2017-07-13 11:55:32 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors .
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* /
package azure_dd
import (
libstrings "strings"
storage "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/arm/storage"
2017-07-19 05:58:53 +00:00
2017-07-13 11:55:32 +00:00
const (
defaultFSType = "ext4"
defaultStorageAccountType = storage . StandardLRS
type dataDisk struct {
volume . MetricsProvider
volumeName string
diskName string
podUID types . UID
var (
supportedCachingModes = sets . NewString (
string ( api . AzureDataDiskCachingNone ) ,
string ( api . AzureDataDiskCachingReadOnly ) ,
string ( api . AzureDataDiskCachingReadWrite ) )
supportedDiskKinds = sets . NewString (
string ( api . AzureSharedBlobDisk ) ,
string ( api . AzureDedicatedBlobDisk ) ,
string ( api . AzureManagedDisk ) )
supportedStorageAccountTypes = sets . NewString ( "Premium_LRS" , "Standard_LRS" )
func getPath ( uid types . UID , volName string , host volume . VolumeHost ) string {
return host . GetPodVolumeDir ( uid , strings . EscapeQualifiedNameForDisk ( azureDataDiskPluginName ) , volName )
// creates a unique path for disks (even if they share the same *.vhd name)
func makeGlobalPDPath ( host volume . VolumeHost , diskUri string , isManaged bool ) ( string , error ) {
diskUri = libstrings . ToLower ( diskUri ) // always lower uri because users may enter it in caps.
uniqueDiskNameTemplate := "%s%s"
hashedDiskUri := azure . MakeCRC32 ( diskUri )
prefix := "b"
if isManaged {
prefix = "m"
// "{m for managed b for blob}{hashed diskUri or DiskId depending on disk kind }"
diskName := fmt . Sprintf ( uniqueDiskNameTemplate , prefix , hashedDiskUri )
pdPath := path . Join ( host . GetPluginDir ( azureDataDiskPluginName ) , mount . MountsInGlobalPDPath , diskName )
return pdPath , nil
func makeDataDisk ( volumeName string , podUID types . UID , diskName string , host volume . VolumeHost ) * dataDisk {
var metricProvider volume . MetricsProvider
if podUID != "" {
metricProvider = volume . NewMetricsStatFS ( getPath ( podUID , volumeName , host ) )
return & dataDisk {
MetricsProvider : metricProvider ,
volumeName : volumeName ,
diskName : diskName ,
podUID : podUID ,
func getVolumeSource ( spec * volume . Spec ) ( * v1 . AzureDiskVolumeSource , error ) {
if spec . Volume != nil && spec . Volume . AzureDisk != nil {
return spec . Volume . AzureDisk , nil
if spec . PersistentVolume != nil && spec . PersistentVolume . Spec . AzureDisk != nil {
return spec . PersistentVolume . Spec . AzureDisk , nil
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - Spec does not reference an Azure disk volume type" )
func normalizeFsType ( fsType string ) string {
if fsType == "" {
return defaultFSType
return fsType
func normalizeKind ( kind string ) ( v1 . AzureDataDiskKind , error ) {
if kind == "" {
return v1 . AzureDedicatedBlobDisk , nil
if ! supportedDiskKinds . Has ( kind ) {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - %s is not supported disk kind. Supported values are %s" , kind , supportedDiskKinds . List ( ) )
return v1 . AzureDataDiskKind ( kind ) , nil
func normalizeStorageAccountType ( storageAccountType string ) ( storage . SkuName , error ) {
if storageAccountType == "" {
return defaultStorageAccountType , nil
if ! supportedStorageAccountTypes . Has ( storageAccountType ) {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - %s is not supported sku/storageaccounttype. Supported values are %s" , storageAccountType , supportedStorageAccountTypes . List ( ) )
return storage . SkuName ( storageAccountType ) , nil
func normalizeCachingMode ( cachingMode v1 . AzureDataDiskCachingMode ) ( v1 . AzureDataDiskCachingMode , error ) {
if cachingMode == "" {
return v1 . AzureDataDiskCachingReadWrite , nil
if ! supportedCachingModes . Has ( string ( cachingMode ) ) {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "azureDisk - %s is not supported cachingmode. Supported values are %s" , cachingMode , supportedCachingModes . List ( ) )
return cachingMode , nil
type ioHandler interface {
ReadDir ( dirname string ) ( [ ] os . FileInfo , error )
WriteFile ( filename string , data [ ] byte , perm os . FileMode ) error
Readlink ( name string ) ( string , error )
//TODO: check if priming the iscsi interface is actually needed
type osIOHandler struct { }
func ( handler * osIOHandler ) ReadDir ( dirname string ) ( [ ] os . FileInfo , error ) {
return ioutil . ReadDir ( dirname )
func ( handler * osIOHandler ) WriteFile ( filename string , data [ ] byte , perm os . FileMode ) error {
return ioutil . WriteFile ( filename , data , perm )
func ( handler * osIOHandler ) Readlink ( name string ) ( string , error ) {
return os . Readlink ( name )
// exclude those used by azure as resource and OS root in /dev/disk/azure
func listAzureDiskPath ( io ioHandler ) [ ] string {
azureDiskPath := "/dev/disk/azure/"
var azureDiskList [ ] string
if dirs , err := io . ReadDir ( azureDiskPath ) ; err == nil {
for _ , f := range dirs {
name := f . Name ( )
diskPath := azureDiskPath + name
if link , linkErr := io . Readlink ( diskPath ) ; linkErr == nil {
sd := link [ ( libstrings . LastIndex ( link , "/" ) + 1 ) : ]
azureDiskList = append ( azureDiskList , sd )
glog . V ( 12 ) . Infof ( "Azure sys disks paths: %v" , azureDiskList )
return azureDiskList
func scsiHostRescan ( io ioHandler ) {
scsi_path := "/sys/class/scsi_host/"
if dirs , err := io . ReadDir ( scsi_path ) ; err == nil {
for _ , f := range dirs {
name := scsi_path + f . Name ( ) + "/scan"
data := [ ] byte ( "- - -" )
if err = io . WriteFile ( name , data , 0666 ) ; err != nil {
glog . Warningf ( "failed to rescan scsi host %s" , name )
} else {
glog . Warningf ( "failed to read %s, err %v" , scsi_path , err )
func findDiskByLun ( lun int , io ioHandler , exe exec . Interface ) ( string , error ) {
azureDisks := listAzureDiskPath ( io )
return findDiskByLunWithConstraint ( lun , io , exe , azureDisks )
// finds a device mounted to "current" node
func findDiskByLunWithConstraint ( lun int , io ioHandler , exe exec . Interface , azureDisks [ ] string ) ( string , error ) {
var err error
sys_path := "/sys/bus/scsi/devices"
if dirs , err := io . ReadDir ( sys_path ) ; err == nil {
for _ , f := range dirs {
name := f . Name ( )
// look for path like /sys/bus/scsi/devices/3:0:0:1
arr := libstrings . Split ( name , ":" )
if len ( arr ) < 4 {
// extract LUN from the path.
