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131 lines
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from django.db import models |
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ |
class Scope(models.TextChoices): |
system = 'system', _('System') |
org = 'org', _('Organization') |
exclude_permissions = ( |
# ('App', 'Model', 'Action', 'Resource') Model 和 Resource 可能不同 |
# users.add_user |
('auth', '*', '*', '*'), |
('captcha', '*', '*', '*'), |
('contenttypes', '*', '*', '*'), |
('django_cas_ng', '*', '*', '*'), |
('django_celery_beat', '*', '*', '*'), |
('jms_oidc_rp', '*', '*', '*'), |
('admin', '*', '*', '*'), |
('sessions', '*', '*', '*'), |
('notifications', '*', '*', '*'), |
('common', 'setting', '*', '*'), |
('authentication', 'privatetoken', '*', '*'), |
('authentication', 'connectiontoken', 'change,delete', 'connectiontoken'), |
('authentication', 'ssotoken', '*', '*'), |
('authentication', 'superconnectiontoken', 'change,delete', 'superconnectiontoken'), |
('authentication', 'temptoken', 'delete', 'temptoken'), |
('users', 'userpasswordhistory', '*', '*'), |
('applications', 'applicationuser', '*', '*'), |
('applications', 'historicalaccount', '*', '*'), |
('applications', 'account', 'add,change,delete', 'account'), |
('applications', 'account', 'change', 'appplicationaccountsecret'), |
('assets', 'adminuser', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'assetgroup', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'cluster', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'favoriteasset', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'historicalauthbook', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'assetuser', '*', '*'), |
('assets', 'gathereduser', 'add,delete,change', 'gathereduser'), |
('assets', 'accountbackupplanexecution', 'delete,change', 'accountbackupplanexecution'), |
('assets', 'authbook', 'change', 'authbook'), |
# TODO 暂时去掉历史账号的权限 |
('assets', 'authbook', '*', 'assethistoryaccount'), |
('assets', 'authbook', '*', 'assethistoryaccountsecret'), |
('perms', 'userassetgrantedtreenoderelation', '*', '*'), |
('perms', 'usergrantedmappingnode', '*', '*'), |
('perms', 'permnode', '*', '*'), |
('perms', 'rebuildusertreetask', '*', '*'), |
('perms', 'permedasset', 'add,change,delete', 'permedasset'), |
('perms', 'permedapplication', 'add,change,delete', 'permedapplication'), |
('rbac', 'contenttype', '*', '*'), |
('rbac', 'permission', 'add,delete,change', 'permission'), |
('rbac', 'rolebinding', '*', '*'), |
('rbac', 'systemrolebinding', 'change', 'systemrolebinding'), |
('rbac', 'orgrolebinding', 'change', 'orgrolebinding'), |
('rbac', 'role', '*', '*'), |
('ops', 'adhoc', 'delete,change', '*'), |
('ops', 'adhocexecution', 'add,delete,change', '*'), |
('ops', 'celerytask', '*', '*'), |
('ops', 'task', 'add,change', 'task'), |
('ops', 'commandexecution', 'delete,change', 'commandexecution'), |
('orgs', 'organizationmember', '*', '*'), |
('settings', 'setting', 'add,change,delete', 'setting'), |
('audits', 'operatelog', 'add,delete,change', 'operatelog'), |
('audits', 'passwordchangelog', 'add,change,delete', 'passwordchangelog'), |
('audits', 'userloginlog', 'add,change,delete,change', 'userloginlog'), |
('audits', 'ftplog', 'change,delete', 'ftplog'), |
('tickets', 'ticketassignee', '*', 'ticketassignee'), |
('tickets', 'ticketflow', 'add,delete', 'ticketflow'), |
('tickets', 'comment', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'ticket', 'add,delete,change', 'ticket'), |
('tickets', 'ticketstep', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'approvalrule', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'applyloginticket', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'applyloginassetticket', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'applycommandticket', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'applyassetticket', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'applyapplicationticket', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', 'superticket', 'delete', 'superticket'), |
('tickets', 'ticketsession', 'view,delete', 'ticketsession'), |
('xpack', 'interface', '*', '*'), |
('xpack', 'license', '*', '*'), |
('xpack', 'syncinstancedetail', 'add,delete,change', 'syncinstancedetail'), |
('xpack', 'syncinstancetaskexecution', 'delete,change', 'syncinstancetaskexecution'), |
('xpack', 'changeauthplanexecution', 'delete,change', 'changeauthplanexecution'), |
('xpack', 'changeauthplantask', 'add,delete', 'changeauthplantask'), |
('xpack', 'gatherusertaskexecution', 'change,delete', 'gatherusertaskexecution'), |
('common', 'permission', 'add,delete,view,change', 'permission'), |
('terminal', 'command', 'delete,change', 'command'), |
('terminal', 'status', 'delete,change', 'status'), |
('terminal', 'task', 'add,delete', 'task'), |
('terminal', 'sessionjoinrecord', 'delete', 'sessionjoinrecord'), |
('terminal', 'sessionreplay', 'add,change,delete', 'sessionreplay'), |
('terminal', 'sessionsharing', 'view,add,change,delete', 'sessionsharing'), |
('terminal', 'session', 'delete,share', 'session'), |
('terminal', 'session', 'delete,change', 'command'), |
) |
only_system_permissions = ( |
('assets', 'platform', 'add,change,delete', 'platform'), |
('users', 'user', 'delete', 'user'), |
('rbac', 'role', 'delete,add,change', 'role'), |
('rbac', 'systemrole', '*', '*'), |
('rbac', 'rolebinding', '*', '*'), |
('rbac', 'systemrolebinding', '*', '*'), |
('rbac', 'orgrole', 'delete,add,change', '*'), |
('orgs', 'organization', '*', '*'), |
('xpack', 'license', '*', '*'), |
('settings', 'setting', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', '*', '*', '*'), |
('ops', 'task', 'view', 'taskmonitor'), |
('terminal', 'terminal', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'commandstorage', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'replaystorage', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'status', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'task', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'endpoint', '*', '*'), |
('terminal', 'endpointrule', '*', '*'), |
('authentication', '*', '*', '*'), |
('tickets', '*', '*', '*'), |
('orgs', 'organization', 'view', 'rootorg'), |
) |
only_org_permissions = ( |
) |
system_exclude_permissions = list(exclude_permissions) + list(only_org_permissions) |
org_exclude_permissions = list(exclude_permissions) + list(only_system_permissions)