2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package create
import (
networkingv1 "k8s.io/api/networking/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
networkingv1client "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/networking/v1"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util"
var (
// Explaining the Regex below:
// ^(?P<host>[\w\*\-\.]*) -> Indicates the host - 0-N characters of letters, number, underscore, '-', '.' and '*'
// (?P<path>/.*) -> Indicates the path and MUST start with '/' - / + 0-N characters
// Separator from host/path to svcname:svcport -> "="
// (?P<svcname>[\w\-]+) -> Service Name (letters, numbers, '-') -> 1-N characters
// Separator from svcname to svcport -> ":"
// (?P<svcport>[\w\-]+) -> Service Port (letters, numbers, '-') -> 1-N characters
regexHostPathSvc = ` ^(?P<host>[\w\*\-\.]*)(?P<path>/.*)=(?P<svcname>[\w\-]+):(?P<svcport>[\w\-]+) `
// This Regex is optional -> (....)?
// (?P<istls>tls) -> Verify if the argument after "," is 'tls'
// Optional Separator from tls to the secret name -> "=?"
// (?P<secretname>[\w\-]+)? -> Optional secret name after the separator -> 1-N characters
regexTLS = ` (,(?P<istls>tls)=?(?P<secretname>[\w\-]+)?)? `
// The validation Regex is the concatenation of hostPathSvc validation regex
// and the TLS validation regex
ruleRegex = regexHostPathSvc + regexTLS
ingressLong = templates . LongDesc ( i18n . T ( `
Create an ingress with the specified name . ` ) )
ingressExample = templates . Examples ( i18n . T ( `
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
# Create a single ingress called ' simple ' that directs requests to foo . com / bar to svc
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
# svc1 : 8080 with a tls secret "my-cert"
kubectl create ingress simple -- rule = "foo.com/bar=svc1:8080,tls=my-cert"
# Create a catch all ingress of "/path" pointing to service svc : port and Ingress Class as "otheringress"
kubectl create ingress catch - all -- class = otheringress -- rule = "/path=svc:port"
# Create an ingress with two annotations : ingress . annotation1 and ingress . annotations2
kubectl create ingress annotated -- class = default -- rule = "foo.com/bar=svc:port" \
-- annotation ingress . annotation1 = foo \
-- annotation ingress . annotation2 = bla
# Create an ingress with the same host and multiple paths
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
kubectl create ingress multipath -- class = default \
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
-- rule = "foo.com/=svc:port" \
-- rule = "foo.com/admin/=svcadmin:portadmin"
# Create an ingress with multiple hosts and the pathType as Prefix
kubectl create ingress ingress1 -- class = default \
-- rule = "foo.com/path*=svc:8080" \
-- rule = "bar.com/admin*=svc2:http"
# Create an ingress with TLS enabled using the default ingress certificate and different path types
kubectl create ingress ingtls -- class = default \
-- rule = "foo.com/=svc:https,tls" \
-- rule = "foo.com/path/subpath*=othersvc:8080"
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
# Create an ingress with TLS enabled using a specific secret and pathType as Prefix
kubectl create ingress ingsecret -- class = default \
-- rule = "foo.com/*=svc:8080,tls=secret1"
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
# Create an ingress with a default backend
kubectl create ingress ingdefault -- class = default \
-- default - backend = defaultsvc : http \
-- rule = "foo.com/*=svc:8080,tls=secret1"
` ) )
// CreateIngressOptions is returned by NewCmdCreateIngress
type CreateIngressOptions struct {
PrintFlags * genericclioptions . PrintFlags
PrintObj func ( obj runtime . Object ) error
Name string
IngressClass string
Rules [ ] string
Annotations [ ] string
DefaultBackend string
Namespace string
EnforceNamespace bool
CreateAnnotation bool
Client networkingv1client . NetworkingV1Interface
DryRunStrategy cmdutil . DryRunStrategy
DryRunVerifier * resource . DryRunVerifier
FieldManager string
genericclioptions . IOStreams
// NewCreateIngressOptions creates the CreateIngressOptions to be used later
func NewCreateIngressOptions ( ioStreams genericclioptions . IOStreams ) * CreateIngressOptions {
return & CreateIngressOptions {
PrintFlags : genericclioptions . NewPrintFlags ( "created" ) . WithTypeSetter ( scheme . Scheme ) ,
IOStreams : ioStreams ,
// NewCmdCreateIngress is a macro command to create a new ingress.
