2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package config
import (
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
kubetypes "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
// PodConfigNotificationMode describes how changes are sent to the update channel.
type PodConfigNotificationMode int
const (
// PodConfigNotificationUnknown is the default value for
// PodConfigNotificationMode when uninitialized.
PodConfigNotificationUnknown = iota
// PodConfigNotificationSnapshot delivers the full configuration as a SET whenever
// any change occurs.
// PodConfigNotificationSnapshotAndUpdates delivers an UPDATE and DELETE message whenever pods are
// changed, and a SET message if there are any additions or removals.
// PodConfigNotificationIncremental delivers ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, REMOVE, RECONCILE to the update channel.
// PodConfig is a configuration mux that merges many sources of pod configuration into a single
// consistent structure, and then delivers incremental change notifications to listeners
// in order.
type PodConfig struct {
pods * podStorage
mux * config . Mux
// the channel of denormalized changes passed to listeners
updates chan kubetypes . PodUpdate
// contains the list of all configured sources
sourcesLock sync . Mutex
sources sets . String
checkpointManager checkpointmanager . CheckpointManager
// NewPodConfig creates an object that can merge many configuration sources into a stream
// of normalized updates to a pod configuration.
func NewPodConfig ( mode PodConfigNotificationMode , recorder record . EventRecorder ) * PodConfig {
updates := make ( chan kubetypes . PodUpdate , 50 )
storage := newPodStorage ( updates , mode , recorder )
podConfig := & PodConfig {
pods : storage ,
mux : config . NewMux ( storage ) ,
updates : updates ,
sources : sets . String { } ,
return podConfig
// Channel creates or returns a config source channel. The channel
// only accepts PodUpdates
func ( c * PodConfig ) Channel ( source string ) chan <- interface { } {
c . sourcesLock . Lock ( )
defer c . sourcesLock . Unlock ( )
c . sources . Insert ( source )
return c . mux . Channel ( source )
// SeenAllSources returns true if seenSources contains all sources in the
// config, and also this config has received a SET message from each source.
func ( c * PodConfig ) SeenAllSources ( seenSources sets . String ) bool {
if c . pods == nil {
return false
klog . V ( 5 ) . Infof ( "Looking for %v, have seen %v" , c . sources . List ( ) , seenSources )
return seenSources . HasAll ( c . sources . List ( ) ... ) && c . pods . seenSources ( c . sources . List ( ) ... )
// Updates returns a channel of updates to the configuration, properly denormalized.
func ( c * PodConfig ) Updates ( ) <- chan kubetypes . PodUpdate {
return c . updates
// Sync requests the full configuration be delivered to the update channel.
func ( c * PodConfig ) Sync ( ) {
c . pods . Sync ( )
// Restore restores pods from the checkpoint path, *once*
func ( c * PodConfig ) Restore ( path string , updates chan <- interface { } ) error {
if c . checkpointManager != nil {
return nil
var err error
c . checkpointManager , err = checkpointmanager . NewCheckpointManager ( path )
if err != nil {
return err
pods , err := checkpoint . LoadPods ( c . checkpointManager )
if err != nil {
return err
updates <- kubetypes . PodUpdate { Pods : pods , Op : kubetypes . RESTORE , Source : kubetypes . ApiserverSource }
return nil
// podStorage manages the current pod state at any point in time and ensures updates
// to the channel are delivered in order. Note that this object is an in-memory source of
// "truth" and on creation contains zero entries. Once all previously read sources are
// available, then this object should be considered authoritative.
type podStorage struct {
podLock sync . RWMutex
// map of source name to pod uid to pod reference
pods map [ string ] map [ types . UID ] * v1 . Pod
mode PodConfigNotificationMode
// ensures that updates are delivered in strict order
// on the updates channel
updateLock sync . Mutex
updates chan <- kubetypes . PodUpdate
// contains the set of all sources that have sent at least one SET
sourcesSeenLock sync . RWMutex
sourcesSeen sets . String
// the EventRecorder to use
recorder record . EventRecorder
// TODO: PodConfigNotificationMode could be handled by a listener to the updates channel
// in the future, especially with multiple listeners.
