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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import uuid
from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save, m2m_changed, pre_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils import translation
from audits.handler import (
get_instance_current_with_cache_diff, cache_instance_before_data,
create_or_update_operate_log, get_instance_dict_from_cache
from audits.utils import model_to_dict_for_operate_log as model_to_dict
from common.const.signals import POST_ADD, POST_REMOVE, POST_CLEAR, SKIP_SIGNAL
from common.signals import django_ready
from jumpserver.utils import current_request
from ..const import MODELS_NEED_RECORD, ActionChoices
POST_ADD: ActionChoices.create,
POST_REMOVE: ActionChoices.delete,
POST_CLEAR: ActionChoices.delete,
def on_m2m_changed(sender, action, instance, reverse, model, pk_set, **kwargs):
if action not in M2M_ACTION:
if not instance:
with translation.override('en'):
resource_type = instance._meta.verbose_name
current_instance = model_to_dict(instance, include_model_fields=False)
instance_id = current_instance.get('id')
log_id, before_instance = get_instance_dict_from_cache(instance_id)
field_name = str(model._meta.verbose_name)
pk_set = pk_set or {}
objs = model.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_set)
objs_display = [str(o) for o in objs]
action = M2M_ACTION[action]
changed_field = current_instance.get(field_name, [])
after, before, before_value = None, None, None
if action == ActionChoices.create:
before_value = list(set(changed_field) - set(objs_display))
elif action == ActionChoices.delete:
before_value = list(
if changed_field:
after = {field_name: changed_field}
if before_value:
before = {field_name: before_value}
if sorted(str(before)) == sorted(str(after)):
ActionChoices.update, resource_type,
resource=instance, log_id=log_id, before=before, after=after
def signal_of_operate_log_whether_continue(
sender, instance, created, update_fields=None
condition = True
if not instance:
condition = False
if instance and getattr(instance, SKIP_SIGNAL, False):
condition = False
# 不记录组件的操作日志
user = current_request.user if current_request else None
if not user or getattr(user, 'is_service_account', False):
condition = False
# 终端模型的 create 事件由系统产生,不记录
if instance._meta.object_name == 'Terminal' and created:
condition = False
# last_login 改变是最后登录日期, 每次登录都会改变
if instance._meta.object_name == 'User' and \
update_fields and 'last_login' in update_fields:
condition = False
# 不在记录白名单中,跳过
if sender._meta.object_name not in MODELS_NEED_RECORD:
condition = False
return condition
def on_object_pre_create_or_update(
sender, instance=None, raw=False, using=None, update_fields=None, **kwargs
ok = signal_of_operate_log_whether_continue(
sender, instance, False, update_fields
if not ok:
with translation.override('en'):
# users.PrivateToken Model 没有 id 有 pk字段
instance_id = getattr(instance, 'id', getattr(instance, 'pk', None))
instance_before_data = {'id': instance_id}
raw_instance = type(instance).objects.filter(pk=instance_id).first()
if raw_instance:
instance_before_data = model_to_dict(raw_instance)
operate_log_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
instance_before_data['operate_log_id'] = operate_log_id
setattr(instance, 'operate_log_id', operate_log_id)
def on_object_created_or_update(
sender, instance=None, created=False, update_fields=None, **kwargs
ok = signal_of_operate_log_whether_continue(
sender, instance, created, update_fields
if not ok:
with translation.override('en'):
log_id, before, after = None, None, None
if created:
action = ActionChoices.create
after = model_to_dict(instance)
log_id = getattr(instance, 'operate_log_id', None)
action = ActionChoices.update
current_instance = model_to_dict(instance)
log_id, before, after = get_instance_current_with_cache_diff(current_instance)
resource_type = sender._meta.verbose_name
object_name = sender._meta.object_name
action, resource_type, resource=instance, log_id=log_id,
before=before, after=after, object_name=object_name
def on_object_delete(sender, instance=None, **kwargs):
ok = signal_of_operate_log_whether_continue(sender, instance, False)
if not ok:
with translation.override('en'):
resource_type = sender._meta.verbose_name
ActionChoices.delete, resource_type,
resource=instance, before=model_to_dict(instance)
def on_django_start_set_operate_log_monitor_models(sender, **kwargs):
exclude_apps = {
'django_cas_ng', 'captcha', 'admin', 'jms_oidc_rp', 'audits',
'django_celery_beat', 'contenttypes', 'sessions', 'auth',
exclude_models = {
'UserPasswordHistory', 'ContentType',
'MessageContent', 'SiteMessage',
'PlatformAutomation', 'PlatformProtocol', 'Protocol',
'HistoricalAccount', 'GatheredUser', 'ApprovalRule',
'BaseAutomation', 'CeleryTask', 'Command', 'JobLog',
'ConnectionToken', 'SessionJoinRecord',
'HistoricalJob', 'Status', 'TicketStep', 'Ticket',
'UserAssetGrantedTreeNodeRelation', 'TicketAssignee',
'SuperTicket', 'SuperConnectionToken', 'PermNode',
'PermedAsset', 'PermedAccount', 'MenuPermission',
'Permission', 'TicketSession', 'ApplyLoginTicket',
'ApplyCommandTicket', 'ApplyLoginAssetTicket',
for i, app in enumerate(apps.get_models(), 1):
app_name = app._meta.app_label
model_name = app._meta.object_name
if app_name in exclude_apps or \
model_name in exclude_models or \