// This command is better known to users as `kubectl create ingress`.
func NewCmdCreateIngress ( f cmdutil . Factory , ioStreams genericclioptions . IOStreams ) * cobra . Command {
o := NewCreateIngressOptions ( ioStreams )
cmd := & cobra . Command {
Use : "ingress NAME --rule=host/path=service:port[,tls[=secret]] " ,
DisableFlagsInUseLine : true ,
Aliases : [ ] string { "ing" } ,
Short : ingressLong ,
Long : ingressLong ,
Example : ingressExample ,
Run : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) {
cmdutil . CheckErr ( o . Complete ( f , cmd , args ) )
cmdutil . CheckErr ( o . Validate ( ) )
cmdutil . CheckErr ( o . Run ( ) )
} ,
o . PrintFlags . AddFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddApplyAnnotationFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddValidateFlags ( cmd )
cmdutil . AddDryRunFlag ( cmd )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & o . IngressClass , "class" , o . IngressClass , "Ingress Class to be used" )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringArrayVar ( & o . Rules , "rule" , o . Rules , "Rule in format host/path=service:port[,tls=secretname]. Paths containing the leading character '*' are considered pathType=Prefix. tls argument is optional." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & o . DefaultBackend , "default-backend" , o . DefaultBackend , "Default service for backend, in format of svcname:port" )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringArrayVar ( & o . Annotations , "annotation" , o . Annotations , "Annotation to insert in the ingress object, in the format annotation=value" )
cmdutil . AddFieldManagerFlagVar ( cmd , & o . FieldManager , "kubectl-create" )
return cmd
// Complete completes all the options
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) Complete ( f cmdutil . Factory , cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
name , err := NameFromCommandArgs ( cmd , args )
if err != nil {
return err
o . Name = name
clientConfig , err := f . ToRESTConfig ( )
if err != nil {
return err
o . Client , err = networkingv1client . NewForConfig ( clientConfig )
if err != nil {
return err
o . Namespace , o . EnforceNamespace , err = f . ToRawKubeConfigLoader ( ) . Namespace ( )
if err != nil {
return err
o . CreateAnnotation = cmdutil . GetFlagBool ( cmd , cmdutil . ApplyAnnotationsFlag )
o . DryRunStrategy , err = cmdutil . GetDryRunStrategy ( cmd )
if err != nil {
return err
dynamicClient , err := f . DynamicClient ( )
if err != nil {
return err
2021-03-18 22:40:29 +00:00
o . DryRunVerifier = resource . NewDryRunVerifier ( dynamicClient , f . OpenAPIGetter ( ) )
2020-12-01 01:06:26 +00:00
cmdutil . PrintFlagsWithDryRunStrategy ( o . PrintFlags , o . DryRunStrategy )
printer , err := o . PrintFlags . ToPrinter ( )
if err != nil {
return err
o . PrintObj = func ( obj runtime . Object ) error {
return printer . PrintObj ( obj , o . Out )
return nil
// Validate validates the Ingress object to be created
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) Validate ( ) error {
if len ( o . DefaultBackend ) == 0 && len ( o . Rules ) == 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "not enough information provided: every ingress has to either specify a default-backend (which catches all traffic) or a list of rules (which catch specific paths)" )
rulevalidation , err := regexp . Compile ( ruleRegex )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to compile the regex" )
for _ , rule := range o . Rules {
if match := rulevalidation . MatchString ( rule ) ; ! match {
return fmt . Errorf ( "rule %s is invalid and should be in format host/path=svcname:svcport[,tls[=secret]]" , rule )
if len ( o . DefaultBackend ) > 0 && len ( strings . Split ( o . DefaultBackend , ":" ) ) != 2 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "default-backend should be in format servicename:serviceport" )
return nil
// Run performs the execution of 'create ingress' sub command
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) Run ( ) error {
ingress := o . createIngress ( )
if err := util . CreateOrUpdateAnnotation ( o . CreateAnnotation , ingress , scheme . DefaultJSONEncoder ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
if o . DryRunStrategy != cmdutil . DryRunClient {
createOptions := metav1 . CreateOptions { }
if o . FieldManager != "" {
createOptions . FieldManager = o . FieldManager
if o . DryRunStrategy == cmdutil . DryRunServer {
if err := o . DryRunVerifier . HasSupport ( ingress . GroupVersionKind ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
createOptions . DryRun = [ ] string { metav1 . DryRunAll }
var err error
ingress , err = o . Client . Ingresses ( o . Namespace ) . Create ( context . TODO ( ) , ingress , createOptions )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create ingress: %v" , err )
return o . PrintObj ( ingress )
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) createIngress ( ) * networkingv1 . Ingress {
namespace := ""
if o . EnforceNamespace {
namespace = o . Namespace
annotations := o . buildAnnotations ( )
