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// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
// This file defines a recursive-descent parser for Starlark.
// The LL(1) grammar of Starlark and the names of many productions follow Python 2.7.
// TODO(adonovan): use syntax.Error more systematically throughout the
// package. Verify that error positions are correct using the
// chunkedfile mechanism.
import "log"
// Enable this flag to print the token stream and log.Fatal on the first error.
const debug = false
// A Mode value is a set of flags (or 0) that controls optional parser functionality.
type Mode uint
const (
RetainComments Mode = 1 << iota // retain comments in AST; see Node.Comments
// Parse parses the input data and returns the corresponding parse tree.
// If src != nil, ParseFile parses the source from src and the filename
// is only used when recording position information.
// The type of the argument for the src parameter must be string,
// []byte, or io.Reader.
// If src == nil, ParseFile parses the file specified by filename.
func Parse(filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (f *File, err error) {
in, err := newScanner(filename, src, mode&RetainComments != 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := parser{in: in}
defer p.in.recover(&err)
p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token
f = p.parseFile()
if f != nil {
f.Path = filename
return f, nil
// ParseCompoundStmt parses a single compound statement:
// a blank line, a def, for, while, or if statement, or a
// semicolon-separated list of simple statements followed
// by a newline. These are the units on which the REPL operates.
// ParseCompoundStmt does not consume any following input.
// The parser calls the readline function each
// time it needs a new line of input.
func ParseCompoundStmt(filename string, readline func() ([]byte, error)) (f *File, err error) {
in, err := newScanner(filename, readline, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := parser{in: in}
defer p.in.recover(&err)
p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token
var stmts []Stmt
switch p.tok {
stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts)
// blank line
stmts = p.parseSimpleStmt(stmts, false)
// Require but don't consume newline, to avoid blocking again.
if p.tok != NEWLINE {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "invalid syntax")
return &File{Path: filename, Stmts: stmts}, nil
// ParseExpr parses a Starlark expression.
// A comma-separated list of expressions is parsed as a tuple.
// See Parse for explanation of parameters.
func ParseExpr(filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (expr Expr, err error) {
in, err := newScanner(filename, src, mode&RetainComments != 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := parser{in: in}
defer p.in.recover(&err)
p.nextToken() // read first lookahead token
// Use parseExpr, not parseTest, to permit an unparenthesized tuple.
expr = p.parseExpr(false)
// A following newline (e.g. "f()\n") appears outside any brackets,
// on a non-blank line, and thus results in a NEWLINE token.
if p.tok == NEWLINE {
if p.tok != EOF {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v after expression, want EOF", p.tok)
return expr, nil
type parser struct {
in *scanner
tok Token
tokval tokenValue
// nextToken advances the scanner and returns the position of the
// previous token.
func (p *parser) nextToken() Position {
oldpos := p.tokval.pos
p.tok = p.in.nextToken(&p.tokval)
// enable to see the token stream
if debug {
log.Printf("nextToken: %-20s%+v\n", p.tok, p.tokval.pos)
return oldpos
// file_input = (NEWLINE | stmt)* EOF
func (p *parser) parseFile() *File {
var stmts []Stmt
for p.tok != EOF {
if p.tok == NEWLINE {
stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts)
return &File{Stmts: stmts}
func (p *parser) parseStmt(stmts []Stmt) []Stmt {
if p.tok == DEF {
return append(stmts, p.parseDefStmt())
} else if p.tok == IF {
return append(stmts, p.parseIfStmt())
} else if p.tok == FOR {
return append(stmts, p.parseForStmt())
} else if p.tok == WHILE {
return append(stmts, p.parseWhileStmt())
return p.parseSimpleStmt(stmts, true)
func (p *parser) parseDefStmt() Stmt {
defpos := p.nextToken() // consume DEF
id := p.parseIdent()
params := p.parseParams()
body := p.parseSuite()
return &DefStmt{
Def: defpos,
Name: id,
Params: params,
Body: body,
func (p *parser) parseIfStmt() Stmt {
ifpos := p.nextToken() // consume IF
cond := p.parseTest()
body := p.parseSuite()
ifStmt := &IfStmt{
If: ifpos,
Cond: cond,
True: body,
tail := ifStmt
for p.tok == ELIF {
elifpos := p.nextToken() // consume ELIF
cond := p.parseTest()
body := p.parseSuite()
elif := &IfStmt{
If: elifpos,
Cond: cond,
True: body,
tail.ElsePos = elifpos
tail.False = []Stmt{elif}
tail = elif
if p.tok == ELSE {
tail.ElsePos = p.nextToken() // consume ELSE
tail.False = p.parseSuite()
return ifStmt
func (p *parser) parseForStmt() Stmt {
forpos := p.nextToken() // consume FOR
vars := p.parseForLoopVariables()
x := p.parseExpr(false)
body := p.parseSuite()
return &ForStmt{
For: forpos,
Vars: vars,
X: x,
Body: body,
func (p *parser) parseWhileStmt() Stmt {
whilepos := p.nextToken() // consume WHILE
cond := p.parseTest()
body := p.parseSuite()
return &WhileStmt{
While: whilepos,
Cond: cond,
Body: body,
// Equivalent to 'exprlist' production in Python grammar.
