mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
86 lines
2.6 KiB
86 lines
2.6 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import secrets
import socket
import string
import struct
string_punctuation = '!#$%&()*+,-.:;<=>?@[]^_~'
def random_datetime(date_start, date_end):
random_delta = (date_end - date_start) * random.random()
return date_start + random_delta
def random_ip():
return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', random.randint(1, 0xffffffff)))
def random_replace_char(seq, chars, length):
using_index = set()
while length > 0:
index = secrets.randbelow(len(seq) - 1)
if index in using_index or index == 0:
seq[index] = secrets.choice(chars)
length -= 1
return seq
def remove_exclude_char(s, exclude_chars):
for i in exclude_chars:
s = s.replace(i, '')
return s
def random_string(
length: int, lower=True, upper=True, digit=True,
special_char=False, exclude_chars='', symbols=string_punctuation
if not any([lower, upper, digit]):
raise ValueError('At least one of `lower`, `upper`, `digit` must be `True`')
if length < 4:
raise ValueError('The length of the string must be greater than 3')
char_list = []
if lower:
lower_chars = remove_exclude_char(string.ascii_lowercase, exclude_chars)
if not lower_chars:
raise ValueError('After excluding characters, no lowercase letters are available.')
if upper:
upper_chars = remove_exclude_char(string.ascii_uppercase, exclude_chars)
if not upper_chars:
raise ValueError('After excluding characters, no uppercase letters are available.')
if digit:
digit_chars = remove_exclude_char(string.digits, exclude_chars)
if not digit_chars:
raise ValueError('After excluding characters, no digits are available.')
secret_chars = [secrets.choice(chars) for chars in char_list]
all_chars = ''.join(char_list)
remaining_length = length - len(secret_chars)
seq = [secrets.choice(all_chars) for _ in range(remaining_length)]
if special_char:
special_chars = remove_exclude_char(symbols, exclude_chars)
if not special_chars:
raise ValueError('After excluding characters, no special characters are available.')
symbol_num = length // 16 + 1
seq = random_replace_char(seq, symbols, symbol_num)
secret_chars += seq
return ''.join(secret_chars)