mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
692 lines
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692 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import time
import uuid
import threading
import os
import time
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from django.db.transaction import atomic
from django.core.cache import cache
from common.utils.lock import DistributedLock
from common.utils.common import timeit
from common.db.models import output_as_string
from common.utils import get_logger
from orgs.mixins.models import OrgModelMixin, OrgManager
from orgs.utils import get_current_org, tmp_to_org
from orgs.models import Organization
__all__ = ['Node', 'FamilyMixin', 'compute_parent_key', 'NodeQuerySet']
logger = get_logger(__name__)
def compute_parent_key(key):
return key[:key.rindex(':')]
except ValueError:
return ''
class NodeQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def delete(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class FamilyMixin:
__parents = None
__children = None
__all_children = None
is_node = True
child_mark: int
def clean_children_keys(nodes_keys):
sort_key = lambda k: [int(i) for i in k.split(':')]
nodes_keys = sorted(list(nodes_keys), key=sort_key)
nodes_keys_clean = []
base_key = ''
for key in nodes_keys:
if key.startswith(base_key + ':'):
base_key = key
return nodes_keys_clean
def get_node_all_children_key_pattern(cls, key, with_self=True):
pattern = r'^{0}:'.format(key)
if with_self:
pattern += r'|^{0}$'.format(key)
return pattern
def get_node_children_key_pattern(cls, key, with_self=True):
pattern = r'^{0}:[0-9]+$'.format(key)
if with_self:
pattern += r'|^{0}$'.format(key)
return pattern
def get_children_key_pattern(self, with_self=False):
return self.get_node_children_key_pattern(self.key, with_self=with_self)
def get_all_children_pattern(self, with_self=False):
return self.get_node_all_children_key_pattern(self.key, with_self=with_self)
def is_children(self, other):
children_pattern = other.get_children_key_pattern(with_self=False)
return re.match(children_pattern, self.key)
def get_children(self, with_self=False):
q = Q(parent_key=self.key)
if with_self:
q |= Q(key=self.key)
return Node.objects.filter(q)
def get_all_children(self, with_self=False):
q = Q(key__istartswith=f'{self.key}:')
if with_self:
q |= Q(key=self.key)
return Node.objects.filter(q)
def children(self):
return self.get_children(with_self=False)
def all_children(self):
return self.get_all_children(with_self=False)
def create_child(self, value=None, _id=None):
with atomic(savepoint=False):
child_key = self.get_next_child_key()
if value is None:
value = child_key
child = self.__class__.objects.create(
id=_id, key=child_key, value=value
return child
def get_or_create_child(self, value, _id=None):
:return: Node, bool (created)
children = self.get_children()
exist = children.filter(value=value).exists()
if exist:
child = children.filter(value=value).first()
created = False
child = self.create_child(value, _id)
created = True
return child, created
def get_valid_child_mark(self):
key = "{}:{}".format(self.key, self.child_mark)
if not self.__class__.objects.filter(key=key).exists():
return self.child_mark
children_keys = self.get_children().values_list('key', flat=True)
children_keys_last = [key.split(':')[-1] for key in children_keys]
children_keys_last = [int(k) for k in children_keys_last if k.strip().isdigit()]
max_key_last = max(children_keys_last) if children_keys_last else 1
return max_key_last + 1
def get_next_child_key(self):
child_mark = self.get_valid_child_mark()
key = "{}:{}".format(self.key, child_mark)
self.child_mark = child_mark + 1
return key
def get_next_child_preset_name(self):
name = ugettext("New node")
values = [
child.value[child.value.rfind(' '):]
for child in self.get_children()
if child.value.startswith(name)
values = [int(value) for value in values if value.strip().isdigit()]
count = max(values) + 1 if values else 1
return '{} {}'.format(name, count)
# Parents
def get_node_ancestor_keys(cls, key, with_self=False):
parent_keys = []
key_list = key.split(":")
if not with_self:
for i in range(len(key_list)):
return parent_keys
def get_ancestor_keys(self, with_self=False):
return self.get_node_ancestor_keys(
self.key, with_self=with_self
def ancestors(self):
return self.get_ancestors(with_self=False)
def get_ancestors(self, with_self=False):
ancestor_keys = self.get_ancestor_keys(with_self=with_self)
return self.__class__.objects.filter(key__in=ancestor_keys)