// loop_variables = primary_with_suffix (COMMA primary_with_suffix)* COMMA?
func (p *parser) parseForLoopVariables() Expr {
// Avoid parseExpr because it would consume the IN token
// following x in "for x in y: ...".
v := p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix()
if p.tok != COMMA {
return v
list := []Expr{v}
for p.tok == COMMA {
if terminatesExprList(p.tok) {
list = append(list, p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix())
return &TupleExpr{List: list}
// simple_stmt = small_stmt (SEMI small_stmt)* SEMI? NEWLINE
// In REPL mode, it does not consume the NEWLINE.
func (p *parser) parseSimpleStmt(stmts []Stmt, consumeNL bool) []Stmt {
for {
stmts = append(stmts, p.parseSmallStmt())
if p.tok != SEMI {
p.nextToken() // consume SEMI
if p.tok == NEWLINE || p.tok == EOF {
// EOF without NEWLINE occurs in `if x: pass`, for example.
if p.tok != EOF && consumeNL {
return stmts
// small_stmt = RETURN expr?
// | LOAD ...
// | expr ('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=') expr // assign
// | expr
func (p *parser) parseSmallStmt() Stmt {
switch p.tok {
case RETURN:
pos := p.nextToken() // consume RETURN
var result Expr
if p.tok != EOF && p.tok != NEWLINE && p.tok != SEMI {
result = p.parseExpr(false)
return &ReturnStmt{Return: pos, Result: result}
tok := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken() // consume it
return &BranchStmt{Token: tok, TokenPos: pos}
case LOAD:
return p.parseLoadStmt()
// Assignment
x := p.parseExpr(false)
switch p.tok {
op := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken() // consume op
rhs := p.parseExpr(false)
return &AssignStmt{OpPos: pos, Op: op, LHS: x, RHS: rhs}
// Expression statement (e.g. function call, doc string).
return &ExprStmt{X: x}
// stmt = LOAD '(' STRING {',' (IDENT '=')? STRING} [','] ')'
func (p *parser) parseLoadStmt() *LoadStmt {
loadPos := p.nextToken() // consume LOAD
lparen := p.consume(LPAREN)
if p.tok != STRING {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "first operand of load statement must be a string literal")
module := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal)
var from, to []*Ident
for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != EOF {
if p.tok == RPAREN {
break // allow trailing comma
switch p.tok {
case STRING:
// load("module", "id")
// To name is same as original.
lit := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal)
id := &Ident{
NamePos: lit.TokenPos.add(`"`),
Name: lit.Value.(string),
to = append(to, id)
from = append(from, id)
case IDENT:
// load("module", to="from")
id := p.parseIdent()
to = append(to, id)
if p.tok != EQ {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `load operand must be "%[1]s" or %[1]s="originalname" (want '=' after %[1]s)`, id.Name)
if p.tok != STRING {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `original name of loaded symbol must be quoted: %s="originalname"`, id.Name)
lit := p.parsePrimary().(*Literal)
from = append(from, &Ident{
NamePos: lit.TokenPos.add(`"`),
Name: lit.Value.(string),
case RPAREN:
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "trailing comma in load statement")
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, `load operand must be "name" or localname="name" (got %#v)`, p.tok)
rparen := p.consume(RPAREN)
if len(to) == 0 {
p.in.errorf(lparen, "load statement must import at least 1 symbol")
return &LoadStmt{
Load: loadPos,
Module: module,
To: to,
From: from,
Rparen: rparen,
// suite is typically what follows a COLON (e.g. after DEF or FOR).
