mirror of https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
328 lines
12 KiB
328 lines
12 KiB
import hashlib
import socket
import struct
import time
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from common.exceptions import JMSException
from common.utils import get_logger
from .base import BaseSMSClient
logger = get_logger(__file__)
CMPP_CONNECT = 0x00000001 # 请求连接
CMPP_CONNECT_RESP = 0x80000001 # 请求连接应答
CMPP_TERMINATE = 0x00000002 # 终止连接
CMPP_TERMINATE_RESP = 0x80000002 # 终止连接应答
CMPP_SUBMIT = 0x00000004 # 提交短信
CMPP_SUBMIT_RESP = 0x80000004 # 提交短信应答
CMPP_DELIVER = 0x00000005 # 短信下发
CMPP_DELIVER_RESP = 0x80000005 # 下发短信应答
class CMPPBaseRequestInstance(object):
def __init__(self):
self.command_id = ''
self.body = b''
self.length = 0
def get_header(self, sequence_id):
length = struct.pack('!L', 12 + self.length)
command_id = struct.pack('!L', self.command_id)
sequence_id = struct.pack('!L', sequence_id)
return length + command_id + sequence_id
def get_message(self, sequence_id):
return self.get_header(sequence_id) + self.body
class CMPPConnectRequestInstance(CMPPBaseRequestInstance):
def __init__(self, sp_id, sp_secret):
if len(sp_id) != 6:
raise ValueError(_("sp_id is 6 bits"))
source_addr = sp_id.encode('utf-8')
sp_secret = sp_secret.encode('utf-8')
version = struct.pack('!B', 0x02)
timestamp = struct.pack('!L', int(self.get_now()))
authenticator_source = source_addr + 9 * b'\x00' + sp_secret + self.get_now().encode('utf-8')
auth_source_md5 = hashlib.md5(authenticator_source).digest()
self.body = source_addr + auth_source_md5 + version + timestamp
self.length = len(self.body)
self.command_id = CMPP_CONNECT
def get_now():
return time.strftime('%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
class CMPPSubmitRequestInstance(CMPPBaseRequestInstance):
def __init__(self, msg_src, dest_terminal_id, msg_content, src_id,
service_id='', dest_usr_tl=1):
if len(msg_content) >= 70:
raise JMSException('The message length should be within 70 characters')
if len(dest_terminal_id) > 100:
raise JMSException('The number of users receiving information should be less than 100')
msg_id = 8 * b'\x00'
pk_total = struct.pack('!B', 1)
pk_number = struct.pack('!B', 1)
registered_delivery = struct.pack('!B', 0)
msg_level = struct.pack('!B', 0)
service_id = ((10 - len(service_id)) * '\x00' + service_id).encode('utf-8')
fee_user_type = struct.pack('!B', 2)
fee_terminal_id = ('0' * 21).encode('utf-8')
tp_pid = struct.pack('!B', 0)
tp_udhi = struct.pack('!B', 0)
msg_fmt = struct.pack('!B', 8)
fee_type = '01'.encode('utf-8')
fee_code = '000000'.encode('utf-8')
valid_time = ('\x00' * 17).encode('utf-8')
at_time = ('\x00' * 17).encode('utf-8')
src_id = ((21 - len(src_id)) * '\x00' + src_id).encode('utf-8')
reserve = b'\x00' * 8
_msg_length = struct.pack('!B', len(msg_content) * 2)
_msg_src = msg_src.encode('utf-8')
_dest_usr_tl = struct.pack('!B', dest_usr_tl)
_msg_content = msg_content.encode('utf-16-be')
_dest_terminal_id = b''.join([
(i + (21 - len(i)) * '\x00').encode('utf-8') for i in dest_terminal_id
self.length = 126 + 21 * dest_usr_tl + len(_msg_content)
self.command_id = CMPP_SUBMIT
self.body = msg_id + pk_total + pk_number + registered_delivery \
+ msg_level + service_id + fee_user_type + fee_terminal_id \
+ tp_pid + tp_udhi + msg_fmt + _msg_src + fee_type + fee_code \
+ valid_time + at_time + src_id + _dest_usr_tl + _dest_terminal_id \
+ _msg_length + _msg_content + reserve
class CMPPTerminateRequestInstance(CMPPBaseRequestInstance):
def __init__(self):
self.body = b''
self.command_id = CMPP_TERMINATE
class CMPPDeliverRespRequestInstance(CMPPBaseRequestInstance):
def __init__(self, msg_id, result=0):
msg_id = struct.pack('!Q', msg_id)
result = struct.pack('!B', result)
self.length = len(self.body)
self.body = msg_id + result
class CMPPResponseInstance(object):
def __init__(self):
self.command_id = None
self.length = None
self.response_handler_map = {
CMPP_CONNECT_RESP: self.connect_response_parse,
CMPP_SUBMIT_RESP: self.submit_response_parse,
CMPP_DELIVER: self.deliver_request_parse,
def connect_response_parse(body):
status, = struct.unpack('!B', body[0:1])
authenticator_ISMG = body[1:17]
version, = struct.unpack('!B', body[17:18])
return {
'Status': status,
'AuthenticatorISMG': authenticator_ISMG,
'Version': version
def submit_response_parse(body):
msg_id = body[:8]
result = struct.unpack('!B', body[8:9])
return {
'Msg_Id': msg_id, 'Result': result[0]
def deliver_request_parse(body):