# @property
# def parent_key(self):
# parent_key = ":".join(self.key.split(":")[:-1])
# return parent_key
def compute_parent_key(self):
return compute_parent_key(self.key)
def is_parent(self, other):
return other.is_children(self)
def parent(self):
if self.is_org_root():
return self
parent_key = self.parent_key
return Node.objects.get(key=parent_key)
def parent(self, parent):
if not self.is_node:
self.key = parent.key + ':fake'
children = self.get_all_children()
old_key = self.key
with transaction.atomic():
self.key = parent.get_next_child_key()
for child in children:
child.key = child.key.replace(old_key, self.key, 1)
def get_siblings(self, with_self=False):
key = ':'.join(self.key.split(':')[:-1])
pattern = r'^{}:[0-9]+$'.format(key)
sibling = Node.objects.filter(
if not with_self:
sibling = sibling.exclude(key=self.key)
return sibling
def create_node_by_full_value(cls, full_value):
if not full_value:
return []
nodes_family = full_value.split('/')
nodes_family = [v for v in nodes_family if v]
org_root = cls.org_root()
if nodes_family[0] == org_root.value:
nodes_family = nodes_family[1:]
return cls.create_nodes_recurse(nodes_family, org_root)
def create_nodes_recurse(cls, values, parent=None):
values = [v for v in values if v]
if not values:
return None
if parent is None:
parent = cls.org_root()
value = values[0]
child, created = parent.get_or_create_child(value=value)
if len(values) == 1:
return child
return cls.create_nodes_recurse(values[1:], child)
def get_family(self):
ancestors = self.get_ancestors()
children = self.get_all_children()
return [*tuple(ancestors), self, *tuple(children)]
class NodeAllAssetsMappingMixin:
# Use a new plan
# { org_id: { node_key: [ asset1_id, asset2_id ] } }
orgid_nodekey_assetsid_mapping = defaultdict(dict)
locks_for_get_mapping_from_cache = defaultdict(threading.Lock)
def get_lock(cls, org_id):
lock = cls.locks_for_get_mapping_from_cache[str(org_id)]
return lock
def get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(cls, org_id):
_mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_memory(org_id)
if _mapping:
return _mapping
logger.debug(f'Get node asset mapping from memory failed, acquire thread lock: '
f'thread={threading.get_ident()} '
with cls.get_lock(org_id):
logger.debug(f'Acquired thread lock ok. check if mapping is in memory now: '
f'thread={threading.get_ident()} '
_mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_memory(org_id)
if _mapping:
logger.debug(f'Mapping is already in memory now: '
f'thread={threading.get_ident()} '
return _mapping
_mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache_or_generate_to_cache(org_id)
cls.set_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_to_memory(org_id, mapping=_mapping)
return _mapping
# from memory
def get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_memory(cls, org_id):
mapping = cls.orgid_nodekey_assetsid_mapping.get(org_id, {})
return mapping
def set_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_to_memory(cls, org_id, mapping):
cls.orgid_nodekey_assetsid_mapping[org_id] = mapping
def expire_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_memory(cls, org_id):
org_id = str(org_id)
cls.orgid_nodekey_assetsid_mapping.pop(org_id, None)
# get order: from memory -> (from cache -> to generate)
def get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache_or_generate_to_cache(cls, org_id):
mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache(org_id)
if mapping:
return mapping
with DistributedLock(lock_key):
# 这里使用无限期锁,原因是如果这里卡住了,就卡在数据库了,说明
# 数据库繁忙,所以不应该再有线程执行这个操作,使数据库忙上加忙
_mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache(org_id)
if _mapping:
return _mapping
_mapping = cls.generate_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id)
cls.set_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_to_cache(org_id=org_id, mapping=_mapping)
return _mapping
def get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache(cls, org_id):
cache_key = cls._get_cache_key_for_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id)
mapping = cache.get(cache_key)
logger.info(f'Get node asset mapping from cache {bool(mapping)}: '
f'thread={threading.get_ident()} '
return mapping
def set_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_to_cache(cls, org_id, mapping):
cache_key = cls._get_cache_key_for_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id)
cache.set(cache_key, mapping, timeout=None)
def expire_node_all_asset_ids_mapping_from_cache(cls, org_id):
