mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
336 lines
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336 lines
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# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~
import os
import re
import pyotp
import base64
import logging
from django.http import Http404
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.core.cache import cache
from datetime import datetime
from common.tasks import send_mail_async
from common.utils import reverse, get_object_or_none
from .models import User
logger = logging.getLogger('jumpserver')
def construct_user_created_email_body(user):
default_body = _("""
<p>Your account has been created successfully</p>
Username: %(username)s
Password: <a href="%(rest_password_url)s?token=%(rest_password_token)s">
click here to set your password</a>
(This link is valid for 1 hour. After it expires, <a href="%(forget_password_url)s?email=%(email)s">request new one</a>)
<a href="%(login_url)s">Login direct</a>
""") % {
'username': user.username,
'rest_password_url': reverse('users:reset-password', external=True),
'rest_password_token': user.generate_reset_token(),
'forget_password_url': reverse('users:forgot-password', external=True),
'email': user.email,
'login_url': reverse('authentication:login', external=True),
custom_body = '<p style="text-indent:2em">' + settings.EMAIL_CUSTOM_USER_CREATED_BODY + '</p>'
custom_body = ''
body = custom_body + default_body
return body
def send_user_created_mail(user):
recipient_list = [user.email]
subject = _('Create account successfully')
honorific = '<p>' + _('Hello %(name)s') % {'name': user.name} + ':</p>'
honorific = '<p>' + settings.EMAIL_CUSTOM_USER_CREATED_HONORIFIC + ':</p>'
body = construct_user_created_email_body(user)
signature = '<p style="float:right">jumpserver</p>'
signature = '<p style="float:right">' + settings.EMAIL_CUSTOM_USER_CREATED_SIGNATURE + '</p>'
message = honorific + body + signature
if settings.DEBUG:
except OSError:
send_mail_async.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, html_message=message)
def send_reset_password_mail(user):
subject = _('Reset password')
recipient_list = [user.email]
message = _("""
Hello %(name)s:
Please click the link below to reset your password, if not your request, concern your account security
<a href="%(rest_password_url)s?token=%(rest_password_token)s">Click here reset password</a>
This link is valid for 1 hour. After it expires, <a href="%(forget_password_url)s?email=%(email)s">request new one</a>
<a href="%(login_url)s">Login direct</a>
""") % {
'name': user.name,
'rest_password_url': reverse('users:reset-password', external=True),
'rest_password_token': user.generate_reset_token(),
'forget_password_url': reverse('users:forgot-password', external=True),
'email': user.email,
'login_url': reverse('authentication:login', external=True),
if settings.DEBUG:
send_mail_async.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, html_message=message)
def send_password_expiration_reminder_mail(user):
subject = _('Security notice')
recipient_list = [user.email]
message = _("""
Hello %(name)s:
Your password will expire in %(date_password_expired)s,
For your account security, please click on the link below to update your password in time
<a href="%(update_password_url)s">Click here update password</a>
If your password has expired, please click
<a href="%(forget_password_url)s?email=%(email)s">Password expired</a>
to apply for a password reset email.
<a href="%(login_url)s">Login direct</a>
""") % {
'name': user.name,
'date_password_expired': datetime.fromtimestamp(datetime.timestamp(
user.date_password_expired)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
'update_password_url': reverse('users:user-password-update', external=True),
'forget_password_url': reverse('users:forgot-password', external=True),
'email': user.email,
'login_url': reverse('authentication:login', external=True),
if settings.DEBUG:
send_mail_async.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, html_message=message)
def send_user_expiration_reminder_mail(user):
subject = _('Expiration notice')
recipient_list = [user.email]
message = _("""
Hello %(name)s:
Your account will expire in %(date_expired)s,
In order not to affect your normal work, please contact the administrator for confirmation.
""") % {
'name': user.name,
'date_expired': datetime.fromtimestamp(datetime.timestamp(
user.date_expired)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
if settings.DEBUG:
send_mail_async.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, html_message=message)
def send_reset_ssh_key_mail(user):
subject = _('SSH Key Reset')
recipient_list = [user.email]
message = _("""
Hello %(name)s:
Your ssh public key has been reset by site administrator.
Please login and reset your ssh public key.
