mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
140 lines
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140 lines
4.8 KiB
import uuid
from common.exceptions import JMSException
from orgs.models import Organization
from .. import models
class ApplicationAttrsSerializerViewMixin:
def get_serializer_class(self):
serializer_class = super().get_serializer_class()
if getattr(self, 'swagger_fake_view', False):
return serializer_class
app_type = self.request.query_params.get('type')
app_category = self.request.query_params.get('category')
type_options = list(dict(models.Category.get_all_type_serializer_mapper()).keys())
category_options = list(dict(models.Category.get_category_serializer_mapper()).keys())
# ListAPIView 没有 action 属性
# 不使用method属性,因为options请求时为method为post
action = getattr(self, 'action', 'list')
if app_type and app_type not in type_options:
raise JMSException(
'Invalid query parameter `type`, select from the following options: {}'
if app_category and app_category not in category_options:
raise JMSException(
'Invalid query parameter `category`, select from the following options: {}'
if action in [
'create', 'update', 'partial_update', 'bulk_update', 'partial_bulk_update'
] and not app_type:
# action: create / update
raise JMSException(
'The `{}` action must take the `type` query parameter'.format(action)
if app_type:
# action: create / update / list / retrieve / metadata
attrs_cls = models.Category.get_type_serializer_cls(app_type)
class_name = 'ApplicationDynamicSerializer{}'.format(app_type.title())
elif app_category:
# action: list / retrieve / metadata
attrs_cls = models.Category.get_category_serializer_cls(app_category)
class_name = 'ApplicationDynamicSerializer{}'.format(app_category.title())
attrs_cls = models.Category.get_no_password_serializer_cls()
class_name = 'ApplicationDynamicSerializer'
cls = type(class_name, (serializer_class,), {'attrs': attrs_cls()})
return cls
class SerializeApplicationToTreeNodeMixin:
def _serialize_db(db):
return {
'id': db.id,
'name': db.name,
'title': db.name,
'pId': '',
'open': False,
'iconSkin': 'database',
'meta': {'type': 'database_app'}
def _serialize_remote_app(remote_app):
return {
'id': remote_app.id,
'name': remote_app.name,
'title': remote_app.name,
'pId': '',
'open': False,
'isParent': False,
'iconSkin': 'chrome',
'meta': {'type': 'remote_app'}
def _serialize_cloud(cloud):
return {
'id': cloud.id,
'name': cloud.name,
'title': cloud.name,
'pId': '',
'open': False,
'isParent': False,
'iconSkin': 'k8s',
'meta': {'type': 'k8s_app'}
def _serialize_application(self, application):
method_name = f'_serialize_{application.category}'
data = getattr(self, method_name)(application)
'pId': application.org.id,
'org_name': application.org_name
return data
def serialize_applications(self, applications):
data = [self._serialize_application(application) for application in applications]
return data
def _serialize_organization(org):
return {
'id': org.id,
'name': org.name,
'title': org.name,
'pId': '',
'open': True,
'isParent': True,
'meta': {
'type': 'node'
def serialize_organizations(self, organizations):
data = [self._serialize_organization(org) for org in organizations]
return data
def filter_organizations(applications):
organizations_id = set(applications.values_list('org_id', flat=True))
organizations = [Organization.get_instance(org_id) for org_id in organizations_id]
return organizations
def serialize_applications_with_org(self, applications):
organizations = self.filter_organizations(applications)
data_organizations = self.serialize_organizations(organizations)
data_applications = self.serialize_applications(applications)
data = data_organizations + data_applications
return data