2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package podpreset
import (
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
settingsv1alpha1 "k8s.io/api/settings/v1alpha1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
genericadmissioninitializer "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/admission/initializer"
settingsv1alpha1listers "k8s.io/client-go/listers/settings/v1alpha1"
api "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core"
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
apiscorev1 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1"
const (
annotationPrefix = "podpreset.admission.kubernetes.io"
// PluginName is a string with the name of the plugin
PluginName = "PodPreset"
// Register registers a plugin
func Register ( plugins * admission . Plugins ) {
plugins . Register ( PluginName , func ( config io . Reader ) ( admission . Interface , error ) {
return NewPlugin ( ) , nil
} )
// Plugin is an implementation of admission.Interface.
type Plugin struct {
* admission . Handler
client kubernetes . Interface
lister settingsv1alpha1listers . PodPresetLister
var _ admission . MutationInterface = & Plugin { }
var _ = genericadmissioninitializer . WantsExternalKubeInformerFactory ( & Plugin { } )
var _ = genericadmissioninitializer . WantsExternalKubeClientSet ( & Plugin { } )
// NewPlugin creates a new pod preset admission plugin.
func NewPlugin ( ) * Plugin {
return & Plugin {
Handler : admission . NewHandler ( admission . Create , admission . Update ) ,
// ValidateInitialization validates the Plugin was initialized properly
func ( p * Plugin ) ValidateInitialization ( ) error {
if p . client == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s requires a client" , PluginName )
if p . lister == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s requires a lister" , PluginName )
return nil
// SetExternalKubeClientSet registers the client into Plugin
func ( p * Plugin ) SetExternalKubeClientSet ( client kubernetes . Interface ) {
p . client = client
// SetExternalKubeInformerFactory registers an informer factory into Plugin
func ( p * Plugin ) SetExternalKubeInformerFactory ( f informers . SharedInformerFactory ) {
podPresetInformer := f . Settings ( ) . V1alpha1 ( ) . PodPresets ( )
p . lister = podPresetInformer . Lister ( )
p . SetReadyFunc ( podPresetInformer . Informer ( ) . HasSynced )
// Admit injects a pod with the specific fields for each pod preset it matches.
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func ( p * Plugin ) Admit ( ctx context . Context , a admission . Attributes , o admission . ObjectInterfaces ) error {
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// Ignore all calls to subresources or resources other than pods.
// Ignore all operations other than CREATE.
if len ( a . GetSubresource ( ) ) != 0 || a . GetResource ( ) . GroupResource ( ) != api . Resource ( "pods" ) || a . GetOperation ( ) != admission . Create {
return nil
pod , ok := a . GetObject ( ) . ( * api . Pod )
if ! ok {
return errors . NewBadRequest ( "Resource was marked with kind Pod but was unable to be converted" )
if _ , isMirrorPod := pod . Annotations [ api . MirrorPodAnnotationKey ] ; isMirrorPod {
return nil
// Ignore if exclusion annotation is present
if podAnnotations := pod . GetAnnotations ( ) ; podAnnotations != nil {
klog . V ( 5 ) . Infof ( "Looking at pod annotations, found: %v" , podAnnotations )
if podAnnotations [ api . PodPresetOptOutAnnotationKey ] == "true" {
return nil
list , err := p . lister . PodPresets ( a . GetNamespace ( ) ) . List ( labels . Everything ( ) )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "listing pod presets failed: %v" , err )
matchingPPs , err := filterPodPresets ( list , pod )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "filtering pod presets failed: %v" , err )
if len ( matchingPPs ) == 0 {
return nil
presetNames := make ( [ ] string , len ( matchingPPs ) )
for i , pp := range matchingPPs {
presetNames [ i ] = pp . GetName ( )
// detect merge conflict
err = safeToApplyPodPresetsOnPod ( pod , matchingPPs )
if err != nil {
// conflict, ignore the error, but raise an event
klog . Warningf ( "conflict occurred while applying podpresets: %s on pod: %v err: %v" ,
strings . Join ( presetNames , "," ) , pod . GetGenerateName ( ) , err )
return nil
applyPodPresetsOnPod ( pod , matchingPPs )
klog . Infof ( "applied podpresets: %s successfully on Pod: %+v " , strings . Join ( presetNames , "," ) , pod . GetGenerateName ( ) )
return nil
// filterPodPresets returns list of PodPresets which match given Pod.
func filterPodPresets ( list [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset , pod * api . Pod ) ( [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset , error ) {
var matchingPPs [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset
for _ , pp := range list {
selector , err := metav1 . LabelSelectorAsSelector ( & pp . Spec . Selector )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "label selector conversion failed: %v for selector: %v" , pp . Spec . Selector , err )
// check if the pod labels match the selector
if ! selector . Matches ( labels . Set ( pod . Labels ) ) {
klog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "PodPreset %s matches pod %s labels" , pp . GetName ( ) , pod . GetName ( ) )
matchingPPs = append ( matchingPPs , pp )
return matchingPPs , nil
// safeToApplyPodPresetsOnPod determines if there is any conflict in information
// injected by given PodPresets in the Pod.