<a href="%(login_url)s">Login direct</a>
""") % {
'name': user.name,
'login_url': reverse('authentication:login', external=True),
if settings.DEBUG:
send_mail_async.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, html_message=message)
def get_user_or_pre_auth_user(request):
user = request.user
if user.is_authenticated:
return user
pre_auth_user_id = request.session.get('user_id')
user = None
if pre_auth_user_id:
user = get_object_or_none(User, pk=pre_auth_user_id)
return user
def redirect_user_first_login_or_index(request, redirect_field_name):
if request.user.is_first_login:
return reverse('users:user-first-login')
url_in_post = request.POST.get(redirect_field_name)
if url_in_post:
return url_in_post
url_in_get = request.GET.get(redirect_field_name, reverse('index'))
return url_in_get
def generate_otp_uri(username, otp_secret_key=None, issuer="JumpServer"):
if otp_secret_key is None:
otp_secret_key = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(10)).decode('utf-8')
totp = pyotp.TOTP(otp_secret_key)
otp_issuer_name = settings.OTP_ISSUER_NAME or issuer
uri = totp.provisioning_uri(name=username, issuer_name=otp_issuer_name)
return uri, otp_secret_key
def check_otp_code(otp_secret_key, otp_code):
if not otp_secret_key or not otp_code:
return False
totp = pyotp.TOTP(otp_secret_key)
otp_valid_window = settings.OTP_VALID_WINDOW or 0
return totp.verify(otp=otp_code, valid_window=otp_valid_window)
def get_password_check_rules():
check_rules = []
for rule in settings.SECURITY_PASSWORD_RULES:
key = "id_{}".format(rule.lower())
value = getattr(settings, rule)
if not value:
check_rules.append({'key': key, 'value': int(value)})
return check_rules
def check_password_rules(password):
pattern = r"^"
pattern += '(?=.*[A-Z])'
pattern += '(?=.*[a-z])'
pattern += '(?=.*\d)'
pattern += '(?=.*[`~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)-=_\+\[\]\{\}\|;:\'\",\.<>\/\?])'
pattern += '[a-zA-Z\d`~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)-=_\+\[\]\{\}\|;:\'\",\.<>\/\?]'
pattern += '.{' + str(settings.SECURITY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH-1) + ',}$'
match_obj = re.match(pattern, password)
return bool(match_obj)
key_prefix_limit = "_LOGIN_LIMIT_{}_{}"
key_prefix_block = "_LOGIN_BLOCK_{}"
# def increase_login_failed_count(key_limit, key_block):
def increase_login_failed_count(username, ip):
key_limit = key_prefix_limit.format(username, ip)
count = cache.get(key_limit)
count = count + 1 if count else 1
limit_time = settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME
cache.set(key_limit, count, int(limit_time)*60)
def get_login_failed_count(username, ip):
key_limit = key_prefix_limit.format(username, ip)
count = cache.get(key_limit, 0)
return count
def clean_failed_count(username, ip):
key_limit = key_prefix_limit.format(username, ip)
key_block = key_prefix_block.format(username)
def is_block_login(username, ip):
count = get_login_failed_count(username, ip)
key_block = key_prefix_block.format(username)
limit_count = settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_COUNT
limit_time = settings.SECURITY_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME
if count >= limit_count:
cache.set(key_block, 1, int(limit_time)*60)
if count and count >= limit_count:
return True
def is_need_unblock(key_block):
if not cache.get(key_block):
return False
return True
def construct_user_email(username, email):
if '@' not in email:
if '@' in username:
email = username
email = '{}@{}'.format(username, settings.EMAIL_SUFFIX)
return email
def get_current_org_members(exclude=()):
from orgs.utils import current_org
return current_org.get_org_members(exclude=exclude)
def get_source_choices():
from .models import User
choices_all = dict(User.SOURCE_CHOICES)
choices = [
(User.SOURCE_LOCAL, choices_all[User.SOURCE_LOCAL]),
if settings.AUTH_LDAP:
choices.append((User.SOURCE_LDAP, choices_all[User.SOURCE_LDAP]))
if settings.AUTH_OPENID:
choices.append((User.SOURCE_OPENID, choices_all[User.SOURCE_OPENID]))
if settings.AUTH_RADIUS:
choices.append((User.SOURCE_RADIUS, choices_all[User.SOURCE_RADIUS]))
if settings.AUTH_CAS:
choices.append((User.SOURCE_CAS, choices_all[User.SOURCE_CAS]))
return choices