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from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from simple_history.models import HistoricalRecords
from assets.models.base import AbsConnectivity
from common.utils import lazyproperty
from labels.mixins import LabeledMixin
from .base import BaseAccount
from .mixins import VaultModelMixin
from ..const import Source
__all__ = ['Account', 'AccountHistoricalRecords']
class AccountHistoricalRecords(HistoricalRecords):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.included_fields = kwargs.pop('included_fields', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def post_save(self, instance, created, using=None, **kwargs):
if not self.included_fields:
return super().post_save(instance, created, using=using, **kwargs)
check_fields = set(self.included_fields) - {'version'}
history_attrs = instance.history.all().values(*check_fields).first()
if history_attrs is None:
return super().post_save(instance, created, using=using, **kwargs)
attrs = {field: getattr(instance, field) for field in check_fields}
history_attrs = set(history_attrs.items())
attrs = set(attrs.items())
diff = attrs - history_attrs
if not diff:
return super().post_save(instance, created, using=using, **kwargs)
def create_history_model(self, model, inherited):
if self.included_fields and not self.excluded_fields:
self.excluded_fields = [ for field in model._meta.fields
if not in self.included_fields
return super().create_history_model(model, inherited)
class Account(AbsConnectivity, LabeledMixin, BaseAccount):
asset = models.ForeignKey(
'assets.Asset', related_name='accounts',
on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Asset')
su_from = models.ForeignKey(
'accounts.Account', related_name='su_to', null=True,
on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_("Su from")
version = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name=_('Version'))
history = AccountHistoricalRecords(included_fields=['id', '_secret', 'secret_type', 'version'])
source = models.CharField(max_length=30, default=Source.LOCAL, verbose_name=_('Source'))
source_id = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Source ID'))
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Account')
unique_together = [
('username', 'asset', 'secret_type'),
('name', 'asset'),
permissions = [
('view_accountsecret', _('Can view asset account secret')),
('view_historyaccount', _('Can view asset history account')),
('view_historyaccountsecret', _('Can view asset history account secret')),
('verify_account', _('Can verify account')),
('push_account', _('Can push account')),
('remove_account', _('Can remove account')),
def __str__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(,
def platform(self):
return self.asset.platform
def alias(self):
if self.username.startswith('@'):
return self.username
def has_secret(self):
return bool(self.secret)
def versions(self):
return self.history.count()
def get_su_from_accounts(self):
""" 排除自己和以自己为 su-from 的账号 """
return self.asset.accounts.exclude(
def make_account_ansible_vars(su_from):
var = {
'ansible_user': su_from.username,
if not su_from.secret:
return var
var['ansible_password'] = su_from.secret
var['ansible_ssh_private_key_file'] = su_from.private_key_path
return var
def get_ansible_become_auth(self):
su_from = self.su_from
platform = self.platform
auth = {'ansible_become': False}
if not (platform.su_enabled and su_from):
return auth
become_method = platform.su_method if platform.su_method else 'sudo'
password = su_from.secret if become_method == 'sudo' else self.secret
auth['ansible_become'] = True
auth['ansible_become_method'] = become_method
auth['ansible_become_user'] = self.username
auth['ansible_become_password'] = password
return auth
def replace_history_model_with_mixin():
model (class): 历史模型类,例如 Account.history.model
mixin_class (class): 要替换为的Mixin类
model = Account.history.model
model.__bases__ = (VaultModelMixin,) + model.__bases__