func safeToApplyPodPresetsOnPod ( pod * api . Pod , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) error {
var errs [ ] error
// volumes attribute is defined at the Pod level, so determine if volumes
// injection is causing any conflict.
if _ , err := mergeVolumes ( pod . Spec . Volumes , podPresets ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
pods . VisitContainersWithPath ( & pod . Spec , func ( c * api . Container , _ * field . Path ) bool {
if err := safeToApplyPodPresetsOnContainer ( c , podPresets ) ; err != nil {
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
errs = append ( errs , err )
2019-09-27 21:51:53 +00:00
return true
} )
2019-08-30 18:33:25 +00:00
return utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
// safeToApplyPodPresetsOnContainer determines if there is any conflict in
// information injected by given PodPresets in the given container.
func safeToApplyPodPresetsOnContainer ( ctr * api . Container , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) error {
var errs [ ] error
// check if it is safe to merge env vars and volume mounts from given podpresets and
// container's existing env vars.
if _ , err := mergeEnv ( ctr . Env , podPresets ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
if _ , err := mergeVolumeMounts ( ctr . VolumeMounts , podPresets ) ; err != nil {
errs = append ( errs , err )
return utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
// mergeEnv merges a list of env vars with the env vars injected by given list podPresets.
// It returns an error if it detects any conflict during the merge.
func mergeEnv ( envVars [ ] api . EnvVar , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) ( [ ] api . EnvVar , error ) {
origEnv := map [ string ] api . EnvVar { }
for _ , v := range envVars {
origEnv [ v . Name ] = v
mergedEnv := make ( [ ] api . EnvVar , len ( envVars ) )
copy ( mergedEnv , envVars )
var errs [ ] error
for _ , pp := range podPresets {
for _ , v := range pp . Spec . Env {
internalEnv := api . EnvVar { }
if err := apiscorev1 . Convert_v1_EnvVar_To_core_EnvVar ( & v , & internalEnv , nil ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
found , ok := origEnv [ v . Name ]
if ! ok {
// if we don't already have it append it and continue
origEnv [ v . Name ] = internalEnv
mergedEnv = append ( mergedEnv , internalEnv )
// make sure they are identical or throw an error
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( found , internalEnv ) {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "merging env for %s has a conflict on %s: \n%#v\ndoes not match\n%#v\n in container" , pp . GetName ( ) , v . Name , v , found ) )
err := utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return mergedEnv , err
type envFromMergeKey struct {
prefix string
configMapRefName string
secretRefName string
func newEnvFromMergeKey ( e api . EnvFromSource ) envFromMergeKey {
k := envFromMergeKey { prefix : e . Prefix }
if e . ConfigMapRef != nil {
k . configMapRefName = e . ConfigMapRef . Name
if e . SecretRef != nil {
k . secretRefName = e . SecretRef . Name
return k
func mergeEnvFrom ( envSources [ ] api . EnvFromSource , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) ( [ ] api . EnvFromSource , error ) {
var mergedEnvFrom [ ] api . EnvFromSource
// merge envFrom using a identify key to ensure Admit reinvocations are idempotent
origEnvSources := map [ envFromMergeKey ] api . EnvFromSource { }
for _ , envSource := range envSources {
origEnvSources [ newEnvFromMergeKey ( envSource ) ] = envSource
mergedEnvFrom = append ( mergedEnvFrom , envSources ... )
var errs [ ] error
for _ , pp := range podPresets {
for _ , envFromSource := range pp . Spec . EnvFrom {
internalEnvFrom := api . EnvFromSource { }
if err := apiscorev1 . Convert_v1_EnvFromSource_To_core_EnvFromSource ( & envFromSource , & internalEnvFrom , nil ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
found , ok := origEnvSources [ newEnvFromMergeKey ( internalEnvFrom ) ]
if ! ok {
mergedEnvFrom = append ( mergedEnvFrom , internalEnvFrom )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( found , internalEnvFrom ) {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "merging envFrom for %s has a conflict: \n%#v\ndoes not match\n%#v\n in container" , pp . GetName ( ) , internalEnvFrom , found ) )
err := utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return mergedEnvFrom , nil
// mergeVolumeMounts merges given list of VolumeMounts with the volumeMounts
// injected by given podPresets. It returns an error if it detects any conflict during the merge.