// TODO: allow initialization of the current state of the store with snapshotted version.
func newPodStorage ( updates chan <- kubetypes . PodUpdate , mode PodConfigNotificationMode , recorder record . EventRecorder ) * podStorage {
return & podStorage {
pods : make ( map [ string ] map [ types . UID ] * v1 . Pod ) ,
mode : mode ,
updates : updates ,
sourcesSeen : sets . String { } ,
recorder : recorder ,
// Merge normalizes a set of incoming changes from different sources into a map of all Pods
// and ensures that redundant changes are filtered out, and then pushes zero or more minimal
// updates onto the update channel. Ensures that updates are delivered in order.
func ( s * podStorage ) Merge ( source string , change interface { } ) error {
s . updateLock . Lock ( )
defer s . updateLock . Unlock ( )
seenBefore := s . sourcesSeen . Has ( source )
adds , updates , deletes , removes , reconciles , restores := s . merge ( source , change )
firstSet := ! seenBefore && s . sourcesSeen . Has ( source )
// deliver update notifications
switch s . mode {
case PodConfigNotificationIncremental :
if len ( removes . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * removes
if len ( adds . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * adds
if len ( updates . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * updates
if len ( deletes . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * deletes
if len ( restores . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * restores
if firstSet && len ( adds . Pods ) == 0 && len ( updates . Pods ) == 0 && len ( deletes . Pods ) == 0 {
// Send an empty update when first seeing the source and there are
// no ADD or UPDATE or DELETE pods from the source. This signals kubelet that
// the source is ready.
s . updates <- * adds
// Only add reconcile support here, because kubelet doesn't support Snapshot update now.
if len ( reconciles . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * reconciles
case PodConfigNotificationSnapshotAndUpdates :
if len ( removes . Pods ) > 0 || len ( adds . Pods ) > 0 || firstSet {
s . updates <- kubetypes . PodUpdate { Pods : s . MergedState ( ) . ( [ ] * v1 . Pod ) , Op : kubetypes . SET , Source : source }
if len ( updates . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * updates
if len ( deletes . Pods ) > 0 {
s . updates <- * deletes
case PodConfigNotificationSnapshot :
if len ( updates . Pods ) > 0 || len ( deletes . Pods ) > 0 || len ( adds . Pods ) > 0 || len ( removes . Pods ) > 0 || firstSet {
s . updates <- kubetypes . PodUpdate { Pods : s . MergedState ( ) . ( [ ] * v1 . Pod ) , Op : kubetypes . SET , Source : source }
case PodConfigNotificationUnknown :
default :
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "unsupported PodConfigNotificationMode: %#v" , s . mode ) )
return nil
func ( s * podStorage ) merge ( source string , change interface { } ) ( adds , updates , deletes , removes , reconciles , restores * kubetypes . PodUpdate ) {
s . podLock . Lock ( )
defer s . podLock . Unlock ( )
addPods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
updatePods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
deletePods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
removePods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
reconcilePods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
restorePods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
pods := s . pods [ source ]
if pods == nil {
pods = make ( map [ types . UID ] * v1 . Pod )
// updatePodFunc is the local function which updates the pod cache *oldPods* with new pods *newPods*.
// After updated, new pod will be stored in the pod cache *pods*.
// Notice that *pods* and *oldPods* could be the same cache.
updatePodsFunc := func ( newPods [ ] * v1 . Pod , oldPods , pods map [ types . UID ] * v1 . Pod ) {
filtered := filterInvalidPods ( newPods , source , s . recorder )
for _ , ref := range filtered {
// Annotate the pod with the source before any comparison.
