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<span class="m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message">欢迎使用Jumpserver开源跳板机系统</span>
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<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> <span class="label label-warning">{{ apply_info.count }}</span>
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{% if apply_info %}
{% for apply in apply_info %}
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<img alt="image" class="img-circle" src="/static/img/a4.jpg">
<div class="media-body">
{# <small class="pull-right text-navy">{{ apply.date_add|naturaltime }}</small>#}
{# <strong>{{ apply.applyer }}</strong><br>#}
{# <small class="text-muted">主机组: {{ apply.bisgroup|ast_to_list }}</small><br/>#}
{# <small class="text-muted">主机: {{ apply.asset|ast_to_list }}</small><br/>#}
{# <small class="text-muted">申请时间: {{ apply.date_add|date:"Y-m-d H:i:s" }}</small>#}
<li class="divider"></li>
{% endfor %}
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<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> <strong>Read All Messages</strong>
{% else %}
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<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> <strong>(暂无申请)</strong>
{% endif %}
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{# <i class="fa fa-envelope fa-fw"></i> You have 16 messages#}
{# <span class="pull-right text-muted small">4 minutes ago</span>#}
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