// LUN is the last index of the array, i.e. 1 in /sys/bus/scsi/devices/3:0:0:1
l , err := strconv . Atoi ( arr [ 3 ] )
if err != nil {
// unknown path format, continue to read the next one
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azure disk - failed to parse lun from %v (%v), err %v" , arr [ 3 ] , name , err )
if lun == l {
// find the matching LUN
// read vendor and model to ensure it is a VHD disk
vendor := path . Join ( sys_path , name , "vendor" )
model := path . Join ( sys_path , name , "model" )
out , err := exe . Command ( "cat" , vendor , model ) . CombinedOutput ( )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azure disk - failed to cat device vendor and model, err: %v" , err )
matched , err := regexp . MatchString ( "^MSFT[ ]{0,}\nVIRTUAL DISK[ ]{0,}\n$" , libstrings . ToUpper ( string ( out ) ) )
if err != nil || ! matched {
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "azure disk - doesn't match VHD, output %v, error %v" , string ( out ) , err )
// find a disk, validate name
dir := path . Join ( sys_path , name , "block" )
if dev , err := io . ReadDir ( dir ) ; err == nil {
found := false
for _ , diskName := range azureDisks {
glog . V ( 12 ) . Infof ( "azure disk - validating disk %q with sys disk %q" , dev [ 0 ] . Name ( ) , diskName )
if string ( dev [ 0 ] . Name ( ) ) == diskName {
found = true
if ! found {
return "/dev/" + dev [ 0 ] . Name ( ) , nil
return "" , err
func formatIfNotFormatted ( disk string , fstype string ) {
notFormatted , err := diskLooksUnformatted ( disk )
if err == nil && notFormatted {
args := [ ] string { disk }
// Disk is unformatted so format it.
// Use 'ext4' as the default
if len ( fstype ) == 0 {
fstype = "ext4"
if fstype == "ext4" || fstype == "ext3" {
args = [ ] string { "-E" , "lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0" , "-F" , disk }
glog . Infof ( "azureDisk - Disk %q appears to be unformatted, attempting to format as type: %q with options: %v" , disk , fstype , args )
runner := exec . New ( )
cmd := runner . Command ( "mkfs." + fstype , args ... )
_ , err := cmd . CombinedOutput ( )
if err == nil {
// the disk has been formatted successfully try to mount it again.
glog . Infof ( "azureDisk - Disk successfully formatted (mkfs): %s - %s %s" , fstype , disk , "tt" )
glog . Warningf ( "azureDisk - format of disk %q failed: type:(%q) target:(%q) options:(%q)error:(%v)" , disk , fstype , "tt" , "o" , err )
} else {
if err != nil {
glog . Warningf ( "azureDisk - Failed to check if the disk %s formatted with error %s, will attach anyway" , disk , err )
} else {
glog . Infof ( "azureDisk - Disk %s already formatted, will not format" , disk )
func diskLooksUnformatted ( disk string ) ( bool , error ) {
args := [ ] string { "-nd" , "-o" , "FSTYPE" , disk }
runner := exec . New ( )
cmd := runner . Command ( "lsblk" , args ... )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Attempting to determine if disk %q is formatted using lsblk with args: (%v)" , disk , args )
dataOut , err := cmd . CombinedOutput ( )
if err != nil {
glog . Errorf ( "Could not determine if disk %q is formatted (%v)" , disk , err )
return false , err
output := libstrings . TrimSpace ( string ( dataOut ) )
return output == "" , nil
func getDiskController ( host volume . VolumeHost ) ( DiskController , error ) {
cloudProvider := host . GetCloudProvider ( )
az , ok := cloudProvider . ( * azure . Cloud )
if ! ok || az == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "AzureDisk - failed to get Azure Cloud Provider. GetCloudProvider returned %v instead" , cloudProvider )
return az , nil
func getCloud ( host volume . VolumeHost ) ( * azure . Cloud , error ) {
cloudProvider := host . GetCloudProvider ( )
az , ok := cloudProvider . ( * azure . Cloud )
if ! ok || az == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "AzureDisk - failed to get Azure Cloud Provider. GetCloudProvider returned %v instead" , cloudProvider )
return az , nil
func strFirstLetterToUpper ( str string ) string {
if len ( str ) < 2 {
return str
return libstrings . ToUpper ( string ( str [ 0 ] ) ) + str [ 1 : ]