// suite = simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ OUTDENT
func (p *parser) parseSuite() []Stmt {
if p.tok == NEWLINE {
p.nextToken() // consume NEWLINE
var stmts []Stmt
for p.tok != OUTDENT && p.tok != EOF {
stmts = p.parseStmt(stmts)
return stmts
return p.parseSimpleStmt(nil, true)
func (p *parser) parseIdent() *Ident {
if p.tok != IDENT {
p.in.error(p.in.pos, "not an identifier")
id := &Ident{
NamePos: p.tokval.pos,
Name: p.tokval.raw,
return id
func (p *parser) consume(t Token) Position {
if p.tok != t {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want %#v", p.tok, t)
return p.nextToken()
// params = (param COMMA)* param COMMA?
// |
// param = IDENT
// | IDENT EQ test
// | STAR
// parseParams parses a parameter list. The resulting expressions are of the form:
// *Ident x
// *Binary{Op: EQ, X: *Ident, Y: Expr} x=y
// *Unary{Op: STAR} *
// *Unary{Op: STAR, X: *Ident} *args
// *Unary{Op: STARSTAR, X: *Ident} **kwargs
func (p *parser) parseParams() []Expr {
var params []Expr
for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != COLON && p.tok != EOF {
if len(params) > 0 {
if p.tok == RPAREN {
// * or *args or **kwargs
if p.tok == STAR || p.tok == STARSTAR {
op := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken()
var x Expr
if op == STARSTAR || p.tok == IDENT {
x = p.parseIdent()
params = append(params, &UnaryExpr{
OpPos: pos,
Op: op,
X: x,
// IDENT = test
id := p.parseIdent()
if p.tok == EQ { // default value
eq := p.nextToken()
dflt := p.parseTest()
params = append(params, &BinaryExpr{
X: id,
OpPos: eq,
Op: EQ,
Y: dflt,
params = append(params, id)
return params
// parseExpr parses an expression, possible consisting of a
// comma-separated list of 'test' expressions.
// In many cases we must use parseTest to avoid ambiguity such as
// f(x, y) vs. f((x, y)).
func (p *parser) parseExpr(inParens bool) Expr {
x := p.parseTest()
if p.tok != COMMA {
return x
// tuple
exprs := p.parseExprs([]Expr{x}, inParens)
return &TupleExpr{List: exprs}
// parseExprs parses a comma-separated list of expressions, starting with the comma.
// It is used to parse tuples and list elements.
// expr_list = (',' expr)* ','?
func (p *parser) parseExprs(exprs []Expr, allowTrailingComma bool) []Expr {
for p.tok == COMMA {
pos := p.nextToken()
if terminatesExprList(p.tok) {
if !allowTrailingComma {
p.in.error(pos, "unparenthesized tuple with trailing comma")
exprs = append(exprs, p.parseTest())
return exprs
// parseTest parses a 'test', a single-component expression.
func (p *parser) parseTest() Expr {
if p.tok == LAMBDA {
return p.parseLambda(true)
x := p.parseTestPrec(0)
// conditional expression (t IF cond ELSE f)
if p.tok == IF {
ifpos := p.nextToken()
cond := p.parseTestPrec(0)
if p.tok != ELSE {
p.in.error(ifpos, "conditional expression without else clause")
elsepos := p.nextToken()
else_ := p.parseTest()
return &CondExpr{If: ifpos, Cond: cond, True: x, ElsePos: elsepos, False: else_}
return x
// parseTestNoCond parses a a single-component expression without
// consuming a trailing 'if expr else expr'.
func (p *parser) parseTestNoCond() Expr {
if p.tok == LAMBDA {
return p.parseLambda(false)
return p.parseTestPrec(0)
// parseLambda parses a lambda expression.
