
155 lines
5.7 KiB

import asyncio
import os
import aiofiles
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from common.db.utils import close_old_connections
from common.utils import get_logger
from orgs.models import Organization
from orgs.utils import tmp_to_org, current_org
from rbac.builtin import BuiltinRole
from .ansible.utils import get_ansible_task_log_path
from .celery.utils import get_celery_task_log_path
from .const import CELERY_LOG_MAGIC_MARK
from .models import CeleryTaskExecution
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class TaskLogWebsocket(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
disconnected = False
cookie = None
org = None
user_tasks = (
log_types = {
'celery': get_celery_task_log_path,
'ansible': get_ansible_task_log_path
def get_cookie(self):
headers = self.scope['headers']
headers_dict = {key.decode('utf-8'): value.decode('utf-8') for key, value in headers}
cookie = SimpleCookie(headers_dict.get('cookie', ''))
except Exception as e:
cookie = SimpleCookie()
return cookie
def get_current_org(self):
oid = self.cookie.get('X-JMS-ORG')
return oid.value if oid else None
async def connect(self):
user = self.scope["user"]
if user.is_authenticated:
await self.accept()
self.cookie = self.get_cookie()
self.org = self.get_current_org()
await self.close()
def get_log_path(self, task_id, log_type):
func = self.log_types.get(log_type)
if func:
return func(task_id)
def get_task(self, task_id):
task = CeleryTaskExecution.objects.filter(id=task_id).first()
# task.creator 是 foreign key, 会异步去查询的,在下面的 if task.creator 会报错, 所以这里先取出来
if task and task.creator != ' ':
return task
return None
def get_current_user_role_ids(self, user):
with tmp_to_org(self.org):
org_roles = user.org_roles.all()
system_roles = user.system_roles.all()
roles = system_roles | org_roles
user_role_ids = set(map(str, roles.values_list('id', flat=True)))
return user_role_ids
def has_perms(self, user, perms):
with tmp_to_org(self.org):
return user.has_perms(perms)
async def receive_json(self, content, **kwargs):
task_id = content.get('task')
task = await self.get_task(task_id)
if not task:
await self.send_json({'message': 'Task not found', 'task': task_id})
admin_auditor_role_ids = {
user = self.scope['user']
user_role_ids = await self.get_current_user_role_ids(user)
has_admin_auditor_role = bool(admin_auditor_role_ids & user_role_ids)
has_perms = await self.has_perms(user, ['audits.view_joblog'])
user_can_view = task.name in self.user_tasks and (task.creator == user or has_perms)
# (有管理员或审计员角色) 或者 (任务是用户自己创建的 或者 有查看任务日志权限), 其他情况没有权限
if not (has_admin_auditor_role or user_can_view):
await self.send_json({'message': 'No permission', 'task': task_id})
task_type = content.get('type', 'celery')
log_path = self.get_log_path(task_id, task_type)
await self.async_handle_task(task_id, log_path)
async def async_handle_task(self, task_id, log_path):
logger.info("Task id: {}".format(task_id))
timeout = 0
while not self.disconnected:
if timeout >= 60:
await self.send_json({'message': '\r\n', 'task': task_id})
await self.send_json({'message': 'Task log was not found, the directory may not be shared.',
'task': task_id})
if not os.path.exists(log_path):
await self.send_json({'message': '.', 'task': task_id})
timeout += 0.5
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await self.send_task_log(task_id, log_path)
async def send_task_log(self, task_id, log_path):
await self.send_json({'message': '\r\n'})
logger.debug('Task log path: {}'.format(log_path))
async with aiofiles.open(log_path, 'rb') as task_log_f:
while not self.disconnected:
data = await task_log_f.read(4096)
if data:
data = data.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
await self.send_json(
{'message': data.decode(errors='ignore'), 'task': task_id}
if data.find(CELERY_LOG_MAGIC_MARK) != -1:
await self.send_json(
{'event': 'end', 'task': task_id, 'message': ''}
logger.debug("Task log file magic mark found")
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
except OSError as e:
logger.warn('Task log path open failed: {}'.format(e))
async def disconnect(self, close_code):
self.disconnected = True