msg_id, = struct.unpack('!Q', body[0:8])
dest_id = body[8:29]
service_id = body[29:39]
tp_pid = struct.unpack('!B', body[39:40])
tp_udhi = struct.unpack('!B', body[40:41])
msg_fmt = struct.unpack('!B', body[41:42])
src_terminal_id = body[42:63]
registered_delivery = struct.unpack('!B', body[63:64])
msg_length = struct.unpack('!B', body[64:65])
msg_content = body[65:msg_length[0] + 65]
return {
'Msg_Id': msg_id, 'Dest_Id': dest_id, 'Service_Id': service_id,
'TP_pid': tp_pid, 'TP_udhi': tp_udhi, 'Msg_Fmt': msg_fmt,
'Src_terminal_Id': src_terminal_id, 'Registered_Delivery': registered_delivery,
'Msg_Length': msg_length, 'Msg_content': msg_content
def parse_header(self, data):
self.command_id, = struct.unpack('!L', data[4:8])
sequence_id, = struct.unpack('!L', data[8:12])
return {
'length': self.length,
'command_id': hex(self.command_id),
'sequence_id': sequence_id
def parse_body(self, body):
response_body_func = self.response_handler_map.get(self.command_id)
if response_body_func is None:
raise JMSException('Unable to parse the returned result: %s' % body)
return response_body_func(body)
def parse(self, data):
self.length, = struct.unpack('!L', data[0:4])
header = self.parse_header(data)
body = self.parse_body(data[12:self.length])
return header, body
class CMPPClient(object):
def __init__(self, host, port, sp_id, sp_secret, src_id, service_id):
self.ip = host
self.port = port
self.sp_id = sp_id
self.sp_secret = sp_secret
self.src_id = src_id
self.service_id = service_id
self._sequence_id = 0
self._is_connect = False
self._times = 3
self.__socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def sequence_id(self):
s = self._sequence_id
self._sequence_id += 1
return s
def _connect(self):
error_msg = _('Failed to connect to the CMPP gateway server, err: {}')
for i in range(self._times):
self.__socket.connect((self.ip, self.port))
except Exception as err:
error_msg = error_msg.format(str(err))
self._is_connect = True
raise JMSException(error_msg)
def send(self, instance):
if isinstance(instance, CMPPBaseRequestInstance):
message = instance.get_message(sequence_id=self.sequence_id)
message = instance
def recv(self):
raw_length = self.__socket.recv(4)
length, = struct.unpack('!L', raw_length)
header, body = CMPPResponseInstance().parse(
raw_length + self.__socket.recv(length - 4)
return header, body
def close(self):
if self._is_connect:
terminate_request = CMPPTerminateRequestInstance()
def _cmpp_connect(self):
connect_request = CMPPConnectRequestInstance(self.sp_id, self.sp_secret)
header, body = self.recv()
if body['Status'] != 0:
raise JMSException('CMPPv2.0 authentication failed: %s' % body)
def _cmpp_send_sms(self, dest, sign_name, template_code, template_param):
message = template_param.get('message')
if message is None:
code = template_param.get('code')
message = template_code.replace('{code}', code)
msg = '【%s】 %s' % (sign_name, message)
submit_request = CMPPSubmitRequestInstance(
msg_src=self.sp_id, src_id=self.src_id, msg_content=msg,
dest_usr_tl=len(dest), dest_terminal_id=dest,
header, body = self.recv()
command_id = header.get('command_id')
if command_id == CMPP_DELIVER:
deliver_request = CMPPDeliverRespRequestInstance(
msg_id=body['Msg_Id'], result=body['Result']
def send_sms(self, dest, sign_name, template_code, template_param):
self._cmpp_send_sms(dest, sign_name, template_code, template_param)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('CMPPv2.0 Error: %s', e)
raise JMSException(e)
class CMPP2SMS(BaseSMSClient):
def new_from_settings(cls):
return cls(
host=settings.CMPP2_HOST, port=settings.CMPP2_PORT,
sp_id=settings.CMPP2_SP_ID, sp_secret=settings.CMPP2_SP_SECRET,
service_id=settings.CMPP2_SERVICE_ID, src_id=getattr(settings, 'CMPP2_SRC_ID', ''),
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, sp_id: str, sp_secret: str, service_id: str, src_id=''):
self.client = CMPPClient(
host=host, port=port, sp_id=sp_id, sp_secret=sp_secret, src_id=src_id, service_id=service_id
except Exception as err:
self.client = None
raise JMSException(err)
def need_pre_check():
return False
def send_sms(self, phone_numbers: list, sign_name: str, template_code: str, template_param: dict, **kwargs):
logger.info(f'CMPPv2.0 sms send: '
f'phone_numbers={phone_numbers} '
f'sign_name={sign_name} '
f'template_code={template_code} '
self.client.send_sms(phone_numbers, sign_name, template_code, template_param)
except Exception as e:
raise JMSException(e)
client = CMPP2SMS