// The allowCond flag allows the body to be an 'a if b else c' conditional.
func (p *parser) parseLambda(allowCond bool) Expr {
lambda := p.nextToken()
var params []Expr
if p.tok != COLON {
params = p.parseParams()
var body Expr
if allowCond {
body = p.parseTest()
} else {
body = p.parseTestNoCond()
return &LambdaExpr{
Lambda: lambda,
Params: params,
Body: body,
func (p *parser) parseTestPrec(prec int) Expr {
if prec >= len(preclevels) {
return p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix()
// expr = NOT expr
if p.tok == NOT && prec == int(precedence[NOT]) {
pos := p.nextToken()
x := p.parseTestPrec(prec)
return &UnaryExpr{
OpPos: pos,
Op: NOT,
X: x,
return p.parseBinopExpr(prec)
// expr = test (OP test)*
// Uses precedence climbing; see http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm#climbing.
func (p *parser) parseBinopExpr(prec int) Expr {
x := p.parseTestPrec(prec + 1)
for first := true; ; first = false {
if p.tok == NOT {
p.nextToken() // consume NOT
// In this context, NOT must be followed by IN.
// Replace NOT IN by a single NOT_IN token.
if p.tok != IN {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want in", p.tok)
p.tok = NOT_IN
// Binary operator of specified precedence?
opprec := int(precedence[p.tok])
if opprec < prec {
return x
// Comparisons are non-associative.
if !first && opprec == int(precedence[EQL]) {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "%s does not associate with %s (use parens)",
x.(*BinaryExpr).Op, p.tok)
op := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken()
y := p.parseTestPrec(opprec + 1)
x = &BinaryExpr{OpPos: pos, Op: op, X: x, Y: y}
// precedence maps each operator to its precedence (0-7), or -1 for other tokens.
var precedence [maxToken]int8
// preclevels groups operators of equal precedence.
// Comparisons are nonassociative; other binary operators associate to the left.
// Unary MINUS, unary PLUS, and TILDE have higher precedence so are handled in parsePrimary.
// See https://github.com/google/starlark-go/blob/master/doc/spec.md#binary-operators
var preclevels = [...][]Token{
{OR}, // or
{AND}, // and
{NOT}, // not (unary)
{EQL, NEQ, LT, GT, LE, GE, IN, NOT_IN}, // == != < > <= >= in not in
{PIPE}, // |
{AMP}, // &
{LTLT, GTGT}, // << >>
{MINUS, PLUS}, // -
func init() {
// populate precedence table
for i := range precedence {
precedence[i] = -1
for level, tokens := range preclevels {
for _, tok := range tokens {
precedence[tok] = int8(level)
// primary_with_suffix = primary
// | primary '.' IDENT
// | primary slice_suffix
// | primary call_suffix
func (p *parser) parsePrimaryWithSuffix() Expr {
x := p.parsePrimary()
for {
switch p.tok {
case DOT:
dot := p.nextToken()
id := p.parseIdent()
x = &DotExpr{Dot: dot, X: x, Name: id}
case LBRACK:
x = p.parseSliceSuffix(x)
case LPAREN:
x = p.parseCallSuffix(x)
return x
// slice_suffix = '[' expr? ':' expr? ':' expr? ']'
func (p *parser) parseSliceSuffix(x Expr) Expr {
lbrack := p.nextToken()
var lo, hi, step Expr
if p.tok != COLON {
y := p.parseExpr(false)
// index x[y]
if p.tok == RBRACK {
rbrack := p.nextToken()
return &IndexExpr{X: x, Lbrack: lbrack, Y: y, Rbrack: rbrack}
lo = y
// slice or substring x[lo:hi:step]
if p.tok == COLON {
if p.tok != COLON && p.tok != RBRACK {
hi = p.parseTest()
if p.tok == COLON {
if p.tok != RBRACK {
step = p.parseTest()
rbrack := p.consume(RBRACK)
return &SliceExpr{X: x, Lbrack: lbrack, Lo: lo, Hi: hi, Step: step, Rbrack: rbrack}
// call_suffix = '(' arg_list? ')'
func (p *parser) parseCallSuffix(fn Expr) Expr {
lparen := p.consume(LPAREN)
var rparen Position
var args []Expr
if p.tok == RPAREN {
rparen = p.nextToken()
} else {
args = p.parseArgs()
rparen = p.consume(RPAREN)
return &CallExpr{Fn: fn, Lparen: lparen, Args: args, Rparen: rparen}
// parseArgs parses a list of actual parameter values (arguments).
