mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
308 lines
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308 lines
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# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~
from itertools import groupby
from celery import shared_task
from common.db.utils import get_object_if_need, get_objects
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, gettext_noop
from django.db.models import Empty
from common.utils import encrypt_password, get_logger
from assets.models import SystemUser, Asset
from orgs.utils import org_aware_func, tmp_to_root_org
from . import const
from .utils import clean_ansible_task_hosts, group_asset_by_platform
logger = get_logger(__file__)
__all__ = [
'push_system_user_util', 'push_system_user_to_assets',
'push_system_user_to_assets_manual', 'push_system_user_a_asset_manual',
def _split_by_comma(raw: str):
return [i.strip() for i in raw.split(',')]
except AttributeError:
return []
def _dump_args(args: dict):
return ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in args.items() if v is not Empty])
def get_push_unixlike_system_user_tasks(system_user, username=None, **kwargs):
algorithm = kwargs.get('algorithm')
if username is None:
username = system_user.username
comment = system_user.name
if system_user.username_same_with_user:
from users.models import User
user = User.objects.filter(username=username).only('name', 'username').first()
if user:
comment = f'{system_user.name}[{str(user)}]'
comment = comment.replace(' ', '')
password = system_user.password
public_key = system_user.public_key
groups = _split_by_comma(system_user.system_groups)
if groups:
groups = '"%s"' % ','.join(groups)
add_user_args = {
'name': username,
'shell': system_user.shell or Empty,
'state': 'present',
'home': system_user.home or Empty,
'expires': -1,
'groups': groups or Empty,
'comment': comment
tasks = [
'name': 'Add user {}'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'user',
'args': _dump_args(add_user_args),
'name': 'Add group {}'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'group',
'args': 'name={} state=present'.format(username),
if not system_user.home:
'name': 'Check home dir exists',
'action': {
'module': 'stat',
'args': 'path=/home/{}'.format(username)
'register': 'home_existed'
'name': "Set home dir permission",
'action': {
'module': 'file',
'args': "path=/home/{0} owner={0} group={0} mode=700".format(username)
'when': 'home_existed.stat.exists == true'
if password:
'name': 'Set {} password'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'user',
'args': 'name={} shell={} state=present password={}'.format(
username, system_user.shell,
encrypt_password(password, salt="K3mIlKK", algorithm=algorithm),
if public_key:
'name': 'Set {} authorized key'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'authorized_key',
'args': "user={} state=present key='{}'".format(
username, public_key
if system_user.sudo:
sudo = system_user.sudo.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
sudo_list = sudo.split('\n')
sudo_tmp = []
for s in sudo_list:
sudo = ','.join(sudo_tmp)
'name': 'Set {} sudo setting'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'lineinfile',
'args': "dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^{0} ALL=' "
"line='{0} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: {1}' "
"validate='visudo -cf %s'".format(username, sudo)
return tasks
def get_push_windows_system_user_tasks(system_user: SystemUser, username=None, **kwargs):
if username is None:
username = system_user.username
password = system_user.password
groups = {'Users', 'Remote Desktop Users'}
if system_user.system_groups:
groups = ','.join(groups)
tasks = []
if not password:
logger.error("Error: no password found")
return tasks
if system_user.ad_domain:
logger.error('System user with AD domain do not support push.')
return tasks
task = {
'name': 'Add user {}'.format(username),
'action': {
'module': 'win_user',
'args': 'fullname={} '
'name={} '
'password={} '
'state=present '
'update_password=always '
'password_expired=no '
'password_never_expires=yes '
'groups="{}" '
'groups_action=add '
''.format(username, username, password, groups),
return tasks
def get_push_system_user_tasks(system_user, platform="unixlike", username=None, algorithm=None):
获取推送系统用户的 ansible 命令,跟资产无关
:param system_user:
:param platform:
:param username: 当动态时,近推送某个
get_task_map = {
"unixlike": get_push_unixlike_system_user_tasks,
"windows": get_push_windows_system_user_tasks,
get_tasks = get_task_map.get(platform, get_push_unixlike_system_user_tasks)
if not system_user.username_same_with_user:
return get_tasks(system_user, algorithm=algorithm)
tasks = []
# 仅推送这个username
if username is not None:
tasks.extend(get_tasks(system_user, username, algorithm=algorithm))
return tasks
users = system_user.users.all().values_list('username', flat=True)
print(_("System user is dynamic: {}").format(list(users)))
for _username in users:
tasks.extend(get_tasks(system_user, _username, algorithm=algorithm))
return tasks
def push_system_user_util(system_user, assets, task_name, username=None):
from ops.utils import update_or_create_ansible_task
assets = clean_ansible_task_hosts(assets, system_user=system_user)
if not assets:
return {}
# 资产按平台分类
assets_sorted = sorted(assets, key=group_asset_by_platform)
platform_hosts = groupby(assets_sorted, key=group_asset_by_platform)
if system_user.username_same_with_user:
if username is None:
# 动态系统用户,但是没有指定 username
usernames = list(system_user.users.all().values_list('username', flat=True).distinct())
usernames = [username]
# 非动态系统用户指定 username 无效
assert username is None, 'Only Dynamic user can assign `username`'
usernames = [system_user.username]
def run_task(_tasks, _hosts):
if not _tasks:
task, created = update_or_create_ansible_task(
task_name=task_name, hosts=_hosts, tasks=_tasks, pattern='all',
options=const.TASK_OPTIONS, run_as_admin=True,
for platform, _assets in platform_hosts:
_assets = list(_assets)
if not _assets:
print(_("Start push system user for platform: [{}]").format(platform))
print(_("Hosts count: {}").format(len(_assets)))
for u in usernames:
for a in _assets:
system_user.load_asset_special_auth(a, u)
algorithm = 'des' if a.platform.name == 'AIX' else 'sha512'
tasks = get_push_system_user_tasks(
system_user, platform, username=u,
run_task(tasks, [a])
def push_system_user_to_assets_manual(system_user, username=None):
system_user = get_object_if_need(SystemUser, system_user)
assets = system_user.get_related_assets()
task_name = gettext_noop("Push system users to assets: ") + system_user.name
return push_system_user_util(system_user, assets, task_name=task_name, username=username)
def push_system_user_a_asset_manual(system_user, asset, username=None):
# if username is None:
# username = system_user.username
task_name = gettext_noop("Push system users to asset: ") + "{}({}) => {}".format(
system_user.name, username or system_user.username, asset
return push_system_user_util(system_user, [asset], task_name=task_name, username=username)
def push_system_users_a_asset(system_users, asset):
for system_user in system_users:
push_system_user_a_asset_manual(system_user, asset)
def push_system_user_to_assets(system_user_id, asset_ids, username=None):
system_user = SystemUser.objects.get(id=system_user_id)
assets = get_objects(Asset, asset_ids)
task_name = gettext_noop("Push system users to assets: ") + system_user.name
return push_system_user_util(system_user, assets, task_name, username=username)
# @shared_task
# @register_as_period_task(interval=3600)
# @after_app_ready_start
# @after_app_shutdown_clean_periodic
# def push_system_user_period():
# for system_user in SystemUser.objects.all():
# push_system_user_related_nodes(system_user)