You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.db.models import TextChoices
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from rest_framework import serializers
from common.serializers.fields import ReadableHiddenField, LabeledChoiceField
from ..models import SSHKey
from common.utils import validate_ssh_public_key
from users.exceptions import CreateSSHKeyExceedLimit
__all__ = ['SSHKeySerializer', 'GenerateKeyType']
class GenerateKeyType(TextChoices):
auto = 'auto', _('Automatically Generate Key Pair')
# 目前只支持sftp方式
load = 'load', _('Import Existing Key Pair')
class SSHKeySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
user = ReadableHiddenField(default=serializers.CurrentUserDefault())
public_key_comment = serializers.CharField(
source='get_public_key_comment', required=False, read_only=True, max_length=128
public_key_hash_md5 = serializers.CharField(
source='get_public_key_hash_md5', required=False, read_only=True, max_length=128
generate_key_type = LabeledChoiceField(
choices=GenerateKeyType.choices, label=_('Create Type'),, required=False,
'Please download the private key after creation. Each private key can only be downloaded once'
class Meta:
model = SSHKey
fields_mini = ['name']
fields_small = fields_mini + [
'public_key', 'is_active', 'comment'
read_only_fields = [
'id', 'user', 'public_key_comment', 'public_key_hash_md5',
'date_last_used', 'date_created', 'date_updated', 'generate_key_type',
fields = fields_small + read_only_fields
def to_representation(self, instance):
data = super().to_representation(instance)
data.pop('public_key', None)
return data
def validate_public_key(value):
if not validate_ssh_public_key(value):
raise serializers.ValidationError(_('Not a valid ssh public key'))
return value
def create(self, validated_data):
if not self.context["request"].user.can_create_ssh_key():
raise CreateSSHKeyExceedLimit()
validated_data.pop('generate_key_type', None)
return super().create(validated_data)