
159 lines
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# coding: utf-8
from jumpserver.api import *
def group_add_asset(group, asset_id=None, asset_ip=None):
Asset group add a asset
if asset_id:
asset = get_object(Asset, id=asset_id)
asset = get_object(Asset, ip=asset_ip)
if asset:
def db_add_group(**kwargs):
add a asset group in database
name = kwargs.get('name')
group = get_object(AssetGroup, name=name)
asset_id_list = kwargs.pop('asset_select')
if not group:
group = AssetGroup(**kwargs)
for asset_id in asset_id_list:
group_add_asset(group, asset_id)
def db_asset_add(**kwargs):
add asset to db
group_id_list = kwargs.pop('groups')
asset = Asset(**kwargs)
group_select = []
for group_id in group_id_list:
group = AssetGroup.objects.filter(id=group_id)
asset.group = group_select
# def get_host_groups(groups):
# """ 获取主机所属的组类 """
# ret = []
# for group_id in groups:
# group = BisGroup.objects.filter(id=group_id)
# if group:
# group = group[0]
# ret.append(group)
# group_all = get_object_or_404(BisGroup, name='ALL')
# ret.append(group_all)
# return ret
# # def get_host_depts(depts):
# # """ 获取主机所属的部门类 """
# # ret = []
# # for dept_id in depts:
# # dept = DEPT.objects.filter(id=dept_id)
# # if dept:
# # dept = dept[0]
# # ret.append(dept)
# # return ret
def db_asset_update(**kwargs):
""" 修改主机时数据库操作函数 """
asset_id = kwargs.pop('id')
# def batch_host_edit(host_info, j_user='', j_password=''):
# """ 批量修改主机函数 """
# j_id, j_ip, j_idc, j_port, j_type, j_group, j_dept, j_active, j_comment = host_info
# groups, depts = [], []
# is_active = {u'是': '1', u'否': '2'}
# login_types = {'LDAP': 'L', 'MAP': 'M'}
# a = Asset.objects.get(id=j_id)
# if '...' in j_group[0].split():
# groups = a.bis_group.all()
# else:
# for group in j_group[0].split():
# c = BisGroup.objects.get(name=group.strip())
# groups.append(c)
# if '...' in j_dept[0].split():
# depts = a.dept.all()
# else:
# for d in j_dept[0].split():
# p = DEPT.objects.get(name=d.strip())
# depts.append(p)
# j_type = login_types[j_type]
# j_idc = IDC.objects.get(name=j_idc)
# if j_type == 'M':
# if a.password != j_password:
# j_password = cryptor.decrypt(j_password)
# a.ip = j_ip
# a.port = j_port
# a.login_type = j_type
# a.idc = j_idc
# a.is_active = j_active
# a.comment = j_comment
# a.username = j_user
# a.password = j_password
# else:
# a.ip = j_ip
# a.port = j_port
# a.idc = j_idc
# a.login_type = j_type
# a.is_active = is_active[j_active]
# a.comment = j_comment
# a.save()
# a.bis_group = groups
# a.dept = depts
# a.save()
# def db_host_delete(request, host_id):
# """ 删除主机操作 """
# if is_group_admin(request) and not validate(request, asset=[host_id]):
# return httperror(request, '删除失败, 您无权删除!')
# asset = Asset.objects.filter(id=host_id)
# if asset:
# asset.delete()
# else:
# return httperror(request, '删除失败, 没有此主机!')
# def db_idc_delete(request, idc_id):
# """ 删除IDC操作 """
# if idc_id == 1:
# return httperror(request, '删除失败, 默认IDC不能删除!')
# default_idc = IDC.objects.get(id=1)
# idc = IDC.objects.filter(id=idc_id)
# if idc:
# idc_class = idc[0]
# idc_class.asset_set.update(idc=default_idc)
# idc.delete()
# else:
# return httperror(request, '删除失败, 没有这个IDC!')