cache_key = cls._get_cache_key_for_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id)
def _get_cache_key_for_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id):
return 'ASSETS_ORG_NODE_ALL_ASSET_ids_MAPPING_{}'.format(org_id)
def generate_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(cls, org_id):
from .asset import Asset
logger.info(f'Generate node asset mapping: '
f'thread={threading.get_ident()} '
t1 = time.time()
with tmp_to_org(org_id):
node_ids_key = Node.objects.annotate(
).values_list('char_id', 'key')
# * 直接取出全部. filter(node__org_id=org_id)(大规模下会更慢)
nodes_asset_ids = Asset.nodes.through.objects.all() \
.annotate(char_node_id=output_as_string('node_id')) \
.annotate(char_asset_id=output_as_string('asset_id')) \
.values_list('char_node_id', 'char_asset_id')
node_id_ancestor_keys_mapping = {
node_id: cls.get_node_ancestor_keys(node_key, with_self=True)
for node_id, node_key in node_ids_key
nodeid_assetsid_mapping = defaultdict(set)
for node_id, asset_id in nodes_asset_ids:
t2 = time.time()
mapping = defaultdict(set)
for node_id, node_key in node_ids_key:
asset_ids = nodeid_assetsid_mapping[node_id]
node_ancestor_keys = node_id_ancestor_keys_mapping[node_id]
for ancestor_key in node_ancestor_keys:
t3 = time.time()
logger.info('t1-t2(DB Query): {} s, t3-t2(Generate mapping): {} s'.format(t2-t1, t3-t2))
return mapping
class NodeAssetsMixin(NodeAllAssetsMappingMixin):
org_id: str
key = ''
id = None
objects: Manager
def get_all_assets(self):
from .asset import Asset
q = Q(nodes__key__startswith=f'{self.key}:') | Q(nodes__key=self.key)
return Asset.objects.filter(q).distinct()
def get_node_all_assets_by_key_v2(cls, key):
# 最初的写法是:
# Asset.objects.filter(Q(nodes__key__startswith=f'{node.key}:') | Q(nodes__id=node.id))
# 可是 startswith 会导致表关联时 Asset 索引失效
from .asset import Asset
node_ids = cls.objects.filter(
Q(key__startswith=f'{key}:') | Q(key=key)
).values_list('id', flat=True).distinct()
assets = Asset.objects.filter(
return assets
def get_assets(self):
from .asset import Asset
assets = Asset.objects.filter(nodes=self)
return assets.distinct()
def get_valid_assets(self):
return self.get_assets().valid()
def get_all_valid_assets(self):
return self.get_all_assets().valid()
def get_nodes_all_asset_ids_by_keys(cls, nodes_keys):
nodes = Node.objects.filter(key__in=nodes_keys)
asset_ids = cls.get_nodes_all_assets(*nodes).values_list('id', flat=True)
return asset_ids
def get_nodes_all_assets(cls, *nodes):
from .asset import Asset
node_ids = set()
descendant_node_query = Q()
for n in nodes:
descendant_node_query |= Q(key__istartswith=f'{n.key}:')
if descendant_node_query:
_ids = Node.objects.order_by().filter(descendant_node_query).values_list('id', flat=True)
return Asset.objects.order_by().filter(nodes__id__in=node_ids).distinct()
def get_all_asset_ids(self):
asset_ids = self.get_all_asset_ids_by_node_key(org_id=self.org_id, node_key=self.key)
return set(asset_ids)
def get_all_asset_ids_by_node_key(cls, org_id, node_key):
org_id = str(org_id)
nodekey_assetsid_mapping = cls.get_node_all_asset_ids_mapping(org_id)
asset_ids = nodekey_assetsid_mapping.get(node_key, [])
return set(asset_ids)
class SomeNodesMixin:
key = ''
default_key = '1'
default_value = 'Default'
empty_key = '-11'
empty_value = _("empty")
def default_node(cls):
default_org = Organization.default()
with tmp_to_org(default_org):
defaults = {'value': default_org.name}
obj, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(
defaults=defaults, key=cls.default_key,
except IntegrityError as e:
logger.error("Create default node failed: {}".format(e))
obj, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(
defaults=defaults, key=cls.default_key,
return obj
def is_default_node(self):
return self.key == self.default_key
def is_org_root(self):
if self.key.isdigit():
return True
return False
def get_next_org_root_node_key(cls):
with tmp_to_org(Organization.root()):
org_nodes_roots = cls.objects.filter(key__regex=r'^[0-9]+$')
org_nodes_roots_keys = org_nodes_roots.values_list('key', flat=True)
if not org_nodes_roots_keys:
org_nodes_roots_keys = ['1']
max_key = max([int(k) for k in org_nodes_roots_keys])
key = str(max_key + 1) if max_key != 0 else '2'
return key
def create_org_root_node(cls):
ori_org = get_current_org()
with transaction.atomic():
key = cls.get_next_org_root_node_key()
root = cls.objects.create(key=key, value=ori_org.name)
return root
def org_root_nodes(cls):
nodes = cls.objects.filter(parent_key='') \
