2020-08-10 17:43:49 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* /
package endpointslicemirroring
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
discovery "k8s.io/api/discovery/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
2020-08-10 17:43:49 +00:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
endpointutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/util/endpoint"
// reconciler is responsible for transforming current EndpointSlice state into
// desired state
type reconciler struct {
client clientset . Interface
// endpointSliceTracker tracks the list of EndpointSlices and associated
// resource versions expected for each Endpoints resource. It can help
// determine if a cached EndpointSlice is out of date.
endpointSliceTracker * endpointSliceTracker
// eventRecorder allows reconciler to record an event if it finds an invalid
// IP address in an Endpoints resource.
eventRecorder record . EventRecorder
// maxEndpointsPerSubset references the maximum number of endpoints that
// should be added to an EndpointSlice for an EndpointSubset. This allows
// for a simple 1:1 mapping between EndpointSubset and EndpointSlice.
maxEndpointsPerSubset int32
// metricsCache tracks values for total numbers of desired endpoints as well
// as the efficiency of EndpointSlice endpoints distribution
metricsCache * metrics . Cache
// reconcile takes an Endpoints resource and ensures that corresponding
// EndpointSlices exist. It creates, updates, or deletes EndpointSlices to
// ensure the desired set of addresses are represented by EndpointSlices.
func ( r * reconciler ) reconcile ( endpoints * corev1 . Endpoints , existingSlices [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice ) error {
// Calculate desired state.
d := newDesiredCalc ( )
numInvalidAddresses := 0
addressesSkipped := 0
for _ , subset := range endpoints . Subsets {
multiKey := d . initPorts ( subset . Ports )
totalAddresses := len ( subset . Addresses ) + len ( subset . NotReadyAddresses )
totalAddressesAdded := 0
for _ , address := range subset . Addresses {
// Break if we've reached the max number of addresses to mirror
// per EndpointSubset. This allows for a simple 1:1 mapping between
// EndpointSubset and EndpointSlice.
if totalAddressesAdded >= int ( r . maxEndpointsPerSubset ) {
if ok := d . addAddress ( address , multiKey , true ) ; ok {
totalAddressesAdded ++
} else {
numInvalidAddresses ++
klog . Warningf ( "Address in %s/%s Endpoints is not a valid IP, it will not be mirrored to an EndpointSlice: %s" , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name , address . IP )
for _ , address := range subset . NotReadyAddresses {
// Break if we've reached the max number of addresses to mirror
// per EndpointSubset. This allows for a simple 1:1 mapping between
// EndpointSubset and EndpointSlice.
if totalAddressesAdded >= int ( r . maxEndpointsPerSubset ) {
if ok := d . addAddress ( address , multiKey , true ) ; ok {
totalAddressesAdded ++
} else {
numInvalidAddresses ++
klog . Warningf ( "Address in %s/%s Endpoints is not a valid IP, it will not be mirrored to an EndpointSlice: %s" , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name , address . IP )
addressesSkipped += totalAddresses - totalAddressesAdded
// This metric includes addresses skipped for being invalid or exceeding
// MaxEndpointsPerSubset.
metrics . AddressesSkippedPerSync . WithLabelValues ( ) . Observe ( float64 ( addressesSkipped ) )
// Record an event on the Endpoints resource if we skipped mirroring for any
// invalid IP addresses.
if numInvalidAddresses > 0 {
r . eventRecorder . Eventf ( endpoints , corev1 . EventTypeWarning , InvalidIPAddress ,
"Skipped %d invalid IP addresses when mirroring to EndpointSlices" , numInvalidAddresses )
// Record a separate event if we skipped mirroring due to the number of
// addresses exceeding MaxEndpointsPerSubset.
if addressesSkipped > numInvalidAddresses {
klog . Warningf ( "%d addresses in %s/%s Endpoints were skipped due to exceeding MaxEndpointsPerSubset" , addressesSkipped , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name )
r . eventRecorder . Eventf ( endpoints , corev1 . EventTypeWarning , TooManyAddressesToMirror ,
"A max of %d addresses can be mirrored to EndpointSlices per Endpoints subset. %d addresses were skipped" , r . maxEndpointsPerSubset , addressesSkipped )
// Build data structures for existing state.
existingSlicesByKey := endpointSlicesByKey ( existingSlices )
// Determine changes necessary for each group of slices by port map.
