", zap.Error(err))
} else {
plog.Warningf("failed to send pending watch response to gRPC stream (%q)", err.Error())
streamFailures.WithLabelValues("send", "watch").Inc()
delete(pending, wid)
case <-progressTicker.C:
for id, ok := range sws.progress {
if ok {
sws.progress[id] = true
case <-sws.closec:
func sendFragments(
wr *pb.WatchResponse,
maxRequestBytes int,
sendFunc func(*pb.WatchResponse) error) error {
// no need to fragment if total request size is smaller
// than max request limit or response contains only one event
if wr.Size() < maxRequestBytes || len(wr.Events) < 2 {
return sendFunc(wr)
ow := *wr
ow.Events = make([]*mvccpb.Event, 0)
ow.Fragment = true
var idx int
for {
cur := ow
for _, ev := range wr.Events[idx:] {
cur.Events = append(cur.Events, ev)
if len(cur.Events) > 1 && cur.Size() >= maxRequestBytes {
cur.Events = cur.Events[:len(cur.Events)-1]
if idx == len(wr.Events) {
// last response has no more fragment
cur.Fragment = false
if err := sendFunc(&cur); err != nil {
return err
if !cur.Fragment {
return nil
func (sws *serverWatchStream) close() {
func (sws *serverWatchStream) newResponseHeader(rev int64) *pb.ResponseHeader {
return &pb.ResponseHeader{
ClusterId: uint64(sws.clusterID),
MemberId: uint64(sws.memberID),
Revision: rev,
RaftTerm: sws.sg.Term(),
func filterNoDelete(e mvccpb.Event) bool {
return e.Type == mvccpb.DELETE
func filterNoPut(e mvccpb.Event) bool {
return e.Type == mvccpb.PUT
// FiltersFromRequest returns "mvcc.FilterFunc" from a given watch create request.
func FiltersFromRequest(creq *pb.WatchCreateRequest) []mvcc.FilterFunc {
filters := make([]mvcc.FilterFunc, 0, len(creq.Filters))
for _, ft := range creq.Filters {
switch ft {
case pb.WatchCreateRequest_NOPUT:
filters = append(filters, filterNoPut)
case pb.WatchCreateRequest_NODELETE:
filters = append(filters, filterNoDelete)
return filters