.filter(key__regex=r'^[0-9]+$') \
.exclude(key__startswith='-') \
return nodes
def org_root(cls):
# 如果使用current_org 在set_current_org时会死循环
ori_org = get_current_org()
if ori_org and ori_org.is_default():
return cls.default_node()
if ori_org and ori_org.is_root():
return None
org_roots = cls.org_root_nodes()
org_roots_length = len(org_roots)
if org_roots_length == 1:
return org_roots[0]
elif org_roots_length == 0:
root = cls.create_org_root_node()
return root
raise ValueError('Current org root node not 1, get {}'.format(org_roots_length))
def initial_some_nodes(cls):
def modify_other_org_root_node_key(cls):
解决创建 default 节点失败的问题,
因为在其他组织下存在 default 节点,故在 DEFAULT 组织下 get 不到 create 失败
logger.info("Modify other org root node key")
with tmp_to_org(Organization.root()):
node_key1 = cls.objects.filter(key='1').first()
if not node_key1:
logger.info("Not found node that `key` = 1")
if node_key1.org_id == '':
node_key1.org_id = str(Organization.default().id)
with transaction.atomic():
with tmp_to_org(node_key1.org):
org_root_node_new_key = cls.get_next_org_root_node_key()
for n in cls.objects.all():
old_key = n.key
key_list = n.key.split(':')
key_list[0] = org_root_node_new_key
new_key = ':'.join(key_list)
n.key = new_key
logger.info('Modify key ( {} > {} )'.format(old_key, new_key))
class Node(OrgModelMixin, SomeNodesMixin, FamilyMixin, NodeAssetsMixin):
id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True)
key = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=64, verbose_name=_("Key")) # '1:1:1:1'
value = models.CharField(max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Value"))
full_value = models.CharField(max_length=4096, verbose_name=_('Full value'), default='')
child_mark = models.IntegerField(default=0)
date_create = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
parent_key = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=_("Parent key"),
db_index=True, default='')
assets_amount = models.IntegerField(default=0)
objects = OrgManager.from_queryset(NodeQuerySet)()
is_node = True
_parents = None
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Node")
ordering = ['parent_key', 'value']
def __str__(self):
return self.full_value
# def __eq__(self, other):
# if not other:
# return False
# return self.id == other.id
def __gt__(self, other):
self_key = [int(k) for k in self.key.split(':')]
other_key = [int(k) for k in other.key.split(':')]
self_parent_key = self_key[:-1]
other_parent_key = other_key[:-1]
if self_parent_key and self_parent_key == other_parent_key:
return self.value > other.value
return self_key > other_key
def __lt__(self, other):
return not self.__gt__(other)
def name(self):
return self.value
def computed_full_value(self):
# 不要在列表中调用该属性
values = self.__class__.objects.filter(
).values_list('key', 'value')
values = [v for k, v in sorted(values, key=lambda x: len(x[0]))]
return '/' + '/'.join(values)
def level(self):
return len(self.key.split(':'))
def as_tree_node(self):
from common.tree import TreeNode
name = '{} ({})'.format(self.value, self.assets_amount)
data = {
'id': self.key,
'name': name,
'title': name,
'pId': self.parent_key,
'isParent': True,
'open': self.is_org_root(),
'meta': {
'node': {
"id": self.id,
"name": self.name,
"value": self.value,
"key": self.key,
"assets_amount": self.assets_amount,
'type': 'node'
tree_node = TreeNode(**data)
return tree_node
def has_children_or_has_assets(self):
if self.children or self.get_assets().exists():
return True
return False
def delete(self, using=None, keep_parents=False):
if self.has_children_or_has_assets():
return super().delete(using=using, keep_parents=keep_parents)
def update_child_full_value(self):
nodes = self.get_all_children(with_self=True)
sort_key_func = lambda n: [int(i) for i in n.key.split(':')]
nodes_sorted = sorted(list(nodes), key=sort_key_func)
nodes_mapper = {n.key: n for n in nodes_sorted}
if not self.is_org_root():
# 如果是org_root,那么parent_key为'', parent为自己,所以这种情况不处理
# 更新自己时,自己的parent_key获取不到
nodes_mapper.update({self.parent_key: self.parent})
for node in nodes_sorted:
parent = nodes_mapper.get(node.parent_key)
if not parent:
if node.parent_key:
logger.error(f'Node parent node in mapper: {node.parent_key} {node.value}')
node.full_value = parent.full_value + '/' + node.value
self.__class__.objects.bulk_update(nodes, ['full_value'])
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.full_value = self.computed_full_value()
instance = super().save(*args, **kwargs)
return instance