// Turn on EmitSpecProgress to get spec progress (especially on interrupt)
// Randomize specs as well as suites
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.KubeConfig,clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathFlag,os.Getenv(clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar),"Path to kubeconfig containing embedded authinfo.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.KubeContext,clientcmd.FlagContext,"","kubeconfig context to use/override. If unset, will use value from 'current-context'")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.KubeVolumeDir,"volume-dir","/var/lib/kubelet","Path to the directory containing the kubelet volumes.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.CertDir,"cert-dir","","Path to the directory containing the certs. Default is empty, which doesn't use certs.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.Host,"host","","The host, or apiserver, to connect to")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.RepoRoot,"repo-root","../../","Root directory of kubernetes repository, for finding test files.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.Provider,"provider","","The name of the Kubernetes provider (gce, gke, local, vagrant, etc.)")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.KubectlPath,"kubectl-path","kubectl","The kubectl binary to use. For development, you might use 'cluster/kubectl.sh' here.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.OutputDir,"e2e-output-dir","/tmp","Output directory for interesting/useful test data, like performance data, benchmarks, and other metrics.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.ReportDir,"report-dir","","Path to the directory where the JUnit XML reports should be saved. Default is empty, which doesn't generate these reports.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.ReportPrefix,"report-prefix","","Optional prefix for JUnit XML reports. Default is empty, which doesn't prepend anything to the default name.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.Prefix,"prefix","e2e","A prefix to be added to cloud resources created during testing.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.OSDistro,"os-distro","debian","The OS distribution of cluster VM instances (debian, trusty, or coreos).")
// TODO: Flags per provider? Rename gce-project/gce-zone?
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.MasterName,"kube-master","","Name of the kubernetes master. Only required if provider is gce or gke")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ProjectID,"gce-project","","The GCE project being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Zone,"gce-zone","","GCE zone being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ServiceAccount,"gce-service-account","","GCE service account to use for GCE API calls, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.Cluster,"gke-cluster","","GKE name of cluster being used, if applicable")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.NodeInstanceGroup,"node-instance-group","","Name of the managed instance group for nodes. Valid only for gce, gke or aws")
flag.IntVar(&cloudConfig.NumNodes,"num-nodes",-1,"Number of nodes in the cluster")
flag.StringVar(&cloudConfig.ClusterTag,"cluster-tag","","Tag used to identify resources. Only required if provider is aws.")
flag.IntVar(&TestContext.MinStartupPods,"minStartupPods",0,"The number of pods which we need to see in 'Running' state with a 'Ready' condition of true, before we try running tests. This is useful in any cluster which needs some base pod-based services running before it can be used.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.UpgradeTarget,"upgrade-target","ci/latest","Version to upgrade to (e.g. 'release/stable', 'release/latest', 'ci/latest', '0.19.1', '0.19.1-669-gabac8c8') if doing an upgrade test.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.PrometheusPushGateway,"prom-push-gateway","","The URL to prometheus gateway, so that metrics can be pushed during e2es and scraped by prometheus. Typically something like")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.VerifyServiceAccount,"e2e-verify-service-account",true,"If true tests will verify the service account before running.")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.DeleteNamespace,"delete-namespace",true,"If true tests will delete namespace after completion. It is only designed to make debugging easier, DO NOT turn it off by default.")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.CleanStart,"clean-start",false,"If true, purge all namespaces except default and system before running tests. This serves to Cleanup test namespaces from failed/interrupted e2e runs in a long-lived cluster.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData,"gather-resource-usage","false","If set to 'true' or 'all' framework will be monitoring resource usage of system all add-ons in (some) e2e tests, if set to 'master' framework will be monitoring master node only, if set to 'none' of 'false' monitoring will be turned off.")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.GatherLogsSizes,"gather-logs-sizes",false,"If set to true framework will be monitoring logs sizes on all machines running e2e tests.")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.GatherMetricsAfterTest,"gather-metrics-at-teardown",false,"If set to true framwork will gather metrics from all components after each test.")
flag.StringVar(&TestContext.OutputPrintType,"output-print-type","hr","Comma separated list: 'hr' for human readable summaries 'json' for JSON ones.")
flag.BoolVar(&TestContext.DumpLogsOnFailure,"dump-logs-on-failure",true,"If set to true test will dump data about the namespace in which test was running.")