Not running Linux? Consider running Linux in a local virtual machine with [Vagrant](, or on a cloud provider like [Google Compute Engine](
In a separate tab of your terminal, run the following (since one needs sudo access to start/stop kubernetes daemons, it is easier to run the entire script as root):
Note the difference between a [container](
and a [pod]( Since you only asked for the former, kubernetes will create a wrapper pod for you.
However you can't view the nginx start page on localhost. To verify that nginx is running you need to run `curl` within the docker container (try `docker exec`).
You can control the specifications of a pod via a user defined manifest, and reach nginx through your browser on the port specified therein:
#### I cannot create a replication controller with replica size greater than 1! What gives?
You are running a single minion setup. This has the limitation of only supporting a single replica of a given pod. If you are interested in running with larger replica sizes, we encourage you to try the local vagrant setup or one of the cloud providers.