spec := o . buildIngressSpec ( )
ingress := & networkingv1 . Ingress {
TypeMeta : metav1 . TypeMeta { APIVersion : networkingv1 . SchemeGroupVersion . String ( ) , Kind : "Ingress" } ,
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : o . Name ,
Namespace : namespace ,
Annotations : annotations ,
} ,
Spec : spec ,
return ingress
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) buildAnnotations ( ) map [ string ] string {
var annotations map [ string ] string
annotations = make ( map [ string ] string )
for _ , annotation := range o . Annotations {
an := strings . SplitN ( annotation , "=" , 2 )
annotations [ an [ 0 ] ] = an [ 1 ]
return annotations
// buildIngressSpec builds the .spec from the diverse arguments passed to kubectl
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) buildIngressSpec ( ) networkingv1 . IngressSpec {
var ingressSpec networkingv1 . IngressSpec
if len ( o . IngressClass ) > 0 {
ingressSpec . IngressClassName = & o . IngressClass
if len ( o . DefaultBackend ) > 0 {
defaultbackend := buildIngressBackendSvc ( o . DefaultBackend )
ingressSpec . DefaultBackend = & defaultbackend
ingressSpec . TLS = o . buildTLSRules ( )
ingressSpec . Rules = o . buildIngressRules ( )
return ingressSpec
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) buildTLSRules ( ) [ ] networkingv1 . IngressTLS {
var hostAlreadyPresent map [ string ] struct { }
hostAlreadyPresent = make ( map [ string ] struct { } )
ingressTLSs := [ ] networkingv1 . IngressTLS { }
var secret string
for _ , rule := range o . Rules {
tls := strings . Split ( rule , "," )
if len ( tls ) == 2 {
ingressTLS := networkingv1 . IngressTLS { }
host := strings . SplitN ( rule , "/" , 2 ) [ 0 ]
secret = ""
secretName := strings . Split ( tls [ 1 ] , "=" )
if len ( secretName ) > 1 {
secret = secretName [ 1 ]
idxSecret := getIndexSecret ( secret , ingressTLSs )
// We accept the same host into TLS secrets only once
if _ , ok := hostAlreadyPresent [ host ] ; ! ok {
if idxSecret > - 1 {
ingressTLSs [ idxSecret ] . Hosts = append ( ingressTLSs [ idxSecret ] . Hosts , host )
hostAlreadyPresent [ host ] = struct { } { }
if host != "" {
ingressTLS . Hosts = append ( ingressTLS . Hosts , host )
if secret != "" {
ingressTLS . SecretName = secret
if len ( ingressTLS . SecretName ) > 0 || len ( ingressTLS . Hosts ) > 0 {
ingressTLSs = append ( ingressTLSs , ingressTLS )
hostAlreadyPresent [ host ] = struct { } { }
return ingressTLSs
// buildIngressRules builds the .spec.rules for an ingress object.
func ( o * CreateIngressOptions ) buildIngressRules ( ) [ ] networkingv1 . IngressRule {
ingressRules := [ ] networkingv1 . IngressRule { }
for _ , rule := range o . Rules {
removeTLS := strings . Split ( rule , "," ) [ 0 ]
hostSplit := strings . SplitN ( removeTLS , "/" , 2 )
host := hostSplit [ 0 ]
ingressPath := buildHTTPIngressPath ( hostSplit [ 1 ] )
ingressRule := networkingv1 . IngressRule { }
if host != "" {
ingressRule . Host = host
idxHost := getIndexHost ( ingressRule . Host , ingressRules )
if idxHost > - 1 {
ingressRules [ idxHost ] . IngressRuleValue . HTTP . Paths = append ( ingressRules [ idxHost ] . IngressRuleValue . HTTP . Paths , ingressPath )
ingressRule . IngressRuleValue = networkingv1 . IngressRuleValue {
HTTP : & networkingv1 . HTTPIngressRuleValue {
Paths : [ ] networkingv1 . HTTPIngressPath {
ingressPath ,
} ,
} ,
ingressRules = append ( ingressRules , ingressRule )
return ingressRules
func buildHTTPIngressPath ( pathsvc string ) networkingv1 . HTTPIngressPath {
pathsvcsplit := strings . Split ( pathsvc , "=" )
path := "/" + pathsvcsplit [ 0 ]
service := pathsvcsplit [ 1 ]
var pathType networkingv1 . PathType
pathType = "Exact"
// If * in the End, turn pathType=Prefix but remove the * from the end
if path [ len ( path ) - 1 : ] == "*" {
pathType = "Prefix"
path = path [ 0 : len ( path ) - 1 ]
httpIngressPath := networkingv1 . HTTPIngressPath {
Path : path ,
PathType : & pathType ,
Backend : buildIngressBackendSvc ( service ) ,
return httpIngressPath
func buildIngressBackendSvc ( service string ) networkingv1 . IngressBackend {
svcname := strings . Split ( service , ":" ) [ 0 ]
svcport := strings . Split ( service , ":" ) [ 1 ]
ingressBackend := networkingv1 . IngressBackend {
Service : & networkingv1 . IngressServiceBackend {
Name : svcname ,
Port : parseServiceBackendPort ( svcport ) ,
} ,
return ingressBackend
func parseServiceBackendPort ( port string ) networkingv1 . ServiceBackendPort {
var backendPort networkingv1 . ServiceBackendPort
portIntOrStr := intstr . Parse ( port )
if portIntOrStr . Type == intstr . Int {
backendPort . Number = portIntOrStr . IntVal
if portIntOrStr . Type == intstr . String {
backendPort . Name = portIntOrStr . StrVal
return backendPort
func getIndexHost ( host string , rules [ ] networkingv1 . IngressRule ) int {
for index , v := range rules {
if v . Host == host {
return index
return - 1
func getIndexSecret ( secretname string , tls [ ] networkingv1 . IngressTLS ) int {
for index , v := range tls {
if v . SecretName == secretname {
return index
return - 1