if ref . Annotations == nil {
ref . Annotations = make ( map [ string ] string )
ref . Annotations [ kubetypes . ConfigSourceAnnotationKey ] = source
if existing , found := oldPods [ ref . UID ] ; found {
pods [ ref . UID ] = existing
needUpdate , needReconcile , needGracefulDelete := checkAndUpdatePod ( existing , ref )
if needUpdate {
updatePods = append ( updatePods , existing )
} else if needReconcile {
reconcilePods = append ( reconcilePods , existing )
} else if needGracefulDelete {
deletePods = append ( deletePods , existing )
recordFirstSeenTime ( ref )
pods [ ref . UID ] = ref
addPods = append ( addPods , ref )
update := change . ( kubetypes . PodUpdate )
switch update . Op {
case kubetypes . ADD , kubetypes . UPDATE , kubetypes . DELETE :
if update . Op == kubetypes . ADD {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Adding new pods from source %s : %v" , source , update . Pods )
} else if update . Op == kubetypes . DELETE {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Graceful deleting pods from source %s : %v" , source , update . Pods )
} else {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Updating pods from source %s : %v" , source , update . Pods )
updatePodsFunc ( update . Pods , pods , pods )
case kubetypes . REMOVE :
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Removing pods from source %s : %v" , source , update . Pods )
for _ , value := range update . Pods {
if existing , found := pods [ value . UID ] ; found {
// this is a delete
delete ( pods , value . UID )
removePods = append ( removePods , existing )
// this is a no-op
case kubetypes . SET :
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Setting pods for source %s" , source )
s . markSourceSet ( source )
// Clear the old map entries by just creating a new map
oldPods := pods
pods = make ( map [ types . UID ] * v1 . Pod )
updatePodsFunc ( update . Pods , oldPods , pods )
for uid , existing := range oldPods {
if _ , found := pods [ uid ] ; ! found {
// this is a delete
removePods = append ( removePods , existing )
case kubetypes . RESTORE :
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Restoring pods for source %s" , source )
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
restorePods = append ( restorePods , update . Pods ... )
2019-01-12 04:58:27 +00:00
default :
klog . Warningf ( "Received invalid update type: %v" , update )
s . pods [ source ] = pods
adds = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . ADD , Pods : copyPods ( addPods ) , Source : source }
updates = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . UPDATE , Pods : copyPods ( updatePods ) , Source : source }
deletes = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . DELETE , Pods : copyPods ( deletePods ) , Source : source }
removes = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . REMOVE , Pods : copyPods ( removePods ) , Source : source }
reconciles = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . RECONCILE , Pods : copyPods ( reconcilePods ) , Source : source }
restores = & kubetypes . PodUpdate { Op : kubetypes . RESTORE , Pods : copyPods ( restorePods ) , Source : source }
return adds , updates , deletes , removes , reconciles , restores
func ( s * podStorage ) markSourceSet ( source string ) {
s . sourcesSeenLock . Lock ( )
defer s . sourcesSeenLock . Unlock ( )
s . sourcesSeen . Insert ( source )
func ( s * podStorage ) seenSources ( sources ... string ) bool {
s . sourcesSeenLock . RLock ( )
defer s . sourcesSeenLock . RUnlock ( )
return s . sourcesSeen . HasAll ( sources ... )
func filterInvalidPods ( pods [ ] * v1 . Pod , source string , recorder record . EventRecorder ) ( filtered [ ] * v1 . Pod ) {
names := sets . String { }
for i , pod := range pods {
// Pods from each source are assumed to have passed validation individually.
// This function only checks if there is any naming conflict.
name := kubecontainer . GetPodFullName ( pod )
if names . Has ( name ) {
klog . Warningf ( "Pod[%d] (%s) from %s failed validation due to duplicate pod name %q, ignoring" , i + 1 , format . Pod ( pod ) , source , pod . Name )
recorder . Eventf ( pod , v1 . EventTypeWarning , events . FailedValidation , "Error validating pod %s from %s due to duplicate pod name %q, ignoring" , format . Pod ( pod ) , source , pod . Name )
} else {
names . Insert ( name )
filtered = append ( filtered , pod )
// Annotations that the kubelet adds to the pod.
var localAnnotations = [ ] string {
kubetypes . ConfigSourceAnnotationKey ,
kubetypes . ConfigMirrorAnnotationKey ,
kubetypes . ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey ,
func isLocalAnnotationKey ( key string ) bool {
for _ , localKey := range localAnnotations {
if key == localKey {
return true
return false
// isAnnotationMapEqual returns true if the existing annotation Map is equal to candidate except
// for local annotations.
func isAnnotationMapEqual ( existingMap , candidateMap map [ string ] string ) bool {
if candidateMap == nil {
candidateMap = make ( map [ string ] string )
for k , v := range candidateMap {
if isLocalAnnotationKey ( k ) {
if existingValue , ok := existingMap [ k ] ; ok && existingValue == v {
return false
for k := range existingMap {
if isLocalAnnotationKey ( k ) {
// stale entry in existing map.
