Specific API versions can be turned on or off by passing --runtime-config=api/<version> flag while bringing up the server. For example: to turn off v1beta3 API, pass --runtime-config=api/v1beta3=false.
runtime-config also supports 2 special keys: api/all and api/legacy to control all and legacy APIs respectively. For example, for turning off all api versions except v1beta3, pass --runtime-config=api/all=false,api/v1beta3=true.
KUBE_API_VERSIONS env var controls the API versions that are supported in the cluster. The first version in the list is used as the cluster's storage version. Hence, to set a specific version as the storage version, bring it to the front of list of versions in the value of KUBE_API_VERSIONS.
1. for pods with a replication controller, the pod will eventually be replaced by a new pod which will be scheduled to a new node. additionally, if the pod is part of a service, then clients will automatically be redirected to the new pod.
1. for pods with no replication controller, you need to bring up a new copy of the pod, and assuming it is not part of a service, redirect clients to it.