Following this example, you will create a pod with a downward API volume.
A downward API volume is a k8s volume plugin with the ability to save some pod information in a plain text file. The pod information can be for example some [metadata](../../../../docs/devel/
Supported metadata fields:
### Step Zero: Prerequisites
This example assumes you have a Kubernetes cluster installed and running, and the ```kubectl``` command line tool somewhere in your path. Please see the [gettingstarted](../../../../docs/getting-started-guides/) for installation instructions for your platform.
### Step One: Create the pod
Use the `docs/user-guide/downward-api/dapi-volume.yaml` file to create a Pod with a downward API volume which stores pod labels and pod annotations to `/etc/labels` and`/etc/annotations` respectively.
The file `labels` is stored in a temporary directory (`..2015_08_24_13_03_44259413923` in the example above) which is symlinked to by `..downwardapi`. Symlinks for annotations and labels in `/etc` point to files containing the actual metadata through the `..downwardapi` indirection. This structure allows for dynamic atomic refresh of the metadata: updates are written to a new temporary directory, and the `..downwardapi` symlink is updated atomically using `rename(2)`.