func mergeVolumeMounts ( volumeMounts [ ] api . VolumeMount , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) ( [ ] api . VolumeMount , error ) {
origVolumeMounts := map [ string ] api . VolumeMount { }
volumeMountsByPath := map [ string ] api . VolumeMount { }
for _ , v := range volumeMounts {
origVolumeMounts [ v . Name ] = v
volumeMountsByPath [ v . MountPath ] = v
mergedVolumeMounts := make ( [ ] api . VolumeMount , len ( volumeMounts ) )
copy ( mergedVolumeMounts , volumeMounts )
var errs [ ] error
for _ , pp := range podPresets {
for _ , v := range pp . Spec . VolumeMounts {
internalVolumeMount := api . VolumeMount { }
if err := apiscorev1 . Convert_v1_VolumeMount_To_core_VolumeMount ( & v , & internalVolumeMount , nil ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
found , ok := origVolumeMounts [ v . Name ]
if ! ok {
// if we don't already have it append it and continue
origVolumeMounts [ v . Name ] = internalVolumeMount
mergedVolumeMounts = append ( mergedVolumeMounts , internalVolumeMount )
} else {
// make sure they are identical or throw an error
// shall we throw an error for identical volumeMounts ?
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( found , internalVolumeMount ) {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "merging volume mounts for %s has a conflict on %s: \n%#v\ndoes not match\n%#v\n in container" , pp . GetName ( ) , v . Name , v , found ) )
found , ok = volumeMountsByPath [ v . MountPath ]
if ! ok {
// if we don't already have it append it and continue
volumeMountsByPath [ v . MountPath ] = internalVolumeMount
} else {
// make sure they are identical or throw an error
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( found , internalVolumeMount ) {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "merging volume mounts for %s has a conflict on mount path %s: \n%#v\ndoes not match\n%#v\n in container" , pp . GetName ( ) , v . MountPath , v , found ) )
err := utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return mergedVolumeMounts , err
// mergeVolumes merges given list of Volumes with the volumes injected by given
// podPresets. It returns an error if it detects any conflict during the merge.
func mergeVolumes ( volumes [ ] api . Volume , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) ( [ ] api . Volume , error ) {
origVolumes := map [ string ] api . Volume { }
for _ , v := range volumes {
origVolumes [ v . Name ] = v
mergedVolumes := make ( [ ] api . Volume , len ( volumes ) )
copy ( mergedVolumes , volumes )
var errs [ ] error
for _ , pp := range podPresets {
for _ , v := range pp . Spec . Volumes {
internalVolume := api . Volume { }
if err := apiscorev1 . Convert_v1_Volume_To_core_Volume ( & v , & internalVolume , nil ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
found , ok := origVolumes [ v . Name ]
if ! ok {
// if we don't already have it append it and continue
origVolumes [ v . Name ] = internalVolume
mergedVolumes = append ( mergedVolumes , internalVolume )
// make sure they are identical or throw an error
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( found , internalVolume ) {
errs = append ( errs , fmt . Errorf ( "merging volumes for %s has a conflict on %s: \n%#v\ndoes not match\n%#v\n in container" , pp . GetName ( ) , v . Name , v , found ) )
err := utilerrors . NewAggregate ( errs )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if len ( mergedVolumes ) == 0 {
return nil , nil
return mergedVolumes , err
// applyPodPresetsOnPod updates the PodSpec with merged information from all the
// applicable PodPresets. It ignores the errors of merge functions because merge
// errors have already been checked in safeToApplyPodPresetsOnPod function.
func applyPodPresetsOnPod ( pod * api . Pod , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) {
if len ( podPresets ) == 0 {
volumes , _ := mergeVolumes ( pod . Spec . Volumes , podPresets )
pod . Spec . Volumes = volumes
for i , ctr := range pod . Spec . Containers {
applyPodPresetsOnContainer ( & ctr , podPresets )
pod . Spec . Containers [ i ] = ctr
for i , iCtr := range pod . Spec . InitContainers {
applyPodPresetsOnContainer ( & iCtr , podPresets )
pod . Spec . InitContainers [ i ] = iCtr
// add annotation
if pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations == nil {
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations = map [ string ] string { }
for _ , pp := range podPresets {
pod . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/podpreset-%s" , annotationPrefix , pp . GetName ( ) ) ] = pp . GetResourceVersion ( )
// applyPodPresetsOnContainer injects envVars, VolumeMounts and envFrom from
// given podPresets in to the given container. It ignores conflict errors
// because it assumes those have been checked already by the caller.
func applyPodPresetsOnContainer ( ctr * api . Container , podPresets [ ] * settingsv1alpha1 . PodPreset ) {
envVars , _ := mergeEnv ( ctr . Env , podPresets )
ctr . Env = envVars
volumeMounts , _ := mergeVolumeMounts ( ctr . VolumeMounts , podPresets )
ctr . VolumeMounts = volumeMounts
envFrom , _ := mergeEnvFrom ( ctr . EnvFrom , podPresets )
ctr . EnvFrom = envFrom