// It mirrors the structure of parseParams.
// arg_list = ((arg COMMA)* arg COMMA?)?
func (p *parser) parseArgs() []Expr {
var args []Expr
for p.tok != RPAREN && p.tok != EOF {
if len(args) > 0 {
if p.tok == RPAREN {
// *args or **kwargs
if p.tok == STAR || p.tok == STARSTAR {
op := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken()
x := p.parseTest()
args = append(args, &UnaryExpr{
OpPos: pos,
Op: op,
X: x,
// We use a different strategy from Bazel here to stay within LL(1).
// Instead of looking ahead two tokens (IDENT, EQ) we parse
// 'test = test' then check that the first was an IDENT.
x := p.parseTest()
if p.tok == EQ {
// name = value
if _, ok := x.(*Ident); !ok {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "keyword argument must have form name=expr")
eq := p.nextToken()
y := p.parseTest()
x = &BinaryExpr{
X: x,
OpPos: eq,
Op: EQ,
Y: y,
args = append(args, x)
return args
// primary = IDENT
// | INT | FLOAT
// | '[' ... // list literal or comprehension
// | '{' ... // dict literal or comprehension
// | '(' ... // tuple or parenthesized expression
// | ('-'|'+'|'~') primary_with_suffix
func (p *parser) parsePrimary() Expr {
switch p.tok {
case IDENT:
return p.parseIdent()
var val interface{}
tok := p.tok
switch tok {
case INT:
if p.tokval.bigInt != nil {
val = p.tokval.bigInt
} else {
val = p.tokval.int
case FLOAT:
val = p.tokval.float
case STRING:
val = p.tokval.string
raw := p.tokval.raw
pos := p.nextToken()
return &Literal{Token: tok, TokenPos: pos, Raw: raw, Value: val}
case LBRACK:
return p.parseList()
case LBRACE:
return p.parseDict()
case LPAREN:
lparen := p.nextToken()
if p.tok == RPAREN {
// empty tuple
rparen := p.nextToken()
return &TupleExpr{Lparen: lparen, Rparen: rparen}
e := p.parseExpr(true) // allow trailing comma
rparen := p.consume(RPAREN)
return &ParenExpr{
Lparen: lparen,
X: e,
Rparen: rparen,
case MINUS, PLUS, TILDE: // unary
tok := p.tok
pos := p.nextToken()
x := p.parsePrimaryWithSuffix()
return &UnaryExpr{
OpPos: pos,
Op: tok,
X: x,
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want primary expression", p.tok)
// list = '[' ']'
// | '[' expr ']'
// | '[' expr expr_list ']'
// | '[' expr (FOR loop_variables IN expr)+ ']'
func (p *parser) parseList() Expr {
lbrack := p.nextToken()
if p.tok == RBRACK {
// empty List
rbrack := p.nextToken()
return &ListExpr{Lbrack: lbrack, Rbrack: rbrack}
x := p.parseTest()
if p.tok == FOR {
// list comprehension
return p.parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrack, x, RBRACK)
exprs := []Expr{x}
if p.tok == COMMA {
// multi-item list literal
exprs = p.parseExprs(exprs, true) // allow trailing comma
rbrack := p.consume(RBRACK)
return &ListExpr{Lbrack: lbrack, List: exprs, Rbrack: rbrack}
// dict = '{' '}'
// | '{' dict_entry_list '}'
// | '{' dict_entry FOR loop_variables IN expr '}'
func (p *parser) parseDict() Expr {
lbrace := p.nextToken()
if p.tok == RBRACE {
// empty dict
rbrace := p.nextToken()
return &DictExpr{Lbrace: lbrace, Rbrace: rbrace}
x := p.parseDictEntry()
if p.tok == FOR {
// dict comprehension
return p.parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrace, x, RBRACE)
entries := []Expr{x}
for p.tok == COMMA {
if p.tok == RBRACE {
entries = append(entries, p.parseDictEntry())
rbrace := p.consume(RBRACE)
return &DictExpr{Lbrace: lbrace, List: entries, Rbrace: rbrace}
// dict_entry = test ':' test
func (p *parser) parseDictEntry() *DictEntry {
k := p.parseTest()
colon := p.consume(COLON)
v := p.parseTest()
return &DictEntry{Key: k, Colon: colon, Value: v}
// comp_suffix = FOR loopvars IN expr comp_suffix
// | IF expr comp_suffix
// | ']' or ')' (end)
// There can be multiple FOR/IF clauses; the first is always a FOR.
