You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
2.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.db.models import TextChoices, IntegerChoices
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class RiskLevelChoices(IntegerChoices):
accept = 0, _('Accept')
warning = 4, _('Warning')
reject = 5, _('Reject')
review_reject = 6, _('Review & Reject')
review_accept = 7, _('Review & Accept')
review_cancel = 8, _('Review & Cancel')
def get_label(cls, level):
label = dict(cls.choices).get(level)
return label
class ReplayStorageType(TextChoices):
null = 'null', 'Null',
server = 'server', 'Server'
s3 = 's3', 'S3'
ceph = 'ceph', 'Ceph'
swift = 'swift', 'Swift'
oss = 'oss', 'OSS'
azure = 'azure', 'Azure'
obs = 'obs', 'OBS'
cos = 'cos', 'COS'
sftp = 'sftp', 'SFTP'
class CommandStorageType(TextChoices):
null = 'null', 'Null',
server = 'server', 'Server'
es = 'es', 'Elasticsearch'
# Component Status Choices
# ------------------------
class ComponentLoad(TextChoices):
critical = 'critical', _('Critical')
high = 'high', _('High')
normal = 'normal', _('Normal')
offline = 'offline', _('Offline')
def status(cls):
return set(dict(cls.choices).keys())
class TerminalType(TextChoices):
koko = 'koko', 'KoKo'
guacamole = 'guacamole', 'Guacamole'
omnidb = 'omnidb', 'OmniDB'
xrdp = 'xrdp', 'Xrdp'
lion = 'lion', 'Lion'
core = 'core', 'Core'
celery = 'celery', 'Celery'
magnus = 'magnus', 'Magnus'
razor = 'razor', 'Razor'
tinker = 'tinker', 'Tinker'
video_worker = 'video_worker', 'Video Worker'
chen = 'chen', 'Chen'
kael = 'kael', 'Kael'
panda = 'panda', 'Panda'
def types(cls):
return set(dict(cls.choices).keys())
class PublishStatus(TextChoices):
pending = 'pending', _('Pending')
success = 'success', _("Success")
failed = 'failed', _("Failed")
mismatch = 'mismatch', _("Mismatch")
class SessionType(TextChoices):
normal = 'normal', _('Normal')
tunnel = 'tunnel', _('Tunnel')
command = 'command', _('Command')
sftp = 'sftp', _('SFTP')
class ActionPermission(TextChoices):
readonly = "readonly", _('Read only')
writable = "writable", _('Writable')
class TaskNameType(TextChoices):
kill_session = "kill_session", _('Kill session')
lock_session = "lock_session", _('Lock session')
unlock_session = "unlock_session", _('Unlock session')
class SessionErrorReason(TextChoices):
connect_failed = 'connect_failed', _('Connect failed')
replay_create_failed = 'replay_create_failed', _('Replay create failed')
replay_upload_failed = 'replay_upload_failed', _('Replay upload failed')
replay_convert_failed = 'replay_convert_failed', _('Replay convert failed')
replay_unsupported = 'replay_unsupported', _('Replay unsupported')