if _ , exists := candidateMap [ k ] ; ! exists {
return false
return true
// recordFirstSeenTime records the first seen time of this pod.
func recordFirstSeenTime ( pod * v1 . Pod ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Receiving a new pod %q" , format . Pod ( pod ) )
pod . Annotations [ kubetypes . ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey ] = kubetypes . NewTimestamp ( ) . GetString ( )
// updateAnnotations returns an Annotation map containing the api annotation map plus
// locally managed annotations
func updateAnnotations ( existing , ref * v1 . Pod ) {
annotations := make ( map [ string ] string , len ( ref . Annotations ) + len ( localAnnotations ) )
for k , v := range ref . Annotations {
annotations [ k ] = v
for _ , k := range localAnnotations {
if v , ok := existing . Annotations [ k ] ; ok {
annotations [ k ] = v
existing . Annotations = annotations
func podsDifferSemantically ( existing , ref * v1 . Pod ) bool {
if reflect . DeepEqual ( existing . Spec , ref . Spec ) &&
reflect . DeepEqual ( existing . Labels , ref . Labels ) &&
reflect . DeepEqual ( existing . DeletionTimestamp , ref . DeletionTimestamp ) &&
reflect . DeepEqual ( existing . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds , ref . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds ) &&
isAnnotationMapEqual ( existing . Annotations , ref . Annotations ) {
return false
return true
// checkAndUpdatePod updates existing, and:
// * if ref makes a meaningful change, returns needUpdate=true
// * if ref makes a meaningful change, and this change is graceful deletion, returns needGracefulDelete=true
// * if ref makes no meaningful change, but changes the pod status, returns needReconcile=true
// * else return all false
// Now, needUpdate, needGracefulDelete and needReconcile should never be both true
func checkAndUpdatePod ( existing , ref * v1 . Pod ) ( needUpdate , needReconcile , needGracefulDelete bool ) {
// 1. this is a reconcile
// TODO: it would be better to update the whole object and only preserve certain things
// like the source annotation or the UID (to ensure safety)
if ! podsDifferSemantically ( existing , ref ) {
// this is not an update
// Only check reconcile when it is not an update, because if the pod is going to
// be updated, an extra reconcile is unnecessary
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( existing . Status , ref . Status ) {
// Pod with changed pod status needs reconcile, because kubelet should
// be the source of truth of pod status.
existing . Status = ref . Status
needReconcile = true
// Overwrite the first-seen time with the existing one. This is our own
// internal annotation, there is no need to update.
ref . Annotations [ kubetypes . ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey ] = existing . Annotations [ kubetypes . ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey ]
existing . Spec = ref . Spec
existing . Labels = ref . Labels
existing . DeletionTimestamp = ref . DeletionTimestamp
existing . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = ref . DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
existing . Status = ref . Status
updateAnnotations ( existing , ref )
// 2. this is an graceful delete
if ref . DeletionTimestamp != nil {
needGracefulDelete = true
} else {
// 3. this is an update
needUpdate = true
// Sync sends a copy of the current state through the update channel.
func ( s * podStorage ) Sync ( ) {
s . updateLock . Lock ( )
defer s . updateLock . Unlock ( )
s . updates <- kubetypes . PodUpdate { Pods : s . MergedState ( ) . ( [ ] * v1 . Pod ) , Op : kubetypes . SET , Source : kubetypes . AllSource }
// Object implements config.Accessor
func ( s * podStorage ) MergedState ( ) interface { } {
s . podLock . RLock ( )
defer s . podLock . RUnlock ( )
pods := make ( [ ] * v1 . Pod , 0 )
for _ , sourcePods := range s . pods {
for _ , podRef := range sourcePods {
pods = append ( pods , podRef . DeepCopy ( ) )
return pods
func copyPods ( sourcePods [ ] * v1 . Pod ) [ ] * v1 . Pod {
pods := [ ] * v1 . Pod { }
for _ , source := range sourcePods {
// Use a deep copy here just in case
pods = append ( pods , source . DeepCopy ( ) )
return pods