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from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.conf import settings
from users.models import User
from common.utils import get_logger, reverse
from notifications.notifications import SystemMessage
from terminal.models import Session, Command
from notifications.models import SystemMsgSubscription
logger = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = ('CommandAlertMessage', 'CommandExecutionAlert')
CATEGORY = 'terminal'
CATEGORY_LABEL = _('Terminal')
class CommandAlertMixin:
def post_insert_to_db(cls, subscription: SystemMsgSubscription):
emails = [email.strip() for email in emails]
users = User.objects.filter(email__in=emails)
class CommandAlertMessage(CommandAlertMixin, SystemMessage):
category = CATEGORY
category_label = CATEGORY_LABEL
message_type_label = _('Terminal command alert')
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def _get_message(self):
command = self.command
session_obj = Session.objects.get(id=command['session'])
message = _("""
Command: %(command)s
Asset: %(host_name)s (%(host_ip)s)
User: %(user)s
Level: %(risk_level)s
Session: <a href="%(session_detail_url)s">session detail</a>
""") % {
'command': command['input'],
'host_name': command['asset'],
'host_ip': session_obj.asset_obj.ip,
'user': command['user'],
'risk_level': Command.get_risk_level_str(command['risk_level']),
'session_detail_url': reverse('api-terminal:session-detail',
kwargs={'pk': command['session']},
external=True, api_to_ui=True),
return message
def get_common_msg(self):
return self._get_message()
def get_email_msg(self):
command = self.command
session_obj = Session.objects.get(id=command['session'])
input = command['input']
if isinstance(input, str):
input = input.replace('\r\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')
subject = _("Insecure Command Alert: [%(name)s->%(login_from)s@%(remote_addr)s] $%(command)s") % {
'name': command['user'],
'login_from': session_obj.get_login_from_display(),
'remote_addr': session_obj.remote_addr,
'command': input
message = self._get_message(command)
return {
'subject': subject,
'message': message
class CommandExecutionAlert(CommandAlertMixin, SystemMessage):
category = CATEGORY
category_label = CATEGORY_LABEL
message_type_label = _('Batch command alert')
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def _get_message(self):
command = self.command
input = command['input']
input = input.replace('\n', '<br>')
assets = ', '.join([str(asset) for asset in command['assets']])
message = _("""
Assets: %(assets)s
User: %(user)s
Level: %(risk_level)s
----------------- Commands ---------------- <br>
%(command)s <br>
----------------- Commands ---------------- <br>
""") % {
'command': input,
'assets': assets,
'user': command['user'],
'risk_level': Command.get_risk_level_str(command['risk_level']),
return message
def get_common_msg(self):
return self._get_message()
def get_email_msg(self):
command = self.command
subject = _("Insecure Web Command Execution Alert: [%(name)s]") % {
'name': command['user'],
message = self._get_message(command)
return {
'subject': subject,
'message': message