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from assets.tree import Tree
def test():
from orgs.models import Organization
from assets.models import Node, Asset
import time
t1 = time.time()
nodes = list(Node.objects.exclude(key__startswith='-').only('id', 'key', 'parent_key'))
node_asset_id_pairs = Asset.nodes.through.objects.all().values_list('node_id', 'asset_id')
t2 = time.time()
node_asset_id_pairs = list(node_asset_id_pairs)
tree = Tree(nodes, node_asset_id_pairs)
tree.nodes = None
tree.node_asset_id_pairs = None
import pickle
d = pickle.dumps(tree)
print('------------', len(d))
return tree
print(f'校对算法准确性 ......')
for node in nodes:
tree_node = tree.key_tree_node_mapper[node.key]
if tree_node.assets_amount != node.assets_amount:
print(f'ERROR: {tree_node.assets_amount} {node.assets_amount}')
# print(f'OK {tree_node.asset_amount} {node.assets_amount}')
print(f'数据库时间: {t2 - t1}')
return tree