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import os
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from hashlib import md5
from socket import gethostname
import yaml
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from assets.automations.methods import platform_automation_methods
from common.utils import get_logger, lazyproperty
from common.utils import ssh_pubkey_gen, ssh_key_string_to_obj
from ops.ansible import JMSInventory, PlaybookRunner, DefaultCallback
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class PlaybookCallback(DefaultCallback):
def playbook_on_stats(self, event_data, **kwargs):
super().playbook_on_stats(event_data, **kwargs)
class BasePlaybookManager:
bulk_size = 100
ansible_account_policy = 'privileged_first'
ansible_account_prefer = 'root,Administrator'
def __init__(self, execution):
self.execution = execution
self.method_id_meta_mapper = {
method['id']: method
for method in self.platform_automation_methods
if method['method'] == self.__class__.method_type()
# 根据执行方式就行分组, 不同资产的改密、推送等操作可能会使用不同的执行方式
# 然后根据执行方式分组, 再根据 bulk_size 分组, 生成不同的 playbook
# 避免一个 playbook 中包含太多的主机
self.method_hosts_mapper = defaultdict(list)
self.playbooks = []
def platform_automation_methods(self):
return platform_automation_methods
def method_type(cls):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_assets_group_by_platform(self):
return self.execution.all_assets_group_by_platform()
def runtime_dir(self):
ansible_dir = settings.ANSIBLE_DIR
task_name = self.execution.snapshot['name']
dir_name = '{}_{}'.format(task_name.replace(' ', '_'), self.execution.id)
path = os.path.join(
ansible_dir, 'automations', self.execution.snapshot['type'],
dir_name, timezone.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True, mode=0o755)
return path
def write_cert_to_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
return filename
def convert_cert_to_file(self, host, path_dir):
if not path_dir:
return host
specific = host.get('jms_asset', {}).get('secret_info', {})
cert_fields = ('ca_cert', 'client_key', 'client_cert')
filtered = list(filter(lambda x: specific.get(x), cert_fields))
if not filtered:
return host
cert_dir = os.path.join(path_dir, 'certs')
if not os.path.exists(cert_dir):
os.makedirs(cert_dir, 0o700, True)
for f in filtered:
result = self.write_cert_to_file(
os.path.join(cert_dir, f), specific.get(f)
host['jms_asset']['secret_info'][f] = result
return host
def host_callback(self, host, automation=None, **kwargs):
enabled_attr = '{}_enabled'.format(self.__class__.method_type())
method_attr = '{}_method'.format(self.__class__.method_type())
method_enabled = automation and \
getattr(automation, enabled_attr) and \
getattr(automation, method_attr) and \
getattr(automation, method_attr) in self.method_id_meta_mapper
if not method_enabled:
host['error'] = _('{} disabled'.format(self.__class__.method_type()))
return host
host = self.convert_cert_to_file(host, kwargs.get('path_dir'))
return host
def generate_public_key(private_key):
return ssh_pubkey_gen(private_key=private_key, hostname=gethostname())
def generate_private_key_path(secret, path_dir):
key_name = '.' + md5(secret.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
key_path = os.path.join(path_dir, key_name)
if not os.path.exists(key_path):
ssh_key_string_to_obj(secret, password=None).write_private_key_file(key_path)
os.chmod(key_path, 0o400)
return key_path
def generate_inventory(self, platformed_assets, inventory_path):
inventory = JMSInventory(
def generate_playbook(self, platformed_assets, platform, sub_playbook_dir):
method_id = getattr(platform.automation, '{}_method'.format(self.__class__.method_type()))
method = self.method_id_meta_mapper.get(method_id)
if not method:
logger.error("Method not found: {}".format(method_id))
return method
method_playbook_dir_path = method['dir']
sub_playbook_path = os.path.join(sub_playbook_dir, 'project', 'main.yml')
shutil.copytree(method_playbook_dir_path, os.path.dirname(sub_playbook_path))
with open(sub_playbook_path, 'r') as f:
plays = yaml.safe_load(f)
for play in plays:
play['hosts'] = 'all'
with open(sub_playbook_path, 'w') as f:
yaml.safe_dump(plays, f)
return sub_playbook_path
def get_runners(self):
runners = []
for platform, assets in self.get_assets_group_by_platform().items():
assets_bulked = [assets[i:i + self.bulk_size] for i in range(0, len(assets), self.bulk_size)]
for i, _assets in enumerate(assets_bulked, start=1):
sub_dir = '{}_{}'.format(platform.name, i)
playbook_dir = os.path.join(self.runtime_dir, sub_dir)
inventory_path = os.path.join(self.runtime_dir, sub_dir, 'hosts.json')
self.generate_inventory(_assets, inventory_path)
playbook_path = self.generate_playbook(_assets, platform, playbook_dir)
runer = PlaybookRunner(
return runners
def on_host_success(self, host, result):
def on_host_error(self, host, error, result):
print('host error: {} -> {}'.format(host, error))
def on_runner_success(self, runner, cb):
summary = cb.summary
for state, hosts in summary.items():
for host in hosts:
result = cb.host_results.get(host)
if state == 'ok':
self.on_host_success(host, result)
elif state == 'skipped':
print('skipped: ', hosts)
error = hosts.get(host)
self.on_host_error(host, error, result)
def on_runner_failed(self, runner, e):
print("Runner failed: {} {}".format(e, self))
def before_runner_start(self, runner):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
runners = self.get_runners()
if len(runners) > 1:
print("### 分批次执行开始任务, 总共 {}\n".format(len(runners)))
elif len(runners) == 1:
print(">>> 开始执行任务\n")
print("### 没有需要执行的任务\n")
self.execution.date_start = timezone.now()
for i, runner in enumerate(runners, start=1):
if len(runners) > 1:
print(">>> 开始执行第 {} 批任务".format(i))
cb = runner.run(**kwargs)
self.on_runner_success(runner, cb)
except Exception as e:
self.on_runner_failed(runner, e)
self.execution.status = 'success'
self.execution.date_finished = timezone.now()