func (p *parser) parseComprehensionSuffix(lbrace Position, body Expr, endBrace Token) Expr {
var clauses []Node
for p.tok != endBrace {
if p.tok == FOR {
pos := p.nextToken()
vars := p.parseForLoopVariables()
in := p.consume(IN)
// Following Python 3, the operand of IN cannot be:
// - a conditional expression ('x if y else z'),
// due to conflicts in Python grammar
// ('if' is used by the comprehension);
// - a lambda expression
// - an unparenthesized tuple.
x := p.parseTestPrec(0)
clauses = append(clauses, &ForClause{For: pos, Vars: vars, In: in, X: x})
} else if p.tok == IF {
pos := p.nextToken()
cond := p.parseTestNoCond()
clauses = append(clauses, &IfClause{If: pos, Cond: cond})
} else {
p.in.errorf(p.in.pos, "got %#v, want '%s', for, or if", p.tok, endBrace)
rbrace := p.nextToken()
return &Comprehension{
Curly: endBrace == RBRACE,
Lbrack: lbrace,
Body: body,
Clauses: clauses,
Rbrack: rbrace,
func terminatesExprList(tok Token) bool {
switch tok {
return true
return false
// Comment assignment.
// We build two lists of all subnodes, preorder and postorder.
// The preorder list is ordered by start location, with outer nodes first.
// The postorder list is ordered by end location, with outer nodes last.
// We use the preorder list to assign each whole-line comment to the syntax
// immediately following it, and we use the postorder list to assign each
// end-of-line comment to the syntax immediately preceding it.
// flattenAST returns the list of AST nodes, both in prefix order and in postfix
// order.
func flattenAST(root Node) (pre, post []Node) {
stack := []Node{}
Walk(root, func(n Node) bool {
if n != nil {
pre = append(pre, n)
stack = append(stack, n)
} else {
post = append(post, stack[len(stack)-1])
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
return true
return pre, post
// assignComments attaches comments to nearby syntax.
func (p *parser) assignComments(n Node) {
// Leave early if there are no comments
if len(p.in.lineComments)+len(p.in.suffixComments) == 0 {
pre, post := flattenAST(n)
// Assign line comments to syntax immediately following.
line := p.in.lineComments
for _, x := range pre {
start, _ := x.Span()
switch x.(type) {
case *File:
for len(line) > 0 && !start.isBefore(line[0].Start) {
x.Comments().Before = append(x.Comments().Before, line[0])
line = line[1:]
// Remaining line comments go at end of file.
if len(line) > 0 {
n.Comments().After = append(n.Comments().After, line...)
// Assign suffix comments to syntax immediately before.
suffix := p.in.suffixComments
for i := len(post) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
x := post[i]
// Do not assign suffix comments to file
switch x.(type) {
case *File:
_, end := x.Span()
if len(suffix) > 0 && end.isBefore(suffix[len(suffix)-1].Start) {
x.Comments().Suffix = append(x.Comments().Suffix, suffix[len(suffix)-1])
suffix = suffix[:len(suffix)-1]