epMetrics := metrics . NewEndpointPortCache ( )
totals := totalsByAction { }
slices := slicesByAction { }
for portKey , desiredEndpoints := range d . endpointsByKey {
numEndpoints := len ( desiredEndpoints )
pmSlices , pmTotals := r . reconcileByPortMapping (
endpoints , existingSlicesByKey [ portKey ] , desiredEndpoints , d . portsByKey [ portKey ] , portKey . addressType ( ) )
slices . append ( pmSlices )
totals . add ( pmTotals )
epMetrics . Set ( endpointutil . PortMapKey ( portKey ) , metrics . EfficiencyInfo {
Endpoints : numEndpoints ,
Slices : len ( existingSlicesByKey [ portKey ] ) + len ( pmSlices . toCreate ) - len ( pmSlices . toDelete ) ,
} )
// If there are unique sets of ports that are no longer desired, mark
// the corresponding endpoint slices for deletion.
for portKey , existingSlices := range existingSlicesByKey {
if _ , ok := d . endpointsByKey [ portKey ] ; ! ok {
for _ , existingSlice := range existingSlices {
slices . toDelete = append ( slices . toDelete , existingSlice )
metrics . EndpointsAddedPerSync . WithLabelValues ( ) . Observe ( float64 ( totals . added ) )
metrics . EndpointsUpdatedPerSync . WithLabelValues ( ) . Observe ( float64 ( totals . updated ) )
metrics . EndpointsRemovedPerSync . WithLabelValues ( ) . Observe ( float64 ( totals . removed ) )
endpointsNN := types . NamespacedName { Name : endpoints . Name , Namespace : endpoints . Namespace }
r . metricsCache . UpdateEndpointPortCache ( endpointsNN , epMetrics )
return r . finalize ( endpoints , slices )
// reconcileByPortMapping compares the endpoints found in existing slices with
// the list of desired endpoints and returns lists of slices to create, update,
// and delete.
func ( r * reconciler ) reconcileByPortMapping (
endpoints * corev1 . Endpoints ,
existingSlices [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice ,
desiredSet endpointSet ,
endpointPorts [ ] discovery . EndpointPort ,
addressType discovery . AddressType ,
) ( slicesByAction , totalsByAction ) {
slices := slicesByAction { }
totals := totalsByAction { }
// If no endpoints are desired, mark existing slices for deletion and
// return.
if desiredSet . Len ( ) == 0 {
slices . toDelete = existingSlices
for _ , epSlice := range existingSlices {
totals . removed += len ( epSlice . Endpoints )
return slices , totals
if len ( existingSlices ) == 0 {
// if no existing slices, all desired endpoints will be added.
totals . added = desiredSet . Len ( )
} else {
// if >0 existing slices, mark all but 1 for deletion.
slices . toDelete = existingSlices [ 1 : ]
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// generated slices must mirror all endpoints annotations but EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime
compareAnnotations := cloneAndRemoveKeys ( endpoints . Annotations , corev1 . EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime )
compareLabels := cloneAndRemoveKeys ( existingSlices [ 0 ] . Labels , discovery . LabelManagedBy , discovery . LabelServiceName )
// Return early if first slice matches desired endpoints, labels and annotations
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totals = totalChanges ( existingSlices [ 0 ] , desiredSet )
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if totals . added == 0 && totals . updated == 0 && totals . removed == 0 &&
apiequality . Semantic . DeepEqual ( endpoints . Labels , compareLabels ) &&
apiequality . Semantic . DeepEqual ( compareAnnotations , existingSlices [ 0 ] . Annotations ) {
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return slices , totals
// generate a new slice with the desired endpoints.
var sliceName string
if len ( existingSlices ) > 0 {
sliceName = existingSlices [ 0 ] . Name
newSlice := newEndpointSlice ( endpoints , endpointPorts , addressType , sliceName )
for desiredSet . Len ( ) > 0 && len ( newSlice . Endpoints ) < int ( r . maxEndpointsPerSubset ) {
endpoint , _ := desiredSet . PopAny ( )
newSlice . Endpoints = append ( newSlice . Endpoints , * endpoint )
if newSlice . Name != "" {
slices . toUpdate = [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice { newSlice }
} else { // Slices to be created set GenerateName instead of Name.
slices . toCreate = [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice { newSlice }
return slices , totals
// finalize creates, updates, and deletes slices as specified
func ( r * reconciler ) finalize ( endpoints * corev1 . Endpoints , slices slicesByAction ) error {
// If there are slices to create and delete, recycle the slices marked for
// deletion by replacing creates with updates of slices that would otherwise
// be deleted.
recycleSlices ( & slices )
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epsClient := r . client . DiscoveryV1 ( ) . EndpointSlices ( endpoints . Namespace )
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// Don't create more EndpointSlices if corresponding Endpoints resource is
// being deleted.
if endpoints . DeletionTimestamp == nil {
for _ , endpointSlice := range slices . toCreate {
createdSlice , err := epsClient . Create ( context . TODO ( ) , endpointSlice , metav1 . CreateOptions { } )
if err != nil {
// If the namespace is terminating, creates will continue to fail. Simply drop the item.
if errors . HasStatusCause ( err , corev1 . NamespaceTerminatingCause ) {
return nil
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create EndpointSlice for Endpoints %s/%s: %v" , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name , err )
r . endpointSliceTracker . Update ( createdSlice )
metrics . EndpointSliceChanges . WithLabelValues ( "create" ) . Inc ( )
for _ , endpointSlice := range slices . toUpdate {
updatedSlice , err := epsClient . Update ( context . TODO ( ) , endpointSlice , metav1 . UpdateOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to update %s EndpointSlice for Endpoints %s/%s: %v" , endpointSlice . Name , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name , err )
r . endpointSliceTracker . Update ( updatedSlice )
metrics . EndpointSliceChanges . WithLabelValues ( "update" ) . Inc ( )
for _ , endpointSlice := range slices . toDelete {
err := epsClient . Delete ( context . TODO ( ) , endpointSlice . Name , metav1 . DeleteOptions { } )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to delete %s EndpointSlice for Endpoints %s/%s: %v" , endpointSlice . Name , endpoints . Namespace , endpoints . Name , err )
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r . endpointSliceTracker . ExpectDeletion ( endpointSlice )
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metrics . EndpointSliceChanges . WithLabelValues ( "delete" ) . Inc ( )
return nil
// deleteEndpoints deletes any associated EndpointSlices and cleans up any
// Endpoints references from the metricsCache.
func ( r * reconciler ) deleteEndpoints ( namespace , name string , endpointSlices [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice ) error {
r . metricsCache . DeleteEndpoints ( types . NamespacedName { Namespace : namespace , Name : name } )
var errs [ ] error
for _ , endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
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err := r . client . DiscoveryV1 ( ) . EndpointSlices ( namespace ) . Delete ( context . TODO ( ) , endpointSlice . Name , metav1 . DeleteOptions { } )
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if err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
if len ( errs ) > 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Error(s) deleting %d/%d EndpointSlices for %s/%s Endpoints, including: %s" , len ( errs ) , len ( endpointSlices ) , namespace , name , errs [ 0 ] )
return nil
// endpointSlicesByKey returns a map that groups EndpointSlices by unique
// addrTypePortMapKey values.
func endpointSlicesByKey ( existingSlices [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice ) map [ addrTypePortMapKey ] [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice {
slicesByKey := map [ addrTypePortMapKey ] [ ] * discovery . EndpointSlice { }
for _ , existingSlice := range existingSlices {
epKey := newAddrTypePortMapKey ( existingSlice . Ports , existingSlice . AddressType )
slicesByKey [ epKey ] = append ( slicesByKey [ epKey ] , existingSlice )
return slicesByKey
// totalChanges returns the total changes that will be required for an
// EndpointSlice to match a desired set of endpoints.
func totalChanges ( existingSlice * discovery . EndpointSlice , desiredSet endpointSet ) totalsByAction {
totals := totalsByAction { }
existingMatches := 0
for _ , endpoint := range existingSlice . Endpoints {
got := desiredSet . Get ( & endpoint )
if got == nil {
// If not desired, increment number of endpoints to be deleted.
totals . removed ++
} else {
existingMatches ++
// If existing version of endpoint doesn't match desired version
// increment number of endpoints to be updated.
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if ! endpointutil . EndpointsEqualBeyondHash ( got , & endpoint ) {
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totals . updated ++
// Any desired endpoints that have not been found in the existing slice will
// be added.
totals . added = desiredSet . Len ( ) - existingMatches
return totals